Author Archive for Jay Deshabandu

Update Central Bank Financial System

Sunday, April 14th, 2019

Nawagamu Deshabandu Recently media reported that the government was considering to lower interest rates for business persons borrowing money from the banks. During this elections year, many politicians are talking about negatives of their political adversaries. But only few are brave enough to put forward a carefully written policies and plans to improve our economy. […]

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Parliamentary Democracy in Sri Lanka-can it works?

Tuesday, December 4th, 2018

Nawagamu Deshabandu I have written about our constitution many years ago on this website calling it outrageous, indicating that it is having circular definitions and contradictory statements.  One part of the constitution violates the other parts of the constitution.  It is only good for politicians and lawyers who are hell bent on making money. It […]

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Voting Based on Noise-Is anyone embarrassed?

Monday, November 19th, 2018

Nawagamu Deshabandu Any educated and developed person would agree that passing any proposal or motion based on the level of noise or sound is the lowest primitive method of applied democracy.  We have inherited this law in the constitution which was written during English colonial rule which at that time gave no room for public […]

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An Open Letter to Anura Kumara Disanayaka

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

Jay Deshabandu We are now getting more information on the central bank bond issue scam. Politicians are now saying they were paid by Arjun Aloysius, ex-central bank governor of Sri-Lanaka. This is most likely how Arjun Aloysius became the governor of the central bank, possibly favored by all politicians, who accepted money for their political […]

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Some Solutions to Ethnic Based Violence

Monday, March 12th, 2018

Jay Deshabandu Many people, including politicians, religious leaders and those with a conscientiousness talk about the need for peace among ethnic groups in Sri Lanka.   But very few demand tangible actions that really address ethnic based violence. While we cannot stop racism, we should agree that we can minimize ethnic based violence by enacting […]

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Don’t Cry for Me  

Monday, July 10th, 2017

by Jay Deshabandu Citizens in our country hear conflicting facts about the new constitution that will be in the parliament or before the people for a referendum in the near future.   There is strong belief and doubt among many of us about the intent of the need for a new constitution.   If in fact a […]

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New e-book on Mahinda Rajapaksha and His Family

Friday, May 27th, 2016

Jay Deshabandu There is a well-written e-book on the affairs and alleged corruptions of Rajapaksha’s family circulating on the Internet these days. It is also an indication of how bad the present M and R duo government’s need  is for embedding the MR ‘s image as a criminal in the minds of Sri Lankan citizens. […]

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An Open Letter to the Director at N.I.E Sri Lanka

Sunday, May 15th, 2016

Jay Deshabandu Director, Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science and Technology National Institute of Education Maharagma I became interested in giving a Mathematics contest in order to increase and motivate our students’ interest in learning Mathematics. In order to design a Mathematics test, I read your grade 11 Mathematics syllabus which is officially published by […]

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Vision of the Ranil’s Government-Jay Deshabandu

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Jay Deshabandu Tea planters are not getting the government certified price of 80 rupees per kilogram.  This month, we just received a payment at the rate of 60 rupees per kilogram from the tea factories in the upcountry According to the media, the government has made it a mandate for the tea factories to buy […]

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Repeating What the JRJ Did

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Jay Deshabandu The 19th amendment would be tabled in the parliament very soon. The Sobitha Thera’s Sathyagrha” or the protest against those who oppose the passing of the 19th amendment in its present form could perhaps get the attention of the Sinhala Buddhist and a few others.  For one thing, he is wearing a yellow […]

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Dangerous Repercussions of the Proposed 19th Amendment

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

Jay Deshabandu It is a pool’s paradise in Sri Lanka that we have more than one candidates within a same party contesting for the presidency. Constitution of Sri Lankan Freedom Party clearly allowed this as Mr. Sirisena became the president of Sri Lanka elected by the people for the people. President has the power to […]

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American Interests in Sri Lanka

Monday, April 6th, 2015

Jay Deshabandu On the 29th of March in the year 1602, Admiral Spilbergen, a Dutch naval commander using a pretext, approached the King Wimala Dharma in Kandy to help him with repealing Portuguese army from Sri Lanka. The king having had problems from his own sons, welcoming the  naval commander with all due  respect, gave the […]

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Improving the O’level Mathematics Education

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

Jay Deshabandu Mathematics education should be a mandatory subject at any level in a school.  Mathematics can broadly be defined as the science of understanding and recognizing patterns and classifying them based on numbers or well defined mathematical structures.  The learning process of mathematics promotes one’s analytical skills and critical thinking. Critical thinking is important […]

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Unfinished War on Two Fronts

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

Jay Deshabandu Despite the fact that it is the policy in the “Mahinda Chintanya” to eradicate the drugs from our country, we see many more container loads of drugs coming to Sri-Lanka. This is not good news for everyone.  According to many media news, the politicians are too involved in the drug trafficking in the […]

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How to eliminate ill-wills of Sri Lanka

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

Jay Deshabandu What Mr. Vignasweren doing is very clear! He is playing a double game.‚  North provincial council is not just one of the nine provincial councils in Sri Lanka. ‚ From the beginning, it has become a separated council that gives no regard to the constitution. ‚  Supreme Court ruled that police and land powers […]

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South Sri Lanka

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

By Jay Deshabandu The 13A amendment if fully implemented definitely gives much needed space for the separatists Tamil and pro LTTE terrorists the required legitimacy and political voice to divide our small island nation into two parts: North Sri Lanka and South Sri Lanka. In the 13th amendment, there is clear provision for North and […]

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Social Balance and Population growth control

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Jay Deshabandu Population growth in our country did not catch much attention in the eyes of political and educated circles. Sri Lanka grew from two million in 1871 to over twenty million today. Given the size of the land area in the country, the population density is too high to sustain the economic development we […]

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Abolish the thirteen amendment now! -Updated

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

By Jay Deshabandu Every peace loving citizen who loves this country should be united to voice and express strong opposition to the implementation of the thirteenth amendment.ƒ”š‚  The thirteenth amendment was forced to us by the Indian government during the regime of JRJ who first introduced the violent political gang culture to Sri Lanka. ƒ”š‚ The […]

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Animal Sacrifices

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Jay Deshabandu Animal sacrifices are an ancient religious practice. The offering is supposed to relive the sin of the man who sacrifices his worthy animal to God. Many people practice animal sacrifices just to please God without thinking of its meaning.ƒ”š‚  Buddhism condemns such practice and many Buddhists believe that it is animal cruelty.ƒ”š‚  I […]

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Save Ravana Ella from Litter Monkeys

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

-By Jay Deshabandu During my latest visit to our mother land, Sri Lanka in July this year, I had an opportunity to see, once again, the Rawana Ella located in Ella, Wallawaya. Amazing range of scenic views with a wide range of lush green trees on mountains, fruits, beautiful flowers and birds were a magnetic […]

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Police Powers and Criminal Politicians

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

By Jay Deshabandu We hear or read ƒ”š‚ on many daily newspapers, time to time, that how police officers accept bribes while they get caught in the act.ƒ”š‚  Based on the frequency of bribe takingƒ”š‚  and other related criminal activities by the police, some times, one could wonder,ƒ”š‚  if there are mor criminals in the police […]

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Resolution influenced by the Western Mafia

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Jay Deshabandu ƒ”š‚ India’s willingness to support the bogus resolution against its back door neighbor Sri Lanka is not a surprising act to anyone that has an iota of intelligence. Our leaders should come forward; and, say loud and clear the same thing that other Western leaders usually buzz: “The government is duty bound to protect […]

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The United States is Trying the Regime Change Again!

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Jay Deshabandu ƒ”š‚ The government has rightfully appealed to its citizens and people from all works of life around the world to support Sri Lanka when it meets UNHRC in Geneva on Feb 27 to March 23rd. There will be a charge sheet by the United States against Sri Lanka on its conduct during the final […]

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Stupidity of Some Tamil Nadu Politicians

Sunday, August 7th, 2011

Jay Deshabandu The Channel 4’s fabricated video of pack of lies and the Sri Lankan government’s factual video of “Lies Agreed Upon”ƒ”š‚ are now on the International media. The hate and pro violence groups that are against Sri Lankans are in fact at propaganda war today. ƒ”š‚ The losers are so desperate that they would use […]

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The US and Its Gun Culture

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Jay Deshabandu I am not against American culture. But, it is my opinion that it has a pervert gun culture which I am not happy about. Unlike for many citizens around the world, Americans have freedom and right to protect themselves with their own guns. I cannot condone killings of birds for just for fun […]

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Mr. Ban Ki-Moon is Playing God

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Jay Deshabandu The world’s most dangerous terrorist outfit is still active mainly in Western countries.ƒ”š‚  The pro-LTTE agents somehow manipulated the USA and Western Politicians for their gain. Besides this, the USA, France and British governments have tendency to discredit Sri Lanka because they think we have sided with China and other Asian countries. ƒ”š‚ Everyone […]

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An open letter to the dumped general

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Jay deshabandu Dear Sarath Fonseka, Today, you have become a normal person like me,ƒ”š‚  after you were defeated by Mahinda. Now, you and I have the same president and subjected to same rules of the land.ƒ”š‚ So, you are bound to follow and respect the rules of our land. Though you have led the soldiers in […]

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Do not fix it if it works

Friday, November 13th, 2009

Jay Deshabandu The game plan of the opposition is now clear. The fact that UNF has put forwarded a set of conditions before SF in order to be considered for a presidential candidate indicates that UNF only accepts him subject to those conditions. ƒ”š‚ The conditions effectively make SF a puppet president who would get rid […]

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Would the much respected general become a scapegoat for the bankrput politicians?

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

Jay Deshabandu Today, our country is at a cross-road. No one is sure where it would head at this point of time. Unfortunately, our country is full of joker-politicians, like those in Tamil Nadu, who put the country down the ditch before himself. People of this country must show gratitude to President Rajapaksha for providing […]

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Mangala and Tissainagam has a common agenda!

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

Jay Deshabandu Mr. Mangala Samaraweera’s visit of Jayaprakash Sittampalam Tissainayagam who was convicted of involving in terrorists activities in Sri-Lanka , comes in no surprised to many of us during this election time in the south. The bankrupt politician, who is basically the one man’s party leader, is indirectly insulting our judicial system of Sri-Lanka. […]

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