Author Archive for Dilrook Kannangara

බුරියානි අරගලය

Monday, June 13th, 2022

Dilrook Kannangara අරගලකාරයන්ගේ ප්‍රධාන ආහාරය බුරියානි. ඔවුන්ට බුරියානි සපයන්නන් ඔවුන්ව නටවන සෙයක් පෙනෙන්නට තිබේ. වෙසක් මාසේ නම වෙනිදා සිදුවීම් පිටුපස විශාල බුරියානි කාරයන් ප්‍රතිශතයක් සිටින බව ඒ සම්බන්ධයෙන් අත් අඩංගුවට ගත් 2,400 ඉක්මවූ අයගේ නම් වලින් පෙනේ. වෙනස්ව කිවහොත් මිනී මැරීම, ගෙවල් ගිනි තැබීම, අරගලය වෙනුවෙන් මැර ප්‍රහාර එල්ල කිරීම, කොළඹ පාතාලය ප්‍රතිප්‍රහාර සඳහා කැඳවීම […]

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WR on Chinese Debt Warning

Sunday, January 9th, 2022

Dilrook Kannangara Complete bunkum! W R is a pro-Indian. He is distracting people from the Indian takeover of SL’s petroleum sector (IOC), Trinco oil tank farm and the land, Colombo Port East terminal, etc. None of these bring dollars but takes out SL’s dollars. There is no foreign loan on Hambantota port. Colombo south port […]

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Perfect Time to Tame Import Mafia and Take Control of National Economy

Tuesday, July 13th, 2021

Dilrook Kannangara Sri Lanka is in a foreign exchange crisis. It has short term and long-term reasons. In 1977 when the economy was opened, it was done in a haphazard way. Due to those deficiencies the nation faces many nasty consequences. A powerful, wealthy, criminal and anti-national import mafia has been created. They import anything […]

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Kotelawala Defence University Bill Must Be Passed. The Nation Needs It

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Dilrook Kannangara There are usual protests and disruption by the disruptive cabal against the progressive Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) Bill. These are the elements that always disrupt Sri Lanka’s progress and hinder equal rights to citizens. They rely on twisted logic that free education” equals only government provided education and no other education”. Free education […]

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Indian and Tamil Connection to Easter Sunday Attack?

Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

Dilrook Kannangara Information on the Easter Sunday attack tickles in slowly. Based on available information, the radical group members that carried out the attack had agreed not to attack Sinhalese, especially Buddhists when some of them had suggested otherwise. Going by this decision, they avoided Sinhalese in their attacks except on the occasion of the […]

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UNHRC-Proof the Economy

Saturday, April 3rd, 2021

Dilrook Kannangara UNHRC voting clearly showed Sri Lanka’s friends and enemies (and the in-betweens). Although India abstained from voting, India fully supported the anti-Sri Lanka resolution. Sadly, some enemies are key export destinations (and import origins) of Sri Lankan produce (and Sri Lanka’s imports) which can become a future threat. While it is only the […]

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The UNHRC resolution against SL applies to India more than to Sri Lanka with small context changes only.

Friday, March 26th, 2021

Dilrook Kannangara This was why India abstained from voting. UNHRC will turn to India with the same set of demands very soon and India is keen to avoid an embarrassing situation by being party to it. The paragraph about devolution of political authority must have sent a chill down India for sure. India revoked […]

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Why Sri Lanka Had No Bargaining Chips at the UNHRC and Tamils Had All Trump Cards?

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

Dilrook Kannangara Reconciliation and accountability. These are the two words the international community imposed on Sri Lanka since it defeated Tamil terrorists in 2009. However, it was a one-way street; or, two one-way streets. Only Sri Lanka had to do reconciliation while Tamils always torpedoed it. Only Sri Lanka was pushed for accountability while Tamils […]

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What Matters is UN Security Council Where SL Enjoys StrongSupport; UNHRC Resolutions are Useless

Sunday, March 14th, 2021

Dilrook Kannangara Sri Lanka’s stand against UNHRC’s intrusive resolution against the island nation on war crimes matters is commendable. The government of President HE Gotabaya Rajapaksa has so far taken a bold stand on the matter forcing the Core Group to revise their resolution again and again trying to appease Sri Lanka. Yet, Sri Lanka […]

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Land Tax: Only Way to Save the Economy, Kick-start Economy, Level the Economic Playing Field and Payoff Public Debt

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Government revenue as a percentage of GDP has steadily fallen down over the past three decades to close to 11%. The government has to prove all services it provides and repay loans and interest from this revenue. Debt repayment and interest expenses alone equals total government revenue. For the rest of government expenses, […]

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Muslims Will Not Start War and Suffer Over 100,000 Muslim Deaths and 198,000 Muslim War Widows Over Cremation Issue

Sunday, December 20th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Compared to Sinhala JVP and Tamil LTTE caused death tolls, Muslims have been the most peaceful community. I was both amused and appalled when a powerful Muslim MP said Muslim youth will take up weapons if they are not allowed burial of COVID-19 dead. TNA as expected echoed this very same sentiment which […]

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Minorities Should Stop Acting Like Parasites

Friday, December 18th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Whenever the nation faces a dire situation, the majority goes to the forefront to save the nation, put up with inconveniences and difficulties, willingly makes sacrifices and co-operates with the government in power. But the minorities always pull from the foot with petty tribal thinking. Sri Lankan minorities, as a community, have never […]

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Why Chinese Loans to Sri Lanka are Well Worth

Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara  Summary: At Least 40% of Chinese Loans to Sri Lanka Had Immediate Economic Benefits to Sri Lanka Private Sector All Chinese loans to Sri Lanka are for the construction of valuable physical assets. Even if only 40% of those projects are given to Lankan organisations and individuals, that is highly profitable. In other […]

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Modi Can Better Defend India by Shedding Tamil Interests and Engaging with Sri Lanka at the National Interest Level

Friday, October 2nd, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Unfortunately for India, PM Modi follows the outdated approach of using Tamil problems as a negotiation tool with Sri Lanka. It never worked and does not work today. Tamil interests are neither in Sri Lanka’s nor India’s favour. Rajiv Gandhi did manage to gain some temporary leverage in 1985 and 1987 at a […]

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Only Way Forward for a Developed and Peaceful Sri Lanka: Put 13A to a Referendum

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Since 13A was imposed on Sri Lanka by India in 1987 with the help of gunboats, an invasive Indian army and Indian sponsored Hindu terrorist groups, a number of progressive laws and constitutional amendments have been blocked as they were inconsistent with the provisions of 13A. Divi Neguma is one such attempt to […]

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Empowering President at the Expense of the PM Helps Rajapaksa Rivals in the Long Run

Saturday, September 19th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara The anti-Rajapaksa camp has a distinct advantage at presidential elections than in parliamentary elections. On the other hand, the Rajapaksa camp has a clear advantage in parliamentary elections than at presidential elections. Given this fact, it is unwise the empower the president at the expense of the PM. What should happen is the […]

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US Sanctions on Selected Chinese Companies Will Worsen Sri Lankan Economic Downturn

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara USA has announced economic sanctions on a number of Chinese companies and other companies that deal with them. Among them are Chinese companies involved in the Port City, Hambantota Port and Mattala Airport. This is obviously a US attack on China’s one belt one road” initiative. The impact on Sri Lanka will be […]

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Mahabharata Proves Sinhala Language is Older Than Tamil Nadu Language

Sunday, August 30th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara It is pointless responding to CV Wigneswaran who seems to find relief in false beliefs to comfort the sad realization that Tamils do not have a nation of their own. Craving for a nation of their own is just and fair. But it must not be on someone else’s land. His claims are […]

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Can You Name a Port, Airport, Major Road, Bridge, Conference Hall, Power Station, Dam, Irrigation System or Refinery Sri Lanka Received from USA?

Friday, August 28th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Another way to look at the MCC is to consider how USA helped Sri Lanka progress towards its development goals in the past 200 years of close relationship” between the two countries. Can anyone name a port, airport, any major road or bridge, conference hall, power station, a dam or irrigation scheme, boat […]

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13A Unwanted Even by India Today

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara India imposed 13A to the Constitution in 1987 at the height of the Cold War. 13A is living testament that Sri Lanka’s non-aligned” policy failed (and the same policy of India failed too!). The northern and eastern provinces were merged and India appointed all councilors for the North in 1988. Only councilors for […]

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Bring in a New Constitution Without Delay

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara It is obvious the present Constitution is a mess (in local proverbial terms a salad mix of a lunatic – pissige palaa malla”). It contains many contradictory provisions that often require court interpretation. The country cannot move forward without a seamless Constitution that ties back to history, leverages the present and envisions a […]

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No One Misses You Mangala

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara At long last Mangala Samaraweera has decided to end politics. Assuming it is true, a wise decision, albeit too late. Mangala was a regressive force in Lankan politics contributing nothing much positively. He earned the wrath of the people in whatever ministerial portfolio he held – media, construction, foreign, finance, etc. He played […]

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Question President Sirisena Over Easter Sunday Terrorist Attack

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara President Sirisena was the president, commander in chief, defence minister and the head of the national security council when the Easter Sunday terrorist attack happened. That is a very long list of highly responsible positions concerned with national security. He must take responsibility for the lapse in security provided to the people and […]

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Pathfinder sets up eminent panel to prepare post-COVID-19 economic strategy

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara This is very dangerous. These people are known to align with a certain political ideology that in my view is not in the best interests of SL. Moragoda was the foreign minister under Ranil’s 2001 to 2004 regime that is known to be the most treacherous. They presented a National Security Strategy for […]

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Indian Communities in Sri Lanka Spreading Anti-China Hate Condemned

Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara China-bashing has raised its ugly head again. A section of Sri Lankans displays their anti-China hatred at any given moment. The twitter account of the Chinese embassy in Colombo was not functioning for some time and it was made into a China-bashing event. To their misfortune and for the fortune of most Sri […]

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How Government Can Earn Billions Without Taxing, Save Farmers and Consumers

Monday, April 13th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara The pandemic has proven how disastrous the western open economic system is without checks and balances. This is the perfect time to invest in a local production of food, transport, storage, and retail. The government must get back to the business of food. In order to do so, the government must have large […]

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No Elections Until WHO Declares Covid-19 Pandemic Over

Friday, April 10th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Bankrupt political losers of November 2019 are pushing for elections when no country in the world hold elections during the COVID-19 pandemic! They don’t even bother hiding their desperation and greed for power. Sadly, no national politician caught Coronoavirus and as a result, they don’t care for the plight of the nation. Looks […]

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Tablighi Jamaat Linked to One Third of Indian and a Number of Sri Lankan COVID-19 Cases

Sunday, April 5th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara The cremation/burial drama seems to be a distraction from the real issue – Tablighi Jamaat. The event held in New Delhi from March 13-15 by this group is the super spreader of the Coronavirus in India. 34 had participated from Sri Lanka too. An Introduction quoted from senior Indian bureaucrat, diplomat and politician […]

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Beyond COVID-19 Sri Lanka Must Cremate All Dead

Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara In Islam, a martyr need not be buried to go to heaven. Muslims who die in the COVID-19 epidemic, for no fault of theirs, must be considered martyrs by the Muslim community. If terrorists including suicide bombers can be treated as martyrs, why not innocent Muslims who died from COVID-19? Therefore their dead […]

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Soldiers Sacrificed Much More Than You Know to Protect the Nation

Monday, March 30th, 2020

Dilrook Kannangara Sri Lankan soldiers sacrificed much more than what everyone knows. Arms, legs, limbs, eyes, blood, sweat and life are not the only sacrifices. They sacrificed their time, marriage, family time and safety. Most soldiers being Buddhists believe in good deeds and bad and their inevitable consequences. Taking life, right or wrong, is a […]

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