Politicising and Immoral Devious Double-dealing Citizens and Voters by the Politicians in SriLanka
Posted on November 9th, 2019

Kanthar Balanathan, Australia

SriLanka and India had several elections since granting independence by the British. Some Indians feel that they would have been better if the country was still under the British. This is because of the bribery, corruption nepotism practiced by the governments and the Ministers. Recently You all would have read about Chidambaram’s fraud of accumulation of foreign assets which has been hushed up (maybe) by the government(s). The story widens to SriLanka not only in foreign assets abut government attempting to bribe their members of Parliament to pass bills, with no debates. Car imports for MPs, by the UNP government, is a typical example. What the UNP government does not understand or not is that the government is elected to serve the people on a broad spectrum on various programs. The UNP government at various stages failed to stabilize the country on economy, technology, Agrarian services, etc.

One fine view; the Tamils, have failed to realize is that the UNP was the cause for instigating racial riots and confrontation since independence from 4/2/1948. From the time SL got independence, the UNP was responsible for disfranchising the one million estate workers (Tamils). Since then every time there had been a racial riot/confrontation with murders, Tamils shall dig deep as to how, why and who instigated the racial violence. The writer is aware that in the early days, the Kelaniya electorate had a tyrant politician who contested, which is none other than JR Jayawardene. The electorate had a significant number of Tamil settlers in that area. JRJ was racially intimidating the Tamils that if he does not win the Tamils are responsible for the defeat and that the Tamils will receive a punishment. This is racial intimidation by the UNP of the Tamils. However, Tamil politicians seem to support only the UNP all along. Do the Tamil voters know this prodigy and the cunningness of the Tamil politicians?

Recently Sambanthar and MA Sumanthiran were thrown with Shoes in Jaffna. It’s a shame for the TNA. The writer believes that TNA was established by the LTTE under V. Prabakaran’s direction.

TNA can also be read as Terrorists’ National Alliance” because the members in it are from terrorist organizations. Right from the inception of Independence, the Federal Party which is now within TNA has been cheating the Tamils of Federalism, Tamil Eelam, Missing persons, etc. God knows what they will tell the Tamils now. It is an act to keep their political seats by cheating the Tamil voters. The political culture of Indian Tamils will confirm the culture of the upcountry estate worker Tamils. The estate Tamils shall dig deep and understand who is best for the country and the damages UNP did to their people all along. How can there be a big wider economical gap between the workers and politicians like Thondaman etc?

Recently UNP candidate promised a salary of Rs 1,500 to the estate workers. Did he get up from sleep? Where was he all these years? On a different planet? He could not bring up a proposal for an increase of Rs 50, however, he is promising Rs. 1,500 if he is elected. Isn’t this a cultural cheating of the UNP? UNP was prepared to import cars for its MPs at different costs of several million.

Sambanthar is an old fool should retire and get his pension. Mavai Senathirajah has been cheating the people since 1972 and was able to keep his position to date. He managed to bring his son into village/town politics/Pradeshiya Saba. On the whole, TNA should be stripped and the Jaffna University Students should get up from sleep and come into politics.

Millennium Challenge Corporation-USA attempting to divide SriLanka into three pieces

It is known that the MCC has still not been signed by the President, hence cannot be implemented. However, the people in SL should study the map that runs a corridor from the East to the West dividing the country into three pieces, which will have USA law in the middle corridor. How does this affect the sovereignty of SL? No country can have a foreign law within their own state. How will this impact on the movement of the people from the South to the North? Strategically, does this promote Tamil Eelam republic to be established in the North on a horizon of 5/10/30 years? If UNP wins this election people can be sure that SL will become a slave country with the creation of a new state called Tamil Eelam in the short term.

Voters of SriLanka should study the above photos where SPUR Australia plays an active role in the campaign for a patriotic National United SriLanka. The youngsters in the picture are none other than TAMILS in SriLanka. This campaign is supporting Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) to keep the country united, free from evil crawling into the country in the name of MCC or any other Bullshit, to divide and establish another issue of Tamil Eelam.

AS the writer addressed several times, it is only Gotabaya Rajapaksa who can keep the country united free from evil crawling into the country. GR capability and competence in strategic planning and tactical moves, and his previous credential as a Defence Secretary, we can study the volume of work GR implemented and contributed to SL.

The credit also goes to Mahinda Rajapaksa who has a non-partisan belief in politics and social who brought the country to the level of uniting and today Tamil youngsters are on the road campaigning for GR.

People in SL: Please get up from sleep and get rid of the UNP who has been a slave to the West since 1948. Vote for Gotabaya Rajapaksa for a United SriLanka and save SriLanka.


Counterfeit votes and vote rigging are a threat to Democracy and sovereignty of a country.

One Response to “Politicising and Immoral Devious Double-dealing Citizens and Voters by the Politicians in SriLanka”

  1. Gunasinghe Says:

    Thanks SPUR. You always do the right thing. Thanks Bala.

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