වසර 2500ක් බුද්ධාගම රජකරපු මේ රටේ ගලබොඩ අත්තේ හාමුදුරුවෝ තවමත් හිරේ.
Posted on April 30th, 2019

සුදත් ගුණසේකර

මානම් හිතුවේ ලන්කාවෙ ඉන්න හාමුදුරුවරු ඔක්කොම සාසනය සහ ජාතිය බේරගන්ත මහපාරට බසි කියලා.මේ රතේ 30000 දාහක් පමන් ඉන්නවා කියන හාමුදුරුවරු අදවන තුරු හමුදුරුවරු100 පාරට බෑස්සාද ඒ හාමුදුරුවෝ වෙනුවෙන්  1818 නිදහස් සටනේදිත් සුද්දගෙ පෑත්ත අරගෙන රට හා ජාතිය පාවාදුන්න එක්නෙලිගොඩ පරම්පරාවෙ උපාසක අම්මා කෙනෙක් මස් රාත්තලම ඉල්ලා සතනේ.

අඩුගානෙ මේ පාපකර්මයෙන් බේරෙන්ට කියලා මේ චින්චිමානවිකාවට කියන්ත්ටවත් එක හාමුදුරු කෙනෙක්වත් නෑ නේ.

මේවිදියට හාමුදුරුවරු නිස්සබ්දව හිටියොත් තව අවුරුදු පහක් යන්ත ඉස්සරවෙලා උලමෝ සහ බස්සෝ මේ රට අල්ලගන්නව නියතය. එදාට අපේ හාමුදුරුවරු අදිපථිකම් කරන්නේ මොන පන්සලේද.මොනනිකායේද.
ඒ නිසා දෑන්වත් එක හාර පන්සියක්වත් ජනාධිපති මුනගෑහිල මේ හමුදුරුවෝ නිදහස් කරන්ට කියන්නෙ නෑත්තේ මොකද.

එහෙම කිවාම ථ් අහන්නෙ නෑත්නම් අඩුගානෙ හාමුදුරුවරු1000 වත් ජනාධිපති කාර්යාලය වටකරලා ර්ට වෙනුවෙන් නහින මේ බුදුපුතුන් වහන්සේ වහාම නිදහස් කරන්ට කියලා කීවොත් නේද හොදඉ කියල මම හිතනවා.
 සින්හල බෞදයෙක් වසයෙන් ජනාධිපතිවරයාට ඈස් එරේවා කියල මම ප්‍රාර්තනකරනවා.

3 Responses to “වසර 2500ක් බුද්ධාගම රජකරපු මේ රටේ ගලබොඩ අත්තේ හාමුදුරුවෝ තවමත් හිරේ.”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Traitor anti Buddhist, anti Sinhalese, anti Sri Lanka catholic run UNPatriotic_rats party aka United National
    Ponnayin party ruling Sri Lanka today headed by the chief ponnaiya traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist bay gal karaya mega thief mega thakkadiya walking crime bomb (against Sinhalese Buddhists, Buddhism and
    Sri Lanka only) lajja nathi bxjja nathi aga matta Batalande wa(n)dakaya Pol Pot r@ni_leech wickrama Sinhala
    killer. What chance for Buddhism, Buddhists and Sri Lanka when these mass murderer of Buddhists at the helm?
    This is why Gnanasara Thero is in prison for a minor offence and the fastest breeding religion aka religion of
    violence spreader bada udin is made a minister for destroying Wilpatthu to settle down mussie new breeds and
    for setting the Mannar court house ablase!

    Batalande wa(n)dakaya was instrumental in killing 60,000+ Buddhist jaathidhrhoee vermins’ party supporters with
    its catholic police top brass and top catholic deshapaluwans. Then its catholic buddy, barrel man hitler mala
    paharan’s catholic tigers of tamil drealam campaign killed 100,000+, mainly Sinhalese, including Buddhist monks,
    army, navy, police, air force, men, women and children. Even after Sri Maha Bodhi attack, Sri Dalada Maligawa
    attack, Aranthalawa Bikkhu massacre catholic run UNPatriotic_rats didn’t want to take action, saying the terras
    were invincible. MR came, so called terras were running for their lives.

    All UNPatioitic_rats henchmen who control media made sure to paint a rosy pictures saying the war was
    unwinnable and kept Sinhala modayas including army, navy, air force, police etc. etc and kept sacrificing more
    and more Sinhalese. Wa(n)dakaya then gave half the country to its catholic buddy mala paharan to start drealam with the CFA in 2005 on a plate. When it isstill not going well, traitor low life grassed all Millennium City intelligent officers to the catholic tigers of tamil drealam bullet to expedite the cause.

    Its traitor alugosuwa uncle (to Sinhalese Buddhists, Sri Lanka and Buddhism only just like this alugosuwa) thambi
    mudiyanselage jr@ taught these UNPatriotic low lives how to carry on without doing any work by dragging a war
    for 10/20/30 years. That is what is happening now. Wa(n)dakaya tried mussie riots soon after getting the job through the back door with mussie riots. It didn’t take off. Then knowing these terror attacks going to happen
    kept quiet to burn the country again. But it won’t work this time round for you traitor low lives since army, navy, police, air force not prepared to go home again in coffins to keep these bunch of lying, thieving, Mother Lanka dismembering, minority worshiping traitor thieves in the thieves den to have a good time and plunder and pluncer, so soon after MR gave a clean, safe country!

    There is one more snag for the wa(n)dakaya, it shot itself in the foot by destroying only income (thanks to MR’s
    finishing the war and infrastructure work of course) tourism and destroyed jobs for 100s, 1000s and will have no
    money to run the country. Also there isn’t enough (brutal enough) catholic police top brass and not enough
    (brutal enough) top catholic deshapaluwans, apart from its right hand man, minister of erection (permanent)
    John baas, to keep the Sinhalese murdering project running. So only option for the wa(n)dakaya is to kill itself to end a life of murders (Sinhalese Buddhists only), treacheries, robberies, lies. A life of crimes! In any case we
    can’t imagine you having quiet a life once your Pathala Man PM job ends since all your backers know now you are
    a liability and going to distance from the piece of thrash!

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Traitor chief Batalande wa(n)dakaya’s life of crimes! You won’t see these in so called Buddhist Sri Lanka (on paper)
    where all the media are controlled by anti Sinhalese, anti Sri Lanka, anti Buddhist UNPatriotic_rats party henchmen.
    Sinhalaya famous for being modayas and having a very very short memory immensely helped these traitors’
    cause to keep these Mother Lanka dismembering, Buddhism destroying, Sinhalese Buddhists murdering projects
    going on without any hindrance.









  3. Christie Says:

    It was Nanasara and Sobitha who were instrumental in getting rid of Mahinda and installing Sirisena.

    They did it on behalf of India and Indian Parasites.

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