Posted on October 28th, 2019

Jayantha Liyanage; General Secretary Sinhaladeepa Jathika Peramuna

The Tamil National Alliance on 15.10.2019 had laid down their conditions for the Presidential candidates with the promise to support them if their conditions are accepted.

Sinhaladeepa Jathika Preamuna clearly states that these conditions are based on the earlier Thimpu conditions proposed by the Tamil political party delegation including the LTTE in 1985 but rejected by the then government delegation. Since then these conditions surfaces from time to time under different political conditions. Even this time some leading candidates appear to have rejected them with the fear of loosing votes.

However, the truth is that all political parties except the SJP accept that there are Tamil grievances and need to be addressed in order to solve the so called National Question through a new Federal Constitution and other issues such as the system of election.

But so far no political party or any other organization including Sinhala nationalist organizations have come with an alternative proposals on behalf of the Sinhala people. Therefore, Sinhala Jathika Peramuna proposes the following 13 conditions in order to solve the National question to address the Sinhala grievances since 1815. These Sinhala grievances are still not in the public domain because the main stream political parties during past few decades have created a public opinion that talking about Sinhala grievances is racism hence even the leading Sinhala organizations including leading Buddhist monks are somewhat reluctant to propose any conditions on behalf of the Sinhala people. Therefore, Sinhala Jathika Peramuna, the only political party with a Sinhala name and an aim to safeguard the historical rights of the Sinhala people have come up with the following conditions and with the concept of a new Sinhala Constitution to solve the National question in order to reestablish the historical rights of the Sinhala people lost in the year 1815.


(01). The country’s name should revert to original name Sinhaladeepa.

(02.) Sinhaladeepa should be declared as the homeland of the Sinhala people.

(03). Sinhaladeepa should be declared a Sinhala State.

(04). Sinhaladeepa should be declared a Sinhala Nation.

(05). The National flag should be the Lion flag of 1815.

(06). The National language should be Sinhala & English as required.

(07). The Provincial Council system should be abolished. Political power should not be devolved. The concept of Tamil Eelam & Federalism should be banned.

(08). The accountability & historical discriminations against the Sinhala people since 1815 should be addressed. All the Lands acquired under 1833 Westland Act must be returned to the decedents of the Sinhala Kandyan people.

(09). Resettle all Sinhala people chased away from their original habitation in North. Facilitate new Sinhala settlements in the northern area. All archeological sites and Buddhist temples in the Northern area must be protected. . (10). Islamic expansionism intruding on lands in Deegawapi & Muhudumahavihara must be stopped and lands acquired by encroachments must be returned. Illegal Muslim settlements in Wilpatthu must be dismantled.

(11). Any violation by security forces must be dealt only by their respective military courts. No civil law suits against security personnel in office.

(12). Full compensation to Sinhala people who suffered due to Tamil terrorism. Tamil political parties / members who directly / indirectly supported Tamil terrorism must be charged in courts.

(13). The Mahanayake theros heading the three chapters should be given constitutional powers to contain any threat to Sinhaladeepa, Sinhala Nation & the Sinhala Buddha Sasana. A new Sinhala Constitution drawing on Dasa Raja Dhamma where all communities lived in harmony with discipline & reciprocity and loyal to the Sinhala Nation must be enacted as a solution to the National Question due to Tamil terrorism.

                                                                                          Jayantha Liyanage;                                                                                                             General Secretary 

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