What happened in Sri Lanka?

October 25th, 2024

Orpheus Perera

At the outset let me ask how Indian secret agents and Israeli secret agents are so active in Sri Lanka, when there was no intelligent service, who were able to save the life of General Densil Kobbakaduva and 35 young men, at a time when terrorists were nearly under full control? 

Also in 1981 who was the Cardinal when the Jaffna public library and two Hindu temples were burnt down. I was in the UK when that happened and I was told by Indian and English people that it was done by Sinhalese Buddhists. Buddhists will never set fire to a Hindu temple. They revere Hindu gods too. Jaffna Library had valuable books based on Hindu History and Literature. Hindu Tamils were not terrorists. As a student, I used to work with the late MP Dharmalingam’s son(Sith or Sithdarthan told me, his father was shot dead at his home, Kirimandala Mavatha Navalas, close to our house). There were about 5 Hindu Tamil boys working with me and they were peaceful and good guys).

Just after the end of the war Ranil went to America and his supporters said he was invited to be a lecturer for 3 months at MIT. Actually, he went there to have meetings with the LTTE Diaspora and anti-Sinhalse forces in Boston. They were worried(As much as Ranil), that since the war was won by a Rajapaksa,  they would keep on winning elections. Even Americans envied Rajapaksha. 


How many Sri Lankans know about Ranil’s trip to America just after the war?

Part of the discussion was to get someone who was more involved in winning the war against LTTE. So he selected Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka. Since he did not have experience as a politician people did not vote for him, He got the votes of strong UNP voters. Then in  2015, he picked  Sirisena to contest against MR. Since Sirisena was also the second in command in SLFP. He could defeat MR. Since it was Ranil who helped him to be the President, Sirisena allowed Ranil to run the country. Within that short period, Ranil put the country into more debt, difficult to pay back. At the same time, the LTTE diaspora controlled the big banks around the world.

Knowing that the economy is going to crash in a few years time, Mangala Samaraweeras tried to set up MCC to raise money to save the country. It was rejected by the parliament. .Ranil dissolved the parliament one year before the end of their term. Unfortunately for Rajapaksas’ Gotabaya won the election and became the president and the COVID epidemic came and accelerated the downfall. Gotabaya closed the country for about 2 years causing further economic slump. This was all anticipated by Ranil and LTTE diaspora leaders.

During the time of the “Aragalaya,” all 5-star hotels were fully booked. Colombo was filled with LTTE Diaspora activists. They came from America, England, Australia and Norway. They got JVP involved in their plan to get rid of Rajapaksha’s. Some wanted to kill Gotabaya Rajapakse, the way Colonel Gaddafi was killed. But Gota managed to hand over the power to Ranil and escape.

If anyone from JVP is involved in any transactions(money to keep the crowd in Colombo until GotaGoGama is completed) was Wasantha Samarasinhe, who even tried to enter the President’s office to hand over a letter demanding Gotabaya to resign.

Except for the part done by COVID-19, this entire show was well planned.  The same forces may try to get rid of Anura Kumara Dissanayake too. Their main aim was to humiliate and get rid of Rajapaksas. They might even try to get JVP to take Gotabaya, Kamal Gunarathne, and them to Hague, instead of dealing with Ranil who was responsible for many missing youths during the JVP insurrection in 88/89.

ටියුෂන් අර්බූදය

October 25th, 2024

චානක බණ්ඩාරගේ

1960 -70 දශකවල ළමෝ පාසැල් අවසන් වූ පසු ටියුෂන් නොගියාම නොවේ. නමුත්, එකළ එය අද මෙන් පිස්සුවෙන් කල දෙයක් නොවීය.  

එකළ, ටියුෂන් නගරබද පාසැල්වලට පමණක් පාහේ සීමාවී තිබුණි. වැඩිමණක් දරුවන් ගියේ ඉංග්‍රීසි, එලකියුෂන්, සංගීත භාණ්ඩ වාදනය වැනි පන්තිවලටය. ගණිතය දුර්වල ළමුන් සඳහා දෙමව්පියන් ළමුන්ව දක්ෂ ගණිත ගුරුවරුන් සොයා යැවිය.

එකළ, බොහෝ විට එක් තනි ගුරුවරයෙක් එක් ළමයෙකුට හෝ සීමිත ළමුන් ගණනකට ඔහු/ඇය ගේ නිවසේදී ටියුෂන් පන්තිය පවත්වනු ලැබිය. මුදල් ගෙවනු ලැබුවේ ටියුෂන් මාසය  අවසානයේදීය. බොහෝ විට අය කලේ සාධාරණ මුදලකි.

ටියුෂන් ඇති හැකි අයට පමණක් සීමාවී තිබුණි. ගම්වල ළමුන් ටියුෂන් ගියේම නැත.

එකළ, විශ්ව විද්‍යාල වලට ඇතුල්වීමට අදට වඩා තරඟයක් තිබුණි. අද විශ්ව විද්‍යාල බොහෝය (20 පමණ). වසරකට 20,000 එහා සිසුන් විශ්ව විද්‍යාලවලට අද ඇතුල් වේ.

එකළ, අද මෙන් නොව පාසැල්වල විෂය මාලාව (syllabus) හරියාකාරව ඉගැන්විණි. තමන් උගන්වන දේ ගැන ගුරුවරු හොඳින් දැන සිටියහ.

එකළ, පාසැල්වල තදබල විනයක් විය. සිසුන් තුල ගුරුවරුන් වෙනුවෙන් වන ගෞරවය තදින්ම පැවතුණි. ගුරු දිනය, ළමා දිනය දා අද මෙන් ගුරුවරු ළමුන් සමග එකට නටන සිරිත් එවක නොවීය.

ළමුන් පාසැල් වලට දැමීමට විදුහල්පතිවරුන්ට අල්ලස් දීමේ ක්‍රමයක් එවක නොතිබුණි.

1980 දශකය වන විට දැවැන්ත ටියුෂන් කඩ බිහිවී අවසන්ය. පාලනයක් නැතිව ක්‍රියාත්මක වුනු විවෘත ආර්ථිකය බොහෝ විට මෙයට හේතු විය.

එදා බොහෝ විට ටියුෂන් පැවැත්වුයේ පන්සල් ගොඩනැගිලි වලය. පන්ති කුලී වලින් විහාරාධිපති හිමි වරුන් හොඳට ආදායම් උපයුහ. සමහර පන්සල් බැතිමතුන් බුදු පුදනට යන ස්ථානයකට වඩා ළමුන් ටියුෂන් සඳහා යන තෝතැන් බවට පත්විණ. අනෙක් ආගම් වල මෙවැනි දේට අදත් ඉඩ නොදේ.

අද ටියුෂන් ‘මාෆියක්’ බිහිවී ඇති බව කීම අතිශෝක්තියක් නොවනු ඇත. සිය ගණනින් ළමුන් යන ‘ටියුෂන් කඩ’ ඇත. මේ සමහරක් ඉතා අත්තනෝමතික ලෙස මුදල් අය කරන ඒවාය. ටියුටෝරිල්, රිවිෂන්, ස්පෙෂල් ක්ලාස්, ප්‍රශ්ණ පත්‍ර වැනි විවිධ නම් වලින් සඳහන් කර ළමුන්ගෙන් විවිධාකාරයෙන් අමතර මුදල් අය කරති. පන්ති පටන් ගන්නා විට මේවා ගැන සඳහන් නොකරයි.

සමහර ටියුෂන් පන්ති ගුරුවරු ළමුන්ව විනෝද චාරිකා වල රැගෙන යයි. මේවා අනවශ්‍ය වැඩය.

සමහර ටියුෂන් පන්තිවලට ළමුන් සිය ගණන් සහභාගී වුවත් බොහෝ තැන්වල ළමුන් සඳහා ඇත්තේ අවම පහසුකම්ය. සීමිත, අපිරිසිඳු වැසිකිලිවේ. මනා වාතාශ්‍රය නොලැබෙන ළමයින් හිරවුණු කාමර/ශාලාය. සමහර තැන්වල ගුරුවරයා විසින්ම පවත්වාගෙන යන කැන්ටින්ය. කාර්ඩ් සටහන් කරු සිය කර්තව්‍ය නිම කර කළින්ම ඉවත්ව යයි. එවිට, 100 – 500 සිටින පන්තියක ළමයින්ගේ ක්‍රියාකාරකම් අධීක්ෂණයට ඉන්නේ උගන්වන ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරයා පමණි.

බොහෝ ටියුෂන් කඩ වල පාසැල්වල  මෙන් සියළුම විෂයන්ම වාගේ උගන්වයි.

ඇතැම් ටියුෂන්කරුවන් දෙමව්පියන්ට පෙන්වන්නේ ‘ළමයි ඉස්කෝලේ යවන්න අවශ්‍ය නැහැ, අප ලඟට එවන්න’ ‘ඉස්කෝලේ යනවට වඩා  ළමයි අප ලඟට එවීමයි හොඳ’ වැනි පණිවුඩයි. මේ ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු ඉතාම දක්ෂ සංනිවේදකයෝය.

ඔවුන් විසින් මවා ඇති ව්‍යාජ ටියුෂන් රැල්ලට රැවටෙන/අහුවෙන දෙමව්පියෝය.

දරුවන්ට ඉතා ආදරය කරන දෙමව්පියෝ දරුවන් කරන ඇවටිලි නිසාද ඒ අයව ටියුෂන් පන්තිවලට යවයි. මෙය මෝඩ ක්‍රියාවකි. දෙමව්පියන් ළමුන්ට යටව සිටිය යුතු නැත.

කන කෑම මෙන් ටියුෂන් යනු ළමුන්ට අත්‍යාවශ්‍යම, නැතිවම බැරි දෙයක් බව දැන් ඉදිවී ඇති ටියුෂන් සංස්කෘතිය  දෙමව්පියන්ට සාක්ෂාත් කර ඇත. මේවා කිරීමට විදුහල්, රජයන් අනියමින් අනුබල දී ඇත.  

අද සතියේ දිනවල උදය/දහවල්  වරුවේ පවත්වන ටියුෂන් පන්ති ඇත. පාසැල් O/L  පන්තිවල ළමුන් ඉතා හිඟ මේ නිසාය. මේවා ගැන පාසැල් පද්ධතීන්/අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යාංශ ඉතා හොඳින් දනී. 

රජයේ පාසැල්වල සමහරවිට විට පන්තිවල ගුරුවරු නැත. පන්ති වෙලාවේ ගුරු විවේකාගාරයේ  (staff room) ඉන්නා ගුරුවරු ඇත. ගුරුවරුන්ට විරුද්ධව විනයානුකූලව කටයුතු කිරීමට බලධාරීන් පැකිලේ. ගුරු සංගම්ද අති බලවත්ය.

සමහර ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරුන් උවමනාවෙන්ම ඉරිදා උදේට තම පන්ති දමා ගන්නේ ළමුන් දහම් පාසැල් යාම නතර කිරීමටද? උතුරු පළාතේ මේ ක්‍රියා නීතිවිරෝධී කර ඇත.

අද සෑම දහම් පාසලකම 9 වසරෙන් පමණ පසු ළමුන් ඉතා අඩුය. මෙයට ප්‍රධානතම හෙතුවක් වන්නේ මේ ළමුනට ඉරිදා උදේ ටියුෂන් යෑමට සිදුවී තිබීමයි.

මේ ගුරුවරුනට ළමුන් දහම් පාසැල් යාමේ වටිනාකම ගැන කිසිම තැකීමක් නොමැති සේය.

අද ළමුන් දහම් පාසැල් නොයාම මේ රටේ සාරධර්ම/ගුණ ගරුක බව අඩු තරුණ පරපුරක් බිහිවීමට ප්‍රධාන හේතුවක් වී තිබේ.

සමහර ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු කැමති කැමති විදියට මුදල් උපයති.  මුලදී එක් මුදලක් පවසා පන්ති ආරම්භ කල පසු ගාස්තු ක්‍රමානුකූලව වැඩි කරති. ඔවුන්ට සිතැඟි පරිදි එක් වරම What’s Up පණිවුඩ මඟින් පන්ති කැන්සල් කරති. සමහර විට ඒවාට නැවත පන්ති නැත.

ප්‍රමාද වී පන්තිවලට පැමිණෙන ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු ඇත. එතෙක්, ළමුන් කෑ කෝ ගසමින්, ගෝෂා කරමින් පන්ති තුල සහ ඉන් පිටත සිටිත්. පිරිමි ළමුන්ගෙන් කාන්තා ළමුන්ට ලිංගික ඇතුළු විවිධ හිංසන සිදුවිය හැක. ළමුන් ස්මාර්ට් ෆෝන් ඇති අයගෙන් ඒවා ඉල්ලා ගෙන හෝ ඔවුන් සමඟ එක්ව අසංවර සමාජ ජාලා වෙබ් අඩවි බලති.

Free Card දෙන ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු නැත්තේ නොවේ.

ඉතා හොඳ ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු ඇත. නමුත් අද සිදුව ඇත්තේ මාෆියාවක් වැනි ටියුෂන් සංස්කෘතියක් රට පුරා (උතුරු නැගෙනහිර මෙසේ නොමැත) බිහිවී තිබීමයි.

රටේ බොහෝ පාසැල් අමිශ්‍රය. පිරිමි/ගැහැණු ළමුන් එකට නොගැටේ. නමුත් ටියුෂන් පන්ති මිශ්‍රය. ටියුෂන් පන්ති නිසා අද වයස 14, 15 වනවිටත් ළමුන් ප්‍රේම සම්බන්ධතාවලට පැටලේ. මුදල් දුන් විට හෝටල් කාමර ඇරෙන නිසා, ඒවාට රිංගන ටියුෂන් දරුවන් ගැන අපට අසන්නට ලැබී තිබේ.

ටියුෂන් පන්ති තුල ඇඳිය යුතු ඇඳුම් පිළිබඳව වාරණයක් නොමැත. ඕනෑම ඇඳුමක් ඇඳ ඒමට ඉඩ දෙනු ලැබේ. පිරිමි/ගැහැණු ළමයින් නොමනා/අශෝභන ලෙස සැරසී එන ස්ථාන ඇත. පිරිමි/ගැහැණු ළමයි එකට යාබදව හිඳ උගනිති.

ලිංග ආකර්ෂණය නිසාත්, යොවුන් විය නිසාත්, ටියුෂන් පන්ති වලට ළමුන් ඒමට බලන්නේ ඉතා උසස් ලෙස සැරසීය. මේවා දෙමව්පියනට අමතර මුදල් බරකි.

තම ටියුෂන් පන්තියට එන ගැහැණු දරුවන් සමඟ අනියම් සම්බන්ධතා පැවැත්වූ  ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරුන් ගැන අසන්නට ලැබී තිබේ. මේ අය දරුවන්ව හෝටල් කාමර වලට රැගෙන ගොස් තිබේ. කෝටිපතියන් වන සමහර ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරුන් නවීන පන්නයේ සුඛෝපභෝගී මෝටර් රථවලින්, ජැන්දියට ඇඳ පැළඳ, ඉගැන්වීමට යති.  ළමුනට මේ අය ‘දෙවිවරුන්’ මෙන්ය. පාසලේ ගුරුවරයා/ගුරුවරිය ඔවුනට එපා වීය.

සමහර ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු  පන්ති වෙලාවේදී ඉගැන්වීමට වඩා වල් පල් – විෂයට අදාළ නැති දේ කථා කරත්.

සමහරෙක් ඉතා දක්ෂ ගුරුවරු බව සැබවි. ඔවුන් නිසා ළමුන් විභාග සමත් වන බවද සත්‍යකි. නමුත් මේ ටියුෂන් අද මහා වෘක්ෂයක් වී මුළු මහත් පාසැල් පද්ධතියම වසාගෙන ඇත.

5 ශිෂ්‍යත්ව විභාගයට පවා ළමුන් ටියුෂන් යති. අවුරුදු 10 යනු දරුවා කෙළි දෙළින් කාලය ගත කල යුතු, මනරම් වයසකි.

ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු ගැන කිසිදු නියාමණයක් නොමැති වීම බරපතල අඩුපාඩුවකි. මේ නිසා  ඔවුන් හිතු හිතු සේ වැඩ කරත්.

සිය ගණනින් ළමුන් සහභාගී වන ටියුෂන් පන්ති ඇති නිසා ඒවා මඟින් ළමුන් ඉතා පහසුවෙන් මත්පැන්, මත්ද්‍රව්‍ය , දුම්වැටි පානයට එලභිය හැක.

අද බොහෝ පාසැල් ක්‍රීඩා පිටි හිස්ය. මන්ද, පාසැල් ඉවරවුණු විගස ළමුනට ටියුෂන් පන්ති සඳහා යාමට සිදුවීම නිසාය. මේ ළමයිනට ක්‍රීඩා කිරීමට, විනෝදවීමට කාලයක් ඇත්තේම නැති තරම්ය. ඔවුන්ගේ ළමා විය නිරපරාදේ අභාවයට යයි.

ළමා කාලය සෙල්ලමට සහ විනෝදයටද  යන  දරුවා  පසුව අන් සෑම දෙනා අභිබවා ඉදිරියට යන්නෙකි.  

1960 -80 දශකවල ළමෝ පාසැල් අවසන් වූ පසු පාසලේ විවිධ බාහිර ක්‍රියාකාරකම් වල යෙදුනහ. එදා පාසැල් ක්‍රීඩා පිටි විවිධ ක්‍රීඩා සඳහා පුහුණු වන ළමුන්ගෙන් පිරී තිබුණි.

අද මළල ක්‍රීඩා උත්සවයකටවත් ළමුන් සොයා ගත නොහැකි බව එක් ගුරුවරයෙක් මේ ලියුම්කරු සමඟ පැවසීය. එදා ඉතා උත්කර්ෂවත් ලෙස පැවති පාසැල් තෑගී ප්‍රධාන උත්සව, පාසැල් විවිධ ප්‍රසංග අද ඉතා ඇල්මැරුණු තත්ත්වයට ගොසිනි. මේ බිඳ වැටීම් වලට ටියුෂන් පන්ති අඩු/වැඩි වශයෙන් දායක වී ඇත.

එදා සති අන්තය ළමුන් නිවසේ ගත කලේ ඉතා විවේක සුවයෙනි. පොත් පත් කියවීම එකළ සෑම ළමයෙකුගේම ජිවිතයේ කොටසකි. පොත් සොයමින් ළමුන් පුස්ථකාල පීරා ගියහ. අද?

1960 -80 දශකවල පාසැල් ළමෝ අද ළමෝ මෙන් ඉතා බෙහෙවින් සිය දිවි නසා ගත්තේ නැත. කොළඹ 7 ප්‍රසිද්ධ පිරිමි පාසලක පමණක් පසුගිය මාස 2ට සිය දිවි නසා ගැනීම් 4ක්! තවත් කොළඹ ප්‍රසිද්ධ පිරිමි/බාලිකා පාසැලක පසුගිය මාස 4ට සිය දිවි නසා ගැනීම් 3ක්! රටේ අනෙක් පාසැල් වල?

ටියුෂන් ඉවරවී හවසට/රෑට ළමයා ගෙදර ආවිට අධික මහන්සියට නින්දට යයි, සමහරවිට කෑමවත් නොකා. කොටින්ම පාසලේ`ටියුෂන් පන්තියේ ‘නෝට්ස්’ කියවීමටවත් වෙලාවක් ඔහුට/ඇයට  නොමැත.

පාසලේ නෝට්ස් නම් අද කිසි සිසුවෙක් නොබලන තරමටය. සියලු ආධිපත්‍යය ඇත්තේ ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරයා ළඟ නිසා.  

එදා 1960 – 80 දශකවල, පාසැල අවසන්වී හොඳටම ක්‍රීඩා කර, සවසට පාසැලේදී දුන් ‘හෝම්වර්ක්.’ කර, ගුවන්විදුලියේ මුවන් පැලැස්ස/මොණරතැන්න  වැනි නාට්‍යක් අසා, රෑට කෑම කා,  10ට පමණ නින්දට ගිය ළමයි ඉතා වාසනාවන්ත යයි සිතේ. ඔවුහු ළමා විය හොඳින් භුක්ති වින්ද අයයි.  

අද සමහර ළමුන්ට රෑ 11ටත් ටියුෂන් පන්තියේය. සමහර ටියුෂන් පන්ති ඉවර වෙන්නේ රැ 12 පසුවීය.   

මේ පන්තිවල රෑ 9 – 930ට පමණ විනාඩි 20 – 30 පමණ විවේකයක් දෙයි. එවිට ඔවුන් එළියේ සිටින්නේ නම් ඒ බොහෝවිට කළුවරේය. අවුරුදු 15/16 පිරිමි/ගැහැණු ළමයින් එකට එක්ව තිබිය යුතු වේලාවක්ද මෙය?  මේ ගැහැණු ළමයිනට තිබෙන ආරක්ෂාව කුමක්ද?

ටියුෂන් අවසන් වූ පසු මේ ළමුන් ගෙන යන, රැගෙන එන දෙමව්පියන්ට ඇති වෙහෙස?  අමතර වියදම් – වාහන ඉන්ධන, ත්‍රී වීල් ගාස්තු වැනි. මේ වෙලාවලට බස් නැත.

රාත්‍රී 9න් පසු ටියුෂන් කඩ අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම වැසිය යුතු යයි නීතියක් පැණ විය යුතුයි.

ගෙදර පැමිණි පසු පිඩ්සා, බර්ගර්, චිප්ස්, හොට් ඩෝග්ස් , කොත්තු, අයිස් ක්‍රීම්, චොක්ලට්  ඉල්ලා ළමෝ හඬති. ඒ බොහෝවිට ටියුෂන් පන්තියෙන් ලැබූ අභාශයය. මේවා කන වැඩිහිටියෝ පමණක් නොව ළමුන්ද ඉක්මනට පිළිකා, දියවැඩියා වැනි රෝගවලට ලක්වෙති.

දෙමව්පියෝද මෝඩයන් මෙන් ක්‍රියාකරයි. තම ළමයාගේ අවශ්‍යතාවය නොව පන්තියේ අනිත් ළමුන් යන නිසා තම ළමයාවද ටියුෂන් පන්තිවලට යවයි. තම දුවව ගණිතය සඳහා ටියුෂන් පන්ති 3ට යවන මෝඩ දෙමව්පිය යුවලක් සිටී.

ඉතාම දුප්පත් පවුලක නිසා කිසිම ටියුෂන් පන්තියකට යාමට නොහැකිව, පාසලේ පාඩම් වලින් පමණක් උගෙන විභාග සමත් වී විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයට ගිය දරුවෙක් ගැන මෙම ලියුම්කරු දනී.

අද DP Education නොමිලේ මේ සේවය පාසැල් දරුවනට අන්තර්ජාලය මඟින් ලබා දේ – සියලුම විෂයන්ට වාගේ.  බුද්ධිමත් දෙමව්පියන් සහ දරුවන් මෙයින් උපරිම ප්‍රයෝජන නිවසේ සිට ලබා ගනිත්.

සමහරවිට උදේ පන්තියේ පාසලේ ගුරුවරයාගේම සවස අමතර පන්තිය (ටියුෂන්).

ටියුෂන් වලට පාසැල් පද්ධති මඟින් සහාය, අනුග්‍රහය ලැබෙන්නේ රජයේ ගුරුවරුද මහා පරිමාණයෙන් මේ ක්‍රියාදාමයේ නියැළී සිටින නිසාය.

සිනා පිරුණු කටවල් සහිත දේශපාලනඥයින්ගේ පින්තූර සහිත අති විශාල බැනර්/කට් අවුට්  අප 2010 – 2015 කාලයේ රටේ සෑම පළාතකම වගේ දැක්කෙමු. වාසනාවට දැන් ඒවා නැත. ඒ වෙනුවට  දැන් ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරුන්ගේ පින්තූර බැනර්වල වල ගසා ‘ටියුෂන් කඩ’ අවට  පමණක් නොව ප්‍රධාන මාර්ගවල දැවැන්ත බිල් බෝර්ඩ් මඟින් ප්‍රදර්ශණය වේ (උතුරු/නැගෙනහිර මේ විකාර  නැත).

මේ බිල්බෝර්ඩ් එන්න එන්නම වැඩි  වෙනවා පමණක් නොව ප්‍රමාණයෙන් විශාලද වේ.  මේවා නෙතට ඉතා අමිහිරි දසුන් පමණක් නොව, ඒ නිසා පරිසරය දුෂනයද සිදුවේ.  

මේවා දකින මෙරටට එන විදේශිකයන් මොනවා සිතනවා ඇද්ද?

ඉතා දුෂිත වෙළඳ අලෙවි සංස්කෘතියක් මේ අය මේ රටේ බිහි කර ඇත.

මේ සමහර අයට රජයේ ගුරු වෘත්තියේ යෙදීමට අවශ්‍ය මුලික සුදුසුකම් වත් නැත.

හරිහැටි විෂය මාලාව (syllabus) නොදන්නා ගුරුවරුන් ටියුෂන් පන්ති පවත්වන බවට ආරංචි ලැබී තිබේ.

සමහර ටියුෂන් ගුරුවරු විෂය මාලාව උගන්වා අවසන් නොකරති. ඒ වෙනුවට, මුද්‍රිත නෝට්ස් පිටු සිය ගණන් ළමුන්ට What’s Up මඟින් යවා, තම වගකීම ඉටු කලේ යයි පවසත්.

පැරණි, දැන් විශ්‍රාමික ටියුෂන් මුදළාලිලා සමාජ ජාලා මාධ්‍ය මඟින් මේ සංස්කෘතිය රැක ගැනීමට, තව තවත් වර්ධනය කිරීමට නිතර කථා කරයි. ටියුෂන් යනු ඉතා අනගි, විශිෂ්ට, රටට ඉතා වැඩදායක, නැතිවම බැරි දෙයක් බවට පෙන්වා දීමට මේ අය තදබල ලෙස උත්සහ කරයි. ටියුෂන් වල ඍනාත්මක පැත්ත ගැන මොවුහු කථා නොකරත්.

මේ අය සමාජ ජාලා මාධ්‍ය හරහා ටියුෂන් ආදී ශිෂ්‍ය හමු/සංගම් පවත්වති. ඒවායේ වූදේ රස කර කර පවසති. නුදුරේදී පාසැල් ආදී ශිෂ්‍ය සංගම් පරයා මෙවැනි සංගම් බිහිවෙනු නිසැකය.

මේ සියල්ල කරන්නේ ළමුනට ටියුෂන් නැතිවම බැරි දෙයක් බව පෙන්වීමට විය හැක.

අද 10 වසරෙන් පසු බොහෝ ළමයිගේ ප්‍රධාන පාසැල ටියුෂන් කඩයයි, දෙවැන්න පාසැලයි.  

A/L කරන ළමුන් ඔවුන්ගේ 80% පැමිණීම පෙන්විය යුතුය යන නිතිය නිසා එම පන්ති වලට ළමුන් යම් තරමින් යත්.

මේ නිතීය O/L කරන ළමුන්ටද පැනවිය යුතුයි.

ටියුෂන් කඩ අධ්‍යාපනය මුළුමනින්ම වාගේ වෙළෙඳ භාණ්‌ඩයක්‌ බවට පත් වී ඇත.  සිංහල, ඉතිහාසය, බුද්ධාගම  වැනි විෂයයන් සඳහාත් අද අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම ටියුෂන් ගැනීමට සිදුවන තත්ත්වයක් බිහිවී ඇත.

ටියුෂන් සඳහා එක් ළමයෙකුට රුපියල් දහස්‌/දස දහස් ගණනින් මාස්‌පතා දෙමව්පියෝ වියදම් කරන්නේ හැකියාව ඇති නිසා නොවේ. රජයේ/පුද්ගලික අංශයේ/ස්වයං රැකියා කරන දෙමවුපියන් දරුවන්ගේ අධ්‍යාපනය සඳහා ටියුෂන් පංතිවලට සිය මුළු පඩියම වගේ දිය කරති. මේ නිසා සමහර පවුලවල් නිසි ලෙස එදා වේලවත් කෑමට හැකියාවක් නැත.

අද තනි දෙමව්පියන් ඇති පවුල් බොහෝය. මේ අයට ටියුෂන් බර දරා ගැනීමට ඉතාම අපහසුය.

සෑම රජයක්ම සැම දා වාගේ ගත්තේ ටියුෂන් කඩ කාරයන්ගේ පැත්තය. සමහරෙක් දේශපාලන පක්ෂවලට මුදල් වියදම් කරන නිසා විය හැක.

ටියුෂන් මාෆියක් ලෙසද ක්‍රියාත්මක වන හෙයින් බොහෝ දෙනෙක් මේවාට අත ගැසීමට බියය.

මේ අය ගැන පැමිණිලි කිරීමට දෙමව්පියන්ට තැනක් නැත. අඩුම තරමින් පොලිස් ‘හොට්ලයින්’ නොම්බරයක් වත් නැත.

‘ටියුෂන් ඔම්බඩ්ස්මන්’ වරයෙක් බිහිකිරීම ඉතා කාලෝචිතයි. මෙය කිරීමට ‘කොන්ද පන’ ඇති රජයන් තිබිය යුතුයි.

ටියුෂන් පිස්සුව නිසා විනාශ වන්නේ මල් කැකුළු වන අපේ දරු පරපුර පමණක් නොවේ, දෙමව්පියන්ද ඇතුළු මුළු පවුල් සංස්ථාවමය. ඒ නිසා, රටද අඳුරු, විනාශ මුඛයට යයි.

දියුණු රටවල මෙවැනි ටියුෂන් පිස්සුවක් නැත. ඒ ළමුන් තමනට අවශ්‍ය අධ්‍යාපනය සිය පාසලෙන් ලබා ගනී.  

ටියුෂන් නොමැති නිසා පාසැලෙන්ම ඔවුන් අවශ්‍ය ඉගෙනුම ලබා ගනී.

ඔවුහු පුස්ථකාල පොත් පත් විශාල වශයෙන් පරිශීලනය කරති. වයස වැඩි ළමුන් කාණ්ඩ වශයෙන් එක්වී විභාග විෂයන් සාකච්චා කරති.

ඒ රටවල පාසැල ඇත්තේ නිවසට ආසන්නවය. ඒ ළමුන් අපේ ළමුන් මෙන් නිතරම පීඩනයෙන් බරව ජිවත් වන්නන් නොවේ. ඒ ළමෝ ඉතා හොඳින්, සතුටින් සිය ළමා/යෞවන විය ගත කරත් (අපේ 1960 -70 අය මෙන්).

Good Government Decision

October 25th, 2024

Chanaka Bandarage

Congratulations to the NPP government for its decision not to privatize the Sri Lankan Airlines.

Only a bold government could make bold decisions!

Gota and Ranil were all out to sell it. Of course, they would have sold it for pittance – just like how they sold the Galleface Army Headquarters and the Hambanthota Port respectively.

We know there were buyers. They would have made profits, otherwise, they would not bid.

Then, why cannot the government run it profitably given that the Airline is well established, has good goodwill, and is currently well run? Its catering arm is making much profit already.

It is difficult to comprehend when the world’s airlines are making massive profits why Sri Lankan Airlines is always loss-making.

Last year, Emirates made a profit of US$ 5 billion, and Qantas about U$1.5 billion.

The CEO of Sri Lankan Airlines, Mr Richard Nuttal – an Airline veteran, is a very capable individual. He set out a plan to develop the Airline – leasing/buying more aircraft, which sounded terrific. Let’s hope he will stay.

We are expecting about 2 million foreign tourists a year. If at least 30% of them uses Sri Lankan Airlines, we would be through. Most Sri Lankans also use it.

We have a distinct advantage – ie, our service.

Foreigners love Sri Lankan Airlines because its inflight service is excellent. So, many times we have won the ‘Friendliest Airline’ award.

Our pricing must be competitive.

Our online purchasing system is less user-friendly.

The Airline is not offering adequate/fast discounts. It must try to reach 100% occupancy. Every empty seat is loss revenue.

Sri Lankan Airlines offers its customers non-stop alcohol. This is not necessary. All leading airlines have inflight alcohol consumption limits, especially on short haul flights.

We (Sri Lankan Airlines) should become a main hub for the Maldives and India especially Kochin/Chennai/Bengalaru.

Then, we should try to capture a bulk of the Australian/New Zealand traffic to London and Europe.

Currently we are catering only to the Sri Lankan diaspora there. If we correctly tap the whole Australian/New Zealand market – it is a goldmine.

We should aim at soon running a daily flight on this route (both ways).

It is useless to run services to Seychelles, Durban, Moscow, Djakarta.  On them, most of the seats are empty.

Currently Australians, New Zealanders travelling to London have a stopover in Bangkok, KL, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. But, Colombo is the shortest route to reach London from Australia.

In Qantas’ first ever London bound flight (from Perth in 1944), it had  only one stopover; that was not Hong Kong, Singapore or any other airport, but Colombo. That flight took 17 hours. This service ran for several years.

This was the first plane to have the Kangaroo logo applied to it. Thus, it was called ‘the Kangaroo Route’.

After Air Lanka was handed to them on a platter, Emirates developed itself as a major airline. Until then they were small.

Thanks to using Air Lanka’s landing rights in London (Heathrow), Europe (including Paris’ Charles De Gaulle), New York (John F Kennedy), Sydney (Kingsford Smith) and Melbourne (Tullamarine); Emirates had a huge windfall. Today, Emirates is one of the world’s largest and most successful airlines.

After the 2001 Katunayake bomb blast there were massive payouts by insurance companies, amounting to billions of dollars.  All the lost planes belonged to Air Lanka, but,  Emirates took that money. We had an utterly incompetent, corrupt, idiotic government then.

Owing to losing almost of the entirety of our air fleet, today we are renting planes  at exorbitant rates.

The fact that Sri Lanka is now a famous tourist destination and there is no land route to come here, Sri Lankan Airlines simply cannot go wrong.

It is due to corruption and mismanagement that the Airline has always sustained losses (even in Air Lanka days).

Even the ex-chairmen and directors are still enjoying luxurious benefits like free annual air travel, free use of the Serendib and Serendiva lounges and other  perks like free souvenirs, Christmas hampers etc. All these must be scrapped.

Even the existing board of directors and senior staff must not be bestowed with  undue perks.

Let us hope that the President has appointed a good Chairman and a Board of Directors this time.

The writer suggests that the Sri Lanka Airlines be made a public company with the government holding 51% of the share capital; and list it in the Colombo Stock Exchange. A massive share float should be launched at a fair par value. Because people have so much trust, faith and love for the new President, they will rush to grab shares in this initial offer. Even the middle-class and poor people must be encouraged to buy at least few.

By this way, the general investing public would always be able to freely buy and sell Sri Lankan Airlines shares. The Airline should be able to raise about Rs 10 billion this way. That will be sufficient for it to run on its own, without needing cash injections by the treasury.

Of course, there will be a huge onus on the new Board to run the airline well and produce results; so that the shareholders (ordinary mothers and fathers) will reap benefits (dividends).

(One sad thing in Sri Lanka is that very few people are involved in share trading. Now that we have an honest government, people must be encouraged to actively trade in the stock market. The Sri Lankan Airlines share float proposed  herein will be a good avenue for many to embark on share trading first time).

Once again, well done the Government!

උගන්ඩා, ශීෂෙල්ස් සැගවූ ඩොලර් කදු ගෙනැත් ණයත් ගෙවා ජනතාවට සහන දෙන්න යෝජනාවක්..

October 25th, 2024

උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්

පසුගිය සහ පාලන සමයන්හි සොරකම් කර උගන්නාවේ හා ශීෂෙල්ස් දූපත්වල සඟවා ඇති බව පැවසූ ඩොලර් ප්‍රමාණය ඉක්මනින්ම මෙරටට ගෙන විත් ණය ගෙවා දමා ජනතාවට සහන සලස්වා ඔවුන්ගේ ජීවන බර ලිහිල් කරනු ඇතැයි බලාපොරොත්තු වන බව ශ්‍රී ලංකා පොදු ජන පෙරමුණ සඳහන් කරයි.

එම පක්ෂයේ ප්‍රධාන ලේකම් සාගර කාරියවසම් මහතා ශ්‍රී ලංකා පොදුජන පෙරමුණ මූලස්ථානයේදී පැවැති මාධ්‍ය හමුවකදී මේ බව කියා සිටියේය.

අපි දන්නවා මේ රටේ ජනතාව ශ්‍රී ලංකා පොදුජන පෙරමුණට ජනාධිපතිවරයෙක් බිහි කරන්නේ හැටනව ලක්ෂයක ජනවරමකුත් ඒ වගේම පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට තුනෙන් දෙකක බලයකුත් දීලා. ලොකු බලාපොරොත්තු ඇතිව මේ රටේ වෙනසක් කළා 2019 – 2020 කියන කාලයේ. නමුත් මේ රටේ ඇතිවෙච්ච කොවිඩ් වසංගතය දීර්ඝ කාලයක් රට වසා තැබීම මත මේ රටේ ආදායම් ඉපයීම අහිමි වීමත් කියන කාරණා මත මේ රටේ ආර්ථිකය ඉතාම අපහසු තත්වයකට පත්වෙලා ඒ කාරණ මත තමයි ජනාධිපතිවරයාට සහ අපේ රජයට අතහරින තැනට කරුණු සිදු වුණේ.

නමුත් මේ ආර්ථිකය කඩාවැටීමට හේතුව රට වසා තැබීම සහ කොවිඩ් වසංගතයත් මත ඇති වෙච්ච ප්‍රතිපලය කියන කාරණයත්, ඊට කලින් යහපාලන රජය කාලයේ රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මැතිතුමා ඉතා විශාල ණය ප්‍රමාණයක් අරගෙන, ඒ ණය ප්‍රමාණය මත රටේ ආර්ථිකයට දැඩි බරක් කියන කාරණය වසන් කරලා දිගින් දිගටම ජනතාවට කිව්වේ මේ රාජපක්ෂවරු සහ අපේ ආණ්ඩුව ජනතාවගේ මුදල් හොරකම් කරලා සීශේල්ස් වලට යැව්වා, උගණ්ඩාවට යැව්වා කියලා. මේ රටේ තිබෙන විදේශ විනිමය විදේශ රටවලට යවලා ඒ මත මේ රටේ ආර්ථිකය කඩාවැට්ටුවා කියන කාරණය තමයි ජනතාවගේ මනසට ඇතුල් කළේ.

මේ තත්ත්වය යටතේ මේ රටේ ජනතාව ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ දිගින් දිගටම මතුරවපු හොරකම, වංචාව කාරණය ඉතා දැඩිව විශ්වාස කළා. ඒ නිසා තමයි පොහොට්ටුවට ඡන්දය දීපූ ජනතාව ඒ ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ කිව්ව කතා විශ්වාස කරලා මේ වතාවෙත් බහුතරයක් ශ්‍රි ලංකා පොදුජන පෙරමුණ සමඟ හිටපු මේ රටට ආදරය කරන, මේ රටේ ජාතිකත්වයට ගරු කරන ඒ ජනතාව තමයි පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී ඡන්දය දුන්නේ.

හැබැයි අපි මාලිවේ ඔබ සැමට කියන්න ඕන ඔබතුමන්ලා ජනතාවට කිව්වේ මේ රටේ සල්ලි හොරකම් කරලා, පිටරට යවලා මේ රට කඩාවැටුණා කියලා නම්, දැන් ජනතාව බලාගෙන සිටිනවා එය ඔප්පු කරන්කන්. ඒ නිසා කරුණාකරලා සීෂෙල්ස්වල නැතිනම් උගණ්ඩාවේ ඒ කිව්ව සල්ලි වහාම ලංකාවට ගෙනල්ලා මේ තිබෙන ණය ගෙවලා ජනතාවට සහන සලස්වන්න.”

Sri Lanka met with bondholders, aims to exit default as soon as possible, central bank governor says

October 25th, 2024

Courtesy CNA

Sri Lanka met with bondholders, aims to exit default as soon as possible, central bank governor says
FILE PHOTO: Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka speaks during a LSEG FX community gathering in Colombo, Sri Lanka August 7, 2023. REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte/File Photo

WASHINGTON :Sri Lanka met this week with its bondholders in Washington to discuss a debt exchange as the South Asian country aims to emerge from default as soon as possible, central bank Governor Nandalal Weerasinghe said on Friday.

He said the talks, which happened on the sidelines of the IMF/World Bank meetings in Washington, aim to quickly get Sri Lanka “out of this default category.”

Citibank will act as dealer manager to take charge of a consent solicitation, the next step for the island nation to exit default.

Sri Lanka defaulted in 2022 for the first time ever after being hit by an economic crisis, and reached in September a draft deal with creditors to restructure $12.5 billion of international bonds. Earlier this month the International Monetary Fund and official bilateral creditors backed the proposal.

Weerasinghe said the next review of the IMF program will be delayed, but did not give a timeline on when it would happen or if it would be before the end of this year.

The fund said earlier this month after a visit to Colombo that it would continue to engage with Sri Lanka’s economic team to set a date for the third review.

Looking forward, Weerasinghe said depending on how fast economic reforms can be implemented he expects the Sri Lankan economy to grow “around 3 per cent” in 2025.


October 24th, 2024


The Ceylon Tamils aggressively pursued Settler Colonization after the island gained Independence. The British rulers left without allocating territory to the Tamil settlers, and the Tamil settlers found themselves face to face with the indigenous group they had hoped to displace. That group was now in power. But the Tamil Settlers had no intention of giving up their Settler ambitions. They were going to challenge the locals and get what they want.

 The Tamil Separatist Movement was able to push forward two Agreements and two Acts of Parliament all intended to ensure that the North and East remained exclusively Tamil with the possibility of partition later on. The four ‘instruments’ are Bandaranaike-Chelvanayagam Pact, (1957) Dudley- Chelvanayagam Pact, (1965) the District Development Councils Act (1987) and the Provincial Councils Act (1987).

The Bandaranaike-Chelvanayagam Pact of 1957 is   a good example of Settler strategy. The Tamil Separatist Movement was alarmed when the MEP won General Election of April 1956.  In August 1956, Illankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi ( Lanka Tamil State Party)  ITAK  held its party convention in Trincomalee . It  made four demands on the MEP government .  The government must respond  to these demands by August 20, 1957. [1] If not ITAK would   engage in satyagraha.

The demands were:

1. The establishment of an autonomous Tamil state or states on a linguistic basis within a Federal Union of Ceylon.
2. The restoration of the Tamil language to its rightful place, enjoying absolute parity of status with Sinhala as an official language of this country.
3. The restoration of the citizenship and franchise rights to Tamil workers in the plantation districts by the repeal of the present citizenship laws.
4. The immediate cessation of all policies of colonizing the traditionally Tamil-speaking areas with Sinhalese people

The MEP  government was busy fussing over  language . The government had   decided to do away with   the English letters on vehicle number plates, replacing them  with  ‘Sri’. The Tamil politicians protested and demanded that the Tamil ‘Shree’ also be substituted , despite  the fact that there was no letter ‘Sri’ in the Tamil alphabet.

On January 19  ITAK began an anti-Sri campaign in the northeast. Vehicles began running with Tamil letters. The ‘Sinhala’ Sri was changed into the Sanskrit derived  ‘Shree’ .A counter-campaign began in the Sinhala majority provinces. Tamil letters were tar-brushed or blacked out on street signs and name boards. There were widespread incidents of  friction on a minor scale.

ITAK  then declared that when government ministers and deputy ministers came  north east  for official purposes, satyagrahis would surround the  places where ministers were scheduled to go and block their entry.

 Cabinet Ministers W. Dahanayake and M. Marikkar were mobbed in Batticaloa. Stanley de Zoysa was treated to a massive show of black flags in Mannar. Deputy Minister of Labour M.P de Z. Siriwardena who went by  mail train to Jaffna found his path blocked outside the railway station by youths led by Appapillai Amirthalingam. Siriwardena returned to Colombo by the next Yarl Devi.” [2]

Since the government  was not doing anything about the  four demands ITAK  eventually  announced that it   would hold  its satyagraha on  August 20, 1957. Volunteers numbering 25, 000 were registered. Some Sinhala leaders began a move to mobilize 100, 000 volunteers to combat the Tamil campaign. A major showdown seemed inevitable.

In view of this impending clash, SWRD decided  to meet Chelvanayagam. This was at  the personal initiative of the Prime Minister himself, said D.B.S. Jeyaraj . The first meeting was held on June 22  1957 at the Premier’s residence in Horagolla. Two Tamil lawyers, P. Navaratnarajah QC and A.C. Nadarajah acted as intermediaries. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike and Stanley de Zoysa  represented the government;  S.J.V.Chelvanayagam, C. Vanniyasingham, N.R. Rajavarothayam, V.A. Kandiah, E.M.V. Naganathan and V. Navaratnam from  ITAK .

ITAK made its position clear. ITAK wanted a federal government. ITAK pointed out that SWRD had advocated this some years ago. SWRD said that though he had  suggested federalism then, he had  now changed his mind.Besides he had no mandate   for introducing federalism. [3]

SWRD asked ITAK to suggest something else. ITAK went home and  consulted former Law College Principal Brito Muthunayagam  and A. J.  Wilson, a political scientist and son in law of Chelvanayagam . ITAK looked at the constitutions of several federal countries and took  Northern Ireland  as its model.

 Former Kopay MP. C. Vanniyasingham and ex-Kayts MP. V. Navaratnam  drafted a new scheme and forwarded it to  Prime Minister . In the new scheme ITAK  wanted  the Northeast  to be a separate but subordinate state with a unicameral legislature and a cabinet. External affairs, defence, currency, stamps, customs, inter-regional transport, would remain with the central government. Block grants would be made by Colombo while domestic taxation could also supplement revenue. Policing was a state responsibility. The subordinate state would be represented in Colombo through elected MPs. There would be a central cabinet minister for Tamil affairs.

A second round of talks was held at S.W.R.D’s Rosemead Place residence. Chelvanayagam, Vanniyasingham, Naganathan and Navaratnam represented the ITAK. Bandaranaike pointed out that the  ITAK  draft amounted to federalism. He suggested that a  scheme be  drawn up in point form,  emphasizing administrative de-centralization.  He  objected to words like ‘parliament’ and ‘cabinet’ saying they  indicated  a separate state. [4]

A Regional Councils  Bill  had been published in draft form in the Gazette of 17. May 1957. Bandaranaike  suggested  that ITAK should  take a look at it. ITAK did so and decided to include  Regional Councils in the BC Pact.

Analysts noted that  this Regional Councils Bill    never came up in Parliament, and thus escaped public scrutiny. It disappeared with the disappearance of the Pact they said. But it has been reproduced in K.M de Silva’s book ” Devolution in Sri Lanka: S.W.R.D Bandaranaike and the debate on power sharing” (ICES, Kandy 1996) as Document VII, p 72 –

ITAK delegation   revised its  document,  as requested by SWRD, but  the original proposals were retained . ITAK replaced ‘Parliament’ with ‘Regional council’  and ‘Cabinet’ was  replaced by  ‘Board of Directors.’ Thereafter a series of discussions took place between Stanley de Zoysa, and ITAK leaders. The  Prime Minister  did not participate but proposed many changes through Stanley de Zoysa.  ITAK was persuaded to accept most of these changes.

But on one point the ITAK remained firm. The ITAK wanted the northeast to form one single regional council. S.W.R.D. was equally firm.  There cannot be a merger. North could be one unit, but the east must be  separated from the north and it  should have two or more units. Eventually it was  agreed that the north would  be one council and the east be divided into two or more councils. The councils could merge if desired .Existing boundaries could be re-demarcated if necessary.

The final meeting,  with several Cabinet ministers also present, took place on July 25, 1957 at the Prime Minister’s office. It began at 7 p.m.  and ended at 2 am the next day.  The Cabinet ministers were firm that the status of Sinhala as official language should not be eroded. After protracted discussion a compromise was suggested by  Minister William Silva that Tamil be recognized as the language of the national minorities. Tamil was to be the language of administration in the  north east. [5]

Several ministers led by Philip Gunewardena refused to delegate their powers to the future North and East councils. The ITAK members retired to another room while cabinet ministers sorted out the issue. Subsequently ‘line’ ministers agreed to devolve their powers. Lastly,    Prime Minister  was willing to stop Sinhala colonization  and also agreed to a  land settlement policy that  suited ITAK.  V. Navaratnam then read out in point form  what  had been agreed to.  But Navaratnam  told Jeyaraj, many years later,  that ITAK  was not happy with  some aspects of the agreement.

The  media were called in at 2.30 am. Chelvanayagam said an agreement had been worked out and that the details will be given by the  Prime Minister . S.W.R.D. then read out from V. Navaratnam’s notes. The  media asked ITAK whether they were satisfied. Naganathan, Vanniyasingham, Rajavarothayam and Amirthalingam  said they were satisfied. Chelvanayakam then  said that the ITAK would postpone its  satyagraha scheduled for August 20.

ITAK realized some time later that  no actual  pact had been signed by Bandaranaike or Chelvanayakam . There was nothing in writing to show that an agreement had been entered into. Therefore, the next day,  June 26 ,  Navaratnam drafted in triplicate, the terms and clauses of what is known today as the Banda-Chelva pact  It was in two parts. Part A  was a summary of discussions and agreements reached. Part B  was about the structure, powers and composition of the proposed Regional Councils.

Chelvanayagam went  to the Prime Minister’s office with this document   and obtained SWRD’s endorsement. It was done quietly, away from the media glare, observed Jeyaraj. Bandaranaike was given one copy, Chelvanayagam had the other. Navaratnam kept the third copy. Navaratnam  later told Jeyaraj that his   copy was destroyed by EPRLF militants during the Eelam war. EPRLF had taken  over  Navaratnam ‘s    residence. Navaratnam was in Canada. [6]

 The Bandaranaike – Chelvanayakam Pact, ( see Appendix for the text) was merely an agreement between the Prime Minister and   representatives of  Illankai Tamil Arasu  Kadchi ( Lanka Tamil state Party)  led by S.J.V Chelvanayakam.  It was  accepted  to avoid a threatened mass satyagraha led by  ITAK against the “Sinhala Only’ Bill. It was abrogated, literally torn up , apparently, on April 9, 1958.

When the Bandaranaike -Chelvanayakam Pact was announced it caused great consternation and also a few titters. It was pointed out that the two signatories ‘did not seem to have the same view of the clauses’. Bandaranaike was evasive about the whole thing, while Chelvanayakam was announcing that the colonization of the North and East by the Sinhalese had been effectively stopped.[7]

The media reported that Bandaranaike gave a ‘long laboured statement’ on 12.8.57 with the terms of the agreement ‘tucked away inconspicuously at the end .Politicians said that now at long last they were able to see what the Pact was about.[8]

The Ceylon Daily News of 13.8.57  announced on page 1 that the Prime Minister, had stated that colonization would continue and that the Regional Councils were only for administration. On the same page Chelvanayagam was recorded as stating that Bandaranaike was going back on the 4 point programme agreed on.

Bandaranaike and Chelvanayagam met   again on 14.8.57 and  managed to get their act together. Then they parted. Chelvanayakam to the North, to explain the Pact to the Tamils and Bandaranaike to the South to pacify the apprehensive Sinhalese, some of whom were already hopping mad regarding  matters pertaining to the ‘rightful position’ of the Sinhalese.

ITAK declared, at a special session of its National Convention assembled at the Town Hall, Batticaloa, on 28th July 1957 that State aided Sinhalese colonization of the Northern and Eastern provinces will be effectively stopped forthwith.”   Also that there     would be a large measure of regional self-government’ under the proposed Regional Councils Act.[9] Chelvanayagam’s claim that Sinhala colonization had been stopped    caused ‘great public indignation’ [10]  and in October 1957  all state sponsored major colonization schemes were brought under the   direct control of the  Lands Ministry, as a precaution.[11]

The Ceylon Daily news of 20.9.57 reported that the   Prime Minister  planned to tour the country holding propaganda meetings to explain to the people the correct position in regard to the Pact’ . later Bandaranaike stated that he had been able to ‘persuade the majority of the Sinhalese that  the Pact was fair and just’ [12]

However, there was considerable opposition to the Bandaranaike -Chelvanayagam Pact in the south. At a public rally of the UNP at Victoria Park, Colombo, Dudley Senanayake opposed the ‘Regional division of Ceylon on racial grounds’ and the establishment of a ‘state within a state through Regional Councils’ [13]

Dudley Senanayake, speaking  before the UNP at Sri Kotha queried  Is it right to develop vast irrigation and colonization schemes and hand them over for the exclusive settlement of one race, the Tamils, under Regional Council scheme – when it should benefit the entire nation. The gravity of this concession will be felt when one realizes that most of the major irrigation and colonization schemes such as Heda Oya, Magalawaturan Aru, Yan Oya, Padaviya, Malvatu Oya and Mahaweli Ganga are situated mainly or wholly in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.”[14]

J.R. Jayewardene organized a protest march  against the BC Pact from Colombo to Kandy on October 3rd 1957.Former Gampaha MP S.D.Bandaranayake blocked the march with his supporters at Imbulgoda along the Colombo –Kandy road. There was a hectic stand-off and a large number of policemen were deployed to maintain peace. Bandaranayake  said he had initially blocked the march with only twelve people, gradually hundreds of people had flocked in support voluntarily. The march was called off. But it helped foment adverse public opinion against the B- C Pact. 

The All Ceylon Moors Association led by Sir Razeek Fareed requested a meeting with the  Prime Minister  as they were. perturbed by the Pact. They pointed out that ‘no measures should be contemplated as would make the Ceylon Moors a minority  within a minority”. [15]

The Sinhala Jathika Sangamaya opposed  the BC Pact flatly and unequivocally,  stating that there were no ‘Tamil lands’ all were ‘Sinhala lands’[16]. There was  opposition from three sets of trade unions, Sri Lanka Independent Industries and Commercial Workers Union, Central Council of Ceylon Trade Unions and the Federation of Socialist trade Unions.[17]

The march to Kandy and the subsequent Satyagraha launched by representatives of the Sinhala Jatika Sangamaya and Sri Lanka Sangha Sabhava, created a  wave of opposition to the B-C Pact. 200 Buddhist priests and 300 others squatted outside Bandaranaike’s house on April 9, 1958 demanding the Pact be revoked.

In the face of mounting pressures, from the Sinhala public as well as the Buddhist clergy, on 9th April, 1958   Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranaike publicly disowned the BC Pact[18] and the agreement was publicly torn up.  

Bandaranaike issued a statement regarding the B-C Pact and its abrogation on 15.4.58, where he said Another question that arises is the real intention of the Federal Party. Were they genuine in regard to the agreement they reached with me? Were they only looking upon it as a first step towards something else? If so what is that something else? “[19] The ‘something else’ was of course, the creation of a Tamil state.

 The Tamil Separatist Movement never forgot the Bandaranaike -Chelvanayakam Pact.  The Movement  is still talking about the  Pact   today. It was for them a historic Pact, which marked the first stage of negotiations for the creation of an independent, sovereign Tamil state by statute, with Trincomalee as its capital. It involved the merger of the North and East, and the creation an ethnic Tamil state by employing colonization policies which favored the Tamils, and excluded the Sinhalese.  The north and east would not be converted into Sinhalese majority areas.[20]  

The agreement signed by SWRD Bandaranaike and SJV Chelvanayagam in 1957 was a significant event in the political history of post-independent Sri Lanka, said Jeyaraj. The Prime Minister of the day and the leader of the biggest Tamil political party had come to an understanding which if implemented may have helped contain the ethnic conflict at its nascent stages,. [21]

The Tamil Separatist Movement repeatedly maintains that the Tamil Separatist activity that took place  in the past decades was because Sri Lanka did not agree to the implementation of the Bandaranaike­ Chelvanayakam Pact. The B-C pact was a golden opportunity to resolve the  Tamil problem through a  political  settlement based on power sharing, but  it never  got off the ground [22] because of political opposition in the South,  said Tamil analysts.

One month after the BC Pact was aborted the 1958 Sinhala Tamil riots started. [23] The  killing started at Gal Oya and spread from there. ITAK supporters who  were returning to Batticaloa by train were stopped and assaulted, on 25 May 1958, Jaffna bound train from Colombo was derailed.  The Hindu priest at Kandasamy kovil in Panadura was dragged out,   petrol was  poured over him and he was burnt. No one in the large crowd watching dared intervene.

The 1958 riots are presented as riots without any provocation, indicating a senseless hatred of  Tamils on the part of the Sinhalese.  This essay shows that there was plenty of  provocation.   ITAK showed open hostility to the MEP government from 1956 onwards.

 ITAK  strenuously objected to Sinhala Only and Sinhala colonization of the north, two  sensitive issues  of the Sinhalese.  The BC Pact and Anti Sri would have  added to  this situation.  Also, I am personally aware that  in the 1950s there was  much  pent up resentment about the privileged position enjoyed  by the Tamils during British rule. That may also have contributed.  Whether  all this justifies killing is another matter.

 To conclude, the B-C Pact was just one of the many significant activities going on the country at the time, said analysts. The period between July 1957 and April 1958, which was the duration of this unfortunate Pact also saw some very important achievements. The Trincomalee harbor and subsequently the Katunayake Air Base were taken over from the British. The all-important Paddy Lands Bill was passed, and followed by the Guaranteed price for paddy.

A University Commission was set up chaired by Needham and the Kandyan Peasantry Commission report was to be implemented. Sinhala was introduced as the medium of instruction for Advanced level, and the second Medical Faculty at Peradeniya was mooted. A National Provident Fund Bill was presented, amendments to the Workmens Compensation Act, and provisions made for public servants to speak out in the public interest. In addition to all this, this period saw a major flood of epic proportions in December1957 and January 1958, prior to which there was a spate of industrial strikes, notably those at the Port and the Railway.  


Bandaranaike – Chelvanayakam Pact, July 1957

Part A

 Representatives of the Federal Party had a series of discussions with the Prime Minister in an effort to resolve the differences of opinion that had been growing and creating tension

. At the early stages of these conversations it became evident that it was not possible for the Prime Minister to accede to some of the demands of the Federal Party.

 The Prime Minister stated that, from the point of view of the Government, he was not in a position to discuss the setting up of a Federal Constitution, or regional autonomy or any step which would abrogate the Official Language Act.

 The question then arose whether it was possible to explore the possibility of an adjustment without the Federal Party abandoning or surrendering any of its fundamental principles or objectives.

At this stage the Prime Minister suggested an examination of the government’s Draft Regional Council Bill to see whether provisions can be made under it to meet, reasonably, some of the matters in this regard which the Federal Party had in view.

The agreements so reached are embodied in a separate document.

Regarding the language the Federal Party reiterated its stand for parity but in view of the position of the Prime Minister in this matter they came to an agreement by way of an adjustment. They pointed out that it was important for them that there would be recognition of Tamil as a national language and that the administrative work in of the Northern and the Eastern Provinces should be done in Tamil.

The Prime Minister stated that as mentioned by him earlier it was not possible for him to take any steps that would abrogate the Official Language Act.

Use of Tamil; After discussions it was agreed that the proposed legislation should contain recognition of Tamil as the language of a national minority of Ceylon and that the four points mentioned by Prime Minister should include provision that, without infringing on the position of the Official Language as such, the language of administration of the Northern And Eastern Provinces be Tamil, and any necessary provision be made for non-Tamil speaking minorities in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.

Regarding the question of Ceylon citizenship for the people of Indian descent and the Citizenship Act, the representatives of the Federal Party forwarded their views to the Prime Minister and pressed for an early settlement.

The Prime Minister indicated that this problem would receive early consideration.

 In view of these conclusions the Federal Party stated that they were withdrawing their proposed satyagraha.

Part B

1. Regional areas to be defined in the Bill itself by embodying them in the Schedule thereto.

2. That the Northern Province is to form one regional area whilst the Eastern Province is to be divided into one or more regional areas.

3. Provision is to be made in the Bill to enable two or more regions to amalgamate even beyond provincial limit; and for one region to divide itself subject to ratification by Parliament. Further provision is to be made in the Bill for two or more regions to collaborate for specific purposes of common interests


4. Provision is to be made for the direct election of Regional councillors. Provision is to be made for a delimitation commission or commissions for carving out electorates. The question of MPs representing districts falling within regional areas to be eligible to function as chairman is to be considered. The question of Government Agents being Regional Commissioners is to be considered. The question of supervisory functions over larger towns, strategic towns and municipalities is to be looked into.


 5. Parliament is to delegate powers and specify them in the Act. It was agreed that regional councils should have powers over specified subjects including agriculture, cooperatives, lands and land developments, colonization, education, health, industries, fisheries, housing, social services, electricity, water schemes and roads. Requisite definition of powers be made in the Bill


 6. It was agreed that in the matter of colonization schemes the powers of the regional councils shall include the powers to select allottees to whom land within their area of authority shall be alienated and also power to select personnel to be employed for work on such schemes. The position regarding the area at present administered by the Gal Oya Board in this matter requires consideration.


 7. The powers in regard to the Regional councils vested in the Minister of Local Government in the draft bill to be revised with a view to vesting control in Parliament wherever necessary. 8. The Central Government will provide block grants to the regional councils. The principles on which the grants will be computed will be gone into. The regional councils shall have powers of taxation and borrowing

8. The Central Government will provide block grants to the regional councils. The principles on which the grants will be computed will be gone into. The regional councils shall have powers of taxation and borrowing[24]   END. ( continued)

[1] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[2] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[3] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[4] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[5] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[6] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[7]  Ceylon Daily News. 12.8.1957 p 7

[8] Ceylon Daily News 19.8.57 p 1,3

[9] https://www.cpalanka.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/8/mark_Agreements_in_Sri_Lanka.pdf

[10] Ceylon Daily News 19.8.57 p 1,3

[11]  Ceylon Daily News 3.10.57 p I

[12] Ceylon Daily News 16.4.58 p 1, 3

[13] Ceylon Daily News 19.8. 57 p 1,3

[14]  Ceylon Daily News 12.8.57 p 7,12

[15] Ceylon Daily News 14.8.57 p 1

[16]   Ceylon Daily News 12.8.57 p 5

[17] Ceylon Daily news 10.4. 58

[18] https://www.cpalanka.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/8/mark_Agreements_in_Sri_Lanka.pdf

[19]  Ceylon Daily News 16.4. 58 p.3

[20] https://www.cpalanka.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/8/mark_Agreements_in_Sri_Lanka.pdf

[21] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[22] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[23] https://www.dailymirror.lk/dbs-jeyaraj-column/The-abortive-Banda-Chelva-pact-of/192-108546

[24] https://eelamhouse.com/docs/history-docs/Banda-Chelva-Pact-1957.pdf


October 24th, 2024


The Tamil Separatist Movement was able to push forward two Agreements and two Acts of Parliament all intended to ensure that the North and East remained exclusively Tamil with the possibility of partition later on.   IN between the BC  Pact and the Dudley Chelva Pact, the Tamil Separatist Movement submitted a set of Minimum demands to the UNP and SLFP.


Chelvanayakam submitted a set of ‘minimum demands’ to the UNP and SLFP when they both failed to get an absolute majority at the General Election of March 1960. UNP got 50 seats, SLFP 46 and ITAK 15. Chelvanayagam’s statement said that this was on invitation from the two parties. I think that this is unlikely, because the demands, it appears, were summarily rejected.

 Here is the text ( edited) of the ITAK  Minumum Demands 1960:

A statement obtaining the minimum demands submitted to the leaders of the UNP and SLFP on 30.3.1960 by SJV Chelvanayagam on behalf of the Federal Party when both parties failed to get an absolute majority after the 1960 March elections and sought the support of the FP to form a government.

The results of the General election have demonstrated that that the Tamil speaking people of Ceylon have endorsed in overwhelming numbers their acceptance of the policy and objective of my party, which can be briefly stated as follows

  1. The replacement of the present unitary constitution by a federal constitution which recognizes the autonomy of the Tamil speaking areas.
  2. The restoration of the Tamil language  to its rightful place enjoying  parity with  Sinhala as the official language of the country
  3.  The granting of citizenship rights to  Tamil persons of Indian origin who are settled in Ceylon.[estate Tamils]
  4. The cessation of planned colonization of the traditionally Tamil areas with Sinhalese people.

 Acceptance of the matters on which agreement is effected between ourselves should be indicated in the Throne Speech and there after implemented by legislative action which should be complete within three months

  1. Granting of regional autonomy for the Northern and eastern provinces by the creation of one regional body for the Northern Province and one or more regional bodies for the eastern province with the right of these bodies to amalgamate. Power to be delegated on such regional bodies for specific subjects such as agriculture, cooperatives, land and land development , land alienation and colonization, irrigation,    education,  health, industries, and fisheries housing and social services, electivity , water schemes and road. Pending the           establishment of the regional bodies state  aided colonization referred to above  is to be suspended
  2. Tamil to be recognized statutorily and administratively as the national language of the Tamil speaking peoples in Ceylon. Tamil is to be made the language of administration and of the courts of law in the northern and eastern provinces…. The right of Tamil spoken people throughout Ceylon to be educated in the Tamil language in all stages upto and including the university and the right of entry to the public services by competitive examination in Tamil to be statutorily recognized. Every Tamil person should be entitled in law to transact business and correspondence with the government in all parts of Ceylon in Tamil. All legislation, gazette notifications, government publications, notices and forms should be in Tamil also.
  3. The citizenship act to be amended ……
  4.  Till such time as the question of citizenship and franchise of the estate Tamil population is settled… representation in parliament to be provided by nomination …. [from] Ceylon Indian Congress.

 Points not covered by the foregoing paragraphs will be settled by negotiation between the government and the party.  (Source.  KM de Silva. Managing ethnic tensions in multi-ethnic societies. p 400) 


The Dudley Senanayake- Chelvanayagam Pact’,  see Appendix, was made in March 1965. The agreement which was between the UNP and the Federal Party was never officially released, but the agreement appeared in the newspapers later.[1] The Pact was dismissed contemptuously   as a ‘horse deal’ to gain votes.[2] 

The Dudley- Chelva Pact was the result of ITAK negotiations after the March 1965 General elections. At this election no party got a clear majority. UNP had      66 seats, SLFP had 41 and ITAK had 14. ITAK held the balance of power.

ITAK started to negotiate with both SLFP and UNP. The negotiator was Murugesu Thiruchelvam. Thiruchelvam conducted these parallel discussions secretively and reported only to Chelvanayagam, said DBS Jeyaraj. The other ITAK leaders were not informed.  UNP and SLFP we are told did not know that ITAK was talking to both.  I think that this was most unlikely.

A meeting was set up between Dudley Senanayake and S.J.V. Chelvanayagam at the Turret Road (now Dharmapala Mawatha) residence of Dr. M.V.P. Peiris. Dudley was accompanied by J.R. Jayewardene, V.A. Sugathadasa and Esmond Wickremesinghe. ITAK delegation was Chelvanayagam, Dr. E.M.V. Naganathan, S.M. Rasamanickam, V. Navaratnam and M. Thiruchelvam

UNP was agreeable to three of the ITAK demands, namely use of Tamil language in administration, use of Tamil in courts,  and de-centralization of power to the north and east, UNP  also  agreed to set  up District Councils.

But there was strong disagreement on the subject of land alienation and settlement. The D-C Pact said that the Land Development Ordinance will be amended in the granting of land under colonization schemes.  the following will be observed in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. (a) Land in the Northern and Eastern Provinces should in the first instance be granted to landless persons in the District. (b) Secondly – to Tamil -speaking persons resident in the Northern and Eastern Provinces, and (c) Thirdly – to other citizens in Ceylon, preference being given to Tamil citizens in the rest of the Island.”

 ITAK insisted that the demography of the north and east should not be altered by State aided colonization of Sinhala settlers. ITAK called it Sinhala colonization of the traditional Tamil homeland”. ITAK demanded that only Tamil speaking people should be settled in colonization schemes in the north and east. Dudley Senanayake vehemently objected to this. The discussion   stalled, but ITAK support was necessary for the UNP form a government.

Esmond Wickremesinghe suggested a compromise. It was suggested that when irrigation schemes were implemented in a district and agricultural settlers were given lands, priority should be given to people of the same province. Thereafter priority should be given to people from adjacent provinces. This compromise was acceptable to both sides. The DC Pact was signed.[3]

The agreement which was between the UNP and the Federal Party, was apparently never officially released, but  a text had appeared in the newspapers some time after. ( K.M de Silva. “managing ethnic tensions. “Appendix VIII p 402)

critics pounced  on the clauses relating to Land. This was considered the most sensitive part of the   Pact. It was quoted repeatedly in wirtings. The clause said. The Land Develpment Ordinance will be amended in the granting of land under colonisation schemes the following priorities be observed in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. (a) Land in the Norhtern and Eastern Provinces should  in the first instane be granted to landless persons in the District (b) secondly to Tamil speaking  persons resident in the Northern and Eastern Proivnces, (c) Thirdly to other citizes in Ceylon, preference being given to Tamil citizens in the rest of the island. ( end)

the “Dudley Senanayake- Chelvanayagam Pact’ of March 1965,  was dismissed contemptuously by contemporary commentatators as a ‘horse deal’ to gain votes.   The D-C Pact was forgotten by everybody except the Tamil Separatist Movement which regularly referred to it.


 The idea of District Councils   was revived in another form in 1980 when JR Jayewardene was President. The idea of setting up District Council would have been put to him by   A.J. Wilson and Neelan Thiruchelvam who were close advisers to JR. They would have told him exactly how they wanted it done as well, but JR remembering that District Councils were rejected in Parliament in 1965, would have decided not to publicize the District aspect and also not to act on it alone.

In August 1979, President JR Jayewardene appointed a ‘Commission of Inquiry” which was expected to report on how economic development could be achieved through, District Ministers and Development Councils.

The Commission was asked, inter alia, to determine the subjects that would come under the DDC, to look at the relationship between DDC and Central government, and suggest how DDC could supervise the work of the local authorizes.  Among the subjects to be supervised was village irrigation schemes” and settlement under major irrigation schemes”.

 The Commissioners   were Victor Tennekoon (Chairman) AJ .Wilson, Neelan Thiruchelvam, JAL Cooray, NGP Panditeratne, KM de Silva, A C.M. Ameer,,M R Thassim,, MA Azeez and  K. Navaretnarajah. The   inclusion of A.J. Wilson and Neelan Thiruchelvam was significant.

The public were suspicious of this sudden desire to create District Development Councils. They suspected that this was a move towards a separate Tamil state. The Commission   recognized this. The Commission said in its report, that that when they called for   contributions from the public, views had been expressed under the belief that our task is to find a direct solution to the  [Tamil]demand for a separate state.[4]

The Development Councils Act No. 35 of 1980 was passed by  Parliament. The Act was titled Development Council Act”, leaving out the word ‘District’ in the title, but the body created was known as District Development Council.

24 DDCs were created.  The DDCs consisted of elected members and local Members of Parliament. District Ministers were also created.  Legislation was passed to abolish the Town Councils and Village Committees and to transfer their functions to the new DDCs. The schedule of subjects which came under the DDC included Land use and land settlement.

 The 24 DDCs started functioning on 1 July 1981. 83 Town Councils and 549 Village Committees were abolished. The DDCs didn’t live up to expectations.[5]Tamil Separatist Movement blamed the government for not letting the DDCs go ahead at full speed. Development Councils Act was repealed in 1989 by Act No 14 of 1989.



Mr. Dudley Senanayake and Mr. S. J. V. Chelvanayakam met on the 24-3-1965 and discussed matters relating to some problems over which the Tamil-speaking people were concerned, and Mr. Senanayake agreed that action on the following lines would be taken by him to ensure a stable government:

(1) Action will be taken early under the Tamil Language Special Provisions Act to make provision of the Tamil Language to be the language of Administration and of Record in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. Mr. Senanayake explained that it was the policy of his party that a Tamil-speaking person should be entitled to transact business in Tamil throughout the island.

(2) Mr. Senanayake stated that it was the policy of his party to amend the Language of Courts Act to provide for legal proceedings in the Northern and Eastern Provinces to be conducted and recorded in Tamil.

(3) Action will be taken to establish District Councils in Ceylon vested with powers over subjects to be mutually agreed upon between two leaders. It was agreed, however, that the government should have power under the law to give directions to such councils under the national interest.

(4) The Land Development Ordinance will be amended to provide that citizens of Ceylon be entitled to the allotment of land under the Ordinance.

Mr. Senanayake further agreed that in the granting of land under colonisation schemes the following priorities be observed in the Northern and Eastern provinces (a) Land in the Northern and Eastern provinces should in the first instance be granted to landless persons in the district. (b) Secondly, to Tamil-speaking persons resident in the Northern and Eastern provinces. (c) Thirdly, to other citizens in Ceylon, preference being given to Tamil residents in the rest of the island. [6]  END ( continued)

[1] K.M de Silva. “Managing ethnic tensions.”Appendix VIII p 402

[2] K.M de Silva. “Managing ethnic tensions.”Appendix VIII p 402

[3] DBS Jeyaraj https://www.ft.lk/columns/The-ITAK-s-kingmaker-role-in-Dudley-s-National-Govt/4-739564

[4] https://tamilnation.org/conflictresolution/tamileelam/79districtdevelopmentcouncils.htm

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_government_in_Sri_Lanka

[6] https://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/LK_650324_Dudley%20Senanayake%20-%20Chelvanayakam%20Pact.pdf

INSS conducts lecture on “Military Innovations and Its Contributions to National Security”

October 24th, 2024

Ministry of Defence  – Media Centre

The Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), conducted a public lecture titled “Military Innovations and Its Contributions to National Security” today (Oct 24, 2024) at the Nandimithra Auditorium” of the Ministry of Defence at the Defence Headquarters Complex in Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte.

Senior Professor Ajith De Alwis, Professor of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Moratuwa and Chief Innovation Officer of the National Innovation Agency was the guest speaker at the event. Representing Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Air Vice Marshal Sampath Thuyacontha (Retd), Chief of National Intelligence Major General Ruwan Kulathunga (Retd) graced the event.

Overlooking Director General & Acting Director (Research) of INSS Colonel Nalin Herath made the introductory remarks.

The INSS as the premier think tank on national security established under the Ministry of Defence, having understood the importance of defence innovation and its potential organized this lecture to raise awareness of the pivotal role of the National Innovation Agency, crucially in the National Wealth Equation through Innovation, Defence Innovation, and partnership building.  The event also sought to enhance understanding of the concept of Innovation-Based Learning (IBL), highlight the necessity of homegrown measures, solutions, and remedies, and realize the full potential of innovation.

Senior Professor De Alwis delivered a thorough and insightful presentation. He emphasized the need for innovation, stating that “we have to wage another war – an economic war.” He discussed how to drive innovation by fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government, and underscored the necessity of building a strong innovation ecosystem.

Professor Alwis emphasized the critical role of knowledge assets, contemporary thought, innovations, science, and technology in shaping a nation’s development. He supported his argument by providing examples from some of the world’s leading developed economies, such as Israel and South Korea, where advancements in these areas have contributed significantly to their rapid growth and global competitiveness.

His presentation also focused on Total Defence, which includes military, civil, economic, social, digital, and psychological aspects, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to safeguard national security. In addressing these elements, Professor De Alwis stressed the importance of innovation in strengthening all areas of Total Defence, ensuring national resilience in the face of modern threats.

An interactive Q and A session at the end of the lecture enable the members of the audience to have their queries answered by the guest speaker. During the session, Chief of National Intelligence presented Senior Prof. De Alwis a souvenir as a token of gratitude.

Innovation in the 21st century has become crucial for economic resilience. While academia thrived, conducting research with practical outcomes remained a challenge. However, research and development were essential for national success, enabling proactive and reactive measures for economic growth. The National Innovation Agency (NIA), established by Parliamentary Act No. 22 of 2019, was tasked with coordinating Ministries, institutions, and the private sector to create and sustain a national innovation ecosystem, supporting innovations from idea to market. The Agency’s objectives were to promote understanding of social, scientific, technological, and defence innovations, and their economic impact. It also aimed to align national research with economic goals, address public and private sector obstacles to innovation, and foster a vibrant innovation ecosystem, particularly in the private sector.

Members of the Diplomatic corps, entrepreneurs, senior Defence Ministry officials, members of the think tank, researchers, tri forces officers and many distinguished invitees attended the event.


October 24th, 2024

Sarath Wijesinghe President’s Counsel Sri Lanka, Solicitor in England and Wales  former Ambassador to UAE and Israel, and President of Ambassador’s forum

WTM World Travel mart is the only largest event taking place taking place in main global destinations and this year London is chosen as a world boniness center and a superpower state and one of the major powers and member of the security council and the best tourist center and millions gathering for multiple reasons. Tourism Sri Lanka has done wonderful work with massive homework and preparations and it is time for Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans to obtain the best use of the event when tourism is booing in the beautiful Island loved by the UK EU and the entire West. Leaders and professionals will gather at WTM Travel Mart in 100-acre land in the heart of London expecting to meet business partners tour operators and representatives of tourism hotspots to meet the counterparts, admirers, competitors, and all in the trade promoting each other dealing in 9.9 Trillian worlds over expecting to achieve 114000 trillion in 2029 making a main lucrative and successful venter with lease investments using the beauty of the country as the main investment. In this context, Sri Lanka being one of the most beautiful islands with all the requirements to be one of the best destinations and the opportunity now is in our hands to exploit the situation using WTO as a vehicle. Sri Lanka High Commission appears to be working hard with Sri Lanka Tourism to meet targets of creating an atmosphere to convert tourism as a main source of income and to promote the image of the nation

Digital Transformation: Avoid Paving the Cow Path!

October 24th, 2024

By Dr. Gamini Padmaperuma

The importance of digitalization of the economy and particularly the government services is a subject that has been under discussion for a few years now. The National Peoples Power(NPP) too has emphasized the vital importance of the same before and after the election, and actions are currently being undertaken for establishment of a Ministry and other relevant government institutions, and appointment of suitable professionals to lead them.

 In the NPP’s Digital Policy Document published in August 2024, Implementing rapid digitization programs for all government institutions to increase their efficiency, transparency, and make them paperless” is stated as a major goal under the Transparent and Efficient Governance section. This is one of the significant goals among the eleven or so other goals mentioned there under different subheadings. However, the author feels that the word ‘digitalization’ is more appropriate than the ‘digitization’ for the context stated in the document.

While Digitization refers to the process of converting analog data into a digital format, digitalization involves the integration of digital technologies into business operations to optimize processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation. Digitization serves as a prerequisite to the Digitalization which incorporates the infusion of digital product or service in to the organization’s processes, resulting in Digital Transformation.  Digital Transformation represents the innovative restructuring of organizations, greater customer satisfaction and greater value addition to the business, originated from digital diffusion. This overall process is known as the Pyramid of Digital Transformation.

While there are many policy, procedural and institutional matters that need to be discussed, formulated, established and implemented to ensure a successful and sustainable journey of digital transformation at the national level, this article attempts to emphasize some critically important prerequisites that are necessary for successful implementation of digitalization of any government processes or services.

It is essential to conduct Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for any process or service that is to be digitalized. This has to be done prior to applying the digital transformation tools. We have seen many failures in the past in relation to automation of processes and services, which were attempted without proper business process analysis. It is typical that many organizations place undue emphasis on adopting new technologies to go digital” rather than focusing on the actual transformation through a proper analysis of the subject processes that need to be improved and documented, prior to applying the digital tools on them. Obviously, the improvements to the processes also need to consider the capacity and benefits that the digital tools can provide in improving the reliability and the user-friendliness of the process that can be shared with the customer.

Business processes, and the documents, people, and systems linked to them, are at the heart of how every organization operates. But the fact is, most businesses are wildly inefficient. Paperwork and manual tasks tie up employee’s time, poorly managed information kills productivity, every department has their own system for storing data, and the list goes on. This often leads to delays, inaccuracies, and widespread deviations where work happens differently every time. As a result, the citizens are dissatisfied and start to complain about the inefficiency and delays in availing the required services from the organizations or businesses.

The title of this article, Digital Transformation: Avoid Paving the Cow Path! was coined intentionally to emphasize the importance of the Business Process Reengineering that need to be carried out prior to any digitalization as its relevance has been largely ignored. Most of the processes we use in our government offices are ancient and some of them still have the resemblance of colonial era practices. These processes need to be revamped or reengineered to incorporate today’s technology and customer expectations, productivity and reliability expected, reduce employee discontent, provide a respectful image about the organization, etc.

For those who are not yet familiar with the above phrase involving the Cow Path, let me shed some light on it. This phrase refers to the common practice of using new software, etc. to automate old and inefficient business processes. The emphasis is to avoid recurrence of such practices and to take time to analyze the current business processes critically to suggest improvements to be more productive, customer-friendly which also add more value to the business, etc. The improvements to the process need to be discussed and agreed upon by all the stakeholders of the process. These discussions are usually held by the process owners (who are responsible for implementing the process) with the participation of the recipients of their service (customers), other relevant stakeholders, and experts from the organization’s digitalization initiatives from both IT and BPE backgrounds, etc. Business Process Reengineering thus carried out provides recommendations for restructuring the processes and any new technologies with everything properly scoped out and prioritized. These discussions between the process owners, subject matter experts, digitalization experts, customers and other stakeholders need to be conducted in a professional and structured manner. These discussions need to be supported by the top management and also necessary training for the personnel should be provided. There are many useful management techniques involved in Business Process Engineering such as data analysis techniques, customer survey, benchmarking, flowcharting, process mapping, SWOT analysis, cost-benefit analysis, etc.  

It is essential to provide the necessary resources and training to the concerned employees to be able to actively participate in the digital transformation initiative. The all government sector employees should have adequate awareness of the government’s digital transformation initiative and should be motivated to provide their support to the same. The change should be properly managed by assigned change managers or change champions at the operational and executive level. The higher management should always support the initiative, monitor the progress and provide necessary support to sustain the momentum. The fear of using new technology should be tackled appropriately. As the transformation effort will take place, there should be continuous and cordial dialogue between the employees, citizens and the organization. The feedback from the employees about the transformation should be regularly solicited, duly analyzed and action taken.

The primary benefits of digitalization range from increased operational efficiency and improved employee productivity. Digitalization also reduces costs associated with physical document management, manual processes and travel. In terms of intangible benefits, the digitalization of business processes optimizes customer satisfaction and information management. Organizations equipped with an agile digital infrastructure can swiftly adapt to changes in the environment, leading to improved performance and customer satisfaction. Like any other management initiatives involving major structural changes on how the business is carried out, the digital transformation should also be subject to continuous improvement through use of customer feedback, incorporation of changes in technology, etc. Further, Digital infrastructure is the foundation of any connected business. It enables success, powers transformation and connects people around the world. It is therefore, mandatory for the government and private sector to provide such infrastructure facilities to its citizens with appropriate bandwidth, reliability and at a reasonable cost for the Digital Transformation to succeed.

(Dr. Gamini Padmaperuma is a Chartered Professional Engineer, Honorary Fellow Member of IESL, former Director, Academic Affairs at Saegis Campus and Senior Lecturer at OUSL , and holds a PhD from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand) 

ලෝකෙ රටවල් හැදුවෙ සීයලා තමයි | තාත්තගෙ නම කියාගෙන එන පුතාල කරපු දෙයක් නෑ | Dr.Rajitha Senaratne

October 24th, 2024

Nadeeka & Thilini

කාදිනල් හිමිට හිටපු ජනපති රනිල් දුන් පිළිතුර.. “ඒක කළේ පළිගන්න නොවෙයි..දේශපාලනය කරන්න එපා”

October 24th, 2024

Probe on corruption and asset concealment: Revisiting failures of past anti-corruption probes

October 24th, 2024

By Maheesha Mudugamuwa Courtesy The Morning

The Government’s recent move to revisit allegations of corruption and asset concealment involving politically exposed persons has reignited discussions on Sri Lanka’s anti-corruption efforts, including the failures of the now-defunct Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID).

Established in early 2015 to investigate large-scale financial crimes and corruption associated with the previous regime, the FCID was disbanded, leaving a void in the country’s institutional framework for tackling such crimes. 

Now, with a fresh wave of investigations on the horizon, many are asking what went wrong with the FCID and whether the country is ready to address financial crime more effectively.

The FCID’s ineffectiveness

The FCID was created with a mandate to investigate complex financial crimes, unauthorised projects, corruption involving public funds, and the misuse of official powers. It was one of the key steps taken by the ‘Yahapalana’ Government, which came to power in 2015, to deliver on its promises of good governance and accountability. 

Initially, the FCID took up several high-profile cases, including investigations into members of the Rajapaksa family and other officials from the previous administration.

Despite its promising start, the FCID faced persistent challenges. Allegations of political interference in its operations began to surface, with some accusing the division of being used as a tool for political witch-hunting rather than genuinely addressing corruption. The slow pace of investigations and a lack of significant convictions further fuelled these criticisms. 

By the time the government changed in 2019, the FCID’s reputation had eroded, leading to its eventual disbandment.

One of the main criticisms of the FCID was its inability to effectively prosecute high-profile cases. For instance, allegations of financial mismanagement and illegal overseas assets involving prominent politicians were not brought to court. The investigations into suspected financial crimes, including the alleged Central Bank bond scam and questionable projects linked to the previous regime, often stagnated without clear outcomes.

The failure to bring these cases to a conclusion left a significant section of the public disillusioned. 

A senior Government official familiar with the anti-corruption efforts, who wished to remain anonymous, pointed out that while the relevant officials must bear responsibility, the political leadership was equally accountable for the delays in investigations. 

The leadership should be questioned as to why it took so long to recognise that the FCID was not delivering results. The delay in prosecutions reflects poorly on the Government’s commitment to justice,” the official noted.

Learning from the past

The current Government, led by President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, has signalled its intent to renew efforts to investigate allegations of corruption. The focus will be on tracing and investigating assets held by key political figures abroad and determining whether existing international legal frameworks can aid in recovering such assets. 

However, Police Spokesman DIG Nihal Thalduwa has indicated that there has been no official communication from the Government regarding the establishment of a new division specifically to replace the FCID.

Thalduwa said: While discussions on pursuing overseas assets are ongoing, there is no formal plan to re-establish a unit like the FCID. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has been assigned to handle some financial crime cases, but a decision on creating a specialised division has not been made.”

Efforts to obtain comments from Public Security Ministry Secretary Ravi Seneviratne and Minister of Public Security Vijitha Herath regarding the Government’s plans were unsuccessful, as they were not available for immediate response.

Learning from the FCID’s shortcomings, there is a pressing need to strengthen Sri Lanka’s institutional mechanisms for investigating financial crimes. This includes providing adequate resources, training, and legal backing to investigators while minimising opportunities for political interference. Additionally, legal reforms may be necessary to ensure that investigations can progress without being derailed by procedural delays or external pressures.

Another lesson is the importance of maintaining public trust. The FCID lost credibility due to perceived selective investigations and the inability to secure convictions in high-profile cases. 

In order to avoid a repeat of this, any future anti-corruption efforts must be transparent and demonstrate concrete results. Establishing an independent anti-corruption commission, equipped with the power to investigate and prosecute financial crimes without political influence, could be a step in the right direction.

Civil society organisations and activists played a significant role in bringing about the political changes in 2015 that led to the formation of the FCID. As the country revisits its approach to tackling corruption, these groups can once again be instrumental in advocating for stronger anti-corruption measures. Holding political leaders accountable and pushing for reforms that ensure the independence and effectiveness of investigative bodies will be crucial.

The anonymous official emphasised the need for vigilance: We must learn from the past and ensure that new anti-corruption efforts are not just political gimmicks. There must be genuine progress in holding the corrupt accountable, regardless of their political affiliations.” 

Commenting on the dissolution of the FCID, Thalduwa clarified that the division had been established by the previous Government as part of a policy decision. When it was later disbanded, its functions were transferred to the CID as a separate branch. He denied any claims of failure associated with the FCID. 

However, when questioned about the potential application of new anti-corruption laws to ongoing investigations, Thalduwa stated that the Inspector General of Police (IGP) had not issued any official communication on the matter, leaving the Police unaware of the specific cases that might fall under the new legislation. 

Easter attacks probes: SJB wants action per all findings & recomms.

October 24th, 2024

BY Sumudu Chamara Courtesy The Morning

The Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) urged the Government led by President Anura Kumara Dissanayake to take immediate action with regard to the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attacks based on the findings and recommendations of various investigations into the bombings.

Noting that various parties have expressed various opinions about the investigations and investigation reports concerning the Easter Sunday attacks, SJB National Organiser Tissa Attanayake told The Daily Morning that what the SJB demands is that the President and the Government take concrete legal action based on the law enforcement authorities’ investigations and investigation committee/commission reports on the Easter Sunday attacks. What we want is concrete legal action aimed at serving justice to the victims of the Easter Sunday attacks. If a Presidential Commission of Inquiry or any other investigation committee has conducted a probe into a certain matter, the Government cannot keep it concealed and the relevant information should be publicised for the people to know,” he stressed, adding that it is difficult at the moment to endorse or reject any specific committee/commission report, but that what is required is action based on them.

He added that even though some SJB members have expressed various opinions regarding the matter, those are their personal opinions, and that the SJB, as a Party, has not officially paid attention to the matter nor has it taken any official decision concerning the investigation reports on the Easter Sunday attacks.

SL-IMF hold talks on stolen asset recovery

October 24th, 2024

By Imesh Ranasinghe Courtesy The Morning

SL-IMF hold talks on stolen asset recovery
  • IMF emphasises need for a legal framework to facilitate recovery

Sri Lanka’s delegation meeting with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the US saw successful talks on retrieving stolen assets, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said.

At an event with the Civil Societies ahead of the IMF-World Bank annual meetings, she said that one of the topics that the IMF discussed with the delegation from Sri Lanka is how to be successful in anti-money laundering.

She said it was looking into ways of getting back assets that were stolen from people.

Georgieva said that the IMF would certainly like to do that with every other country which has impacted, where Ecuador is at top of the list.

The IMF has already asked Sri Lanka to create an Asset Recovery Framework which the previous government intended to put out as a law.

The lack of a legal framework to recover stolen public funds presents a significant challenge. Enacting a modern asset recovery law will empower authorities to seize illicit assets domestically and abroad,” the IMF said in their Governance Diagnostic Report on Sri Lanka.

Further, Georgieva said that Sri Lanka has democratically appointed a new government with a new president and new team with continuity of reforms where inflation is down, reserves up and opportunities in the country are getting better.

What Sri Lanka shows is broadly what we see globally, the big global inflation wave is now in retreat without tipping the global economy into recession, inflation rates may be down but the impact of higher prices is here to stay,” she said.

‘Don’t politicise Easter reports’: Ranil

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy The Morning

 ‘Don’t politicise Easter reports’: Ranil
  • Claims De Alwis comm. report found ‘severe collapse of Nat’l Intel. Service’ which the CoI report made no mention of 
  • Claims De Alwis comm. report recommended legal action against Ravi Seneviratne, Pujitha Jayasundara, Nilantha Jayawardena, Nandana Munasinghe, Lalith Pathinayake & Abdul Latheef, & disciplinary action against Deshabandu Thennakoon 
  • Says Col. Archbishop’s claims against him are baseless 

Former President Ranil Wickremesinghe requested all parties to refrain from politicising the reports related to the Easter Sunday terror attacks. 

Issuing a special statement regarding the same, he noted that during his tenure, requests had been made to look into the revelations (that certain local intelligence officials were complicit in the attacks) that were aired on Channel 4, following which he had appointed a three member committee (led by retired Supreme Court Judge S. Imam, former Air Force Commander, Chief Air Marshal Jayalath Weerakkodi and President’s Counsel Harsha Soza). In addition, another three-member committee (led by retired High Court Judge A.M.J. De Alwis, W.M.A.N. Nishan and K.N.K. Somaratne) was appointed with the objective of looking into the steps that were taken when the Indian Intelligence Service informed local intelligence services about a potential terrorist attack and whether the measures taken were sufficient. The latter committee also inquired into the State Intelligence Service and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) announcing that the two Police officers killed in Vavunathivu were killed by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and maintaining such as the official stance for four months. None of the people appointed to these committees are people I know personally”.

He claimed that he had handed over the Easter Sunday attacks Commission (Commission of Inquiry [CoI]) report to the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Harold Anthony Fernando, at the latter’s request. After that, the Conference had a number of clarifications, and those that were presented to him, according to him, were forwarded to the Attorney General. They were also instructed to discuss all related matters with the Conference, he claimed.

The De Alwis report was not prepared to take revenge on the then Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police (SDIG) affiliated to the CID and current Public Security Ministry Secretary, Ravi Seneviratne, nor the former Director of the CID, retired Senior Superintendent of Police and the current Director of the Criminal Intelligence Analysis and Prevention Division of the Police Shani Abeysekera. The report further recommended that all officers including former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Pujith Jayasundara, SDIGs Nilantha Jayawardena (on compulsory leave), Nandana Munasinghe, Lalith Pathinayake, Abdul Latheef, and Seneviratne should have legal action taken against them regarding the Easter Sunday incident. The report has recommended that the IGP whose appointment has been temporarily suspended Deshabandu Thennakoon also face disciplinary action”. 

The observations related to the killing of the two Police officers in the Vavunathivu area mentioned in the report are also very important. It was first announced that remnants of the LTTE carried out the killings. As a result, Thambirasa Kumar and Rasanayagam Sarvanandan were arrested. When the annexes of the report are examined, many contradictory facts are revealed. In one of the reports of the intelligence agencies, it is mentioned that Sivaneshthurai Chandrakanth alias Pillayan, who was in jail at that time, was behind this incident. Another related intelligence agency report also stated that the husband of a woman who allegedly had an affair with a Police officer named Ganesh who died in Vavunathivu was killed. The Director of Military Intelligence (DMI) has stated that the reason why it took four months for the intelligence agencies to trace the activities of the National Thauhid Jamaat (NTJ) was because the national intelligence agencies did not have a formal network for obtaining information. Although the Indian intelligence, which has a foreign intelligence service, had a strong information network in this area, a severe collapse can be seen in the operation of the Sri Lankan intelligence in this regard. It is unfortunate that we don’t have a strong intelligence network. This is a big threat to the security of the country”. 

My aim was to obtain the response of the Conference and appoint a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to look into the collapse of the intelligence services during the Easter Sunday attacks. A collapse of the National Intelligence Service poses a great threat to the country’s national security. I had also intended to appoint a PSC and then submit its report to a three-member committee of senior officers and experts to propose a complete reorganisation of the intelligence agencies. The Easter Sunday Presidential Commission report made no mention of the severe collapse of the National Intelligence Service”.

The De Alwis report came into my hands during the last Presidential Election, but, due to my reluctance to connect the Easter Sunday attacks to politics, I didn’t make those reports public. All the statements made by the Archbishop of Colombo regarding me are baseless”. 

The Govt. must study Jack Ma and the ecosystem – EDITORIAL

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka has long been a country where ambitious individuals have toppled existing regimes and created new ones. This has been done repeatedly and entirely for personal gains. This is a greedy practice that must be buried. The caretaker regime operating under the country’s new President Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) runs the risk of being toppled; even though it seems that there is no immediate risk of such a move taking place in the foreseeable future. Political analysts would speak about such an eventuality because there is an old saying ‘It is much harder to remain on top when compared to the efforts put to reach the top’. 

When considering the country’s political vibe, it is likely that AKD and his supporters would hold sway at the upcoming parliamentary elections. A new regime would be formed afterwards with debt repayment and development projects expected to top the list of ‘tasks to complete’. There is a school of thought, however, whether the regimes taking over this paradise island should think of turning the entire ‘operation of the country’ into how an ecosystem is managed with care and attention. This would mean that any activity that causes internal turmoil in the country and threatens the economy must be nipped in the bud. Regimes and empires can be toppled, but no person should think of putting a spanner in the works of an ecosystem. This is because the consequences would be disastrous. 

When the island’s tourism was picking up, Sri Lanka has received a blow. Many countries have issued travel advisories to their citizens to avoid travelling to Sri Lanka citing the heavy presence of Israeli tourists here. There are concerns-largely fuelled by the Israel-Palestine conflict- whether these Israelis here might be the target of attacks. This caretaker regime must be bold like the Australian government, which runs advertisements in the products of our local print and electronic media institutes discouraging that ill-famed journey by boat from Sri Lanka to Australia. As much as Australia doesn’t want unwanted drama in their country, nor do we. 

Sri Lanka is on the world map for many reasons. One is because of its tourism. The government must protect its market share in the global tourism industry; even at the expense of losing tourists from Israel. Israelis can be denied entry to this island till the Israel-Palestine conflict returns to a simmering state. We remember the regime in Sri Lanka taking steps in 2022 to inform Russian and Ukraine tourists overstaying their visas here to leave. There were some sporadic incidents that made the law enforcement officials here very concerned because the presence of Russian and Ukraine tourists in the same tourist locations sparked tensions. Regardless of how much Israel is important to Sri Lanka and the world, they must be told that we cannot afford to have them here and rock our boat at this juncture. 

‘Mother Lanka’ needs everybody from the toilet cleaner at the CMC to the private sector executive, who has proved that he is a performer. This writer wishes to convey that the heart of ‘Mother Lanka’ is the regime. This caretaker regime must take a cue from Jack Ma of China. Here is an entrepreneur who has worked closely with the Chinese regime and the Communist Party. Economists state that Ma couldn’t have achieved all that success through his ‘Alibaba Group’ if not for support from the Chinese Government. And what Ma has importantly underscored in working alongside his government’s interests is that ‘there are possibilities of being a wealthy businessman while working on projects which have the government’s blessings’. 

This thinking in the private sector that it’s stifling when working with the Government of Sri Lanka must be erased fast. If this change can be made it is good for foreign investors. The regime under Ranasinghe Premadasa was quite successful in changing the mindset of state organisations when opening new garment factories and boosting our apparel industry. 

We need to create the thinking that even when you retire from state service and join the private sector you’re still contributing to the country’s economy. Everything is interwoven; like in an ecosystem. Jack Ma operates his business with this thinking in mind. 

Security alert: More to it than meets the eye

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

The tourism sector has taken a hit due to security alerts issued by foreign embassies. 

Pic Ishara Kodikara, AFP

There is more to the Israeli presence in Sri Lanka than meets the eye. Also, there is more to Wednesday’s security alert than what the authorities and embassies claimed. 

Given the questions on the 2019 Easter Sunday massacres and successive governments’ hesitancy in answering them honestly, the present security alert about an imminent attack on tourist sites may smack of a conspiracy. It has eerie similarities to the warnings that preceded the Easter Sunday blasts targeting Christian churches and tourist hotels.

The warnings, as seems to be an alarming pattern, come from India, raising serious questions about Sri Lanka’s intelligence service’s capabilities to know what is happening on its home turf. Although intelligence sharing between two friendly countries is an accepted practice, Sri Lankan counterparts are often caught off guard by specific warnings from India’s intelligence. It is a cause for concern. 

The Easter Sunday attacks were a serious indictment on Sri Lanka’s intelligence and security apparatus. Sri Lanka’s Muslims have been under the state intelligence microscope since the Easter Sunday attacks. As a result, the chances of a homegrown plot are remote. Sri Lanka’s Muslims went through a tough time after the Easter Sunday attacks that gave rise to unprecedented Islamophobia in this country. They curse and condemn the terrorists behind the massacre. 

According to Sri Lanka Police, the once-bitten state intelligence has been on alert since the Gaza war erupted on October 7, 2023, over the possible security threats to Israeli tourists from angry or misguided Muslims. Despite the genocide in Gaza, there have been so far no incidents related to it in Sri Lanka, except for regular peaceful protests by activists, including ruling National People’s Power youth wing members. However, the specifics of an attack came from India as the world marked the first anniversary of the Gaza genocide. The details said Muslim extremists had been planning an attack on an Israeli-run resort in Arugam Bay in the Ampara district. 

Three suspects have been arrested by Wednesday. But the security alert—with global media giving it wide publicity—has already done much damage to Sri Lanka’s tourism sector, which is making a vital contribution to Sri Lanka’s economic revival. In a great comeback after the Easter Sunday attacks, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic crisis, Sri Lanka’s tourism sector earned US$2 billion in 2023, while recording 1.48 million arrivals. This was an impressive 82% increase in earnings compared to 2022. The sector was gearing up to see 2 million arrivals and earn US$ 3 billion in foreign exchange this year. Alas, the industry took a hit after the United States issued a security alert. This was followed by the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Russia, and Israel.

The threat was discussed at the highest levels of the government, and steps were taken to ensure security for tourists.

Whatever the nature of the threat, the new government, it is learnt, was dealing with it in such a way as to minimise the damage to the tourism sector. Then came the US embassy alert. Not much is known about the how, who and what of the US assessment.

If there is, as feared by the US embassy, a security threat, then the blame for it should lie with the previous administration. Instead of acting astutely to prevent a possible security crisis , it let the situation fester. Article after article appeared in newspapers and post after post on social media, highlighting tourists from Israel, Ukraine, and Russia illegally setting up businesses in Arugam Bay in the East and Weligama and other towns in the South after arriving in Sri Lanka on tourist visas. Their activities had affected local businesses. In Arugam Bay, provocative pictures of Israeli soldiers in Gaza and graffiti in Hebrew appeared on the walls of Israeli resorts, hurting the local Muslim feelings. So much so, social media activists describe Arugam Bay as an Israeli-occupied area.

But the Ranil Wickremesinghe government took little or no action, giving priority to attracting tourists to Sri Lanka while not giving a damn about what white-skinned tourists do here. It applied the law discriminately targeting largely Indians and Chinese who came on tourist visas and engaged in businesses, some of them in illegal activities such as scam camps. Media reports pointed out that the foreign exchange Sri Lanka was set to earn was being diverted to Israel, Ukraine, and other countries by these tourist-run businesses. Yet, the previous government took little or no action to check on them, as though white-skinned tourists, Especially, Israelis were too holy to touch.

Though then-President Wickremesinghe launched a drive to raise one million dollars to rebuild Gaza’s schools, it paid no heed to calls by progressives not to send Sri Lankan workers to Israel while genocide was going on in Gaza. It was like hunting with the hound and running with the hare. By sending Lankans to work in Israeli farms and construction sites, the then labour minister, Manusha Nanayakkara, helped Israel to prop up its war-battered economy that supported genocide.

What guarantee does the government have that these Sri Lankans working in Israel will not be brainwashed and used by Israel to stoke Islamophobia in Sri Lanka?

Many wondered whether the present government was also treating Israel with holy deference when Sri Lanka last week failed to sign a petition launched by Chile decrying Israel’s decision to declare the United Nations Secretary-General persona non-grata. Only a clarification from Sri Lanka’s UN envoy saved the day for the government, which, just like the previous governments, believes that the two-state solution is the only way to solve the Palestinian problem.

The envoy claimed that Sri Lanka told Chile to include its signature, and when the original list containing 105 signatures did not have Sri Lanka’s signature, he called for a revised list with Sri Lanka’s name on it.

More progressive Sri Lankan leaders have taken a principled stance on the Palestinian issue. Sirima Bandaranaike and Ranasinghe Premadasa severed Israeli links not because of petty electoral gains but on principles and in deference to Sri Lanka’s Muslim population. It was the United States that forced Sri Lanka to establish diplomatic ties with Israel in 1983 when the J.R. Jayewardene government wanted weapons to fight separatist terrorists in the country’s north and east. Despite the shocking revelation in ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky’s book By Way of Deception that the Israelis trained both the Sri Lankan soldiers and the separatist terrorists at the same time, the Jayewardene government took little or no action over Israel’s double dealings, except to appoint a commission of inquiry and bury the controversy.

The growing military ties with Israel saw Sri Lanka setting up an embassy in Tel Aviv in 2000 during Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga’s presidency. 

With military ties with Israel growing, successive governments brought a balancing act into their policy on the Palestine issue. They supported Palestine’s cause without hurting Israel. Some in the opposition Samagi Jana Balawegaya believe that pro-Israeli elements schemed to ensure their candidate Sajith Premadasa’s defeat at the September 21 presidential election because he called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a terrorist and condemned Israel’s action in Gaza as terrorism.

As Sri Lanka’s state intelligence and police go after the suspects as they should, the authorities should not be unmindful of Zionist plots to promote Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred in Sri Lanka and probe whether the latest security crisis was an attempt by some elements to scuttle the new government’s Easter attack investigations.

Sri Lanka deploys troops to Jewish community centre after US warning

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy Digital Journal 

Sri Lanka deployed troops around a Jewish community centre in a popular surfing town after the US embassy warned a possible attack

Sri Lanka deployed troops around a Jewish community centre in a popular surfing town after the US embassy warned a possible attack – Copyright AFP Arun SANKAR

Sri Lanka deployed troops and increased police patrols around a Jewish community centre in a popular surfing town on Wednesday after the US embassy warned its citizens of a possible attack there.

The stepped-up security and warning came after social media posts called for a boycott of Israeli-owned businesses in eastern Arugam Bay.

The information was that a place called ‘Chabad House’ run by Israelis could be a target and we have taken measures to strengthen security,” said police spokesman Nihal Thalduwa.

He said there had recently been tensions between the Jewish tourists visiting Chabad House and the bay’s Muslim-majority population.

The army and the navy along with police commandos were deployed in the area to step up patrols and man roadblocks, he said.

Protests by local Muslim groups against Israel’s fighting of Iran-backed Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon have drawn support from the wider community in the predominantly Buddhist South Asian nation.

Israelis accounted for less than 1.5 percent of the 1.5 million tourists who visited the island in the first nine months of this year — or around 20,000 people altogether.

But Arugam Bay, a hotspot for surfing around 400 kilometres (250 miles) east of Colombo by road, is a popular destination for Israeli tourists.

In a rare notice of an imminent threat, the US embassy said Wednesday that it had received credible information warning of an attack targeting popular tourist locations” in eastern Arugam Bay.

Britain and Canada shared the US warning on their own websites, while the Russian embassy advised its nationals to avoid crowded places while visiting the island.

Israel’s National Security Council (NSC) meanwhile raised the travel alert level for Sri Lanka due to credible terrorism threats at the tourist and coastal areas”.

Israel urged its citizens in Arugam Bay and other beaches to leave the country or at least to the capital Colombo, where there is a high presence of local security forces”.

– New hotline –

There have been no attacks in Sri Lanka since the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings, which killed 279 people, including 45 foreign nationals.

The coordinated attack against three luxury hotels and three churches was blamed on a local jihadist group that pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Tourism numbers fell sharply afterward, and took another hit during a 2022 economic meltdown that precipitated widespread civil unrest.

But foreign visitor numbers have picked up after an International Monetary Fund bailout last year helped stabilise the economy.

Following the US embassy warning, police said they were unveiling a new security plan to protect tourists island-wide.

In view of the war situation in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, the police, together with intelligence agencies, are working on a plan to protect tourists and resorts,” said a statement issued by the Sri Lanka Police.

It did not give details, but said a hotline had been established for tourists to alert authorities of any safety concerns.

Read more: https://www.digitaljournal.com/world/sri-lanka-deploys-troops-to-jewish-community-centre-after-us-warning/article#ixzz8pcM2lk8f

Gammanpila invokes RTI to get records of evidence by Ravi Seneviratne

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) leader former MP Udaya Gammanpila yesterday requested the information officer – Presidential Secretariat in writing to provide him with records of evidence given by Public Security Ministry Secretary Ravi Seneviratne before the committee headed by A.N.J. De Alwis in probing the Easter Sunday attack.

He said he learnt reliably that Mr. Seneviratne admitted before the committee that he made a mistake by keeping the letter regarding the intelligence warning on the attack for 12 days without taking any action as the DIG in charge of the Criminal Investigation Department at that time.

He said he is seeking these reports in terms of the Right to Information Act.

Govt’s inexperience, knowledge exposed by Arugam Bay attack warning: Kanchana

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Colombo, October 24 (Daily Mirror) – With the government’s announcement yesterday regarding a potential attack targeting popular tourist locations in the Arugam Bay area, it is clear that the current government lacks experience and knowledge to handle situations of such nature, former Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera said.

Addressing the media, he said that the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Public Security Minister have neglected their responsibilities.

“We do not want to ask for the resignation of the individuals holding these positions, but we are urging them to correct their mistakes,” he said.

Kanchana Wijesekera then questioned whether the country was alerted as soon as the announcement came through the US Embassy or after local intelligence services received the information.

The government should inform the public about the security measures taken if they had received the information on October 7, as claimed by the IGP yesterday.

Additionally, the public should be informed as to why the government failed to provide security measures in other tourist zones, including the Southern Province. It was reported that the tri-forces were deployed in the Arugam Bay area yesterday following the announcement made by the US Embassy.

“National security must be the top priority, and it should not be underestimated. Following the issuance of travel advisories by several embassies, many tourists scheduled to arrive in the country cancelled their plans,” he said.

“If the government had known about the threat earlier, they could have prevented the issuance of travel advisories, avoiding damage to the country’s tourism industry. The government should take responsibility if those travel advisories were issued without their knowledge,” he said.

Finally, the government must engage with embassy officials if no discussion took place regarding the possible terror attack, he said.

පාස්කු වාර්තාව ගැන රනිල්ගෙන් ලියුමක්

October 24th, 2024

උපුටාගැණීම අද දෙරණ

පාස්කු වාර්තා ගෙන හැර දක්වමින් දේශපාලනය නොකරන ලෙස සෑම පාර්ශ්වයකින්ම තමන් ඉල්ලා සිටින බව හිටපු ජනාධිපති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා පවසයි.

ඔහු පවසන්නේ මේ වනවිට ඉමහත් ආන්දෝලනයකට තුඩු දී තිබෙන මෙම වාර්තාව පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණ සමයේදී තමා අතට ලැබුණු නමුත් පාස්කු ප්‍රහාරය දේශපාලනයට ඈඳා ගැනිමට ඇති අකමැත්ත හේතුවෙන් තමන් එම වාර්තා ප්‍රසිද්ධියට පත් කිරීමෙන් වැළකී සිටි බවය.

හිටපු ජනපති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා නිකුත් කළ සම්පූර්ණ නිවේදනය පහතින්,

“ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අටවැනි විධායක ජනාධිපති ධූරයට මම පත් වූ පසුව කතෝලික රදගුරු සම්මේලනයේ සභාපති ගරු හැරල්ඩ් ඇන්තනි ප්‍රනාන්දු රදගුරුතුමන්ගේ ඉල්ලීම පරිදි පාස්කු කොමිෂන් සභා වාර්තා එතුමන්ට භාරදීමට කටයුතු කළෙමි. 

ඉන්පසුව කතෝලික රදගුරු සම්මේලනය ඒ පිළිබඳව පැහැදිළි කිරීම් ගණනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබු අතර මා වෙත යොමු කෙරුණු සියලු පැහැදිළි කිරීම් නීතිපතිවරයාට යොමු කර ඊට අදාළ සියලු කරුණු රදගුරු සම්මේලනය සමග හුවමාරු කර ගන්නා ලෙස නීතිපතිවරයාට උපදෙස් දෙන ලදී.

චැනල් – 4 නාලිකාව ඔස්සේ විකාශනය වූ හෙළිදරව්ව පිළිබඳව කරුණු සෙවිය යුතු බවට ද  මා වෙත ඉල්ලීම් ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබුණි. ඒ සම්බන්ධයෙන් සොයා බැලීම සඳහා මා විසින් විශ්‍රාමික ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණ විනිසුරු එස්.අයි. ඉමාම්, හිටපු ගුවන් හමුදාපති චීෆ් එයාර් මාර්ෂල් ජයලත් වීරක්කොඩි සහ හිටපු ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණ විනිසුරු හර්ෂ ෂෝසා යන අයගෙන් සමන්විත ත්‍රිපුද්ගල කමිටුව පත් කිරීමට කටයුතු කරන ලදී. 

මීට අමතරව, ඒ.එම්.ජේ. ද අල්විස්, ඩබ්ලිව්.එම්.ඒ්.එන්.නිශාන් සහ කේ.එන්.කේ. සෝමරත්න යන අයගෙන් සමන්විත තවත් ත්‍රිපුද්ගල කමිටුවක් පත් කළේය. මේ කමිටුවට පත්කළ කිසිවකුත් මා පෞද්ගලිකව දන්නා හඳුනන අය නොවේ. මේ කමිටු සඳහා නීතිපති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ සහාය ලබා දීමට ද කටයුතු කරන ලදී.
ඉන්දීය බුද්ධි සේවයෙන් කිසියම් වූ ආකාරයක ත්‍රස්ත ප්‍රහාරයක් එල්ල වන බවට තොරතුරු ලද විට ගතයුතු පියවර පිළිබඳව සොයාබැලීම ඉහත කමිටුව පත් කිරීමේ එක් අරමුණක් විය. එසේම ඊට අදාළව ගනු ලැබූ පියවර ප්‍රමාණවත්දැයි  විමසා බැලීම ද  මේ කමිටුවට පැවැරුණු තවත් වගකීමක්වේ. රාජ්‍ය බුද්ධි අංශය හා අපරාධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වවුනතිව් පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් දෙදෙනාගේ ඝාතනය එල්.ටී.ටී.ඊ. සංවිධානය කළ බවට මාස හතරක් මුළුල්ලේ ප්‍රකාශ කළේ මන්ද? ඒ කාලය තුළදී ඊට අදාළව ගත් පියවර කුමක්ද යන්න පිළිබඳව විමසා බැලීම ද මේ කමිටුව මගින් සිදුකරන ලදී. 

අල්විස් කමිටු වාර්තාව එවකට ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති සහ වත්මන් මහජන ආරක්ෂක අමාත්‍යාංශයේ ලේකම් රවි සෙනෙවිරත්න, අපරාධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ හිටපු අධ්‍යක්ෂ ශානි අබේසේකර යන මහත්වරුන්ගෙන් පළිගන්න හෝ ඔවුන් ගැන විභාග කිරීමට හෝ සකස් කළ වාර්තාවක් නොවේ. 

පාස්කු සිද්ධිය ගැන හිටපු පොලිස්පති පූජිත ජයසුන්දර, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති නිලන්ත ජයවර්ධන, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති නන්දන මුණසිංහ, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති ලලිත් පතිනායක, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති අබ්දුල් ලතීෆ්, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති රවී සෙනෙවිරත්න ඇතුළු නිලධාරීන් සියළු දෙනාටම නීත්‍යානුකූලව පියවර ගන්නා ලෙසත් ඒ වාර්තාව මගින් වැඩිදුරටත් නිර්දේශ කර තිබේ. මීට අමතරව එවකට හිටපු ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති සහ වත්මන් පොලිස්පති දේශබන්දු තේන්නකෝන් මහතාටත් විනය පියවර ගන්නා ලෙස එම වාර්තාව මගින් නිර්දේශ කර ඇත. එබැවින් මෙය රවි සෙනෙවිරත්නට සහ  ශානි අබේසේකරට විරුද්ධව සැකසු වාර්තාවක් බවට අර්ථ දැක්වීම පදනම් විරහිත බව ඉතා පැහැදිලිය.  

වාර්තාවේ සඳහන්ව ඇති වවුනතිව් ප්‍රදේශයේදී පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් දෙදෙනා ඝාතනය කිරීමේ සිද්ධියට අදාළ නිරීක්ෂණ ද ඉතා වැදගත් වේ. එම සිද්ධියට අදාළව එදා පළමුව දැනුම් දෙනු ලැබූයේ එල්.ටී.ටී.ඊ. සංවිධානය විසින් ඒ ඝාතන සිදුකළ බවටය. එහි ප්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස තම්බිරාස කුමාර් සහ රාසනායගම් සර්වානන්දන් යන දෙදෙනා අත්අඩංගුවට ගනු ලැබූහ. 

වාර්තාවේ ඇමුණුම් පරීක්ෂා කළවිට පරස්පර විරෝධි කරුණු රැසක් අනාවරණය වේ. ඒ් සම්බන්ධයෙන් වන එක් බුද්ධි අංශ වාර්තාවක සඳහන් වනුයේ එවකට සිරගතව සිටි සිවනේෂතුරෙයි චන්ද්‍රකාන්ත් හෙවත් පිල්ලෙයාන් මේ සිද්ධිය පිටුපස සිටින බවය. වවුනතිව්වලදී මියගිය ගනේෂ් නැමැති පොලිස් නිලධාරියා සමඟ අනියම් සම්බන්ධතාවක් පැවැත් වූයේ යයි කියන කාන්තාවකගේ සැමියා විසින් ඝාතනය කළ බවට ද ඊට අදාළ තවත් බුද්ධි අංශ වාර්තාවක සඳහන් විය.

ජාතික තවුහිද් ජමාත් (NTJ) සංවිධාන‌යේ ක්‍රියාකාරකම් සොයා ගැනීමට බුද්ධි අංශවලට මාස හතරක් ගතවීමට හේතුව ජාතික බුද්ධි අංශවලට තොරතුරු ලබා ගැනීමේ විධිමත් ජාලයක් නොතිබීම යයි හමුදා බුද්ධි අංශ අධ්‍යක්ෂ (DMI) සඳහන් කර ඇත. 

“Regarding the gap of four months until discovery of the NTJ, the DMI’s explanation was that it was attributable to the lack of network they had at the time to elicit the intelligence. “


විදේශ බුද්ධි සේවයක් වූ ඉන්දියන් බුද්ධි අංශයට මේ ප්‍රදේශයේ ශක්තිමත් තොරතුරු ජාලයක් පැවැතිය ද, එම ප්‍රදේශයේම ලංකාවේ බුද්ධි අංශ ක්‍රියාත්මක වීමේදී දරුණු කඩා වැටීමක් දැකිය හැකිය. අප සතුව ශක්තිමත් බුද්ධි තොරතුරු ජාලයක් නොතිබීම භායනක තත්ත්වයකි. මන්ද රටෙි ආරක්ෂාවට එය විශාල තර්ජනයක් වන බැවිනි. මගේ අවධානය යොමු වූයේ මේ කාරණය සම්බන්ධයෙනි. 

මගේ අරමුණ වූයේ රදගුරු සම්මේලනයේ ප්‍රතිචාරය ලබාගෙන නිතීපති වාර්තාව ද සමග බුද්ධි සේවා කඩා වැටීම සහ පාස්කු ප්‍රහාරය සම්බන්ධයෙන් සොයා බැලීමට පාර්ලිමේන්තු තේරීම් කාරක සභාවක් පත් කිරීමය. මන්ද මේ ආකාරයට ජාතික බුද්ධි සේවයේ කඩා වැටීම රටේ ජාතික ආරක්ෂාවට විශාල තර්ජනයක් ද වන නිසාය.

පාර්ලිමේන්තු තේරීම් කාරක සභාවක් පත්කර පසුව එහි වාර්තාව ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නිලධාරීන්ගෙන් හා ප්‍රවීනයන්ගෙන් සැදුම්ලත් ත්‍රිපුද්ගල කමිටුවක් හරහා බුද්ධි අංශ සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම  ප්‍රතිසංවිධානය කිරීම සඳහා යෝජනා ගැනීමට ද මම අදහස් කරගෙන සිටියෙමි. ජාතික  බුද්ධි සේවයේ දරුණු කඩා වැටීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් පාස්කු කොමිෂන් වාර්තාවේ කිසිවක් සඳහන් නොවූ බව ද සිහිපත් කිරීමට කැමැත්තෙමි.

මේ වනවිට ඉමහත් ආන්දෝලනයකට තුඩු දී තිබෙන මේ වාර්තාව පසුගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණ සමයේ මා අතට ලැබුණු නමුත් පාස්කු ප්‍රහාරය දේශපාලනයට ඈඳා ගැනීමට ඇති අකමැත්ත නිසා ඒ වාර්තා ප්‍රසිද්ධියට පත්කිරීමට මම කටයුතු නොකෙළමි. මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් වාර්තාවක් කැඳවීමට අවශ්‍යව තිබූ බැවින් ඉහත පිළිවෙත මම අනුගමනය කළ බව ද සඳහන් කරමි.

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රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ 
අටවන විධායක ජනාධිපති

Why did the govt wait till embassy alert to act, if intel was received two weeks ago- Former Minister

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy Hiru News

Former Minister Kanchana Wijesekera questioned why the Sri Lankan government, which reportedly received information about a possible attack on October 7, did not inform the public or tighten security measures before the U.S. Embassy’s announcement. He expressed concerns that officials failed to share details regarding actions taken in response to the information received from diplomatic missions, emphasizing that national security threats should never be taken lightly, especially given that tourism is a crucial source of income for the country.

The former minister suggested that if the government had acted on the earlier intelligence and communicated effectively with diplomatic missions, a travel advisory could have potentially been avoided. He urged the president and foreign minister to convene a meeting with diplomatic missions and security officials to outline measures taken to ensure safety and to work collaboratively to lift the travel advisory on Sri Lanka.

Several countries have updated their travel advisories for Sri Lanka following a warning from the American Embassy about a potential attack targeting Arugambay. In response, Israel’s National Security Council has advised its citizens to leave Sri Lanka or move to Colombo, citing intelligence regarding a possible attack on its residents.

Acting Inspector General of Police Priyantha Weerasuriya addressed the situation in a special statement yesterday afternoon. This prompted former Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekera to raise questions via his official X account.

aking to twitter the former minister wrote:&nbsp;<br /><br />According to the statement made by the Acting Chief of Police, the information on a possible attack was received by the GOSL on the 7th of October and was discussed at multiple security council meetings, investigated and precautions taken.

If the Government did have information before the statement from the US embassy went out, it&rsquo;s a serious concern why the officials didn&rsquo;t tighten security before.

The reality is that there was no presence of any security officials or armed forces in any of the tourist areas until the warning statement from the US embassy and other foreign missions went out to its citizens.

Another concern is why the Government failed to call a meeting with the Diplomatic missions and brief on the steps taken in regards of the information received and the steps taken to prevent such a threat.

While the threat on national security should never be taken lightly, Tourism income is one of the most important revenue streams for the country.

If the GOSL did have info before hand and had they briefed the diplomatic missions, a travel advisory warning could have been prevented with the precautions taken.

President&nbsp;@anuradisanayake&nbsp;and the Foreign Minister should at least now call a meeting with the Diplomatic missions and the security officials, brief on the steps taken and work with the foreign missions to remove the travel advisory on Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Police introduce emergency telephone number for Israeli nationals

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy Adaderana

Israeli nationals visiting Sri Lanka, whether for tourism or other purposes, can now directly request assistance to ensure personal protection, according to Sri Lankan Police. 

Visitors in need of assistance can contact the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) in charge of the Tourist Range and Maritime Division, Mr. Damayantha Vijaya Sri, by calling +94718592651, the Police Media Division announced.

If an Israelite, who has visited Sri Lanka as a tourist or for other purpose, feels the need to ensure his/her personal security, he/she may directly contact the above telephone number and get the necessary assistance, the statement said.

Mr. Vijaya Sri will take necessary measures having taken the requirement into consideration, it said. 

Since it is necessary to verify the identity in such matters, the Israelites are kindly requested to provide the necessary information.

Travel advisories for Sri Lanka can be withdrawn within 2-3 days – Minister

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy Adaderana

Public Security Minister Vijitha Herath says that the travel advisories issued by several foreign countries for Sri Lanka could be lifted within the next two to three days.

Minister Herath stated this during a special press conference held in Colombo today (24), to brief on the steps taken following information received on possible attacks targeting foreign tourists in Sri Lanka.

He reassured to public and the tourists that there is no cause for concern, as necessary security measures have been taken to ensure the security of the foreign tourists. 

They have been informed through the hotels and the Tourism Authority. Police as well as the tri-forces have taken the required steps. So, tourists can travel freely. The countries that have imposed travel advisories will be able to withdraw them in two to three days,” the Minister said.

Furthermore the Minister stated: We will restore normalcy in a few days, allowing the travel advisories issued by the United States and other countries to be lifted. These nations are already satisfied with the measures we’ve implemented, and they have confidence in sending their citizens to Sri Lanka for tourism.”

Tourist arrivals have not been affected. Even the day before, Israeli tourists arrived in Sri Lanka without any issues. Those currently here are enjoying their travels freely, without any obstacles. We have already successfully managed the situation”, he added.

He further stated that the public, local as well as foreigners, need not entertain any fears on probable attacks on Israelis or any others, as all possible security measures have been taken to ensure their safety.

Three suspects arrested over threats to Israeli nationals, being investigated

October 24th, 2024

Courtesy Hiru News

Public Security Minister Vijitha Herath announced that three individuals have been arrested in connection with intelligence reports regarding security threats to Israeli nationals in Sri Lanka. The minister revealed this information during a press conference focused on the ongoing investigations.

Minister Herath stated that the arrested suspects are currently undergoing interrogation. He emphasized the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety of tourists, especially given the conflict situation in the Middle East, which has raised concerns about potential threats to visitors in Sri Lanka.

He mentioned that intelligence agencies had received relevant information, prompting immediate action from the government. This day marks one month since the current government took office, during which time the security council has convened multiple times.

In response to the received information, special police security has been deployed in popular tourist areas, including Arugam Bay, Bandarawela, Ella, Matara, Weligama, and Ahungalla Beach. The minister confirmed that this heightened security presence began at the start of the month.

Minister Herath stated that both intelligence agencies and police are conducting thorough investigations to determine if the arrested individuals had any intentions to incite disturbances. He reassured the public, both local and foreign, that there is no need for alarm regarding possible attacks, as comprehensive security measures are in place.

He also expressed optimism about restoring normalcy soon, which may lead to the lifting of travel advisories issued by the United States and other nations. According to the minister, these countries are already satisfied with the security measures implemented, increasing their confidence in sending tourists to Sri Lanka.

Don’t use Easter Sunday to destroy Sri Lanka’s Nation Security apparatus – Remember Millennium City!

October 23rd, 2024

Shenali D Waduge

What is taking place under the guise of Easter Sunday is nothing but a repeat of the 2002 raid on the Millennium City Safe House in Athurugiriya goes down in history as one of the greatest betrayals.

Just as Commission reports on the 2019 Easter Sunday massacre are being repeatedly rejected in 2002, a discharged former Colonel (P. Dissanayake who has now joined up with S Deshapriya the LTTE sympathizer in Geneva) filed application with the Court of Appeal against the Commission of Inquiry report on the 2002 Millennium City debacle, but Justice Sriskandarajah dismissed it.

How is the Easter Sunday attack & the 2002 Millennium City debacle linked one may ask?

The raid was as a result of a false rumor about an attempt to assassinate then PM Ranil which resulted in disclosure to the public & media of the names of Sri Lanka’s intel operatives who were using the venue as a Safe House & carrying out attacks on LTTE. Exposure of the names of intel who had sacrificed their life to infiltrate into LTTE areas & carry out dangerous covert operations, resulted in LTTE gunning down over 50 intel operatives & their informants.

The Commission was mandated to see if any information was given by personnel inside the Armed Forces to expose the Safe House & the Commission found that the very petitioner was a source.

It is important for citizens to read back on this horrific event.


The Easter Sunday is somewhat different, yet the repeated innuendos being made & the demand for sensitive information of how intel carries out its covert operations are subtly to expose the manner the intel agencies operate & make public their modus operandi. The Cardinal & Church are clearly aware of this as a number of Fathers openly sided with the LTTE.

Lionel Balagalle was the Army Commander, Lucky Kodituwakku was IGP, Tilak Marapana was Defense Minister, Austin Fernando was Defense Secretary & John Amaratunga was Minister of Internal Affairs. President Chandrika appointed retired Judge D. Jayawickrema to report on the incident which found DIG Udugampola’s action in raiding the safe house illegal & immoral” & he was demoted to ASP. He was also asked to pay compensation after a FR filed in SC by soldiers. Even the State was ordered to pay. Udugampola was interdicted & arrested in March 2005 (3 years after the incident) Udugampola was backed with political patronage & betrayed the soldiers defending the nation as they were rounded up & even tortured by police & treated as common criminals. It was the same government that asked 600 police officers to give themselves up to the LTTE to be gunned down.

Returning to the Easter Sunday, no amount of conspiracy theories or rejections can erase the fact that prior warnings had been given & received to the top posts in the country. Whatever, they say the written circulars are evidence that they have received the communication of an attack. If they had not read the circulars it also shows they are unsuited for their roles. These circulars would undoubtedly have come marked ‘FOR URGENT ATTENTION” or something similar.

Those who are rejecting the reports appear to want to for some unexplained reason, single out only the intelligence apparatus & pin blame on them. Let us all understand that the SIS & Military intelligence & even police intelligence only gather information from ground sources & pass them to the units who are mandated to take action & who have the authority to take action. Is it not strange that those venting hate at the intel & demanding to know how they operate are silent about the inaction of the entities that knew about an attack and did nothing.

Each statement they make articulates a hidden objective to want to be privy to how the intel apparatus operates on the excuse that they seek justice” for Easter Sunday victims while ignoring to demand explanation from all those who were heading units that had the power to take action & prevent the crime. All that required to be done was to stop people entering the Church & ask hotels to beef up security.

We return to the disclosure of SIS head Nilantha Jayawardena who in his evidence to the Presidential Commission said that by 11th April at least 15,000 knew of an attack on targeted churches & hotels.

It is baffling that none of the 15,000 (Church goers who avoided Church that fateful day) informed the Cardinal or Cyril Gamini – or did they? This is something that also needs to be unearthed just as the need to investigate if the money sent by Vatican & well wishers were distributed to the victims though conflicting figures are being given to raise doubts! Why are those demanding transparency silent about transparency in the disbursement of money sent to be given to victims. Perhaps the victims must come forward to acknowledge they have received amounts from the Church other than what was given by the State.

It is pretty clear that when Cardinal & Cyril Gamini are repeatedly rejecting reports they believe someone else is guilty. They must stop making a mockery of renowned people who are paid by the taxpayer to investigate & present their findings. Instead the Cardinal & Co must go to Courts with evidence they have to claim their version is correct instead of not only asking for more Commissions & investigations but also demanding to know how the intel operates & have these details made public to enable another Millennium City type debacle to bump off another set of gallant men who sacrifice their life to defend the nation. The role of any intel operative is never easy & the manner they operate cannot be publicized as Cardinal appears to demand. Would any of the foreign intel ever disclose how they operate & none of their Governments or their Opposition will demand disclosure of these details to the public.

It is difficult to call for international investigations because foreign intel agents were in Sri Lanka & took most of the evidence & even the US State Dept & Australia have issued their statements regarding the attack. None of these findings collaborates with the Cardinal.

99% of the world’s terrorists are Islamic & the only molakaru behind these attacks is the Books from which they are indoctrinated into killing & becoming martyrs. There is no evidence that such terrorists have ever committed suicide for anything other than what their books advocate. Unfortunately, innocent Muslims who have no ties to extremism are victims too.

Politicizing of the Easter Sunday must end. It is unfair by the victims but also unfair by all other victims of LTTE attacks too.

146 Buddhist theros & Buddhists meditating at the Sacred Sri Maha Bodhi on 14 May 1985 were killed by LTTE. Did these victims get 5 reports paid by the taxpayers as Easter Sunday attack has got?

147 Muslims were killed inside the Kattankudy mosque on 3 August 1990. Did these victims get 5 reports paid by the taxpayers as Easter Sunday attack has got?

Some victims cannot be more special than the others!

The Government must take action against ALL officers who were given prior warning of attacks but did not take action. This is the crux of the entire entire issue.

We know who committed the crimes – 8 Jihadis

Why does Cardinal not demand to know why they targeted 3 churches & 3 hotels

We know prior warnings were given

Why does Cardinal not question who knew but who did not take action to prevent the mass murders. Those who knew could have saved 261 lives – This is an unforgiveable crime & no such person should be given any public role.

Premalal Ferdinando Says

Well said! Didn’t Jesus tell on the cross to forgive those who killed him <if someone hits you on the left cheek give the right cheek also>. This is what the head of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka should be preaching and not play the <Who is the Maha Molakaru> record all the time. I am myself a Catholic living abroad and we Christians should remember the harm that the European Christians did to the Muslims through the Crusades in the middle ages.

Sri Lanka needs a Marshall Plan and SJB has better Economic policies/team

October 23rd, 2024

Chanaka Bandarage

After the WW II the Western Europe was in utter shambles. Most of the countries were bankrupt. US President Truman introduced the Marshall Plan to develop Western Europe. The US gave them aid in the tune of $ $13.3 billion (equivalent to $173.8 billion in 2024). The biggest beneficiary was the UK (26% of the total aid).

The Western Europe took the chance and developed themselves. Today they are all advanced economies.

What is important is that they were direct aid not loans.

For Sri Lanka to come out of this gigantic economic mess we need a similar Marshall Plan.

The only recipe for our survival – injection of a large chunk of US dollars into our economy.

We need direct aid at least in the tune of US$ 7.5 billion. Also, we must receive substantial debt cuts for  the existing (frozen) loans.

In the 2003 Tokyo summit aid in the tune of US$ 4.5 billion was pledged for Sri Lanka. Owing to the change of government we missed it out.

Who can effect a Marshall Plan for Sri Lanka? The writer believes out of the all political parties SJB is best equipped.

The SJB has already stated that upon winning the government it will convene a World Donor Conference. They are geared to seeking active economic support from the West (US/Canada, UK/Europe, Australia/New Zealand). Then, Japan, South Korea China and India.

Out of all the political parties, SJB has the best economic team – Harsha D, Eran W and Kabir H. They are very versatile, articulate  people.  They have an in-depth knowledge about both local and international economics. They are not ‘frogs in the well’. Then, they have – Nalin B, Sujiva S, Kavinda J, Rehan J, M Marikkar, Thushara I etc, all very capable people. Hopefully Sajith can give them good leadership.

The NPP failed in the recent IMF talks (see our article, 10/10/24). It seems they do not have capable persons who can sit in equal footing with international teams. Now they say they are going to invite the Prime Minister of a certain Latin American Marxist state to visit Sri Lanka as the first head of state after the NPP has come to power. This poor country has enormous economic problems. They have  very long food and fuel queues. Recently they encountered non-stop power cuts.

Rajapakse government boasted that it had excellent foreign friends. Who were they? Very poor African nations. People wise, they are very nice, but they cannot  help us. They are in deeper economic pit than us. They do not have money even to feed their children.

The writer has previously stated that Sri Lanka should be the ‘Hong Kong’ of India. For saying this he  was severely criticised.

The writer never articulated that we should become a satellite state of India.  What he stated was that since India is now a global economic powerhouse, we must become a hub for them – supply them goods and services. When China was growing under Chairman Deng, Hong Kong was the main provider of chips for  China’s computer manufacturing industry. True, Hong Kong – an ex-British colony, was always rich; but thanks to Capitalist China it became richer.

Though the writer suggested this, no government was keen to embark on it. Now we hear that Bhutan has succeeded in becoming a hub for India – for certain goods and services. Mr Modi has reciprocated to Bhutan’s request positively.

But, we must not give up.

India did not help Ranil much. Perhaps Mr Modi favours Sajith over Ranil?

India did give aid to Ranil’s government but they were of rudimental nature. India now has deep pockets. If wants, it can give us substantial aid (and loans/credit swaps).  

Given the NPP’s close affinity with communist nations, it is not sure whether or not India will be  generous to Anura K.  Let’s wait and see.  Anura K is scheduled to visit India later next month.

We, the electorate want our country developed. We are not concerned about party politics.

What we want is to see Sri Lanka becoming a 1st world nation within our own lifetime. Under good leaderships this is a possibility.

It is really good that Anura K is determined to end bribery and corruption. There is no doubt that he is genuine about it. But, that itself is not enough.

During his first month of power, sadly he has failed to show good economic results/progress.

Like Ranil, the NPP government seems to rely on raising taxes to generate revenue. This is disastrous for the people, especially the poor and the middle class. The government selling treasury bonds/bills non-stop means the rise of the country’s debt burden.

Our leaders lack new ideas.

 Can a SJB government under Anura K’s (NPP) presidency take Sri Lanka to prosperity? A possibility.

It is true Maithree/Ranil combination was a disaster. The two of them went in two different roads.

But, if the NPP government is incompetent (sadly this seems to be the case), a Anura K/Sajith P combined government will be the only way out.

The two of them must not be selfish and greedy to stack the government with their own henchmen/favourites. This is what happened in the Maithree/Ranil government. In any case, the number of cabinet positions must not exceed 30.

Again – we desperately need assistance from rich nations – US, UK, Canada, EU,  Australia, India, Japan, China, etc.  A huge injection of funds into the economy in the form of aid (grants) is a must. Otherwise, we would never come out of this mess. The current debt burden (about US$100 billion) is too big. Only a government that can be diplomatic/friendly with the West, Japan India and China can bring us these benefits. SJB is the best to do this.   

Sri Lanka’s Passport Language Controversy: A Call for Cultural Inclusivity

October 23rd, 2024

By Palitha Ariyarathna

The recent changes by Sri Lanka’s Department of Immigration and Emigration regarding the language used in the new passport series have sparked important discussions among citizens and officials. While the decision to print passports primarily in English—with Sinhala and Tamil as secondary languages—aims to facilitate international travel, it has also raised concerns about cultural identity and linguistic rights.

Advocates for the use of English highlight its role as a link language, which can enhance recognition and ease of use for travelers. However, it is crucial to recognize that prioritizing Sinhala and Tamil equally in passports is vital for preserving the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka. As the official languages of the country, Sinhala and Tamil are a reflection of its diverse identity, and their equal prominence in official documents signifies respect and inclusivity.

Passports serve as more than mere travel documents; they are symbols of national identity and sovereignty. Even though the new machine-readable passport (MRP) introduces modern features and a slimmer design with 48 pages compared to the previous 64-page ‘N’ series passport, it is essential to maintain the dignity of its holder. For many citizens, the language on their passport embodies their cultural heritage and personal identity. By ensuring that all national languages are represented equally, we can foster a greater sense of belonging and respect among the diverse populations of Sri Lanka.

The Importance of Native Language in Passports

There are several compelling reasons to advocate for the inclusion of native languages in passports:

Accessibility: All citizens should be able to read and understand their own travel documents, enhancing inclusivity.

Official Use: Local authorities, who may not be fluent in English, will find it easier to process documents in their native languages.

Cultural Identity: Preserving and promoting the national languages reinforces national pride and identity.

Legal Accuracy: Accurate representation of legal terms and personal details is essential for all citizens.

International Recognition: While reflecting the country’s official languages, we can still comply with international standards, showcasing Sri Lanka’s unique identity on the global stage.

The recent court rulings in Sri Lanka emphasizing the importance of the Sinhala language in legal proceedings further underline the necessity of prioritizing native languages in official documents, including passports.

Balancing National Identity with International Standards

While the global recognition of English presents practical advantages, such as facilitating international travel, the challenge lies in balancing these standards with the need to honor our cultural identity. The current government must understand that simplifying every cultural aspect in a sudden move or political campaign can lead to significant misunderstandings and controversies. Decisions made without a deep understanding of the basic cultural dynamics may alienate communities and provoke unnecessary backlash.

As Sri Lanka navigates its recovery from economic challenges, this debate over passport languages serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage while adapting to global norms. It is essential for the government to correct any missteps promptly and to honor those who feel hurt by these decisions, thereby demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity and respect for all cultural identities.

In conclusion, the passport language controversy is an opportunity for Sri Lanka to reaffirm its commitment to cultural pride and inclusivity. By embracing national languages equally, we can create a more united and respectful society that honors the rich tapestry of identities that make up our nation.

By Palitha Ariyarathna

Elon Musk – How Should the Richest Person on Earth Behave?

October 23rd, 2024

Prof. Hudson McLean

Is this How the Rickest Person on the Planet Should Behave in Public or even in Private?

Please Read His Comments and You Decide!

For context, Musk was responding to a post about a Der Spiegel article that compared him to a media mogul who helped Hitler climb to power.

It was hardly Musk’s first, and certainly not his most offensive, statement involving the Third Reich or their White supremacist progeny. Just last month, Musk promoted Tucker Carlson’s widely condemned interview with a Nazi apologist who said the murder of Jews in concentration camps was humane” and that Winston Churchill was the chief villain” of World War II. Musk later deleted his X post that called the interview very interesting” and worth watching,” per the Independent.

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