Author Archive for Dr Sudath Gunasekara

How many nations are there in this country?

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Dr. Sudath Gunasekara:   (SLAS) Retired Permanent Secretry,  President Senior Citizens movement Mahanuwara. 7.1.2019. This has been a very big puzzle for me for quite some time. I have no doubt that majority of you who read this note might have had the same problem.  This is mainly because very often people who mater in society, when […]

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There is no difference between appointing Kiriella and Digambaran as Ministers of “Kandyan Heritage and Kandy Development”.

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

Dr Sudath Gunasekara   “Gazette on subject purview of ministers raises questions” A news item. Dec 31 (FT) Minister of Public Enterprise, Kandyan Heritage and Kandy Development Lakshman Kiriella has four State institutions allocated to his ministry. These institutions include the Ceylon Ceramics Corporation, Kahagolla Engineering Service Company Ltd., BCC Lanka Ltd. and State Resources […]

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මේ රටට හතුරුකම් කරන සියලු රටවල් සමඟ වහාම තානාපතිකම් අත්හෑරදා මේ රටේ අභිමානය රෑකගත යුතුය.

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

ආචාරිය සුදත් ගුණසේකර 1.1.2019. කෑනඩාව, එන්ගලන්තය නෝවේ සහ සුවිස්ටර්ලන්තය ඔවුන්ගේ රටවල ද්විත්ව  පුරවෙසි බව ඈත්තේ දෙමල මන්ත්‍රී  වරුන්ගේ විස්තර නොදෙන බව ප්‍රකාශ කල බව පුවත්පත්වල පලවී තිබුණි.  එය ශ්‍රී ලන්කාවේ ස්වාදීනත්වයට හා නිදහසට කර ඈත්තේ බලවත් තර්ජනයක් හා අව්මානයක් බව පෙන්වාදිය යුතුය.. එබෑවින් මේ රටවල්වල තානාපතිවරුන් වහාම ජනාදිපති කාර්යාලයට ගෙන්වා ඒතානාපති වරුන් සියලුදෙනාම කරුණු විමසා  […]

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The need to end the tyranny of minority politics in Sri Lanka” Part 11

Saturday, December 29th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 29. 12.2018. (Continued from 24th Dec 2018) (Ending the tyranny of minority politics in Sri Lanka constitutes the number one in restoring political stability, economic and social development and preserving the 2500-year-old Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this country) Before I  present my proposed  solutions to this vexed problem as stated in the […]

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The need to end the tyranny of antics of minority politics in Sri Lanka -Part 1

Sunday, December 23rd, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 20. 12.2018 Minorities in Sri Lanka Demographically there are two groups of major minorities, as they are called, in this country at present, though we never had any before 1815 or even up to 1948,when the concept of minority was created by the British and entered it in the Soulbury Constitution, we […]

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A nation weeps and laments as one of the darkest and tragic  periods of history in this country is been unfolded

Sunday, December 16th, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara 16.12.2018 It was only  20 days ago on Nov 26, 2018. the patriotic Sinhala Buddhist  masses who love their motherland had some relief when Majhinda Rajapaks was sworn in as Prime Minister on the 26th of November as their Messiah (modern Dutugamunu of the Sinhala nation) and they  were jubilant and overjoyed as […]

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Why doesn’t the Government arrest Ranil immediately on the serious findings of the Bond Commission Report in addition to the following unlawful and un-Constitutional actions and crimes

Wednesday, December 12th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara  2018.12 10 Such as 1 Defying the President’s order in sacking him and illegally occupying the Temple Trees and thereby misusing State property. 2  Calling for and canvassing international intervention in  the present crisis a making of his own. 3 Conspiring to overthraw the legitimately appointed Cabinet and the Government by the […]

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මම සුප්‍රීම් උසාවියේ රජ්ජුරුවෝ උනොත්!

Friday, December 7th, 2018

සුදත් ගුනසේකර 4.12.2018. අපි පාසෑල් යන කාලේ රචනාවක්  ලියන්ට  නිතර දෙන මාතෘකාවන් දෙකක් තිබ්බා. එ තමා “මට රුපියල් ලක්ශයක් ලෙබුනොත් සහ මට රටෙ රජකම ලෑබුනොත්” කියන දෙක. අද රට සහ ජාතිය මුහුණ පාලා තියෙන විවස්තාව පිලිබඳ නඩු වැල ඉදිරියේ මට හිතුනා මම සුප්‍රීම් උසාවියේ රජ්ජුරුවෝ නම් මම මේකට දෙන නන්ඩු තීන්දුව” කියන මාතෘකාව ගෑන හුදීජන පහන්සන්වේගය   […]

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“Why doesn’t the Government arrest Ranil immediately on the findings of the Bond Commission Report and the following crimes he has committed against the State? Part II

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

GIGO: garbage in -> garbage out -> = 19th Amendment -C. Wijeyawickrema, LL.B., Ph. D. A Judge is no saint. Underneath the black cloak is a human being of flesh and blood, a subjective mind filled with prejudices, perceptions, feelings and passion, struggling to project image of a fountain of logical objectivity.” Law is an […]

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ඉතිහාසය   7 ශ්‍රේනිය අධ්‍යාපන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව  වහාම මේ පොත තහනම් කරන්න.

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

ආචාරිය සුදත් ගුණසේකර මන්ද වසර 2500 ක් පෑරනි ශ්‍රේෂ්ට අපගේ සිංල බෞද්ධ ඉතිහාසය මේ පොතෙන් අමුඅමුවේ මරාදමා විනාසකොට ඈති බෑවිනි. ඒ සමඟම මේ ජාතික අපරාදයට වගකිවයුතු ඈමෙතිවරයා, අමාත්යන්ස ලෙකම්වාරයා,  පොතේ පෙරවදන ලියු අඩ්යාපන කොමසාරිස් ජෙනරාල් වරිය,පොතේ ප්‍රදාන කතුවරයා, මේ රටේ ඉතිහාසය විකුර්තිකොට  මෙම පරිච්චෙදයලියු තෑනත්තා, පිටකවරයට   ග්‍රීක හා රෝම අනුරු යෙදු චිත්‍රසිල්පියා යන  සියලුදෙනාටම විරුඩ්දව […]

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Why doesn’t the Government arrest Ranil immediately on the findings of the Bond Commission Report and the following crimes he has committed against the State?

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

That will  immediately resolve the current political impasse. By Dr Sudath Gunasekara  2018.11 25. I am sending you herewith a letter published in the Lankaweb at the beginning of this year along with the responses for your immediate attention. No action has been taken against any of these culprits (Ranil, Mahendran and Ravi) by the […]

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මේ රටේ පර්ලිමේන්තුවේ ආසන ගණන 30 කට අඩුකරමුද?

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

සුදත් ගුණසේකර 2018.12.1. මේ යෝජනාව කියවන ඔබ සැමදෙනාම හිතාවි මට පිස්සු කියල. ඒ නිසා ඇයි මම එහෙම කියන්නෙ කියල පළමුවම පැහැදිළි කලොත් හොඳයි කියල මම හිතනව. වර්‍තමාන ලංකා පාර්ලිමෙන්තුවේ ආසන 225 ක් තියෙනවා. නමුත් ගනපූර්නයට අවශ්ය 20ක් ලු. මාසෙකට රැස්වෙන්ට තියෙන්නෙ දිනගාන 8 ලු. මේ දින අටෙන්වත් කී දවසක් ගනපුර්නය නැතුව රැස්වීම තියන්ට බැරි උනබව […]

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Why the country should go for a General election immediately. Because it is the best Solution to get out of the present political impasse created by quarrelling political-ticks and restore people’s sovereignty and democracy in this country

Thursday, November 29th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 2018.11. 29. This decision will, in the first rescue the motherland and its people from the present unfortunate political impasse created by selfish and corrupt politicians, who do not care a damn for what happen to the general public or the country, and restore normalcy in the country for people to breath […]

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Comments on Chathuri Dissanayake’s article on “RW mourns fate of democracy – Warns public confidence in parliamentarians at an all-time low –  Insists world is watching, damage to Sri Lanka’s democratic reputation on the line ”  

Sunday, November 18th, 2018

   Dr Sudath Gunasekara RW mourns fate of democracy – Warns public confidence in parliamentarians at an all-time low –  Insists world is watching, damage to Sri Lanka’s democratic reputation on the line  By Chathuri Dissanayake  17.11.2018. Financial Times A deeply moved MP Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday lamented over what he termed as the ‘destruction of […]

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The Speaker should resign forth with if he wants to die as a Sinhala Buddhist  and not as a traitor of the Sinhala nation and Mother Lanka.

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara.   15.  11. 2018. As I was watching the behavior of the Speaker Karu Jayasuriye this morning in Parliament I felt ridiculously ashamed of his common sense, apart from his knowledge regarding Parliamentary procedure and the constitution of this country he has to uphold as the Chairman of this august assembly. His body […]

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Speaker to decide on new seating arrangements today??

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara 15.11.2018 Nov 15 (FT) T 2018. New seating arrangement in Parliament will be decided by Speaker Karu Jayasuriya this morning. The Speaker, though he madly thinks, pretends and tries to acts as the Head of the State, being completely out of his normal senses, should at least now understand he is not yet […]

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At Last the President has taken the best decision to solve the present political crisis allowing the people to sort it out peacefully and democratically in the interest of the country and the people, when RW opts for a blood bath uprising to keep him in power by calling his butterfly supporters to stage a nationwide protest for 13 days. 

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 12.11. 2018. Since I am not a lawyer I do not propose to comment on the legal side of this issue. I leave it for legal luminaries to do that job. But as a layman and a retired senior public servant and also as an apolitical man who puts the country and […]

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Dr. D. Nesiah returns Deshamanya title and medal- My comments on this un- patriotic ungrateful and dastardly act.

Thursday, November 8th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara Roar Nov 08 2018 Bannerhead news item By Ananth Palakidnar I want   all patriotic people, first read the following news item and make your own independent reactions to this most dastardly and unpatriotic action by Nesiah   In a show of defiance, former civil servant and former Jaffna Government Agent Dr. Devanesan […]

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The next man who should be immediately  fired in this Parliament

Sunday, November 4th, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara 4.11.2018 Going by the way he had been behaving in Parliament ever since he was appointed  Speaker and especially how partially and madly he conducts these days as an epileptic patient, I think the first thing the newly summoned Parliament on the 16th should do is to replace this man with a […]

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Champaka visits his former Ministry a News item: Isn’t this the biggest joke of the week?

Saturday, November 3rd, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara 2.11,2018 Isn’t this the biggest joke of the week?. How can a sacked Minister or a Minister of the former Government unless he is reappointed by the president claim to be a Minister and enter the Ministry room accompanied by a gang of acolytes and declare he is still Minister unless that man […]

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A WARNING and advice to the young Minister Wasatha Senanayaka

Saturday, November 3rd, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara   3. 11. 2018 News item “Group of UNP MPs Led By Ravi K Seen At Wasantha Senanayake's Colombo Residence Last Morning November 03, 2018 A group of UNP MPs were seen at Tourism and Wildlife Minister Wasantha Senanayake’s Colombo residence, last morning. The group of MPs was led by UNP Colombo […]

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Immediate dissolution of Parliament

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

 Dr Sudath Gunasekara My Dear Gota, 1.11 2018 First of all let me congratulate you for getting cleared the first and the most crucial hurdle of removing Ranil the traitor. I am also happy that MR is now under full control of the Three Forces and the Police Dept, the Treasury and the entire machinery […]

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Hold the following responsible and impound passports

Sunday, October 28th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara Ranil Wickramasinha Mangala samarweera Ravi Karunamayaka Samarawickrama Rajitha Senarathna Sujiva semasinhgha Luxman Kirirella Richard Badurdeen and All Ministers, Cabinet and non-Cabinet   For   1 CB scam 2 Misappropriation of public funds for political objectives 3  abuse of power and misuse of public funds 4 Selling national assets 5 Ruining the country […]

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Book Review- Indigenous Technology and Sustainability of Peasant Agriculture in Sri Lanka (A Case Study of the Uma Oya Basin)  -S. Godage and Bros. ISBN 978 955 30 7267-2, 339pp. :  By Sudath Gunasekera

Monday, October 15th, 2018

C.M. Madduma Bandara,  Emeritus Professor, University of Peradeniya, Angampitiya Road, Kandy The latest publication by Sudath Gunasekara – A well-known writer and administrator on the above title, comes at a critical juncture in our commemorative history. This year – 1818, marks the 200th anniversary of the 1818 Freedom Struggle that was focused on the Uva region, […]

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Foreign sojourns of the President and the Prime Minister

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara 8.10. 2018. Could someone find out the details about the foreign trips President Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinha have undertaken (separately) after they assumed Office in 2015. Also the amount of public funds spent on these trips from government coffers and the benefits the country has got from these trips. Other than […]

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Why doesn’t the government arrest Siovajilingam?

Monday, October 8th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 8.10. 2018 It was flashed in news papers that Sivajilingam  b-in-law of Prabhakaran  making a public protest against a Court order denouncing it. If this Government was so quick in sending Galabodaatte Gnanasara  for six years to jail on a flimsy issue why cant the it arrest this man Is it not […]

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SL should have an export driven economy to overcome economic crisis: PM

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara 2018-09-27 04:18:54 Sri Lanka would not have been affected by the current global economic crisis if the country did not get into a debt trap like the one it has got into, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said yesterday. Mr Wickremesinghe expressed this sentiment at the prize giving of Maliyadeva Balika Maha Vidyalaya […]

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Establishment of mono Tamil Villages in the hill country – Stop this national disaster at all cost before it is too late Appeal to all patriots

Friday, September 21st, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 21.Sept. 2018 Dear Patriots I attaching herewith a bill presented to Parliament by Digambaran the Minister of Upcountry Village And Infrastructure Development foe establishing mono Tamil villages in the Hill Country the Geographical Heartland of this country Already this Government has established 1340 Tamil villages within the N’Eliya District in areas over […]

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 Has this Government already handed over the North to TNA Tamils (CT)

Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 18.9.2018 Mr President please read the following statement in todays (CEYLON TODAY) and issue a statement I you have not then ask your Prime minister whether he has done it and ask him to tell the truth to the nation. If both of you have independently, without the knowledge of the other, […]

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Balalobhi Arthmarthakami  Dessapaluwan visin 70 vasarakadii  vinasakala ratak. බලලොභි ආත්මාර්තකාමි  දේශපාලුවන් විසින් 70 වසරකදී  විනාසකල රටක්.

Friday, August 31st, 2018

Sudath Gunasekara 30.8.2018 Once upon a time This country had been known as Sinhaladveepa as well as Lanka from ancient times. Ramayanaya was the first to use the word Lanka. The word Simhala was found in Bhagawath Purana Pearl of the Indian Ocean Granary of the East Dharma dveepa Paradise on earth Glittering Island (Lankadeepa) […]

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