Posted on February 18th, 2010

Ranjit Wickremeratne

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Dear Ranil million signatures for what? We know that you are the best joker in SRI LANKAƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ politics. Sometimes you break pots and pans, sometimes you tell kindegarten stories, sometimes you promised to give brcaelets and chewing gums so on. So this time Mr.Opposition leader you have started to take signatures from a million of stupids in my homeland Ah! Why dont you do something good for the country atleast once? Why dont you join the President as a decent opposition leader and help him to build our country of birth. Arent you a Sri Lankan? We know that you are a christian and you work for your white masters in the west but I think you were born in the same land where I was born that is my homeland SRI lANKA.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Mr.Ranil what is the good things you find in Sarath Fonseka our hero cum traitor? Didnt he planned to topple the democratically elected Government or the President of the country? Didnt he vist the evil empire America and divuldge our country’s secrets to American agents? Didnt he openly told the world that our present defence secretary and our beloved war heros is responsible for war crimes commited during the last days of war? Didnt he conspire against the PresidentƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ while he was on duty with you and Avamangala? When he talk against our homeland why didnt you get signatures against it that time? You and your clowns told that he was not fit for the Salvation Army so how come he is fit for our country’s President now? Can I see your tounge Mr.Ranil maybe you have a problem in your tounge? You guys are like rattle snakes. You know the rattle snakes likes to eat ants but when rattle snakes dies the Ants eat them do you know that?
Mr.Ranil this your friend have done immense damage and shamed our Motherland very much.You remember how we celebrated our war victory on May 18th and onwards except you and your western stooges. We were very happy as a nation and everyone was a Sri Lankan at that moment irrespective of Race,Colour or Religion so it was a nice feeling in our whole country.People were united and happy for ending the brutal war for thirty years. You cannot give credit to a one man for winning that war it was a collective victory by all Armed forces, citizens and the Goverment led by our great lion his excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa. If not fot him we wouldnt have won the war beacuse of your friends in the west specially Americans,English,Norway,Australia and your friends like Avamangala,Somahansa,Pacha Anura etc. You were running allƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ over the world trying to bring shame to our motherland with your lies and stories Isnt it? Now you have lost 18 times atleast this 19th time try to do some service to the nation by telling the truth what you see in front of your eyes without making stories and telling lies to the citizens of our country.
Enough is enough we need politicians who loves our land whether Sinhalese Tamil or Muslims and who works for the people not for themselves. This friend of yours have done harm to his own comrades in the Forces and do not try to save him for the sake of our war heros who sacrificed their lives not like your friend Sarath Fonseka who acted like a thug while he was the Army Commaander. Didnt you read the newspapers or watch T.V. just see how many big guns in the forces and civillians complain about this man for so many things he has done during his tenture in the Army. How many our own citizens suffer beacuse of this man at the moment? This guy is not a good guy you think Mr.Ranil He is similar to you in some ways but a brute than you.He is a wife beater you can ask from his wife about that because now you his Godfather isnt it? Dont waste your time collecting million signatures and try to divide our nation instead allow the law to take it’s course on him.
Not only he is guilty of thingsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ he did while he was in the Army.He openly told he will take the President in to courts and toldƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the President to find a room in Bogambara jail and also told that he will give bones to one of the mostƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  respected politician Wimal Weerewansa to lickƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ after the elections. So you can judge this man from those acts and do you think he is fit to be our President of SRI LANKA? No way Mr.Ranil now our citizens are more advanced and they need a strong, kind hearted, relgious type a Sinhala leader as well asƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ a leader who has a strong backbone to stand tall in front of the world stage. Let your friend stay where he belongs because he has put many innocent people in the same position while he was the strong man in the Army.Now his time to suffer for his crimes so dont waste your time collecting signatures instead do someting good for the country in this last battle of yours. When you lose this time just go home and start making a child atleast to take your name in the future JR.Ranil Wickremesinghe. We need strong Opposition leaders who loves the country of birth not cowards and traitors like you and your bunch of liers if we need to build our homeland for the future.
The majority of our citizens dont agree with you to release this dirty man. He should be behind bars for ever for conspiring to topple the democratically elected Goverment and for giving sensitive secrets to outside world. HeƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ should not be PARDONED by the President for any reason. Let anyone take 20 million signatures,Let the evil empires shout loudly as ever, let the next door big brother bully India get angry our President nor the Goverment should not think of releasing this traitor for any reasons.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Not only him his whole family should be in jail for treason, Roberry, Money Laundering and for Arms sales. Please Mr.Ranil helps the President to clean the country of corruptions on all areas and start a new life building our homeland for the future if you still want to continue in politics for the good of the peoples of our Motherland yours and mine.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Love your country of birth.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Help to unite the country not divided
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Be a strong Opposition with respect
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Dont act like a silly person act like a gentleman Mr.Ranil
May Lord Buddha protects our land and the peoples.
Peace and Harmony for all.
Ranjit Wickremeratne


  1. aravinda Says:

    President Rajapksa obtained over TEN MILLION signatures on 26th January 2010. Mr.Ranil, why do you want to stop at million ? You should just contest the elections and see how many signatures you get!
    For god sake, Sri Lanka is coming out of 30 year conflict with terrorism, which retarded the economic development by 40 years. Mr.Ranil, if you can not do anything constructive with your life, just shut up and get an early retirement. That could be the best thing you ever did for Sri Lanka.

  2. pallesam Says:

    we need jokers like ranil to our country.
    with this kind of people we will know how many stupid people we have in our country.
    he is doing good job to find out the numbers and president must smart n do more day by day to the public to reduce that numbers.
    for sure he will get millions but gradually MR must reduce that numbers.

    God bless Stupid RAnil……………

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