Pujith & Hemasiri remanded
Posted on October 9th, 2019

Courtesy Adaderana

Inspector General of Police Pujith Jayasundara and former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando have been remanded till October 23.

The Colombo Chief Magistrate delivered the order the when the case the duo as taken up today (09).

The Colombo High Court today (09) dismissed the previous order issued by the Colombo Magistrate’s Court granting bail to the IGP and former Defence Secretary, who have been charged with failing to prevent the Easter Sunday terror attacks.

The IGP and the former Defence Secretary were produced before the Colombo High Court earlier today. Accordingly, the HC Judge revised the magistrate’s bail order and ordered to place the defendants, IGP Pujith Jayasundara and former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando, in remand custody.

They were later produced before the Colombo Chief Magistrate by the prison officers.

Considering the submissions, the Chief Magistrate Lanka Jayaratne ordered to remand the duo until the 23rd of October.

2 Responses to “Pujith & Hemasiri remanded”

  1. aloy Says:

    Not only these two, the heads of army were also responsible for this debacle. Were they sleeping while the terrorists were doing military weapons training in various parts of the country. They had imported containers loads of swords from China.The funny thing is the head of state elevated the army commander to the highest rank after the bomb blasts for a job well done.

    I have a feeling all of them were conniving with the enemies of the country.

  2. aloy Says:

    I believe the three forces are also represented in the NEC. So, they also would have heard what were being discussed. The country pays for the military intelligence units and they are responsible for gathering and passing information to the relevant quarters. In this case the info has come from other countries. All the more reason for the army to be involved.

    After hundreds of people were killed by terrorist the army commander at the time comes and begs for votes unashamedly. The fellow must be carrying out a contract.

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