Dauris, Thank You
Posted on February 16th, 2018

A. Patabendige Colombo 05 Courtesy The Island

“….Ranil Wickremesinghe showed his inherent hatred towards the Sinhalese and especially Sinhalese Buddhists’. (‘Page 16- Charge of the Lion Brigade’- Patali Champika Ranawaka 2009)

Dauris, the British High Commissioner, led the charge of the lost empire on the miniscule SL Foreign Ministry to protest about six-foot infantry Brigadier (Brig) Priyanka Fernando, the Defence Attache’s actions in London. Brig Fernando had, on Independence Day, stood up to the outlawed LTTE terrorist flag-bearing rented mob trampling the SL flag in front of the SL High Commission. Dauris’ action tipped the balance of support at the recent local government elections. He almost single-handed confirmed the suspicions of all if not all over, except in Dauris’ office in Colombo that the TNA/ITAK, former mouth organs of the LTTE, treated reconciliation only as a bargaining chip to steal power. Much like their leader’s Eelam cry to excite well rewarded British if not western liberals. And also overlook all their atrocities.


Brigadier Priyanka Fernando

Did Dauris not know of the above mentioned quotation which clearly showed the character and caliber of SL leaders in power? He must have realized that hypocrites who from 2015 only pretended to be partners despite the above vexatious quotation. They would never have the spunk, guts and blood to stand up to caricatures of Dixit like Viceroy Pretenders. Did Dauris despite evidence to the contrary believe SL was ripe for a replay of Imperial adventures not by troops in tin hats this time but by overbearing diplomatic tin pots.

Little did Dauris think that the toadies he had counted as his close support fans and tale carriers in SL were a despised and absolute minority even while they were evaporating. However, they were able to give the impression that the country was foolishly with them. This was especially so when they toadied up to the flotsam and jetsam of past Imperialists present in SL. When the Foreign Ministry capitulated immediately, Dauris must have expected HM misled government to offer him the ‘SL totally pulverized’ campaign medal. The terrorist leader VP himself would if he was alive rewarded Dauris with the Battle of Eelam 4.5 medal for going into a froth standing up for the ‘peaceful’ LTTE supporters/members in London. Guess who would have looked a dead cert gold medal winner for the peace of the LTTE graveyard? This is over the dead bodies of 600 surrendered policemen who without question obeyed the orders of Premadasa’s UNP government that included RW as a minister no less. They, less the Tamil police officers, were all murdered. How many of the murderers were present on 4 February 2018 opposite the SL High Commission? Can Dauris tell SL?

The SL High Commissioner led a total collapse of the High Commission in the face of the Dauris inspired Foreign Ministry’s servile directions to remove Brigadier Fernando from his post. Did she advise, prevent, comment or protect the Defence Attaché even with one word or gesture or an ounce of loyalty in the face of adversity? No. Neither did anyone think to ask her. Just as Dauris must have assumed, predicted and promised his government. Can a High Commissioner who cannot defend a military officer working in the High Commission protect SL’S interest in the UK?

But, behold President Sirisena’s bunker buster. He ordered the Foreign Secretary to cancel the last instruction or resign. Guess what lightning the official did? Guess who in the first place instructed the Ministry to send out that slimy, creepy crawly, servile and gutless instruction? Was it Prime Minister Ranil W or Foreign Minister Tilak Marapone? Or, was it a hidden hand from Matara?

Did Sampanthan not know beforehand of the GTF/LTTE plans in London to lay siege to the SL High Commission on Independence Day and insult the national flag? Did he flag PM Wickremesinghe? Why did Sampanthan, commander of Wickremesinghe’s rear guard, absent himself from ‘duty’ at the Independence Day parade on Galle Face ‘Green’? Guilty conscience is easily recognized even equally by fools and appeasers.

So why thank Dauris? Well, what he did was to hand over the local government elections on a platter to the SLPP by his flippant and silly actions. He also helped the majority of the people to firm up their belief that reconciliation or whatever it is said to be with the North, would never be possible as long as the remnants of the LTTE and ITAK/TNA remained in the field and even as the likes of Dauris are sent as High Commissioners to SL. Did not the LTTE spurn the peace offers of the government four times and break solemn pledges by attacking the forces while a fragile peace held? Was Dauris ignorant? Dauris sided not with British law and diplomacy as some in SL who offered to defend him said. Most are convinced he being in Imperial stripes took the side of the terrorist LTTE supporters /demonstrators and SL Quislings.

Did Dauris think the Tamils had forgotten how over 300,000 of them, held hostage, were press ganged to act as human shields for the LTTE while Sampanthan acted deaf, dumb and blind as thousands were killed by the LTTE for attempting to escape? Did the TNA/ITAK help the 295,000 displaced Tamils rescued by the Army with even a bottle of water when the conflict ended on 19 May 2009?

What Dauris did was to confirm that nothing had changed in the TNA/ITAK leadership for the majority to ever trust them, far less reconcile themselves to Tamil ‘aspirations’. Dauris’ actions sent the LTTE/TNA/ITAK proxies in the UK into paroxysms of delight and claims. It confirmed the UK did not care a damn about its own proclamations and proscriptions of terrorist organizations. The UK’s double standards were once again confirmed.

Dauris also firmed in the idea that many, if not the vast majority, believed that the present government was willing to be a cat’s paw for Imperial interests as they sprawled on the floor every time they were threatened by the now fast becoming living embarrassment from the UK.

No wonder the vast majority thank Dauris for alienating the SL rulers just before the LG elections by supporting them arrogantly, without restraint and with gross insensitivity.

Dauris, thank you. You played a wonderful part in exposing the government’s frailties completely, confirming the impossibility to attempt any further reconciliation and reiterating you own pre conceived bias that transcends diplomatic norms among equals. You were an added catalyst to the splintering of a myth of good governance. The government was actually brazenly corrupt as you must have known. It made you believe SL was full of Ali Babas. You thought wrong. You confirmed the government’s determination to allow the schoolboys quietly tucked away in the hills to sing without thinking ‘God save the Queen’. What is the meaning of ‘send her victorious’ and ‘long may she reign’ to SL that was cheated out of her sovereignty and colonized using British troops? You are clever but not wise. You are very cheeky too.

We do not wish you will be declared ‘persona non grata’ as you hoped Brigadier Fernando would. We want you to witness the fruits of your indiscretions if not follies right here.

Dauris please remember this is also the 200th anniversary of the genocide committed by the British in Uva Wellassa. We have not forgotten. Have you? Go down there and see for yourself what the people there think of you.

Over 100 years ago at Paadeberg during the Anglo Boer war in South Africa the Boers under Cronje (not a cricketer) being besieged asked for their wounded to be buried unhindered, General Roberts VC refused and said he would only accept “unconditional surrender’. Cronje replied “… Nothing remains for me to do. You do as you wish.” The British opened fire with artillery. Although the Boer guerrillas were outnumbered 10 to one, their women and children were slaughtered. Contrast this with the SL Army at Nandikadal. When the Boers laid siege to Ladysmith they allowed all what they asked the British at Paadeberg. Being devout Christians they even stopped firing on Sundays.

Two ministers too lost fathers to LTTE suicide bombers, several ministers were killed. Please read Minister Navin Dissanayke’s letter to the British MPs who support the people who organize LTTE rallies. Read what the Deputy Minister of Defence has said and also the Army Commander. Try to get the message. Mind your business.

A. Patabendige

Colombo 05

One Response to “Dauris, Thank You”

  1. Sarath W Says:

    Well said Patabendige. It is quite obvious this Dauris is a arrogant, ignorant fool who thinks he is the governor of Sri Lanka. Does he know what happened to that idiot Mr Bean (Miliban) when he came during the last stages of the war to advice the Rajapaksas. These fools never learn a lesson.

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