What is going on with this government and country?
Posted on April 30th, 2019

Sunil Vijaya

Sarath Fonseka states his security personnel hid the information from him about the terrorist attack on Easter Sunday.

Mahinda Rajapakse states the same thing and the so is the incompetent Ranil Wickremasinghe.  What does this mean?

Simply the security people have no confidence in any of them and would have thought ‘what use of telling Our boss’.   This is the pathetic situation in the country .

Sarath Fonseka further declares that the Government should resign.  But who is Government?  He himself is part and parcel of the administration and to set an example for others he should take the lead and resign.

A corrupt administrator had been holding the position of Defence Secretary appointed by the incompetent Maithreepala Sirisena, as per report by Railways Union.

Cardinal Ranjith says he would have cancelled the Easter mass if he came to know about these attacks or if he was briefed about the intended attacks. But would he too NOT take this SERIOUSLY and continued with the mass?

No one take anything seriously anymore in this country!  The consequence, mayhem.

A police office dies in a vehicular crash at a crossing, the two jeeps ignoring the Red light and people involving a politician’s son did flee the scene and let the office die on the road.  This was murder and what was the consequence?

All given bail by the magistrate. 

Where is the Mafia? Is it just the CEB, RDA, PORT etc. or the Parliament it-self?  The president cannot be trusted.  The PM cannot be trusted.  The  cabinet cannot be trusted.  The whole Government cannot be trusted.

And whats going on here?


Two men from the west in possession of explosives? And they say for their own protection and government Official pressuring the security forces to drop the investigation?

What is going on in the country?  or is there a govermnment and who is running it?

One Response to “What is going on with this government and country?”

  1. aloy Says:


    “Two men from the west in possession of explosives? And they say for their own protection and government Official pressuring the security forces to drop the investigation?”

    I believe this is misinformation. What they have found according to reports are explosive detectors and not explosives, perhaps for their own safety.

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