Stop USA – The Treacherous MCC Plot Unfolds
Posted on November 12th, 2019
By Gandara John
Steve Dobrilovic, the unwitting MCC whistleblower, must be out on a limb; in September 2018, he wrecked American plans of capturing Sri Lanka by surprise.
Consequently, Dobrilovic’s actions have endangered the American Master Plan of militarily leapfrogging into the Indian Ocean, in line with their ‘Pivot-to-Asia’ geopolitical doctrine, heralded in 2012.
If not for Dobrilovic, Sri Lanka would have imagined that the MCC grant was an innocuous gift by the Americans, as would be perceived by Teplitz’s and Edelman’s oft-stated lie, Sri Lanka does not have to pay back a Cent”
When Dobrilovic made a synopsis of the MCC work-plan as a power-point presentation to a group of professionals and subsequently e-mailed the powerpoint presentation to them ( ) (please left double-click open and see the P/Point presentation for yourself), the disaster in signing the MCC Agreement was startling; the map of Sri Lanka in 2050, the exclusive US ownership of a Corridor from Trincomalee to Colombo, the electrified Railway line, the automatic division of the island to a North and a South, the preconditions of passing some land Acts, setting up a land policy body which subordinates the Government of Sri Lanka to the MCC, issuing of land grants etc, they are all there in this Powerpoint presentation. Sri Lanka is the US Military hub in the Bay of Bengal
Dobrilovic had made a huge mistake; he had exposed the diabolic plans of the US.
The MCC Country Director Jenner Edelman admitted, Steve has shown the wrong map.”
If Dobrilovic had not made that mistake, the Government of Wickramasinghe- Premadasa would have signed the MCC Compact; a divine power had saved Sri Lanka once again.
But Sri Lanka is not yet out of the woods. The MCC Compact must never be signed. It is unconstitutional in more ways than one. Sri Lankans must use their votes wisely.
November 12th, 2019 at 10:42 pm
Agreed. Thanks to Steve Dobrilovic who saved this blessed land. We should consider him as the savior of our nation.
Many who took it as a joke when we talked about this rogue MCC compact following this disclosure have now realised that there is a real danger exists to Mother Lanka if this Yamapaluwo’s signed these secret illegal agreements.
A few politicians took it up including Viyathmage academics and wider patriots worldwide. But the public in SL always suspect that these are day dreams of the opposition.
Thanks to Ven Kashyapa and also the Tuition Master Tissa Jananayaka who took this issue seriously and acted upon it, which opened the eyes of many sleeping local helayas.
Now it is in the public domain which is a good defence for Mother Lanka…
Thanks to all the patriots who kept this issue alive and brought it to the surface while the Yamapalanaya and My3 were trying to hide it from the eyes of the public.
Cabinet approval proved once again that My3 is still a traitor.
November 13th, 2019 at 7:10 pm
Who would have signed an 80 page document without reading it unless of course one wants to destroy SL?. Pehaps the Prez did and stopped it by sacking the PM in October 2018.
Going by whats happening in US today we cannot believe any of these people. Who knows they may have leaked it they leaked it purposely. They are so disoriented that they have put the very president they voted into power on the docs from day one. He says he wants make their country great again and from what we see he has succeeded to a great extent, but all those Latinos and other influential people using their media is fighting tooth and nail against it. So, can we deal with a country like that with confidence?.
Better to throw the thing to the dust bin and forget about it.
November 13th, 2019 at 7:15 pm
I mean not MCC but any kind of deal or agreement.