Stop the Killing by Giving Just Home to Palestine!

October 20th, 2023

Prof. Hudson McLean

For over 2000 years Jews have been suffering for the Death Curse of Jesus Christ, cast by the Jews themselves.

The Roman Pontius Pilate washed his hands, demonstrated daily by the Catholic priest, daily at each Holy Mass.

Why did the Western World stand by Israel when Palestinians were left out in the cold, without a home?

Today the Israelis are kept looking over the shoulder, whilst the West & USA are being hampered by Arab terror.

The only solution is not an Iron Dome over Israel but to give the Palestinians a HOMELAND!

The old saying, “People Who Live in Glass Houses, Do Not Throw Stones”!

Hamas & Hezbollah will be history if & when the Palestinians have their Homeland!

The West, EU, USA might think a bit further than their noses!

May Long Live Israel & Palestine as Good Humans!

Israel Offers 1,000 Jobs to Sri Lankan Workers in Agriculture Sector

October 20th, 2023

Manusha Media

Labour and Foreign Employment Minister Manusha Nanayakkara has revealed that around a thousand new job opportunities have opened up in Israel’s agricultural sector and emphasized that the government will carefully assess the current security situation in the country before taking necessary steps to employ Sri Lankans in these job opportunities.

Minister Nanayakkara shared these insights today (20) while speaking in Parliament during an adjournment debate on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

During his address, the Minister underscored that the government has already taken all the required measures to facilitate the employment of migrant workers in Israel and noted that arrangements can be made for those who wish to return to Sri Lanka.

He also pointed out that individuals who are trained and willing to work in Israel as migrant workers will be dispatched in the coming weeks. Minister Nanayakkara highlighted that over the years, Israel has offered numerous job opportunities to Sri Lanka, significantly contributing to the improvement of the Sri Lankan economy.

Moreover, he emphasized the enduring friendship between Sri Lanka and Israel, underscoring the government’s commitment to promoting a peaceful world order.

Minister Nanayakkara stated, “If this conflict persists, it will have a profound impact on the world economy and, consequently, the Sri Lankan economy.”

He further emphasized the importance of Israeli and Middle Eastern countries, which make immense contributions to the Sri Lankan economy, citing the substantial role played by Sri Lankan workers in these regions.

The Minister highlighted the unique situation where both the Israeli government and opposition came together during the conflict, underscoring the significance of this unity as a valuable lesson for Sri Lanka. He also lamented that during the recent economic crisis, Sri Lankan political parties failed to collaborate for a collective solution.

The Israel-Palestine Conflict, False Flags and Cold War: Connecting the Dots.. to the Washington Consensus (IMF and WB).

October 20th, 2023

By Peter Koenig Global Research, October 11, 2023

Most people, including journalists on both sides of the aisle – mainstream and non-mainstream — seem to believe that this a one-off war, a surprise attack by Hamas, the defenders” of Palestine.

It is not. Connecting a few dots over the past 70 years may help better understand what is going on in the Middle East, Israel-Palestine – and around the world. How the bloody Israel-Palestine conflict fits into the Big Picture.

What if Hamas has been created either by Israel directly, or rather by the US-UK-Israel Secret Services for the benefit” of Israel, for precisely the reason they (Hamas) are used today: to justify Israel’s all-out war for wiping out Palestine, for extending her territory, absorbing over time about as much as a third or half of the current Middle East – into Greater Israel? 

For the wellbeing of the Chosen People”?

Hamas has no chance in heaven to win this war. It is David against Goliath. Except in this case, David is Hamas and Goliath is Israel. Both Hamas and Israel know it.

What if Hezbollah was also created by the same villains for the same reasons, to create chaos and eventually war in the Middle East? They are the official protectors” of Lebanon (similar to Hamas for Palestine) but, with their possible aggression on Israel, or their involvement in the current war, they will make sure that Lebanon will be one of the countries absorbed by Israel. Israel’s massively US-military-supported IDF (Israel Defense Forces) may just crush Hezbollah and take over Lebanon.

This plan is not known by most people. Netanyahu becoming prime minister again in December 2022, despite his narrowly losing the election, is a well-planned scam, supported by the well-known secret services and the Kazarian Zionists, supporting Israel’s expansion throughout the Middle East.

Let us not forget, Israel is the power broker for the western world. They control worldwide banking and corporate finance, communication, Hollywood, art, education systems – and more.

Already in 1815, Nathan Rothschild, British financier and member of the Rothschild banking family, made his famous statement:

I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

The same Nathan Rothschild also infamously said, the time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.” See this and this.

This is precisely a reflection on what we are living today – a limitless quest for superiority, no matter what it costs, in money and blood.

Back to Hezbollah: Lebanon has also lots of natural resources, off-shore oil and a deep off-shore sweet water aquifer. Current Israeli territories have almost no fresh water, one of the reasons (among many others) Israel wants to take over the so-called West Bank, where about 80% of all the fresh water sources of greater Palestine (before 1948) is located and which Israel now is virtually stealing from Palestine.

Palestine also has natural gas. The Gaza Marine is a natural gas field less than 40 km off the coast of the Gaza Strip. The deposits of the Gaza Marine natural gas field are estimated at 35 BCM, larger than those of Israel’s Yam Tethys maritime gas field. See this.

The Role of Al Qaeda

In the same spirit of Hamas and Hezbollah, Al Qaeda was created in the early 1980s. Al Qaeda is a Sunni pan-Islamist militant organization; an international terrorist” organization which was to generate unrest around the world, as needed, to justify military interventions – mostly by the US and UK – and destabilization of otherwise stable (and mostly resources-rich) Middle East and African countries. Al Qaeda has also been operating in Asia — for example in Pakistan, where it supposedly was founded; also in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and elsewhere.

U.S. Weapons for Hamas 

It is no coincidence that weapons used by Hamas in this assault” on Israel are of US origin, earlier shipped to Kiev to fight Russia. By now it is no secret that about 70% of US- and EU-supplied weapons never made it to the Ukrainian front fighting Russia, but rather to the black market, from where tracing them was thought to be next to impossible. See this.

Washington and Brussels – the EU puppets of the wannabe empire – knew from the beginning about the deviation of a large proportion of weaponry to the black market. But they did nothing against it. Did they know this was a covert way of arming Hamas and possibly Hezbollah for a soon to come, well-planned hot” war with Israel?

Amazingly, since Benjamin Netanyahu had been made PM again, he had been advancing a judicial reform which was considered as damaging to Israel’s democracy and devastating to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Many potential recruits have refused to serve. Analysts warned that this might crack the IDF and its ability to defend the state. See this.

Would Netanyahu not have known about the risks to the IDF of his judicial reform?

Connecting the Dots: The Washington Consensus 

In parallel with these terrorist” organizations — the creations of US-UK-Israel secret services – the financial behemoths also worked their program out. They convened the so-called Washington Consensus, created in 1989, by the three key US-controlled Financial Organizations: Federal Reserve, IMF and World Bank.

The covert purpose of the Washington Consensus was to indebt the so-called developing world, beginning with Latin America (the US backyard,” a Washington-coined term), to make them (fully) dependent on the US.

Loans were no longer development project-based but rather blank checks”, according to a list of goodies” that were to be purchased or built, and conditions for tranches of disbursements within a given timeframe but hardly any supervision by the lenders on whether the items on the list and conditions were fulfilled.

With corruption rampant on both sides of the aisle – lenders and recipients – money often disappeared but accumulated as debt in the countries’ treasuries.

Washington Consensus policies were applied throughout the world, with the same purpose. Through these policies and the largely dollarized economies of the purported Third World” countries, economic crises could be created at will, and as needed, provoked, or accompanied by terrorist-caused chaos and upheavals to shuffle more of the resources, natural and otherwise, from these countries to the top, the US and European world elite.

With this economic domination” and the terror created to cause unrest when needed, the control of much of the Global South could be guaranteed.

Intelligence Ops. and Climate Change”

At about the same time from the 1950’s to the 90s, Operation Gladio was launched by the CIA and other western secret services, especially in Italy, France and Germany, to wipe out or convert the then-strong socialist and left movements. They were literally disabled in Europe.

In the 1980s, overlapping with the annihilation of the left, the Green Movement took hold in Europe and later in the US. Leaders were Greenpeace, the World Wild Life Fund, Friends of the Earth – among many – gradually converting the minds of the left into defending nature, fighting so-called Ozone holes, Climate Change” and more.

With the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro attended by 172 nations, the cornerstone for what has since become the climate change” movement with the ensuing so far about 27 COPs, had been set.

COP stands for Conference of the Parties,” meaning those countries who joined are party to,” and belong to the international treaty called the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change  (UNFCCC). See this.

Climate Change” — the all-infiltrating climate change agenda has since become a religion. The social and mind manipulation necessary to make it a religion is largely the achievement of the Tavistock Institute for Social Engineering based in the UK, in close collaboration with DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a military-security and intelligence thinktank linked to the Pentagon.

The conversion from socialist thinking to green thinking is also mostly the work of Tavistock and DARPA.

Since the 1940s, Tavistock and DARPA – and possibly others – have gained scientific knowledge on how humans’ psyche and social behavior tick to bend and influence” them, according to the needs of the elite and wannabe One World Order (OWO) gurus.

The Cold War and Its Aftermath

One of the main precursors to this sequence of events was the Club of Rome, a first informal meeting took place in Rome in 1956. It was then overshadowed by the Cold War, which was supposed to squash the already WWII-weakened Soviet Union.

The US funded Hitler’s war to fight the USSR, the main purpose of WWII.

It failed miserably. The funding came directly from the US Fed via the Basel-based Bank for International Settlement (BIS – Rothschild controlled), located just a few kilometres  from the German border, making for easy transfer to the German Reichsbank, at that time in suitcases full of cash.

The first President of the BIS was a former Deputy Chairman of the Fed.

Since this approach to conquer Russia (USSR) failed, the Cold War was introduced under totally false pretenses. It eventually succeeded, temporarily (from 1991 to 1999) to break the Soviet Union, with the collaboration of the corrupted Yeltsin Government, compliments of Washington. Then Vladimir Putin arrived on the scene to salvage his country. He has done so astonishingly well.

The West is in steep decline and will not be able to conquer Russia nor China. They have different profiles of ethics, morale, and humanity.

The Club of Rome

The formal creation of the Club of Rome (COR), a Rockefeller idea (not European), took place in 1968 in Rome. The COR is since headquartered in Winterthur, Switzerland, along with many other dubious organizations protected by generous Swiss legislation.

From the beginning, the COR was pushing for a United Europe but never a sovereign European Federation à la US of A, with their own Constitution, lest Washington would not be able to control her (the European Union).

The EU must have a common currency, the little sister of the US dollar (same principle, made of thin air), which, of course, the founders knew would not work. A single currency for the 19 of the 27 countries, with different legislation, economies, cultures, languages, and no common Constitution, i.e., monetary policy and legislation, is bound to fail.

The break-up of the EU is just a matter of time. It will blend in with the rest of the chaos which is ever rising, with accelerating speed, and causing millions of deaths.

An estimated 25 to 30 million people perished since WWII caused by US-initiated conflicts and wars around the globe. The Israel-Palestine confrontation is just the latest of such killing machine.

Many analysts warn about a nuclear WWIII. They did so with Ukraine, and now again with this deadly Israel-Palestine conflict.

We are already in WWIII, just not nuclear. Nuclear is no longer necessary, as it might destroy most of modern infrastructure, life on earth – all the things the wannabe reigning elite covets. And who knows, they may risk their own lives with a potential nuclear confrontation.

Today’s bio-warfare, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW – see Maui, Hawaii, and California) and not least, geoengineering the climate – to destroy in a targeted way food crops, infrastructure, and housing around the world, with extreme heat waves, flooding, hurricanes and even earthquakes, can do at least as much damage in terms of famine, misery and death, as a nuclear war.

Plus, with a Tavistock-engineered mind, the damage is easily being ascribed to climate change.”

In 1972, the COR issued the infamous Limits to Growth” report, which as of this day is the blueprint for the WEF’s Great Reset and the UN Agenda 2030 with one of the key objectives: reducing massively the world population, also called useless eaters”, by Israeli professor Yuval Noah Hariri, Klaus Schwab’s close advisor. Gigantic population reduction is one of the main goals of the WEF’s Great Reset and the interlinked UN Agenda 2030.

The UN-WEF Pact of Cooperation

In 2019, WEF Chairman, Klaus Schwab, and UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, signed a Pact of Cooperation that is illegal, immoral, and a huge conflict of interest.

Image left, Klaus Schwab and UNSG Antonio Guterres 

The UN is no longer a trustworthy 193-member international organization, created in 1945 to foster world peace.

Nowadays, illegality as we knew it, does not count anymore. The world is now guided” by the elite’s rules-based order” — a set of non-legal rules that can be adapted according to the needs of the wannabe rulers.”

Interestingly, nobody protested this unholy partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum. So, UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset / 4th Industrial Revolution are identical per se, pursuing the same objectives and goals.

As a face-saving stint of cosmetics over the stained UN image, a special UN commission may launch an inquiry into war crimes committed during the Israel-Palestine war. The outcome will likely be what most people guess it will be – Israel is absolved. See this.

An author of Limits to Growth, Dennis Meadows, recently said in a video the world is overpopulated and its inhabitants must be massively (about 86%) reduced for good equilibrium. Although, he did not volunteer as one of those having to be reduced”. See this.

Concluding Remarks

The current Israel-Palestine war will not be short, predicted and announced by PM Benjamin Netanyahu on the first day of the war on Saturday 7 October 2023. How does he know?

It looks like this conflict may go into the direction of the never-ending, like Afghanistan, Ukraine, Somalia, Sudan and of course, still troubled Iraq, and many more. All of which are contributing to this Death Cult – genocide for population reduction, chaos, wherever you look – and fear, fear, and more fear, weapon of choice to cause submission and destruction of economies and eventually transfer of resources from the bottom to the top.

The new war also contributes to the pursuit of the un-pursuable — a One World Government — and as an agenda within the agenda — to the achievement of Greater Israel for the Chosen People.”

It will not happen.

But the human suffering until the collapse of this diabolical nightmare may be horrendous.

We, the People, must plan creating another society based on independent and sovereign communities, with own money and own local banking, trading with each other, maybe in the future linking up communities. And foremost, away from all-controlling digitization.

Dynamics – no dictate – of this new society”, hopefully one day new civilization”, must be the primary guiding light.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image: Palestinian residents of Huwara walk among their burned homes, cars, and businesses the morning after Israeli settlers rampaged through their town in the West Bank, Feb. 27, 2023. (Oren Ziv)

The original source of this article is Global Research

වර්තමාන අවශ්‍යතාවය සම්ප්‍රදායෙන් බැහැර නව්‍යකරණයෙන් යුතු තාක්ෂණික විසඳුම්…- අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා  

October 20th, 2023

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය 

අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා මේ බව සඳහන් කළේ  අද (2023.10.20) BMICH හිදී පැවති Techno 2023, කාර්මික හා තාක්ෂණ ප්‍රදර්ශනය විවෘත කිරීමේ අවස්ථාවට එක්වෙමිනි.

එහිදී අදහස් දැක් වූ අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා –

ආර්ථික අර්බුදයෙන් මිදීමේ අරමුණ සාක්ෂාත් කර ගැනීම සඳහා ආර්ථිකය ප්‍රකෘතිමත් කිරීමට ඉංජිනේරුකරණයයන තේමාව යටතේ techno2023 සංවිධානය කිරීම පිළිබඳව ශ්‍රී ලංකා ඉංජිනේරු ආයතනය (IESL) වෙත ප්‍රශංසාව හිමිවෙනවා. ව්‍යවසායකත්වය ප්‍රවර්ධනය කිරීම, නව ව්‍යාපාර  දිරිගැන්වීම, රැකියා අවස්ථා නිර්මාණය කිරීම සහ ආර්ථික වර්ධනය ඉහළ නැංවීම ප්‍රශංසනීයයි.  ඉංජිනේරුවන් සහ තාක්ෂණවේදීන් තම අධ්‍යයන විෂය මාලාවේ න්‍යායන්ට පමණක් සීමා නොවී රට මුහුණ දෙන ආර්ථික අභියෝග රාශියකට නිර්මාණාත්මක විසඳුම් ඉදිරිපත් කළ යුතුයි.  

1985 වසරේ තරුණ මන්ත්‍රීවරයෙකු ලෙස IESL පනත් කෙටුම්පතට පාර්ලිමේන්තු අනුමැතිය ලබා ගැනීමට එවකට අමාත්‍ය පී. දයාරත්න මහතාට සහය දුන් අයුරු මට සිහිපත් වෙනවා. අපේ රට තාක්‍ෂණික විශිෂ්ටත්වය කරා ගෙනයාමට සහ  ජනතාවගේ ජීවන තත්ත්වය නඟා සිටුවීමට සහාය වීම සඳහා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ බහුවිධ ඉංජිනේරු කුසලතා එළිදැක්වීමට  ඉංජිනේරු සහ තාක්‍ෂණ පිළිබඳ ප්‍රමුඛ වෘත්තීය ආයතනයක් ලෙස IESL හි කාර්යභාරය අගය කරනවා.  

කොවිඩ් 19 වසංගතය සහ ඉන් අනතුරුව ඇති වූ ගෝලීය ආර්ථික පසුබෑම නිසා ආර්ථික  අවපාතයකට, ඉහළ විරැකියාවකට, උද්ධමනයකට සහ පුළුල් වන වෙළඳ හිඟයකට මුහුණ දෙන්න සිදු වුණා. ආර්ථික අර්බුදය විසඳීමට ඉංජිනේරුවන්ට තීරණාත්මක කාර්යභාරයක් ඉටු කළ හැකියි.  ඉංජිනේරුමය විසඳුම් ආර්ථිකය මුහුණ දෙන ඇතැම් අභියෝග විසඳීමට උපකාරී වෙනවා. නිදසුනක් වශයෙන්, යටිතල පහසුකම් සංවර්ධනය මගින් ප්‍රවාහන පද්ධතිය, බලශක්ති උත්පාදනය සහ විදුලි සංදේශය වැඩිදියුණු කළ හැකි අතරම එමඟින් වෙළඳාම සහ වාණිජ කටයුතු සඳහා පහසුකම් සැලසීමට, විදේශ ආයෝජන ආකර්ෂණය කර ගැනීමට සහ රැකියා අවස්ථා නිර්මාණය කළ හැකියි.  

එහිදී අදහස් දැක් වූ වැඩ බලන තාක්ෂණ අමාත්‍ය කනක හේරත් මහතා –

වත්මන් අභියෝගවලට මුහුණ දීම සඳහා ඩිජිටල් විසඳුම් ලබා දෙන ලෙස  ඉංජිනේරු සහ තාක්ෂණ විශේෂඥයින්ගෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිනවා. එමඟින් දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදනයට ඩිජිටල් ආර්ථික  දායකත්වය රුපියල් බිලියන 3.8 සිට බිලියන 5 දක්වා වැඩි කළ හැකියි.  විදේශ ආයෝජන ආකර්ශනය කර ගත හැකි, දේශීය හා විදේශීය රැකියා අවස්ථා උත්පාදනය කළ හැකි, නවෝත්පාදන ප්‍රවර්ධනය කළ හැකි දක්ෂ ශ්‍රම බලකායක් නිර්මාණය කිරීම සඳහා අධ්‍යාපනය සහ කුසලතා වර්ධනය කිරීමට ඉංජිනේරු විසඳුම්වලට හැකියාව තිබෙනවා.

ශ්‍රී ලංකා ඉංජිනේරු ආයතනයේ සභාපති මහාචාර්ය රංජිත් දිසානායක, ඉංජිනේරු. Techno2023   නියෝජ්‍ය විධායක ලේකම් අර්. බී. එම්. ගුණවර්ධන, IESL හි හිටපු සභාපතිවරුන් සහ සාමාජිකයින් මෙම අවස්ථාවට සහභාගී විය.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආහාර සුරක්‍ෂිතතාවයට එල්ල වන අභියෝගවලට මුහුණදීමට ජාත්‍යන්තර වාණිජ මණ්ඩලයේ සහාය…

October 20th, 2023

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය

ජාත්‍යන්තර වාණිජ මණ්ඩලයේ (ICC) ප්‍රථම කාන්තා සභාපති වන මාරියා ෆනෑන්ඩර් ග්ර්සා (Maria Fernanda Garza) මහත්මිය සහ අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා අතර හමුවක් 2023.10.19 දින අරලියගහ මන්දිරයේදී සිදුවිය.

වෙළඳ හා ආයෝජන, බැංකු, රක්ෂණ, පුහුණුව සහ අධ්‍යාපනය, මූල්‍ය, සංචාරක, කෘෂිකර්මය, කුඩා හා මධ්‍ය පරිමාණ ව්‍යවසායකත්ව සහය සහ ව්‍යවසායකත්ව සංවර්ධනය සහ එම ක්ෂේත්‍රවල ගැටලු බේරුම්කරණය ඇතුළත් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ICC හි කාර්යභාරය පිළිබඳව මෙම සාකච්ඡාවේදී අවධානය යොමුකරනු ලැබීය.

නවීන තාක්ෂණය සමග ආර්ථිකය ඉදිරියට යාම සඳහා ඩිජිටල්කරණය අත්‍යාවශ්‍ය බව අවධාරණය කළ    මාරියා ෆනෑන්ඩර් ග්ර්සා මහත්මිය එයින් කුඩා හා මධ්‍ය පරිමාණ ව්‍යවසායකයින්ට මෙන්ම කෘෂි ක්ෂේත්‍ර වල නියැලී සිටින ග්‍රාමීය ජනතාවටද විශාල අවස්ථා විවර වනු ඇතැයි පෙන්වා දුන්නාය.

ආහාර සුරක්ෂිතතාව සහ අපනයනය ඇතුළත් රජයේ ප්‍රමුඛතා පිළිබඳව මෙහිදී පැහැදිලි කළ අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා යම් යම් අංශ ශ්‍රී ලංකාව පිළිබඳව වැරදි චිත්‍රයක් මවා පෑමට උත්සහ ගන්නා නමුත් ලොව ප්‍රබල පිළිගැනීමක් ඇති ජාත්‍යන්තර වාණිජ මණ්ඩලයට ජිනීවා, එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සමුළුව වැනි ජාත්‍යන්තර වේදිකා වලදී ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ නිවැරදි තත්වය පැහැදිලි කිරීමට වැදගත් කාර්යභාරයක් ඉටුකළ හැකි බව පෙන්වා දුන්නේය.

සමාගම් මිලියන 45 ක ආයතනික සාමාජිකත්වයක් ඇති රටවල් 170 ක් ICC නියෝජනය කරන බව ගාර්සා මහත්මිය මෙහිදි සඳහන් කළාය. 2021 දී දියත් කරන ලද ICC හි කෘෂිකාර්මික ප්‍රතිපත්ති, ආහාර සුරක්ෂිතතා සහ සැපයුම් දාම කමිටුව, ආහාර සුරක්‍ෂිතතාවයට එල්ල වන අභියෝගවලට මුහුණදිම සඳහා ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ සමාගම්වලට සහාය ලබා දීම අරමුණු කරන බව ඇය පැවසුවාය.

ICC නියැලීම, පාලනය, තිරසාර දූෂණ විරෝධී සහ යන භාවිතයන් වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටීම සඳහා වේදිකාවක් ද සපයයි. ICC බැංකු කමිටුව ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ක්‍රියාත්මක වන සියලුම බැංකු විසින් නියෝජනය කරනු ලබන අතර, වෙළෙඳ පහසුකම් වේගවත් කිරීම සඳහා ශ්‍රී ලංකා රේගුව සමඟ කාර්තුමය වශයෙන් රැස්වේ.

මෙම අවස්ථාවට පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී යදාමිණි ගුණවර්ධන, අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ලේකම් අනුර දිසානායක, ශ්‍රී ලංකා ICC සභාපති, ඇන්තනි එම්. ශනිල් ප්‍රනාන්දු, ලේකම් හේමකුමාර ගුණසේකර, කළමනාකරු සංජීව කරුණාරත්න යන අය එක්ව සිටියහ.

Panel Discussion in Canberra, Australia on “Pathways to Economic Recovery in Sri Lanka”

October 20th, 2023

Sri Lanka High Commission Canberra, Australia 

Given the importance and interest on current developments in Sri Lanka and at the request by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) with the Institute of Global Development located in the University, the Sri Lanka High Commission collaborated with the UNSW to organize a RoundTable discussion on Pathways to Economic Recovery in Sri Lanka” which was held on Tuesday 17th October 2023 at the UNSW Campus in Canberra.  The discussion was held in hybrid mode with Sri Lankan experts and professionals who joined the panel discussion virtually. 

The Panellists from Sri Lanka included Hon. Dr. Harsha De Silva, MP, Chair on Public Finance & former State Minister for Foreign Affairs and Mr. Sunil Handunnetti, Executive Committee Member of National People’s Power, former Deputy Minister and former Parliamentarian, Dr. Nishan De Mel, Executive Director of Verite Research, Sri Lanka, Mr. Dhananath Fernando, CEO of Advocata Institute, Sri Lanka, Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja, Advisor to the President of Sri Lanka on Strategic Trade Policy and Board Member of Geopolitical Cartographer.  Prof. Satish Chand of UNSW Canberra School moderated the panel discussion and the Q & A Session. 

Hon. Tharaka Balasuriya, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, could not join the panel due to commitments in Parliament 

Dr. Sarath Mataraarachchi, Snr. Lecturer of UNSW, Sydney welcomed the participants and gave an outline of the subject matter and the objective of conducting the panel discussion from an academic point of view. 

Inaugurating the Roundtable discussion, Prof. Michael O’Donnell, Deputy Rector of UNSW welcomed the participants who joined virtually as well as the other observers who were in the audience. 

High Commissioner for Sri Lanka in Australia, Chitranganee Wagiswara in her introductory remarks spoke briefly on the economic crisis and the debt recovery issue.  While appreciating the interest of the academics and Think Tanks in Australia on a subject of current interest to Sri Lanka, she stated that we in Sri Lanka welcome objective and independent views that would contribute to the deliberations on the subject.

Dr. Harsha De Silva spoke of the consequences of the present economic and debt crisis, the high taxes introduced by the present government and its affects, and issues the government of Sri Lanka could focus on to prioritize and rectify the Sri Lanka economy from the crisis situation. 

Mr. Handunnetti spoke of need to focus on political decisions that are necessary to bring about economic growth in the country.  The three representatives from the Think Tank highlighted the root causes that led to the economic and debt crisis and the decisions and requirements that need to be taken by the government of Sri Lanka to move forward in the recovery process. 

Prof. George Varughese, Director of the UNSW, Global Development Institute gave the Vote of Thanks and stated that the Roundtable discussion brought together scholars and practitioners to an open discussion on innovative pathways to economic recovery in Sri Lanka. The audience in Canberra included Prof Premachandra Athukorala, Emi. Professor of Economics in the Australian National University, officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade of Australia, and  Diplomatic Officers from the Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra and other invitees.  

Sri Lanka High Commission Canberra, Australia 


IMF wants strong budget, narrower deficit from Sri Lanka

October 20th, 2023

Courtesy CNA

NEW DELHI :The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is looking for a strong budget and narrower deficit from Sri Lanka as it seeks funding to bridge the gap between government revenue and expenditure, the IMF mission chief for the country said on Friday.

Sri Lanka plunged into its worst financial crisis in seven decades last year after its foreign exchange reserves dwindled to record lows, but since locking down a $2.9 billion IMF programme in March it has managed to partly stabilise its economy, reducing runway inflation and rebuilding reserves.

However, the country has struggled to increase public revenue, with the IMF projecting a 15 per cent shortfall this year. An improved performance for next year is necessary for Sri Lanka to get past the first review of its programme with the global lender.

Sri Lanka reached a staff level agreement with the IMF late on Thursday to release the second tranche of about $330 million but still needs approval from the IMF management and Executive Board.

Regarding revenues, Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka Peter Breuer said the objective is not to let a shortfall happen next year, and ensure revenue exceeding 12 per cent of GDP.

“Like, approximately 12 months ago, we are of course looking for a strong budget that can achieve that with, of course, the objective being that the gap between expenditure and revenues needs to be narrowed so that Sri Lanka can, once again, find creditors who are willing to finance the remaining gap,” Breuer told reporters at an online briefing from Washington.

Sri Lanka typically uses borrowings from state banks, taxes and government securities to fund its budget.

The power regulator approved an 18 per cent electricity tariff hike for households in the country with effect from Friday, part of efforts by Sri Lanka to improve revenue of its state-run power monopoly, the Ceylon Electricity Board.

Sri Lanka increased tariffs by 65 per cent in February before reducing them by 14 per cent in June.

The power tariff hike is expected to partly increase the island’s inflation from 1.3 per cent in September to about 5 per cent by December, analysts said.

Meanwhile, China offered to help Sri Lanka buy more of its exports after leaders of the two countries met in Bejing on Friday, state media said. This comes a week after the island nation said it had reached agreement with the Export-Import Bank of China on $4.2 billion of debt.

Sri Lanka’s urban population increases to 44.57 percent in a decade: survey

October 20th, 2023


COLOMBO, SRILANKA: The urban population in Sri Lanka has increased to 44.57 percent, state media reported on Thursday, quoting a survey from the National Physical Planning Department.

The state-owned Daily News reported that the last survey on urbanization in Sri Lanka was conducted in 2012 and urbanization at that point was 18.2 percent.

According to the latest survey, Colombo is the district with the highest urban population percentage of 96.74 percent.

The survey also shows that the percentage of urbanization in Gampaha district is 76.76 percent, followed by Jaffna district at 67.28 percent.

Daily News quoting the survey said the lowest percentage of urban population is reported in Mullaitivu district at 2.84 percent.

This survey report is to be submitted to the cabinet after receiving approval from the president and all district committees.

Sri Lanka approves 18% electricity tariff hike for households

October 20th, 2023

Courtesy Business Recorder

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s power regulator has approved an 18% electricity tariff hike for households in the country, which will be effective from Friday, the government said in a statement.

Sri Lanka shares end higher on financials boost

The overall hike approved on the day ranged from 18% to 24%, the statement said.

Rohan Gunaratna on the Roots of Sri Lanka’s Deadly Easter Sunday Attacks

October 20th, 2023

By Shannon Tiezzi Courtesy The Diplomat

The counterterrorism expert and author of Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community” explains how religious extremism manifested in Sri Lanka’s deadliest terror attack.

On April 21, 2019 – Easter Sunday – a coordinated series of bombings ripped through Sri Lanka, targeting churches and luxury hotels. Over 260 people were killed, making it the deadliest terrorist attack ever suffered by Sri Lanka. The attack has continued to resonate in Sri Lankan society and politics, as the public demands to untangle questions of responsibility: Why was the attack not prevented, and what can be done to stop the next one?

To understand the context behind the bombings, The Diplomat’s Shannon Tiezzi interviewed Dr. Rohan Gunaratna, a professor of security studies at the Nanyang Technological University who founded Singapore’s International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research. Based on his interviews with terrorists and extremists in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Indonesia, Philippines and elsewhere, Gunaratna has author a dozen books including his most recent work, Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community” published by Penguin-Random House. 

In this email interview, Gunaratna explained the rise of Islamic extremism in Sri Lanka in general, as well as the motivations for this particular attack. He also analyzed the operational failures on the part of the government. Soon after the end of the war, Sri Lanka experienced an exacerbation of ethnocentric politics that gave rise to a spectrum of ethnoreligious groups,” he said. That created a trend of radicalization and reciprocal radicalization,” which successive governments seemed uninterested in tackling.

Ultimately, Gunaratna argued, The Easter Sunday attack took place because Sri Lankan politicians compromised national interests for personal gain.”

Religious violence is a global phenomenon. All faiths – Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Sikhism – have been misinterpreted to spread hate and conduct attacks. The teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its breakaway factions, its Asian version Jamaat-e-Islami, as well as Salafi Wahhabism radicalized Muslims and eventually separated Muslims from non-Muslims. Many countries have criminalized these politico-religious organizations and ideologies, banned their literature and books, blocked their online sites, and rehabilitated their preachers. 

The worst act of international terrorism after 9/11, the Easter Sunday massacre in Sri Lanka did not manifest overnight. The Easter Sunday attack was the culmination of Muslim radicalization over three decades in Sri Lanka. Both Sri Lankan political leaders and Muslim religious leaders neglected their responsibility to protect the religious space, a sacred treasure infiltrated and influenced by political radicals and religious fanatics. [Even before the Easter attacks] 11 incidents, including attacking local and traditional Muslims, breaking statues, shooting government informants, and running terrorist training camps, were organized and conducted by leaders and members of Salafi Wahhabism and Jamaat-e-Islami. 

Islamization and Arabization in Sri Lanka was funded by Middle Eastern governments, especially by their religious and educational institutions that gave scholarships to study in Medina. The geopolitical rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran empowered these ideologies and doctrines. Funded by charities, religious fanatics spread these narratives under the guise of spreading pure” or pristine Islam.” ADVERTISEMENT

After [Saudi Crown Prince] Mohammed bin Salman came to power, he has taken decisive steps to remove hateful content from the school textbooks. Saudi Arabia, where Salafi Wahhabism originated, has imprisoned and started to rehabilitate radical and violent clerics. As such, the ideological and operational threat is moving from the core in the Middle East to the periphery in Asia, Africa, and the Western world. 

The countries to which these vicious doctrines spread from Saudi Arabia in the past, such as Sri Lanka, have not been successful in dismantling the Salafi Wahhabi mosques, madrassahs and their institutions. Similarly, the religious authorities have neglected their responsibility to monitor the activities of these institutions and re-educate their clerics on the need to promote moderation, toleration and coexistence.

You make the point that Islamic extremism was growing alongside, and even in concert with, Buddhist extremism in Sri Lanka. How have groups like the BBS contributed to the overall environment of religious extremism in the country?

Until the Easter Sunday attack, Sri Lankan Islam was considered idyllic. Islam evolved in Sri Lanka side by side with Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism. After Sri Lanka transformed into an open economy in 1977, Sri Lankan Muslims went to work and study in the Middle East, especially in the Gulf. Muslims were culturally Sri Lankan until then. Gradually, the peaceful Islam was supplanted by political Islam. 

A tiny segment of the Muslims started to developed a distinct identity, asking for their own schools, demanded halal food and embraced Gulf dress codes. A segment of Muslim women started to mimic Gulf culture, wear the black Abaya and even cover their face, and men started to grow long beards and wear the thobe. The most extreme Muslims did not want to associate with non-Muslims and did not want Muslims or their charities to support non-Muslims. Eventually nearly 500 Arab and other foreign preachers arrived in Sri Lanka and radicalized a segment of the Sri Lankan Muslims. 

In response to this shift, Sinhala Buddhist nationalism, ultra-nationalism, and extremism emerged. Of a dozen groups formed, the most vocal and visible was Bodu Bala Sena (BBS). Soon after the end of the war, Sri Lanka experienced an exacerbation of ethnocentric politics that gave rise to a spectrum of ethnoreligious groups. 

At times, the lack of political will to counter both Sinhala Buddhist and Muslim extremist groups created a further divide and polarization of communities. Even in some cases, as seen with the Digana, Dharga, and Ampara anti-Muslim riots, Sinhala Buddhist groups such as BBS, Sinhale and Mahason Balakaya were able to operate with impunity. There have also been biases within successive governments in countering Sinhala Buddhist extremism that created the conditions for Islamism and Muslim extremism to thrive. Ethnocentric political decisions such as the [forced] cremation of COVID-19 dead affected the Muslim population. These decisions are seen as a catalyst for disrupting the cordial relationship between the Sinhalese and Muslims. 

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Although the BBS leader Ven Gnanasara was imprisoned, successive governments failed to ban his group, the BBS and similar groups. As a government, Sri Lanka could have done more to fight the rising tide against Muslims. For instance, government should have neither permitted the Myanmarese anti-Rohingya Buddhist monk Wirathu nor the Indian hate preacher Zakir Naik to visit Sri Lanka. These developments led to radicalization and reciprocal radicalization. 

Irrespective of faith, government and religious bodies should take firm action not only against deviant monks, Muslim clerics, and clergy of any denomination but seize their assets. Every year, the government should review and ban religious groups and designate personalities engaged in activities prejudicial to social harmony. 

In an operational sense, how did Islamic State affiliates evolve in Sri Lanka? How did these groups recruit members and grow their ranks?ADVERTISEMENT

The ideological foundation of al-Qaida, Islamic State, and other threat groups can be traced back to Salafi Wahhabism’s doctrine of Al Wala Wal Bara or loyalty to Muslims and hatred to non Muslims.” I have posted a video of Zahran Hashim, the leader of the Easter Sunday attackers referring to Al Wala Wal Bara as his foundational ideology. 

Although the term al Wala (loyalty to Muslims) and separately Wal Bara (disavowal of Muslims) exist separately in the Quran, the phrase Al Wala Wal Bara” as a collective does not exist either in the Quran or the Hadith. Unfortunately, Muslim religious leaders including in Sri Lanka have not adequately countered this misinterpretation of the Quran that is driving the contemporary wave of exclusivism, extremism, violence, and terrorism. For instance, immediately before pledging allegiance to [Islamic State leader] Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, Zahran says that he is conducting a heroic martyrdom operation” to please Allah. Ideally they should do a point-by-point rebuttal of these deviations from mainstream Islam. 

Those indoctrinated and radicalized by the politico-religious ideology of Salafi Wahhabism and Jamaat-e-Islami mount attacks in two phases. First, they attack local and traditional Muslims, especially Sufis, who place humanity above religion. In the case of Sri Lanka, Salafi Wahhabis attacked nearly 5,000 homes, businesses, shrines, and graveyards. Second, they attack non-Muslims considered infidels or kafir. In the case of Sri Lanka, they attacked Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist images. 

After denying that religious extremism has spread in their community, a segment of Muslim religious, political and community leaders neglected their responsibility in three areas. First, stopping Salafi Wahhabism, Jamaat-e-Islami, and other foreign ideologies from taking root in Sri Lanka. They have not unequivocally stated that these are foreign ideologies that will harm the cordial relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. Even after the government banned Salafi Wahhabi groups following the Easter Sunday attack, a few Muslim leaders campaigned to delist those groups. 

Second, Muslim leaders, by failing to work with successive governments to monitor, identify, and dismantle the [radical] mosques, madrassahs, and other institutions, ignored deviant ideologies and doctrines. Unless the religious space is tightly regulated, these deviant teachings and preachings will sooner or later harm cordial intra-Muslim and inter-faith relations. 

Third, Muslim leaders, especially theological leaders, need to re-educate their clerics on the need to promote moderation, toleration, and coexistence. As most of the Islamic State Sri Lanka Branch leaders of the Easter Sunday massacre were clerics, the religious authorities in Sri Lanka should conduct courses and accredit clerics to practice Sri Lankan Islam or Islam contextualized to Sri Lanka. 

It’s been widely reported that the Sri Lanka government had advance notice that an attack was in the works, but failed to stop the Easter bombings. What was behind this failure? Was this a case of operational shortcomings, or were there – as shockingly alleged in a British documentary – political motives?

The Easter Sunday attack took place because Sri Lankan politicians compromised national interests for personal gain. The political leaders did not act decisively against Muslim exclusivism and extremism as the Muslim vote is important for them to remain in power. It is the politicians that failed to preempt the attack by failing to instruct the law enforcement authorities to disrupt and dismantle the terrorist and extremist infrastructure as well as prevent the attack by failing to guide the religious authorities to regulate the religious space.

The Easter Sunday attack was not an intelligence failure but an operational failure. An operational failure means failure to act based on intelligence. On Muslim community radicalization, Islamic State (ISIS), and Zahran Hashim, the Sri Lankan intelligence community produced 337 reports from January 2015 to April 21, 2019, the day of the Easter massacre. Political leaders neglected intelligence reports that explained the threat in great detail. Some bureaucrats who wish to please the politicians did not instruct them to act. 

Even today, some members of the political opposition have created a conspiracy theory that the Easter attack was orchestrated by the Indian intelligence service, Research and Analysis Wing. It was India that provided sound and timely intelligence of the Easter attack. Similarly, the Channel Four documentary on Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday attack falsely alleged that Sri Lankan intelligence was behind the attack, but they have failed to provide a single piece of evidence to substantiate a claim by a bogus asylum seeker. 

In this age of denial of truth and fake news, as soon as an attack happens governments should keep both the stakeholders and the public informed. As public opinion is key, it is too late to wait for the investigations to be completed and the perpetrators charged and prosecuted. 

After the 9/11 attack, the Easter Sunday attack is one of the most investigated attacks. In addition to inquiries and investigations by three fact-finding bodies and three specialist divisions of the Sri Lankan police, INTERPOL, the Australian Federal Police, and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations have interviewed the suspects and scrutinized the recoveries including their phones, laptops and other electronic devices. ADVERTISEMENT

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To write Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community,” I conducted interviews over a period of one year with the rank and file of the Islamic State, Sri Lanka Branch, as well as Hadiya, widow of Zahran Hashim, the leader; Noufer, chief ideologue and deputy leader; and Milhan, head of the military wing. In addition to speaking to the investigators, I reviewed both the open source and classified reporting pertaining to Muslim community radicalization, ISIS, and Zahran Hashim including the 337 intelligence reports.

In the four years since the attack, Sri Lanka has been subsumed in various other crises: first the COVID-19 pandemic, then a debt default and economic crisis, followed by political instability that saw a new president and prime minister installed. Amid these other competing priorities, has Sri Lanka’s government made any progress in addressing the gaps that allowed the 2019 attacks to succeed?

If Sri Lanka learns the right lessons of the Easter massacre, the country will come out stronger and better. Fortunately, the Sri Lankan intelligence community is helmed by Major General Suresh Salley, an honest and a highly experienced national security practitioner. Furthermore, the second tier of the intelligence community is staffed by dedicated Muslim officers with significant expertise on Muslim radicalization. 

Unfortunately, the Easter Sunday attack is exploited by the political opposition, NGOs and a segment of the church. Rather than waste time, the visionary leaders of the Sri Lankan government and the political opposition should work together to develop a bipartisan approach to national security. Likewise, the NGOs, church and others should work with Muslim bodies – ACJU, DMRCA and Waqf Board – to reverse radicalization by starting rehabilitation. 

All around Sri Lanka, Muslim religious extremism is a persistent threat: to the north, in Kerala and Tamil Nadu; to the west, in Maldives; and to the east, in Indonesia and Philippines,. For instance, luxury hotels and churches in Indonesia and a cathedral in the Philippines, suffered from attacks by al-Qaida and Islamic State affiliates. The Easter attack is not an exception to the global trend of religious fanatics attacking churches and hotels. 

After the return of the Taliban-al-Qaida alliance to Afghanistan, religious extremism remains a formidable threat to Asia. To ensure that religious extremism is kept at bay, there should be constant and consistent efforts to contain and isolate religious exclusivism that leads to extremism, violence, and eventually to terrorism. There should be policies and persistent efforts to integrate Muslims into the Sri Lankan political, economic and social mainstream.  

As a mark of respect to those who perished and survived on Easter Sunday, the Muslim leaders should work with government to control and regulate the religious space. Rather than wait for government to act, Muslim religious leaders should initiate interfaith programs and projects including to create harmony centers to guide the community. Otherwise, the next generation too will witness similar attacks that will inevitably lead to Islamophobia, including anti-Muslim riots. 

To this date, the government and its Muslim partner institutions have not taken decisive action to implement the recommendations of the three fact finding bodies, which includes countering virulent ideologies, banning foreign preachers, restricting access to extremist sites and controlling radical books. On the contrary, driven by political considerations, at the request of a few Muslim leaders, government has delisted Salafi Wahhabi organizations banned after Easter attack. 

More broadly, what can Sri Lanka do to tamp down the growth of religious extremism of all types – and prevent further terrorist violence?

Securing a nation-state from terrorist violence is multifaceted and requires a partnership between government and community. Terrorism is a unique form of violence where the perpetrator attacks civilians to drive terror and fear. The targeting of civilians or the manifestation of terrorism is the result of a prolonged process of religious politicization and radicalization. In that cycle, suspicion leads to prejudice, prejudice to resentment, resentment to hate, hate to anger, anger to incitement, incitement to violence, and violence to terrorism. 

The state responding to terrorism or violence itself is ineffective. Before the end product of terrorism and violence, the threat is manifested as ideological extremism and exclusivism. While the primary responsibility for addressing terrorism and violence is with the government, the primary responsibility for addressing extremism and exclusivism is with the religious and civil partners, including the school and the family. Governments working with their religious and civil partners should address each stage of the threat, starting with exclusivism before it evolves into extremism. In addition to leadership at all levels to engage and empower government and community partners, mitigating the threat requires enacting far reaching legislation, creating robust structures and establishing evolving capabilities. 

First, the Sri Lankan president should establish a Presidential Council of Religious Leaders where the leaders or their deputy leaders meet every month to resolve religious disputes that could lead to violence. 

Second, the Sri Lankan police should create a separate division to monitor hate speech, especially incitement to violence, and take prompt action. 

Third, Sri Lanka should enact legislation to promote ethnic and religious harmony and protect the population from online falsehoods and manipulations, as well as a national security act, an intelligence act, and a counterterrorism act. 

Fourth, after assessing the levels of radicalization, Sri Lanka should commence rehabilitation of those arrested and released after Easter Sunday attack. 

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Fifth, Sri Lanka should proscribe ideologies and their institutions. 

Sixth, to promote moderation, toleration, and coexistence, every province should have a harmony committee, every district, a harmony center, every university, a university harmony center, and every school, a harmony club. 

Seventh, appoint ambassadors of peace and champions of harmony and develop interfaith programs and projects in every mosque, temple, Kovil and church. 

Seventh, train and certify religious clerics, especially in other religions, and accredit them. 

Eighth, hold religious leaders and clergy responsible for securing the religious space and make them accountable. 

Ninth, monitor those arrested and released after Easter Sunday attack. 

Tenth, teach comparative religion or religious knowledge at school so that all faiths will be respected. 

The contemporary origins of violence and terrorism can be traced back to ideologies of exclusivism and extremism that reached Sri Lanka from the Gulf and the subcontinent. Almost all the violent and terrorist attacks by misguided Muslims can be traced back to either Salafi Wahhabism and Jamaat-e-Islami. Although a few Salafi Wahhabi organizations and Jamaat-e-Islami’s student wing have been banned, several Salafi Wahhabi organizations and Jamaat-e-Islami’s main organization are still radicalizing and recruiting [in Sri Lanka]. After they are banned, their institutions should be dismantled, their rank and file rehabilitated and reintegrated after their thinking is mainstreamed, and they should be monitored. 

The very first step is to raise public awareness and specialist understanding within the government that virulent ideologies sooner or later crystalize into violence and terror. Both the return of the Taliban-al-Qaida alliance to Afghanistan and instability in Pakistan present a threat to the South Asian region and beyond. Currently, Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) is using regional grievances to appeal to the Muslims that are faced with marginalization and persecution. ISKP identified Zahran as one of its knights and paid tribute to Zahran in its propaganda magazine, which is an attempt to inspire more lone wolf attacks and Islamic State-inspired networks. In the backdrop of internal and external challenges, building a unified Sri Lankan identity is the need of the hour to counter this riding tide of religious extremism.

China and Sri Lanka issue joint statement on expanding win-win cooperation

October 20th, 2023

Courtesy CGTN

The People’s Republic of China and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka issued a joint statement on Friday deepening bilateral traditional friendship and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation.

The China-Sri Lanka strategic cooperative partnership based on sincere mutual assistance and everlasting friendship has become a fine example of friendly interactions and mutually beneficial cooperation between countries of different sizes, and carries special and important significance for both countries, said the joint statement.

Noting China and Sri Lanka have achieved fruitful outcomes on Belt and Road cooperation, Sri Lanka reiterated it will continue to actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China, it added.

The two sides expressed satisfaction over the progress made in bilateral cooperation in economy and trade, and agreed to conclude a comprehensive free trade agreement as quickly as possible to strengthen two-way trade and economic cooperation, said the statement.

Both sides also agreed to continue to deepen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between sister cities, it added.

Full text: Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

October 20th, 2023

Source: Xinhua

BEIJING, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) — The People’s Republic of China and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on Friday issued a joint statement.

  The following is the full text of the statement.

  Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

  Beijing, October 20, 2023

  1. At the invitation of H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, H.E. Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, attended the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China from October 16 to 20, 2023.

  2. During the visit, President Xi Jinping and Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang had separate meetings with President Ranil Wickremesinghe. In a cordial and friendly atmosphere, leaders of the two countries had in-depth exchange of views and reached extensive common understandings on deepening China-Sri Lanka traditional friendship, on expanding mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as on regional and international issues of mutual interest.

  3. The two heads of state expressed satisfaction over the development of China-Sri Lanka relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1957. For 66 years, the two countries have all along advocated the spirit of the Agreement on Rice for Rubber, remained committed to independence, self-reliance, solidarity and mutual assistance, and firmly supported each other on issues regarding core interests and major concerns. The two sides jointly responded to risks and challenges including natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic and economic difficulties, and kept cementing strategic mutual trust and carrying forward traditional friendship. The China-Sri Lanka strategic cooperative partnership based on sincere mutual assistance and ever-lasting friendship has become a fine example of friendly interactions and mutually beneficial cooperation between countries of different sizes, and carries special and important significance for both countries.

  4. The two sides agreed to maintain the momentum of high-level interactions, expand exchanges and cooperation between governments and other stakeholders, strengthen strategic communication on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the principle of good neighbourliness and friendship, and identify priorities and directions for the future development of bilateral relations.

  5. The two sides reiterated mutual support on issues regarding each other’s core interests and major concerns. Sri Lanka reaffirmed its commitment to the one-China principle, recognizing that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and reiterated that it supports the efforts by the Chinese Government to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and opposes any form of “Taiwan independence.” Sri Lanka reiterated that it will never allow any separatist activity against China on Sri Lanka’s soil. The Chinese side reaffirmed its commitment to the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and the foreign policy of forging friendship and partnership in the neighbourhood. China firmly supports Sri Lanka in upholding its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, respects and supports Sri Lanka’s independent choice of development path that suits its national conditions.

  6. Sri Lanka commended China’s achievements in its economic and social development in recent years under the wise leadership of President Xi Jinping.

  7. Sri Lanka expressed appreciation to China’s valuable support during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as during the economic crisis in 2022.

  8. China has provided a financing support document to Sri Lanka in a timely manner and helped Sri Lanka obtain loans from the International Monetary Fund in March 2023. In late September, as official creditor, the Export-Import Bank of China has reached a preliminary agreement with Sri Lanka on the debt treatment. China will continue to support its financial institutions in conducting friendly consultation with Sri Lanka to reach early agreement on treatment of debts related to China. The Chinese side is willing to work with relevant countries and international financial institutions to keep playing a positive role in helping Sri Lanka address its current difficulties, alleviate debt burden and realize sustainable development. Sri Lanka commended China for its support to Sri Lanka to ease financial difficulties.

  9. Under the leadership and guidance of leaders of both countries, China and Sri Lanka have achieved fruitful outcomes on Belt and Road cooperation. Sri Lanka reiterated it will continue to actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China. The two sides agreed to sign the Memorandum of Understanding on Jointly Accelerating the Formulation of the Cooperation Plan on the Belt and Road Initiative Between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization & National Policies of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation Between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization & National Policies of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, the Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization & National Policies of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Concerning Cooperation on Green and Low-Carbon Development, and the Implementation Agreement of China-Aid Subsidized Housing Project for Low Income Category at Colombo, Sri Lanka, to share development experiences, synergize development strategies and advance cooperation in a coordinated manner, thus creating new bright spots and fresh momentum for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries.

  10. Sri Lanka welcomes Chinese enterprises playing a positive role in its economic development and more investment from Chinese enterprises for which it will foster a favourable investment and business environment. China will continue to encourage competent Chinese enterprises to invest in Sri Lanka and conduct mutually beneficial cooperation. The Colombo Port City and the Hambantota Port are signature projects of Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries. Sri Lanka welcomes further investment from Chinese enterprises, expressed readiness to facilitate a conducive environment for investments in the Port City including necessary legislative measures.

  11. The two sides expressed satisfaction over the progress made in bilateral cooperation in economy and trade, and agreed to conclude a comprehensive free trade agreement as quickly as possible to strengthen two-way trade and economic cooperation. The two sides will carry out practical cooperation in finance on the basis of market principles, autonomy and rule of law to further enhance financial services and economic and trade development.

  The Chinese side will continue to support competitive Sri Lankan industries in establishing ties with relevant Chinese associations of importers and exporters, provide facilitation and support for Sri Lankan exporters to participate in Chinese exhibitions including the China International Import Expo, the China Import and Export Fair, the China-South Asia Exposition, the China International Supply Chain Expo, and encourage Chinese and Sri Lankan enterprises to deepen cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit and bolster Sri Lankan exports to China. The two sides agreed to sign the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for Export of Ceylon Cinnamon from Sri Lanka to China between the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Plantation Industries of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, and the Protocol on Inspection, Quarantine and Veterinary Sanitary Requirements for Wild Fishing Aquatic Products to be Exported from the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to the People’s Republic of China between the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China and the Purview of the Ministry of Fisheries of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

  12. The two sides agreed to enhance exchanges and cooperation between their small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), encourage their SMEs, service providers, industrial associations, and scientific and research institutes to increase communication, establish cooperation platforms for industrial cooperation, scientific and technological research and development, electronic flight services and training, create innovative cooperation models, expand channels of cooperation and enrich cooperation. The Chinese side welcomes the participation of Sri Lankan SMEs in the China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair.

  13. China and Sri Lanka enjoy close exchanges and sound interactions in agricultural cooperation. The Chinese side is ready to carry out technological exchanges and training cooperation in areas including bio-technologies for tropical crops, plant breeding, aquaculture, agricultural processing, market development and agriculture modernization, thus helping Sri Lanka enhance its comprehensive agricultural production capacity. The Chinese side welcomes more imports of quality agricultural products from Sri Lanka.

  14. The two sides fully recognized the importance of education exchanges for increasing understanding and friendship, and expressed readiness to further enhance exchanges of teachers, students, and researchers. The two sides agreed to continue to strengthen cooperation in the areas of science and education, and encourage educational institutions to carry out cooperative research and joint cultivation. The two sides agreed to support the development of the “China-Sri Lanka Joint Center of Science and Education.” The two sides agreed to sign the Letter of Exchange of Feasibility Study on China-Aid Project of Digital Transformation for the General Education in Sri Lanka.

  15. The two sides spoke positively of the progress in bilateral cooperation in culture and tourism. The two sides will continue to encourage their citizens to travel to each other’s country and provide assistance for each other to expand tourism market. Both sides agree to encourage better air connectivity between the two countries. Sri Lanka is ready to introduce more policies to facilitate tourism. China is ready to provide facilitation for Sri Lanka to build a Sri Lankan Buddhist pagoda at the Baima Temple in Luoyang, Henan Province, China.

  16. The two sides agreed to continue to deepen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between sister cities. The two sides will take the China (Chongqing)-Sri Lanka Roundtable on Poverty Reduction and Development Cooperation as a starting point to enhance experience sharing on poverty reduction by establishing platforms, organizing training and promoting think tank exchanges.

  17. The two sides are ready to carry out closer cooperation in climate change adaptation and sustainable development, emphasizing that joint implementation of green measures are effective ways to mitigate climate change. The two sides are ready to strengthen coordination and deepen exchanges and cooperation in fields including disaster prevention and mitigation, maritime rescue, relief and research, maritime personnel training and capacity building and further explore cooperation on the blue economy. The two sides agreed to sign the Tri-Partite Agreement among Chinese Academy of Sciences of the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Water Supply & Estate Infrastructure Development of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the University of Peradeniya of Sri Lanka.

  18. The two sides reiterated their firm commitment to upholding true multilateralism, promoting greater democracy in international relations, and making global governance more just and equitable. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation within the United Nations and other multilateral mechanisms to uphold the common interests of developing countries. The two sides expressed their support for the multilateral trading system, opposition to protectionism and readiness to make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all and to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

  Sri Lanka firmly supports and actively participates in the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security initiative (GSI), and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) proposed by China. China is ready to conduct in-depth discussions with Sri Lanka on specific measures to implement the above-mentioned initiatives, and work together for global and regional peace, security, development and prosperity.

19. President Ranil Wickremesinghe expressed appreciation to the Chinese government and people for the warm hospitality extended to him and the Sri Lankan delegation, and invited Chinese leaders to visit Sri Lanka. Chinese leaders thanked President Ranil Wickremesinghe for the invitation, and the two sides will maintain communication via diplomatic channels. ■

Xi Jinping Meets with Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe

October 20th, 2023

Courtesy China News

On the morning of October 20, 2023, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People with Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe who is in China to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF).

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Chinese and Sri Lankan people have enjoyed a time-honored friendship marked by mutual learning and mutual help, and have been partners for self-reliant development. Sri Lanka was one of the first countries that welcomed and joined the Belt and Road Initiative. China values its relations with Sri Lanka, and is ready to work with Sri Lanka to consolidate political mutual trust, advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and promote new and steady progress in the China-Sri Lanka strategic cooperative partnership based on sincere mutual assistance and ever-lasting friendship, so as to bring greater benefits to the two peoples.

Xi Jinping emphasized that China firmly supports Sri Lanka in upholding strategic autonomy, and safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and dignity. China is ready to expand import of signature Sri Lankan products, and encourage Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Sri Lanka to help the country realize economic transformation and upgrading and sustainable development. China hopes that Sri Lanka will provide an open and transparent business environment for Chinese enterprises. China will continue to provide assistance to Sri Lanka with no political strings attached, and help the country cope with difficulties affecting social life and people’s livelihood. The two sides should make every effort to push forward the Colombo Port City and Hambantota comprehensive development project, making them flagship projects of China-Sri Lanka Belt and Road cooperation. China is happy to see Sri Lanka become a commercial center of the Indian Ocean. The two sides should step up coordination in international and regional affairs, oppose politicization of human rights issues and bloc confrontation, and safeguard the common interests of the two countries and fellow developing countries.

Wickremesinghe congratulated China on successfully hosting the third BRF. Sri Lanka has attached great importance to and actively participated in the Belt and Road cooperation, and is optimistic about its potential and prospects. The development of the Belt and Road, especially the Maritime Silk Road, has greatly facilitated Sri Lanka’s economic and social development and is conducive to enhancing Sri Lanka’s unique influence in the region. Sri Lanka hopes to work more closely with China in the future, as China can be an important partner in Sri Lanka’s modernization. Sri Lanka firmly adheres to the one-China policy and hopes to learn from China’s experience in development. Sri Lanka welcomes Chinese enterprises’ investment in the country, and is ready to provide them with an enabling business environment. Sri Lanka believes that the Indian Ocean should embrace openness, and is ready to strengthen communication with China on regional affairs and support the solidarity and cooperation among developing countries.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi attended the meeting.

Committee appointed to probe alleged assault on Diana Gamage inside p’ment premises

October 20th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Speaker of the Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena announced the parliament that a committee was appointed to look into the allegations made by State Minister Diana Gamage that Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Sujith Sanjaya Perera assaulted her outside the Chambers today (20).

The committee, headed by Deputy Speaker Ajith Rajapakse, comprises MP Chamal Rajapaksa, Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, MP Gayantha Karunatilleka and MP Imthiaz Bakeer Markar.

Accordingly, the Speaker has directed the committee to investigate the alleged incident in consideration of the facts and complaints presented by both parties and expeditiously submit a report to him regarding the matter

Diana Gamage gets hospitalized over alleged assault by SJB MP

October 20th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

State Minister Diana Gamage has been admitted to the Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital following her claims about being assaulted by a male parliamentarian representing the main opposition.

She also filed a complaint with Welikada Police prior to getting hospitalized.

Earlier today, during the parliamentary session, Damage accused Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Sujith Sanjaya Perera of assaulting her outside the Chamber and called for a comprehensive investigation into the matter.

This prompted the temporary adjournment of the session by Deputy Speaker Ajith Rajapakse, at the request of PM Dinesh Gunawardena.

After the session resumed, Chief Opposition Whip SJB MP Lakshman Kiriella said the opposition MPs had met up with Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena and showed him video footage of Diana Gamage using foul language at an opposition MP and behaving in an unruly manner.

Defending his actions, MP Sujith Perera said he had witnessed Diana Gamage becoming embroiled in a heated argument with his fellow MP Rohana Bandara, and when asked to give it a rest, the state minister had attacked him. The SJB parliamentarian said he only acted in self-defense. You will be able to see what really happened and how MP Gamage behaved if you check the CCTV footage,” he added.

MP Perera also urged the Deputy Speaker to conduct an impartial investigation into the matter.

Meanwhile, MP Rohana Bandara accused State Minister Gamage of following him and verbally attacking him near the elevator. We, men, also need to defend ourselves when we are insulted and attacked.”

Following the conclusion of the parliamentary session, the three parliamentarians were involved in an intense war of words, which was videoed by MP Perera on his mobile phone.

Pathikada: IMF’s Taxes explained by Vijitha Herath

October 19th, 2023

Dilrook Kannangara

Sri Lankan people are also parasites to an extent. 

Sri Lankans pay Ethiopian level of very low taxes (9% of the economy) but expect a Swedish level of welfare (they pay 32% of the economy as taxes)!

Indian IIT

October 19th, 2023

Sugath Kulatunga

It is good news that the President is keen on establishing a branch of an Indian IIT in Kandy. It appears that Prime Minister Modi has agreed to support the Chennai IIT to launch the project. It is never too late, but the President should not consider that one IIT is the panacea for all the IT backwardness of the country and a magic wand to provide productive employment to all our school leavers. While a workforce with IT skills can act as a magnet for foreign investment the need is for a comprehensive transformation of the education system to meet the demands of the presence and the future.

Mr. Wickremasinghe was our Minister of Education in 1980. This was the time that the East Asian Tiger economies were making radical changes in their systems of education to meet the emerging needs of industrialization and economic development. They used education to spur growth, create jobs and raise productivity. In these countries Education was a primary driver of their long-term development strategy and was a high priority for policy makers. There was strong alignment in their growth strategy, labor market needs, and education policies.”

But at that time in the 80s Mr.Wickremasinghe as Minister of Education or as the Minister of Industries was not cocerned in the developments taking place in those fast growing economies. Neither did the Ministry bureaucracy interested in learning from the experience of these countries. Our diplomatic representatives in those countries followed the philosophy of the three wise monkeys of ‘no seeing, no hearing, no speaking’, while enjoying their perks. The think tanks of the Central Bank and the Academics of the Universities were not different.

An attempt to introduce an element of change in the school education system in the form of the NCGE for School leavers was made during the government of Mrs. Bandaranayake but was scrapped by the next government falling back on the British based system of Ordinary Level and Advanced level certification. While SL deliberately ignored technical education, after independence India established in 1950 five Institutes of Technology (IITs) in the main States of the country. These IITs were modeled on the best example of higher technical education from Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They have been the cutting edge of technology development in India and are highly recognized internationally. There was a strong demand for IIT alumni in the Silicon Valley. IITs are considered one of the great gifts to India by Prime Minister Nehru.

More @

CEOs of many tech multi nationals like google,infosys,Sun Micro Systems and Twitter are IIT graduates. India depends on IIT alumni to provide technological solution to the future world. Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on the global alumni base of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) to come up with viable technological solutions for the emerging new world technology order post the Covid-19 pandemic.

This writer having worked in India and was familiar with the contribution of the IITs to India has in the past recommended that Sri Lanka establishes an Institute of Technology in collaboration with one of the Indian IITs.

(On a personal Note) : In the early 2000 this writer was associated with an Indian investor in an attempt to launch a Colombo Institute of Technology with inputs from IIT Chennai and IIT Bangalore. Their staff would have served as visiting lecturers and maintain the high standards of the Indian institutions supplemented by local professionals. We were in the process of identifying local resource persons and a suitable building for the proposed Institute. When in April of that year the Elephant Pass was captured by the LTTE, and they advanced up to the gates of Jaffna. In that tense juncture a conceited MP of the TNA rhetorically advised  the government to be ready with 40,000 body bags implying that the LTTE would wipe out the SL Army in Jaffna. It was then the gossip that if that happened no Tamil would be spared in Colombo. The Indian investor naturally got cold feet and flew back overnight to India. That was the fate of the proposed Colombo Institute of Technology.

A single IIT is not a solution to produce the manpower to fulfill the future needs of the economy and attract investors. It could of course become a model for changing the education system in our universities. The crying need is to revamp the education system to meet the present and future needs of the economy of the county and provide productive and gainful employment to our school leavers.

South Korea transformed itself in a few decades from an underdeveloped nation to an industrialized country exporting high-technology products (Domjahn 2013, p. 16). Much of this development is attributed to improvements in the country’s education system. South Korea placed education at the center of its long-term development strategy, Various South Korean and international scholars (Ellinger and Beckham 1997; Han 1994; Kim 2000) have credited the nation’s economic success to an efficient education system that provides the quality workforce necessary for economic expansion.

Taiwan ROC” is an Island smaller than Sri Lanka with a similar population. Before 1980s it was a predominantly an agricultural economy. Today it is a high tech powerhouse leading the world in a number of high tech industries. It has a per capita income of 36, 000 dollars. At the beginning of the 1980s, Taiwan changed its education policy radically, gave priority to technical education and increased the ratio for senior vocational schools and general high school to 7:3. By 2012 there were 155 senior vocational schools, 14 junior colleges, and 77 universities/colleges of science & technology, totaling 246. It is the education system that has sustained the significant development of this small nation. According to the Minister of Education in Taiwan Technical and vocational education has played a decisive role by nurturing the range of human resources required for our basic national infrastructure and for promoting economic development, and contributed enormously to bringing about what has been acclaimed as Taiwan’s economic miracle”. (Se-Hwa Wu, PhD Minister, MOE.)

The education policy must be an integral component of the industrial and technological policy of the nation. We do not have even an independent policy of any of these elements. It is useful to have the agricultural policy also included in this policy package. In the Far Eastern economies the education system was geared to support the implementation of these integrated policies. In general STEM education was emphasized. At the same time structure of the education system was overhauled for the delivery of education including vocational training. Youth unemployment is a problem which confronts every government. In Sri Lanka unemployability of youth produces by the present system is a serious problem mainly due to the neglect of vocational education and training.

The German dual system offers a very practical approach to skill development,

covering initial vocational education and training, further vocational education

and training, careers, employability, occupational competence and identity.

Thanks to the dual system, Germany enjoys low youth unemployment and high

level skills.

In Germany, about 50 percent of all school-leavers undergo vocational training

provided by companies which consider the dual system the best way to ac-

quire skilled staff. it is a highly regulated and well-regarded system whereby young people learn through a mix of ‘on-the-job’ training as well as in the classroom. Typically, learners will spend 70% of time in the workplace and 30% at college.”

Sri Lanka should learn from the successful educational systems of the Far East as well as in countries like in the West.

ව්‍යවස්ථාවත් සමග සෙල්ලම් කළහොත් ලෙල්ලම් වෙයි

October 19th, 2023

මතුගම සෙනෙවිරුවන්

          උසාවියක විනිශ්චය ආසනය ඉදිරියට පමුණුවන චූදිතයෙකුට චෝදනාවන් ඉදිරිපත් කල විට ඔහු එය නොදැන සිටීම නිදහසට කරුණක් නොවේ යන්න සාමාන්‍ය පිළිගැනුමයි.වරදක් කල පසු දැන හෝ නොදැනීම යන්න උසාවියට වැදගත් නොවේ. ඒ නිසාම වින්දිතයන් විසින් තමන් වෙනුවෙන් කතා කිරීමට නීතිඥයන් ඉදිරිපත් කරති. අදාල චෝදනාවෙන් නිදහස් කර ගැනීමට අවශ්‍ය නීතිය ගැන ඔවුහු විනිශ්චය කාරවරයා ඉදිරියේ තර්ක කරනු ලබයි. සැබවින්ම සාමාන්‍ය ජනතාව අතරින් බහුතරයක් නීතිය දන්නේ නැත. නීතිය පිළිබඳව සාමාන්‍ය දැනීමක්වත් ලබා දෙන පාසලක් රටේ නැත. ඒ අනුව නීතිය නොදැනීම යන්න පැහැදිලි සත්‍යයකි. එසේ නම් ඒ පුදගලයන්ට දඩුවම් පැමිණවීම කෙතරම් සාධාරණද යන්න කල්පනා කල යුතුය. පනත් මගින් හෝ දණ්ඩ නීති සංග්‍රහය තුළ පවතින නීතිවලට අමතරව මේ රටේ මූලික නීතියක් වෙයි. ඒ ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවයි. විධායකය ව්‍යවසථාදායකය සහ අධිකරණය පැවැත්විය යුතු ආකාරය එහිදී විග්‍රහ වේ.පාර්ලිමේන්තුව විසින් පණවනු ලබන නීති ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවට පටහැනි නම්  ඉහල අධිකරණයකට පැමිණිලි කොට තර්ක කොට ඒ ප්‍රතිපාදන වෙනස් කිරීමේ බලයක් ජනතාවට තිබේ. නමුත් එතනදීද විනිශ්චයකාර තුමා ඉදිරියේ කරුණු දක්වන්නේ තීතිඥයන් විසිනි. නොදන්නා ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවක් ගැන කතා කිරීමට සාමාන්‍ය ජනතාවට නොහැකිය.

   මෙම මූලික නීතිය මේ වන විට 21 වතාවක් සංශෝධනය කර තිබේ.ඒ සෑම විටකම ඒ වෙනස් කම් සම්බන්ධව ජනතාව දැනුම්වත් වූයේ නැත. විශේෂයෙන්ම 13 වන ව්‍යවස්ථා සංශෝධනය ගෙන එන ලද්දේ ඉන්දීය බලහත්කාරය මතය. එකල පැවති ජේ.ආර්. ජයවර්ධන මහතාගේ අත කරකවා බිය පත් කර ඔහු ලවා සම්මත කරවන ලද මූලික නීතිය මගින් ලංකාවට පළාත් සභා ව්‍යුහයක් ආදේශ කරන ලදී. උතුර සහ නැගෙනහිර පළාත් වල අයිතිය වෙනුවෙන් සටන් වැද සිටින ත්‍රස්තවාදී සංවීධානයක් වූ කොටි සංවිධානයද ඔවුනට අනුබල දුන් විදේශ රටවල්ද මේ යෝජනාව ගෙන ඒ මට දහිරිය දෙන ලදී. දෙමළ ජනතාවට අවශ්‍ය බලය ලබා දීම මෙහි අරමුණ වුවද සාමාන්‍ය දෙමළ ජනතාවට ලැබුණු බලයක් නැත. ඒ වෙනුවට කොටි සංවිධානයේ දේශපාලන සංවීධානය වූ ටී.එන්. ඒ.පක්ෂයේ අනුගාමිකයන් හට බලය ලැබුණි. නැතිනම් දේශපාලනය කිරීමට බලය ලැබුණි. ඒ ආකාරයටම දකුණේ දේශපාලන පක්ෂ වෙතද බලය ලැබුණි. තම පක්ෂයේ රැළි සඳහා ජනතාව බස් වල පටවා ගෙන පැමිණීම ද පෝස්ටර් ගැසීමටද පළාත් සභා වලට වෙන් වන මුදල් වලින් කොටසක් මංකොල්ල කෑමටද මහ ඇමතිට අවශ්‍ය වාහන පාවිච්චි කිරීමටද තිබෙන ඉඩකඩ විශාල නිසා පාර්ලිමේන්තුව නියෝජනය කරනු ලබන කිසිම දේශපාලන පක්ෂයක් පළාත් සභා අහෝසි කරලීමට පක්ෂ නැත.

         මේ තත්වය දඩමීමා කර ගන්නා උතුරේ දේශපාලන පක්ෂ  වර්තමානයේ පත්වන සිංහල නායකයන් ට බලපෑම් කරමින් උතුරේ බෙදුම්වාදී ප්‍රවණතාවයන්ට අවශ්‍ය පහසුකම් ලබා ගනිති.චන්ද ප්‍රතිශතය වෙනස් කර ගැනීම දෙමළ රාජ්‍ය භාෂාව කිරීම පොලිස් හා ඉඩම් බලතල ලබා ගැනිමට උත්සාහ කිරීම. උතුරෙන් සිංහල හා මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව එළවා දැමීම ආදී තත්වයන් නිර්මාණය වීම නිසා පළාත් සභාව රටට මර උගුලක් වී තිබේ. විශාල මුදල් කන්දරාවක් නිකරුණේ නාස්ති වී යෑම මෙහි ප්‍රතිඵලයයි.මේ වෙනස් කම් පිළිබඳ උනන්දුවක් ජනතාව තුළ නැත. ඔවුන් බහුතරයක් තමන්ගේ පක්ෂය අනුගමනය කරන පිළිවෙත අනුගමනය කරති. පක්ෂයේ අනුගාමිකයන් වශයෙන් පුද්ගලිකව ඔවුන් ලබන වර ප්‍රසාදයන්ට ගිජු වී මූලික නීතියේ රටට නොගැලපෙන වෙනස් කම් දෙස නොදුටුවා සේ සිටිති.

        මේ වන විට රටේ සම්පත් බහුතරයක් විදේශයන්ට පාවා දී සිටින වත්මන් ජනපතිවරයා  කටයුතු කරන විට මූලික නීතිය නොදත් රටේ නීතිය නොදත් ජනතාව  නිහඬව බලා සිටිති. තමන්ගේ පක්ෂය විරුද්ධ වන්නේ නම් පමණක් පෙළපාලි යති.ව්‍යවස්ථාදායක සභාවන් ගැන කොමිෂන් සභාවන් පිළිබඳ පාර්ලිමේන්තුව තුළ පණ්ඩිත කතා කියමින් ජාත්‍යන්තරයට ඇමතූ වත්මන් ජනපති වරයා. අද ව්‍යවස්ථා දායක සභාවත් කොමිෂන් සභාත් නොසලකා හරිමින්  ව්‍යවස්ථා විරෝධි ව කටයුතු කිරීම පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට දැනෙන්නේ කෙලෙසදැයි විමසුවහොත් ලැබෙන උත්තරය නම් පක්ෂය තීරණය කරන දේට පිටින් යෑමට නොහැකි බව පැවසීමයි.ඒ නිසා ව්‍යවස්ථාව පිළිබඳ ගෞරවයක් නැති එය නොපිලිපදින මිනිසුන් සහ දේශපාලනඥයන් සිටින යුගයක ඒ ව්‍යවස්ථාවටම නවතම කෑලි එල්ලා ඇතැම් විට විෂ මරා ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම විහිලුවට කාරණයකි. හිටපු ජනපති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ විසින් ඔහුගේ පාලන කාලය තුළදී නව ව්‍යවස්ථාවක් කෙටුම්පත් කිරීමට කමිටුවක් පත් කර තිබුණි. රොමේශ් ද සිල්වා මහතා ගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් රැස්වුණු ඒ කමිටුව විසින් සකස් කර ලද වාර්තාවද ජනපති වරයාට භාර දී තිබුණි. නමුත් හිටපු ජනපති වරයා එය ජනතාව වෙත ඉදිරි පත් නොකළේය.හේතුව අපි නොදනිමු. මීට කලින් රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ හිටපු අගමැතිවරයා විසින් පත් කරන ලද ජයම්පතී වික්‍රමරත්න කමිටු වාර්තාව නම් සමාජ ගත වී ඒ පිළිබඳ මහත් ආන්දොලනයක් ද ඇති විය.

          මේ කියන ව්‍යවස්ථාව සකස් කර තිබුණේ ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාවෙනි. එහි සිංහල පරිවර්තනයක් ලබා දීමටද කමිටු සාමාජිකයන් අසමත් වී තිබුණි. එවැනි අවස්ථාවක පසුගියදා එය ජනගත කරලීමට රැස්වුණ විට එහි අඩංගු කරුණු පිළිබඳ දැඩි විරෝධයක් එල්ල විය. අවසාන මොහොත දක්වා එහි සත්‍ය පිටපත ජනතාව වෙත ඉදිරිපත් නොවුණු අවස්ථාවක එවැනි විරෝධයක් මතුවීම ස්වභාවිකය. එසේම ඒ පිළිබඳ යම් සංකථනයක් පැවැත්වේ නම් ඊට කලින් එහි සිංහල සහ දෙමළ පිටපත් සමාජය වෙත් මුදා හැර තිබිය යුතු වෙයි. එසේ නොවූ  විට මෙය ව්‍යවස්ථා සෙල්ලමක් විනා වෙනත් යමක් නොවන බවට සමාජ මතයක් ඇති වීම ස්වභාවිකය. ඉදිරි වර්ෂයේ දී පැවැත් වීමට නියමිත ජනපතිවරණය අවලංගු කර ව්‍යවස්ථාව වෙනස් කර අගමැති රටේ නායකයා කරලීමේ නව ව්‍යවස්ථාවක් කරළියට පැමිණෙන වගටද මේ අතර ආරංචියක් වෙයි.එහි අරමුණ නම් වත්මන් ජනපති වරයා අගමැති වී නාමික වශයෙන් තමන්ට හිතවත් පුද්ගලයෙකු ජනපති බවට පත් කර ගැනීමයි. 1978 ව්‍යවස්ථාවේ බොහෝ සංශෝධන ගෙන එන ලද්දේ පක්ෂ වලට හෝ විධායකයට අවශ්‍ය පරිදි බලය සීරු මාරු කර ගැනීමටයි. මේ තත්වය නිසා ව්‍යවස්ථාව පීලිබඳ තිබෙන ජනතා විරොධය දිනෙන් දිනම උත්සන්න විය. එසේම ජනපති ක්‍රමය පීලිබඳවද විශාල විරෝධයක් උත්සන්න විය.රටට ගැලපෙන ව්‍යවස්ථාවක් සම්පාදනය කර ගැනීමද එහි තුළ තිබෙන විධායකය රටට ගැලපෙන ආකාරයට සකස් කර ගැනීමටද තවමත් අසමත්ව තිබෙන්නේ පෙර කී පරිදි බලය සීරු මාරු කර ගැනීමට වලිකන ආත්මාර්ථකාමී දේශපාලනඥයන් සහ පක්ෂ දේශපාලනය විසින් රටට දායාද කරන ලද බල පොරය බව කිව යුතුයි.

     ජනපති ක්‍රමය රටට අවශ්‍ය බල යන්ත්‍රණයකි. සිංහල බෞද්ධයන් ගේ මුදුන්මල්කඩ වන දළදා වහන්සේ පිළිබඳ භාර ධූර වගකීමද රටේ ආරක්ෂාව පිළිබඳ භාර ධූර වගකීමද පැවරී තිබෙන්නේ රටේ නායකයා වෙතය. එවැනි නායකයෙකු පත් විය යුත්තේ සමස්ත දිවයිනේම ජනතාවගේ චන්දයෙනි. නැතහොත් පෙර සිරිත පරිදි රාජකීය පවුල් වලිනි. එලෙස ජනතා සම්මතයෙන් පත් වූ රාජ්‍ය නායකයාට තිබෙන බලතල සම්මත ව්‍යවස්ථාවෙන් සහ චාරිත්‍ර ව්‍යවස්ථාවලින් බැඳී පවතී. මල්වතු නායක ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේ විසින් පැල්ක් ආණ්ඩු කාරයාට පැවසූ පරිදි රජෙකුට හිතූමතේ කටයුතු කරන්නට නොහැකිය. ඔහු පෙර සිරිත මගින් සහ දශ රාජ ධර්ම වලින් බැඳී සිටිති. එසේ නොකළහොත් තමන්ගේ  හිස සත්කඩකට පැලේ යැයි විශ්වාසයක් පැරණි සිරිත් වල තිබුණි. ඉදින් ජනපතික්‍රමය පිළිබඳ අපට බියක් ජනිත කර තිබෙන්නේ රටේ ස්වාධීනත්වය ශූන්‍ය කොට රට බෙදුම්වාදයට ඇදගෙන යන චන්ඩාලයන් විසිනි. අගමැතිවරකුට මේ බර දරන්නට නොහැකිය.පාර්ලිමේන්තුව ජනතා පරමාධිපත්‍යට යටත් නොවේ.එය යටත් වන්නේ නොපෙනෙන දෙවියෙකුටයි. එසේම සල්ලි වලට විකිණෙන පාර්ලිමේන්තුවකට ඒ බර දරන්නටද නොහැකිය. ඒ නිසා යම් කිසිවෙකු ජනපකි ක්‍රමය අවලංගු කර අගමැති ක්‍රමය ඉදිරියට ගෙන ඒමට තැත් දරන්නේ නම් ඔහු රට ආගාධයකට රැගෙන යයි. ඒ නිසා ව්‍යවස්ථාව සමග අනවශ්‍ය සෙල්ලම් නොකර විදේශ බලවේගයන්ට එරෙහි සටන ශක්තිමත් කර ගැනීම අද දවසේ වගකීම බව පැහැදිලිව සඳහන් කළ යුතුය..

මතුගම සෙනෙවිරුවන්

Passenger Files Rs 10 Cr Lawsuit Against Vistara for ‘Pain, Humiliation, Endangerment’ Faced by Mother, Sister

October 19th, 2023

Courtesy News18

A passenger filed a Rs 10 crore lawsuit against Vistara for the pain, humiliation and endangerment” faced by his ailing mother and sister. The man, identified as Mudhit Gupta, alleged that he had requested wheelchairs for his ailing mother and sister, but the airline did not provide this assistance and later, in a cruel blow”, offered vouchers worth Rs 1,000 as compensation”.

In his lawsuit, Gupta has also highlighted the need for improved medical aid and passenger care in the airline industry. He said, as per rules, the airline must provide wheelchair assistance when requested.

Gupta alleged that his 81-year-old mother and sister, who is suffering from acute rheumatoid arthritis and a neuropathy disorder, did not get wheelchair assistance on their way to Colombo. The family had planned a round trip to Colombo to celebrate the 81st birthday of Gupta’s mother. He, his sister, brother and his wife as well as their two children had booked business class tickets and requested wheelchair assistance for the mother and sister.

But, Gupta said, their expectations of a safe and comfortable journey were not met as a series of distressing events unfolded at the beginning of their journey. The ordeal began when no wheelchairs were provided to assist his ailing sister and mother. On top of that, the flight was also delayed, he said.

Perhaps, the most cruel blow was the compensation of vouchers worth Rs 1,000 that the airline offered on email. Is there a price to this humiliation and discomfort?” Gupta asked.

The lawsuit seeks redress for the pain, humiliation and endangerment faced by my sister and highlights the urgent need for improved medical assistance and passenger care within the airline industry,” he added.

A cry for Gaza, and for our loss of humanity

October 19th, 2023

by Amal de Chickera Courtesy The Island

War in Gaza

At the very centre of the catastrophe, are the people of Gaza themselves, caged in, bombed out, starved, parched, killed. Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the Palestinian diaspora, Israeli allies who are anti-occupation, anti-authoritarianism and pro-peace, citizens of the world with a conscience – all of us are shaken to our core. Helpless, we watch genocide play out on our tv screens, cheered on by warmongers, as those calling for peace, freedom, proportionality and respect of international law are attacked, doxed, criminalised.

I am a Sri Lankan human rights lawyer and activist, now living in London. My work is predominantly on the right to nationality and the rights of stateless people. I am writing this piece because my conscience doesn’t allow me to stay silent. I don’t have a big platform but I will use what platform I have to stand in solidarity with victims of senseless violence, terror and criminality. My own lived experience of growing up with Sri Lanka’s civil war, and my work experience on statelessness globally, shapes my perspective on this catastrophe.

Hopefully my reflections will bring some comfort or clarity to those who read this.

Lessons from Sri Lanka

I belong to the ethnic majority Sinhala community of Sri Lanka, though I’m from a Christian religious minority. There’s no denying my privilege which is rooted in language (English speaking), geography (Urban, Colombo), family and ethnicity. My parents are well respected for their work in peace and social justice, and it was this family grounding which shaped who I am. Without attempting to make any comparisons between Sri Lanka and Palestine/Israel, here are some insights from Sri Lanka which I’d like to share:

Navigating the deep polarisation in Sri Lankan society was extremely difficult. As a Sinhalese who rejected and fought against structures of discrimination and violence that predominantly targeted Tamils and Muslims, I felt deep anger and shame towards the ethno-nationalist views that pervaded Sinhala society and the Sri Lankan state. But I also knew that my privilege was rooted in this very reality, which meant that whatever threats my family or Sinhala colleagues and friends endured, they simply paled into insignificance when compared to the risks taken by Tamil and Muslim compatriots and friends.

I empathise and stand with Israeli citizens who reject the occupation, the colonialist expansionist project and who are committed to fighting rising authoritarianism in their country. I understand how difficult a dance this can be, calling out bigotry among family and friends, finding ways to grieve loved ones who are victims of violence – while always being mindful of sinister agendas to weaponise your grief to further the very things you are fighting against.

I learnt that the self-serving logic of violence only enriches the powerful, only justifies the otherwise unjustifiable, and only causes deep pain,s suffering and harm to our communities. The tragedy of seeing my country being reduced to a cheap parody of itself – watching the evening news and comparing the number of casualties in order to claim another day of ‘victory’ – will always stick with me. I am aware that as the language and logic of violence become the norm, the risks of standing with the oppressed or speaking the language of reconciliation, justice and peace only heighten. We then sometimes engage in self-censorship or are pressurised into caveating ourselves – to fit into a discourse framed and policed by those who espouse ethno-nationalism. Sometimes we succumb to the pressure – we don’t say what’s on our minds, or we say it differently.

For anyone feeling this way today, who are self-censoring for fear of being doxed and of reprisal, I say, don’t be hard on yourself. Self-care is a crucially important skill that we need to learn, and re-learn, and re-re-learn. Sometimes, the odds are stacked so heavily against you, that you just cannot risk the fallout. This is ok. The fact that you go through this thought process is important. Preserve yourself, refresh, renew and find another way.

The reduction of discourse into absolute, polarised binary opposites is another huge challenge. As George Bush famously said, ‘you are either with us, or against us’. The ‘terrorist’ label is used by warmongers and supremacists as an argument clincher, a conversation ender, a moral higher ground claimed, completely obtuse to the sewer we’ve thrown ourselves into and are burrowing deeper into still. In Sri Lanka, all Tamils and those fighting for social and political justice, were expected to denounce the terrorism of the LTTE, before they would be allowed to speak. This is a performative, reductionist nonsense, which is both intellectually and morally dishonest. The requirement stemmed from the racist viewpoint that all Tamils were presumed to be terrorists (or terrorist sympathisers), who therefore had to first redeem or distance themselves in order to be viewed as legitimate. This was, of course, both a trap and a deflection. A trap because it disregarded the complex history of state violence and structural discrimination against minorities which had brought us to where we were; a deflection because it then set up the discourse to focus on the terrorism of the LTTE.

Today, commentors are expected to preface any statement with a condemnation of Hamas atrocities. As the Palestinian ambassador to the UK has articulately conveyed in several interviews, the very premise of this question must be rejected. What is particularly galling, is that these types of questions are repeatedly put to people with proven track records of anti-violence and working for peace in extremely challenging circumstances, while those who openly espouse supremacist and genocidal agendas are rarely asked the same.

I’ve also seen the ultimately terrifying force that an unconscionable state can unleash on an impoverished, traumatised and terrified community, trapped and targeted by the very state that claims its mission is humanitarian. Truth and meaning are among the first casualties of war. This was true of Sri Lanka, as it is true of Palestine/Israel. Dehumanising the ‘enemy’ is an essential prerequisite for the barbarity that follows. But dehumanisation isn’t a one-way street. The more violence is justified, tolerated and cheered, the more that suffering is ignored, minimised and gaslit, our collective humanity suffers. The sequence of events and the narrative that the Sri Lankan state built, culminating in the horrific end-stages of the war, was a deeply dishonest one, which mainstream society bought into. It was also ‘allowed’ by an international community that was ultimately complicit through its failure to do everything possible to prevent the committing of atrocities against Sri Lankan citizens.

Look for the voices that speak against the grain. Israelis whose loved ones were killed, who denounce Israel’s vengeance filled indiscriminate retaliation. Palestinians who have endured multi-generational trauma but still see all taking of life as tragedy. The cry for peace and justice, for preserving the sanctity of life, which is all around us, but on a frequency that isn’t being picked up by a media that legitimises violence and war.

Lessons from statelessness

My work on statelessness has also given me a range of perspectives and experiences. It cannot go unsaid that Palestinians are perhaps the largest stateless community in the world. The establishment of Israel in 1948 marked the beginning of the ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, and statelessness of Palestinians. The ongoing Israeli settler-colonialism and occupation of Palestine deny Palestinians their collective national rights and the right to self-determination, leaving millions of Palestinian stateless. Ironically and tragically, Palestinian statelessness was born out of centuries of racism, antisemitism, pogroms and citizenship stripping against Jewish people in Europe, that culminated in the holocaust, one of the lowest points of our humanity.

The crimes of the Israeli state have ratcheted up under its current far-right government. The crime of apartheid, the expansionist and violent settlement project, and the Israeli state’s complete control over all facets of Palestinian lives from the mundane to the extreme are all well documented; even as this government openly attacks democratic institutions in Israel, violently dismantling citizen protests. This administration has openly and unashamedly articulated its genocidal intent, and is now following its words with actions. There is no scenario in which a serious and honest assessment of the situation can overlook this reality.

So, here we have a situation in which a people, made stateless, dispossessed of their lands and ghettoised, are now being indiscriminately attacked in the pursuit of the genocidal ideology of an authoritarian and extremist group that has grabbed power in Israel. The world – led by powerful countries such as the US and the UK – is looking on, cheering, and vilifying anyone who shows the temerity to stand for humanity.

Again, while a direct comparison should be avoided, the genocide of the Rohingya gives us some perspective. All aspects of Rohingya lives were controlled by the illegitimate military Myanmar state, which ghettoised the community, subjected it to extreme forms of cruelty, violence and restrictions that became normalised in the eyes of the world over time. They were stripped of their nationality and made stateless. They were dehumanised to the extent that UN agencies and world leaders even refused to use the name ‘Rohingya’ when speaking of them. The ground was laid and genocide followed. After the fact, there was plenty of handwringing, feigned surprise and faux solidarity by the very actors who had the information and the power to prevent this tragedy.

On Palestine today, it’s more than silence. It’s the shameless endorsement of the narrative of a regime that is not even pretending to hide its genocidal intent. It’s giving them carte blanche to kill. It’s – at best – talking about ‘humanitarian corridors’ and access to relief, as if somehow, it is more humane to tend to the wounded and feed the starving so they can be made ‘fit enough’ to again be indiscriminately attacked and killed. When the only appropriate response is calling for an immediate cessation of violence, the moral contortionism displayed by world leaders is abhorrent.

Statelessness exists because of state violence. And State violence is easier to perpetrate (and justify) against stateless people. This is a self-fulfilling cycle, which can only be broken through intervention by a responsible, principled international community. While the obligation to prevent genocide is unqualified and absolute, there’s an argument to be made that this obligation is even sharper when the victims are stateless.

This is larger than our views

I know where I stand on the Palestinian issue – the right to statehood, the right to self-determination, an end to occupation, and the opportunity for Palestinian people to build lives of dignity, without outside interference or control. I also know there are sensible and good people who have very different views. This is not about reaching consensus on resolutions to this deeply entrenched and polarising multi-generational crisis; certainly not in the heat of this catastrophe.

This is about something much more fundamental. It is about the lives of people, which once lost can never be regained. It is about the irreparable trauma of those who remain. It is about hundreds of thousands of children who cannot make sense of the language defying terror they face. It is about those in high office publicly calling Palestinians animals and pursuing their collective punishment in the most violent and indiscriminate ways, simply for existing and desiring freedom.

This is a struggle to preserve the floor, or even the basement, of our humanity. Whatever our political views, whatever our perspective, whatever lived experience we carry with us, if we cannot do everything in our power to resist this, our humanity too will be lost.

Do what we can

Catastrophes of this nature are so huge, that it is easy to be completely overwhelmed into a state of helplessness, paralysis and depression. I have been navigating these feelings and emotions for the last several days. And so, I try to pick myself up and do what I can. And that raises the question, what can we do?

We all have our spheres of influence – some relatively small, some quite significant. Our families, work-spaces, political representatives, communities etc. We can try our best to push the needle of change through these spheres, by speaking, educating, standing up. My experience is that many such attempts will be shut down, but nonetheless, it is important to persevere.

If you know anyone impacted, either directly or indirectly, reach out to them and show solidarity. It can be incredibly isolating to endure trauma and grief, particularly in societies which are indifferent or hostile to experiences and viewpoints that contest dominant narratives.

We need to educate ourselves on the histories of the conflict and the experiences of those who have fought for justice and peace on all sides. Resist the temptation to reduce intergenerational traumas to polarising slogans. Search for and amplify the voices that simmer just under the surface, that have been suppressed because they counter the logic of violence, colonialism and occupation.

I would like to conclude by sharing the words of two colleagues and friends I am in close touch with:

They’re all in one room on the 3rd floor of the building so when they bomb, they die first thing all together”

A Palestinian friend with family in Gaza

I’m really scared, they are gonna wipe out Gaza”

An Israeli friend who works for peace and against the occupation

I want to believe that our collective humanity has the power to save us form ourselves.

But I am shaken to the core.

Defusing Mid-East blood-letting calls for impartial stance

October 19th, 2023

Courtesy The Island

Suffering Palestinians in the present Gaza violence

The current, harrowing blood-letting in the Middle-East could be regarded as an acid test of the fair-mindedness and impartiality of not only the immediate parties and stakeholders to the conflict but also those of the entirety of the international community. In fact, the perpetuation of the conflict testifies to the inability of the key adversaries to the dispute to overcome some lingering misperceptions and prejudices that they have had about each other over the decades. These negative attitudes have, in turn, helped shape the core issues in the conflict.

Transcending these mind-barriers has emerged as a key challenge, among other crucial requirements. While the forging of an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East is the most urgent requirement, the world community would sooner rather than later need to grapple once more with the gut issues to the conflict which have proved unresolvable over the decades.

There is a general tendency, in mainly the South, to view the Israelis as the ‘villains of the piece’, and very destructive and obdurate ones at that, but if some progress is to be made towards resolving the Middle East imbroglio by political means, this perception would need to be eased off minds and hearts.

If the Israelis are being seen as ‘land-grabbers’, then, it renders it incumbent on impartial students of the conflict to investigate as to whether this description has a substantial basis to it.

To begin with, as indicated in this column last week, the Israelis, no less than the Palestinians, have been a dispossessed people. History bears this fact out. From ancient times, the Jewish people in the Middle East region, have been more an enslaved and conquered community rather than a free one. Biblical history, for one, gives proof of this. The Jews did occupy territories of their own in what is described today as the Middle East, but they were often defeated in war and taken into slavery by some of the big powers of those times; the Egyptians and Assyrians, for example.

This does not give the Israelis priority rights over land in the Middle East of today, but it would prove sensible to bear in mind that they too have a case of landlessness, so to speak, to consider. Overall, it is a democratic solution that takes into consideration the legitimate needs of the communities or ethnicities concerned that would lay the basis for a political solution to the conflict, but simplistic labeling of the social groups concerned would prove highly counter-productive in the peace-building effort. This is a cardinal requirement in this connection that deserves recognition and fulfilment.

However, going forward, it would prove conducive to a political solution to recognize that the Israelis, no less than the Palestinians, are a nation. That is, they bear a distinct cultural and religious identity, for instance, that entitles them to an independent state. It is this principle that lends legitimacy to the ‘Two State’ solution. It is Israeli nationhood that provides legitimacy to the Balfour Declaration of 1917 as well, which essentially makes a case for a ‘National home for the Jewish people.’

The ‘Two State’ formula has won recognition from considerable sections of the world community over the years as a sound enough basis for a political solution in the Middle East but it is plain to see that it is yet to be accepted by the entirety of the Palestinian polity or even the totality of the Israeli state. However, the fact is that the ‘Two State’ solution has won wide recognition as a viable solution and has played a substantial role in the formation of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, which until about 30 years ago was another storm centre in the Middle East conflict.

As mentioned by this columnist previously, what remains to be done is for the main stakeholders to the conflict, including the UN, to help demarcate acceptable geographical boundaries for the envisaged ‘Two States’. Needless to say, this has proved the main stumbling block to working out of a mutually-acceptable Middle East solution.

The immediate priority, though, for the international community is to put a halt to the unfolding and mind-numbing violence centred on the Gaza strip. Needless to say, the ordinary people on both sides of the divide are suffering ineffably and all sections seeking to play a positive role in the region are obliged to give of their best to end the suffering of the relevant civilian populations.

In fact, peace negotiations are unthinkable in the present, unprecedented blood-letting. Accordingly, ending the violence in the Middle East emerges as the foremost priority for the world community. It stands to reason that the longer this task is delayed, the less amenable will be the main sides to political negotiations, given that animosities would grow exponentially within the main groups in proportion to the violence unleashed.

At the time of writing, the news is that US President Joe Biden would be undertaking a visit to Israel with the express intention of helping to open a ‘Humanitarian Corridor’ in the areas of violence. This is to enable the civilians of the Gaza to be provided food, medicine and other forms of material assistance.

The US initiative is bound to win wide approval but the Biden administration is also obliged to bring pressure on the Netanyahu government of Israel to seek a political solution to the conflict. The US should also look to end the Israeli naval blockade on the Gaza, given that the suffering of Palestinian civilians needs to be ended.

Equally importantly, the Biden administration should seek to contain the expansion of Israeli settlements in currently contested territories. If the US and other allies of Israel are looking to give the ‘Two State’ solution a chance, what are described as Jewish settlement activities need to be brought under control. This will render easier the demarcation of permanent land boundaries of the envisaged two states. In fact the freezing of Jewish land settlements would be key to reducing hostilities between the adversarial sides.

However, the road ahead to peace in the Middle East is an extremely rocky one. All external quarters, with an interest in the wellbeing of the Middle East, would need to play a highly constructive role in the region if a negotiated solution is to be made possible. The external backers of the adversaries are specially obliged to enable their sides to see the merit in a political solution, rather than a military one. The latter approach, it ought to be clear now, could only bring the sides closer to mutual-annihilation.

Sri Lanka reaches IMF staff-level agreement on first review

October 19th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) team Sri Lankan authorities have reached a staff-level agreement on economic policies to conclude the first review of the 48-month EFF-supported program.

Accordingly, Sri Lanka will have access to SDR 254 million (about US$330 million) in financing once the review is approved by IMF Management and IMF Executive Board.

Macroeconomic policy reforms are starting to bear fruit and the economy is showing tentative signs of stabilization,” the IMF team said in the end-of-mission statement. 

Sustaining the reform momentum and addressing governance weaknesses and corruption vulnerabilities are critical to put the economy on a path towards lasting recovery and stable and inclusive growth.”

However, it noted that the completion of the review by the IMF’s Executive Board requires the implementation by the authorities of all prior actions, and the completion of financing assurances reviews.

After constructive discussions with the authorities in Colombo and during the Annual Meetings in Marrakech, IMF Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka Mr. Peter Breuer and Deputy Mission Chief Ms. Katsiaryna Svirydzenka issued the following statement:

The IMF team reached a staff-level agreement with the Sri Lankan authorities on the first review under an economic reform program supported by a 48-month Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement . The arrangement was approved by the IMF Executive Board for a total amount of SDR 2.3 billion (about US$3 billion) on March 20, 2023.

The staff-level agreement is subject to the approval by IMF management and the IMF Executive Board in the period ahead, contingent on: (i) the implementation by the authorities of all prior actions; (ii) the completion of financing assurances reviews, which will include confirming whether adequate progress has been made with debt restructuring to give confidence that the restructuring will be concluded in a timely manner and in line with the program’s debt targets.

Upon approval by the IMF Executive Board, Sri Lanka would have access to SDR 254 million (about US$330 million), bringing the total IMF financial support disbursed under the arrangement to SDR 508 million (about US$660 million).

The authorities remain committed to the ambitious reform agenda under the EFF and their reform efforts have been commendable, including rapid disinflation and a significant fiscal adjustment expected by the end of this year. Program performance at end-June was satisfactory, with all quantitative performance criteria for end-June met, except the one on expenditure arrears. All indicative targets were also met except the one on tax revenues. Most structural benchmarks were either met or implemented with delay by end-September 2023. Notably, the authorities published on time the Governance Diagnostic Report . Sri Lanka is the first country in Asia that has undergone the IMF Governance Diagnostic exercise. Progress is still ongoing on the revenue measures to support the fiscal consolidation during 2024 in line with program parameters.

The economy is showing tentative signs of stabilization. Inflation is down from a peak of 70 percent in September 2022 to 1.3 percent in September 2023, gross international reserves increased by $1.5 billion during March-June this year, and shortages of essentials have eased. Despite these early signs of stabilization, full economic recovery is not yet assured. Growth momentum remains subdued, with real GDP in the second quarter contracting by 3.1 percent on a year-on-year basis and high-frequency economic indicators continuing to provide mixed signals. Sri Lanka’s external position has weakened as a result of prolonged debt restructuring discussions, and reserve accumulation has slowed in recent months. Agreeing on debt treatments consistent with restoring debt sustainability quickly will be key to resolving uncertainty that is constraining Sri Lankan businesses and external financing.

Sustaining the reform momentum is of paramount importance in steering the economy towards a sustained recovery and fostering stable, inclusive economic growth. We welcome the authorities’ commitment to increase revenues and signal better governance by adopting needed tax measures, strengthening tax administration, and actively eliminating tax evasion. Maintaining cost recovery in fuel and electricity pricing helps mitigate fiscal risks arising from state-owned enterprises. Further strengthening the social safety net remains critical to protect the poor and the vulnerable. While inflation has decelerated faster than expected, continued monitoring is warranted to help anchor inflationary expectations and support macroeconomic stability. Against continued external uncertainty, it remains important to rebuild external buffers through strong reserves accumulation.

Following the authorities’ domestic debt operation, the critical next step is to secure an agreement with official creditors on a debt treatment consistent with the IMF Executive Board-approved program parameters and debt targets. We have taken note of a tentative agreement between Sri Lanka and the Export-Import Bank of China and look forward to analyzing the details when we receive them. We urge all official creditors to move forward and agree on an appropriate debt treatment in line with the financing assurances they provided. We understand negotiations between commercial creditors and Sri Lanka are ongoing and emphasize the need to restore debt sustainability in a robust manner. Delays risk worsening the economic outlook for Sri Lanka, widening its financing gaps, hindering its return to sustainable growth, and thereby reducing its capacity to repay.

The authorities’ commitment to implement key recommendations of the recently published Governance Diagnostic Report is a welcome step. Concrete steps towards addressing corruption risks and strengthening accountability will be essential for rebuilding economic confidence and making growth more robust and inclusive.

The IMF team held meetings with President and Finance Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Central Bank of Sri Lanka Governor Dr. P. Nandalal Weerasinghe, State Minister Shehan Semasinghe, Secretary to the Treasury K M Mahinda Siriwardana, and other senior government and CBSL officials. The IMF team also met with Parliamentarians, representatives from the private sector, civil society organizations, and development partners.

The team would like to thank the authorities for the excellent collaboration and constructive discussions.”

President Ranil meets China’s Vice PM; highlights Sri Lanka’s aspiration for FTA

October 19th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang expressed profound gratitude for Sri Lanka’s enduring support through the historic Rubber-Rice Agreement with the People’s Republic of China. He emphasized that the Chinese people will always remember this gesture of goodwill and assured that China remains committed to extending its supportive hand to Sri Lanka.

The bilateral discussions between President Ranil Wickremesinghe and the Chinese Vice Prime Minister Ding Xuexiang took place in Beijing this afternoon (19). During this meeting, the Chinese Vice Prime Minister reaffirmed China’s unwavering support for the development of the Colombo Port City and Hambantota Port within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative”. He also expressed confidence in the successful realization of both projects under the leadership of President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe underscored the historical significance of the China-Sri Lanka Rubber-Rice Agreement, the first foreign commercial agreement entered into by Sri Lanka. He underscored the importance of establishing new commercial relations that align with the shared principles of both nations.

The President expressed deep appreciation for China’s invaluable support in the face of the economic challenges confronting Sri Lanka. He emphasized the enduring and strengthened friendship between Sri Lanka and China, particularly under the leadership of President Xi Jinping.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized Sri Lanka’s commitment to preserving the identity and peace of the Indian Ocean region, advocating for the prevention of any power struggles in the area.

President Wickremesinghe further highlighted Sri Lanka’s aspiration to enter into a free trade agreement with China. He also pointed out that Sri Lanka is actively pursuing membership in the Regional Economic Relations Organization (RCEP).

At the conclusion of the discussion, the Chinese Vice Prime Minister hosted a dinner for the delegation led by President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

The delegation included Foreign Minister Mr.Ali Sabry, Presidential Senior Adviser on National Security and Chief of Presidential Staff Mr. Sagala Ratnayaka, Central Bank Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Presidential Adviser Mr. Saman Athavudahetti Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chief Alliance Officer Mr. Senarath Dissanayake, Head of the Sri Lankan Embassy in Beijing Mr. K.K. Yoganandan, Presidential Private Secretary Ms. Sandra Perera and Presidential Director of International Affairs Mr. Rishan de Silva.

Sri Lanka’s biggest lesson from economic crisis was fiscal discipline – Ali Sabry

October 19th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Sri Lanka’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Sabry has emphasised the need for Sri Lanka to make the ‘right calls’ concerning important investment decisions, one year after Sri Lanka saw its worst, most unprecedented crisis.

On the lessons learned during the economic crisis and political turmoil the nation faced over an year ago, the Minister noted that the ‘biggest lesson’ learned was that on fiscal discipline, and monetary policies that are not only consistent but also pragmatic.

You can’t continue to maintan a welfare state without having a steady revenue stream. That means fiscal discipline”, he said, during an exclusive interview with Channel News Asia (CNA).

Meanwhile, speaking on China’s investments in Sri Lanka thus far, and their role and relationship with the country during its time of crisis, Minister Sabry reasserted that China’s investments in Sri Lanka remain integral.

In 2009, when we defeated LTTE we were in need of massive investments and we didn’t only invite the Chinese, we made it open to the whole world, so some of the other countries wanted to wait and see, but China took the risk and invested and we are grateful for that”.

Speaking further in this regard, he explained that Sri Lanka’s next phase of development is growth-oriented, which calls for more investments.

I think amongst the major players right now in the world, China has a hefty pocket, they are waiting for investments and we are a strategic part of their BRI initiative. So for us, Chinese investments are important and we look forward for that investment,” he said in this regard.

In response to a query on recent controversies surrounding China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and allegations that it is being used by China as a tool to create debt traps for its recipients, the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister refuted these claims, questioning the logic and practicality behind China intending to create such ‘debt traps’.

What are they going to achieve out of the debt trap? If you put your money into a country as investments, obviously you want returns. So if you want returns, you want to see that that country succeeds”, he argued.

The Minister explained, however, that while it is his personal opinion that China does not intend to create such debt traps, the areas in which one should invest in and the priorities in this regard are sometimes overlooked.

Thus, he stated that while, in hindsight, certain choices and decisions made by Sri Lanka with regards to investments are regretful in the context that they could have invested elsewhere, where there would have been better returns in the long-run, it is important now for the country to make the right calls in this regard.

I think Sri Lanka is very clear right now. We will no longer go and borrow money, what we are asking for is investment, partnership and opportunities to grow together”, he assured.

Further commenting on Sri Lanka’ past investments towards infrastructure, Sabry acknowledged that while infrastructure is important, industries, too, must be invested in so as to ‘manufacture’ the economy. Industries should come up, so that these infrastructures could support this (manufacturing) process, but unfortunately that process did not take place in Sri Lanka”, he said. 

Concluding his interview, the Foreign Minister asserted that while Sri Lanka is content to be ‘in the middle’, continuing to refrain from choosing sides, they will not allow anyone to use our backyard to threaten any other country or to build their military bases”.

He noted, however, despite the country’s strong stance in this regard, Sri Lanka will continue to have strategic and transparent relationships with all countries.

All countries are important for us, and our relationship is very transparent, and we have always asked for a peaceful settlement of all disputes”, Minister Sabry concluded.

Framework agreement signed for $1.56 bn Phase 2 development of Colombo Port City

October 19th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Key players in the development of Colombo Port City have finalized a groundbreaking USD 1.565 billion deal in Beijing, advancing phase two development of the Colombo Port City, encompassing the Marina Project, Marina Hotel, and Colombo International Financial Centre (CIFC) Project.

Accordingly, the corporation framework agreement was signed by Port City Economic Commission, China Harbour Engineering Company, Browns Investments and Hunan Construction Investment Group for the phase 2 development of the Colombo Port City project in Beijing on Tuesday (17).

The total investment value would be around USD 1.565 billion with the agreement covering the development of the Marina Project and Marina Hotel Project and the Colombo International Financial Centre (CIFC) Mixed Development Project. 

The agreement has been signed by the Chairman Port City Economic Commission, Dinesh Weerakkody, Chairman of China Harbour, Tang Qiaoliang, Director of Browns Investment, Kamantha Amarasekera and Chairman of Huan Construction Investment Group, Cai Dianwei.

The investment also includes the construction of an International Financial Center and the investment would be around USD 500 million. The construction is scheduled to begin early next year. A five star hotel too would be included under this investment. In addition to this development, the next mega break though would be the opening of the duty free complex within the Port City by the end of the year which is tol be operated by a Singaporean firm.

Chinese Finance Minister assures extensive commitment to enhance Sri Lanka’s credit optimization

October 19th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The Chinese Finance Minister, Mr. Liu Kun, has reaffirmed China’s commitment to extend comprehensive support for the implementation of a medium-term and long-term program that is mutually beneficial to both parties and aimed at optimizing Sri Lanka’s debt.

The Chinese Finance Minister conveyed this commitment during bilateral discussions held this morning (19) in Beijing with President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is currently on a four-day official visit to China, the President’s Media Division (PMD) reported.

Minister Liu Kun emphasized that China has a profound understanding of the economic challenges confronting Sri Lanka and commended the progress and measures Sri Lanka has taken thus far to address the on-going economic crisis. Furthermore, he expressed China’s unwavering commitment to providing robust support for the enhancement of the necessary infrastructure crucial for Sri Lanka’s development.

The Chinese Finance Minister also highlighted the in-depth discussions that transpired regarding financial interactions between Sri Lanka and China, underscoring the collaboration with international organizations closely associated with China, aimed at furnishing additional support to Sri Lanka, it added.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe expressed his profound appreciation for China’s consistent support as Sri Lanka endeavours to overcome economic challenges. Discussions also delved into the program designed to spur economic recovery and foster the creation of a competitive, digitally advanced and environmentally friendly economy in Sri Lanka.

In attendance during this meeting were Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Sabry, President’s Senior Adviser on National Security and Chief of Staff Sagala Ratnayaka, Central Bank Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe and President’s Private Secretary Ms. Sandra Perera, according to the PMD.


October 18th, 2023

Shenali D Waduge  ශාසනාභිමානි-දිරියවනිතා-දේශශක්ති 

It is a simple question but holding a wealth of meaning & essentially answers and distinguishes those that naturally come forward to defend the nation & those who chose not to. Some leaders are born, some are made by circumstance & rise to the occasion but inherently they do so because somewhere embedded inside their being, they regard the nation as their motherland. Just as a mother lovingly raises her child, turning blood to milk, nurturing the child in the formative years and together with the father instilling values, culture & good qualities, the same is passed on from the child to his/her child & the circle continues. It is the handful of people who treat the land as their mother, who come forward to safeguard & protect that land. There is no doubt about this. Sadly, it is those who cherish the land & who come forward to defend it who end up sacrificing their life & are unable to serve the nation further. Those that don’t cherish the land, remain to do more damage. This is the irony & challenges the nation faces. This land should only belong to those who love & defends the land & who cherish the land to be nurtured for the future generations.

When South Indian invaders attempted to take over the land – it was those who regarded this land as their motherland who came forward to defend it.

When Western Christian invaders landed with Bible in one hand & sword in the other – it was again those who regarded this land as their motherland who braved their weapons to engage the enemy & died sacrificing their life to safeguard their motherland.

When JVP, LTTE took up arms against the land, it was brave sons & daughters who enlisted to fight for their land & defeat the enemy. This they did in May 2009 but not without sacrifice. Their proud parents who have lost their loved ones take solace in the fact that their child fought for his motherland & became a son of the soil. Those of us who did not adorn the uniform but also feel for our motherland, every time a soldier’s sacrifice is being commemorated share that pang of pride alongside his parents. It is a feeling that those who don’t love their motherland can never understand. It is those who love their motherland who even living oceans away & return to their home, feel a sense of belonging and feel to take part in acts of kindness & generosity towards others who are less privileged. That thought to help automatically emerges from their love for their motherland. When they depart to return to their other home, they leave with a heavy heart because their real heart is in their motherland. Only those who love their motherland can understand the feelings of such people.

Those who love their motherland always think of ways they can help or ways their motherland can be improved. They don’t think twice about coming forward when the nation needs them. These are the special people who make a nation meaningful. In the past these great sons of the soil created our civilization, built marvels & left us what we term our heritage. This heritage is what tourists arrive to see and it is to protect this heritage that those who love this motherland file cases to safeguard the sites and appeal to fellow citizens to join their cause. From doctors, professionals, lawyers, accountants, engineers, armed forces, police, farmers, teachers to even the roadside cleaner there are those who love this land as their mother & those who regard this simply as a place they were born into.

Who are those who were born on this land & they feel nothing beyond their name on the registration form or birth certificate. They feel no affinity to protect or defend the land they were born in because they feel no emotional attachment. It may be as a result of their upbringing, the environment they grew up in, their schooling or simply because it is not in their DNA. These are the handful who become easy prey to external elements who fish for people to lure to their initiatives to destabilize Sri Lanka. The lack of affinity makes them not care to defend the nation, they are not bothered who takes over the resources & assets, they view these as unimportant as they have no emotional attachment to them. They become the mouthpieces for external forces inside Sri Lanka. There are another lot of chest beaters who claim they love their motherland” but this lot are equally dangerous as those who do not love the land.

Those that feel nothing beyond being born in Sri Lanka, will not line up to join the police or armed forces to protect the sovereignty of Sri Lanka. They may decide to join believing it is their right to join but not with intention to serve the nation. Such people are not bothered to fulfil their duties to the nation, they will only make demands for their personal rights and these demands will be endless. Nothing makes them happy, they simply demand more and more. They do not even feel a pang of guilt that they are not fulfilling their duty to the nation, they simply believe that their birth is sufficient for them to get the maximum out of the country for themselves. Such is the mentality of people who share none of the sentiments felt by people who feel this land is their motherland.

Those who feel for their motherland are today worried – they know their land is under threat. They fear the outcome of the sale of national assets & resources, they foresee the dangers of foreigners taking over the airports, ports & harbors as well as even state buildings. They understand the outcome of illegal immigrants from unmonitored sea-rail-road links with a nation that helped birth & foster 30 years of terror. They realize how education system has been compromised to denationalize our people and programs to make sure children & youth who love this land are not nurtured by teaching false history & bogus reconciliation/multicultural themes’.

Those who love their land are ever ready to defend it, that feeling flows in their blood, their adrenalin pumps when patriotic songs are heard, they take joy when our sons & daughters gain local & international fame (for the right reasons – not those who win accolades for going against the nation) and they worry over the future. These are the unsung heroes & heroines of this land but the divine forces that protect this nation know who they are & will protect them. They must be identified & given more prominent roles because it is only they who can rebuild this nation.

Those who regard this land as only their birthright – should never be given any stake in this land because they have done no service to it, they have not defended it, they have not protected it & they do not care to nurture it for future generations.

Have you identified which category you belong?

Shenali D Waduge


Doctor, my feet and ankles are getting swollen. What can I do?

October 18th, 2023

Harold Gunatillake 

Doctor, my feet and ankles are getting swollen. What can I do?
What is the most common cause of leg
In older adults is what we call venous
insufficiency.” The second most common
cause of leg swelling is a reaction to certain
When you remove your socks and shoes at the end of the day and detect swelling around your ankles and feet, you need to worry about it. Travelling by plane for long hours and not moving your legs is an acute problem. In some situations, this can be due to DVT, meaning that the deep veins in your calf muscles become clogged up
with clots due to a lack of peripheral pumping action in the calf muscles, or may be due to a condition called ‘lymphatic stasis’ meaning that the extra-cellular fluid is not being returned from the dependent areas, It is essential to move your ankles whilst being seated on the plane to prevent such episodes.
Today’s discussion concerns leg, ankle, and foot swelling due to more chronic conditions and prevention and control.
When your feet, ankles and legs get swelled mildly as a daily event, the most common situation may be drug-induced.
Most of you may be on Amlodipine, a calcium channel blocker prescribed for your high blood pressure, especially if given high doses such as 10 mg daily.
In such a situation, wearing compression socks or elevating your legs is best to help with swelling from amlodipine.
Or, you may be on Gabapentin, a medication used to treat nerve pain from shingles, seizures and restless legs syndrome.
You may be prescribed Pioglitazone, also called Actos, or rosiglitazone or Avandia, for type 2 diabetes. Leg swelling is a well-known side effect of these medications. These drugs have a greater risk of having heart failure, too.
Talk to your healthcare provider if you experience swelling while taking pioglitazone or rosiglitazone. They may be able to help switch you to a different diabetes medication.
If you take Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritic pain, the long term may cause water retention, leading to swelling in the legs and ankles. If you have kidney problems, you should avoid taking these drugs.
Ladies taking birth control pills also get water retention, which may show up as swelling in the legs or ankles.
When taken long-term, steroids are prescribed for asthma, chronic obstructive airway disease, and severe allergic reactions, another cause of water retention and leg swelling.
For many people, swelling from a medication isn’t severe and will typically go away once you stop taking it. Depending on the medication, lifestyle changes or lowering your dose may help if it’s something you need to take long-term.
Other causes of leg, ankle and foot swellings, or oedema, may be standing or sitting in the same position for too long.
Eating too much-added salt in your food can give rise to leg swelling.
Being overweight could cause leg swelling.
More severe causes of leg swelling come with your kidney, liver or heart disease.
If you have had coronary heart disease treated with stents, you must take special precautions to avoid further damage to the heart muscles. If you continue your happy, enjoyable lifestyle, you may have a condition called CCF or congestive heart failure. This is a sign that your heart muscles do not have the strength to pump blood from the heart’s lower chambers efficiently.
People with heart failure tend to retain fluid. This appears as swollen ankles and legs because of excess fluid building up. You may notice that your shoes don’t fit and socks appear tight or leave a prominent indent above the ankle.
When the right side of the heart (right ventricle) starts to fail, fluid collects in the feet and lower legs. Puffy leg swelling (oedema) is a sign of right heart failure, especially if the oedema is pitting oedema. With pitting oedema, a finger pressed on the swollen leg leaves an imprint.
Early symptoms of heart failure are breathlessness on exertion, fatigue, rapid or irregular heartbeat, exhausting exercise, and leg swelling.
It would be best if you saw your cardiologist soon, as it is a serious situation, to salvage yourself from your serious situation.
Now, let’s discuss how you could get leg swelling due to kidney issues.
As the kidney function begins to fall, sodium retention causes swelling in your shin and ankles. In short, any person noting new onset leg or foot oedema should get an immediate evaluation of their renal function after visiting a nephrologist.
Damage to the tiny filtering nephrons can result in nephrotic syndrome; declining levels of the protein albumin in your blood and increasing levels in the urine can cause fluid to build up and result in oedema, most commonly around the ankles and feet.
Let’s discuss how you could get leg swelling due to liver disease.
Cirrhosis slows the regular flow of blood through the liver. This increases pressure in the vein that brings blood to the liver, causing swelling in the legs and abdomen. The increased pressure in the portal vein can cause fluid to accumulate in the legs, called oedema, and ascites in the abdomen.
In Stage 3, cirrhosis of your liver, caused by severe liver scarring, may cause more liver damage symptoms, including jaundice, weakness, fatigue, appetite and weight loss, abdominal bloating, and oedema in your extremities.
In most chronic illnesses that cause leg swelling, only symptomatic medication is available to make you feel comfortable, and a complete cure is impossible.
I advise that preventive measures are best taken, as it is impossible to complicate the process in this day of ‘indulged’ living.
I hope this video article is helpful. Goodbye for now, until we meet again

සත්‍ය ධර්මය 3 – සත්‍ය ධර්මය විවර විය – නිවන් දකින ප්‍රතිපදාව

October 18th, 2023

තිස්ස ගුණතිලක

දුක ඇතිවීමට හේතුව ‘තන්හාව සහ අවිද්‍යාව’ ලෙස සද්ධර්මයේ සඳහන් වෙයි.  මෙය බුද්ධ වචනයයි.

තන්හාව යනු ‘ඇලීමයි’ නැතහොත් දුක ඇතිවන්නේ ‘අල්ලාගැනීම’ නිසයි. එසේනම් දුක නැතිකිරීමට ‘අතහැරිය’ යුතුය. මුළු සද්ධර්මය තුලම ප්‍රකට වන්නේ මෙම ‘අතහැරීමයි’. සත්වයා උපන්දා සිට මේ මොහොත දක්වා පැමිනි ‘සංසාර ගමනේදී’ මුළු භාහිර ලෝකයම චෛතසිකව හා භෞතිකව අල්ලාගෙන සිටියි. භෞතිකව අල්ලාගත හැකි දේ භෞතිකවත් අනිකුත් සියළුම දේ චෛතසිකවත් අල්ලාගත් ඔබ ඒ සියල්ලම අතහැරීමට සූදානම් නම් ඔබට නිවන් දැකිය හැකිය. අතහැරීමට සූදානම් නැතිනම් ඔබට නිවන් දැකිය නොහැකිය. සරලම දේ මෙයයි (simple as that).

නිවන යනු අතහැරීම පමනමයි. සද්ධර්මය තුල ප්‍රතිපදාව (තිපරිවට්ටයේ දෙවන අනුපිලිවෙල) යනු  අතහැරීම ප්‍රගුණකරන ප්‍රායෝගික කලාවයි.

අපට හමුවන හා අප පරිහරනය කරන සියල්ලම ‘භාහිරය’යි. ඔබ හිදගන්නා පුටුව, කියවන පොත, ඔබ ඇතුළු පවුලේ සාමාජිකයින්, ඇසුරු කරනා සියළුදෙනා, ගහකොල සතා සීපාවා, ගලනා ගඟ, හමනා සුලඟ, ආලෝකය හා වාතය ඇතුළු අවකාශය ආදි සියල්ලම ‘භාහිරයයි’.  මෙම භාහිරය අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවයෙන් පවතී. අනාත්මීය භාහිරය යනු චෛතසිකයෙහි ගින්නක් ඇතිනොකරන යතාර්ථයයි නැතහොත් ‘ස්වභාවධර්මයි’.

මෙම අනාත්මීය භාහිරයට අපත් ඇතුලත්වන අතර එය අපෙන් ස්වායත්තව පවතී. එනම් අප නැතිවුනත් භාහිරය පවතී. 

note: නිවන් දැකීමට අනාත්මීය භාහිරයක් පවතින බව පිලිගත යුතුය (accept). මක්නිසාද යත් නිවන යනු අනාත්මීය භාහිරය හා බද්ධ වීමයි. එසේ අනාත්මීය භාහිරය හා බද්ධ වී නිවන් දැකීමට නම් භාහිරයක් පැවතිය යුතුමය. ඔබ අනාත්මීය භාහිරයක් පවතින බව පිලිනොගන්නා තාක්කල් නිවනේදී බද්ධවීමට ඔබට ‘තැනක්’ අහිමිවනු ඇත.

විඤ්ඤාණ මායාවට හසුවුන සත්වයා භාහිරයේ පවතින අනාත්මීයවූ සියල්ලටම වටිනාකමක් (නන්දියක්) එකතුකර භාහිරයේ අනාත්මීයව පවත්නා සියල්ලටම ඇලීමක් (හෝ ගැටීමක්) ඇතිකරගනී. භාහිරයේ පවතින සියල්ලම දෙයක් යමක් කෙනෙක් (ආත්මීය) කරගන්නවා යන ක්‍රියාවලිය මෙයයි. සද්ධර්මය තුල ‘භවය (becoming)’ සකස්කිරීම ලෙස දැක්වෙන්නේ මෙම ක්‍රියාවලියයි.

‘නන්දිරාගය ඇතිකරවන තෘෂ්ණාව’* යනුවෙන් ධම්මචක්කපවත්වන සූත්‍ර දේශනාවේ දැක්වෙන ‘සමුදය සත්‍යය’ මෙයයි. භාහිරය දෙයක් යමක් කෙනෙක් සේ දැකීම/දැනීම  ‘අවිද්‍යාව’යි. 

උදාහරනයක් ලෙස; වර්ණ රූපයක් ලෙස භාහිරයේ පවතින ජීවීන්, ‘අම්මා’ හෝ ‘දරුවා’ ලෙස දැකීම විඤ්ඤාණ මායාව නිසාත් අවිද්‍යාව නිසාත් සිදුවන්නකි. මේනිසා එම ජීවීන් කෙරෙහි වටිනාකමක් හා ගින්නක් (නන්දියක්, කම්පාවක්) ඇතිවී ඇලීමක්/තෘෂ්ණාවක් ඇතිකරගනී, එනම් නැති භවයක් සකස්කර ගනී. ඒ නිසාම භාහිරයේ පවතින ජීවීන් ‘මගේ අම්මා, මගේ දරුවා’ වන ආත්ම දෘශ්ඨිය (මම) ඇතිවී සත්ව තෙමේ දුකට පත්වෙයි.

සත්වයා උපන් දා පටන් මේ මොහොත දක්වා මෙසේ යතාර්ථයක් නොවන භවයක් සකස්කරමින් ආත්ම දෘශ්ඨිය (මම) තරකරමින් නැති දුකක් විදී.

ප්‍රතිපදාව හා පාරමිතා

නිවන් දකින ප්‍රතිපදාවට අවතීර්ණ වීමට ඔබ යම්කිසි තත්වයන් කීපයක් සම්පූර්ණ කලයුතු වෙයි. උදාහරනයක්‍ ලෙස කර්ම-විපාක දෘශ්ඨිය ඇතුළු සියළුම දෘශ්ඨින් වලින් මිදිය යුතුය (සංමා දෘශ්ඨී), සිත එකාග්‍රතාවයකට (control & tame) එලඹීමට නොහැකි බව අවබෝධ කලයුතුය (සංමා සති, සංමා සමාධි). මෙය අවබොධකල  සිද්ධාර්ථ තවුසා ආලාර කාලාම උද්දිකාරාම පුත්‍රයන් අසල කල සමත භාවනාව අතහැර ඉන් ඉවත්විය. අනාත්මීය භාහිරයක පැවතීම පිලිගැනීම ආදීවූ තත්වයන් සම්පූර්ණ කලයුතුය 

මෙසේ අවශ්‍ය තත්වයන් (preconditions) සම්පූර්ණ කිරීම සද්ධර්මය තුල හමුවන ‘පාරමිතා’වයි.

භාහිරයේ පවතින යතාර්ථය දැකිම ප්‍රතිපදාවේ පලමු පියවරයි. භාහිරයේ පවතින කිසිම දෙයක ඇල්මක් (හෝ ගැටීමක්) ඇති නොවන ස්වභාවය සිහියට හසුකරගත යුතු වෙයි. භාහිරයේ පවතින අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවය (අනිච්ච ස්‍වභාවය) අවබෝධ කරන ඔබ එහි සුඤ්ඤතාවය (දෙයක් යමක් කෙනෙක් නැති ස්වභාවය) දකියි.  මෙසේ ලෝක සංඤ්ඤාවම සුඤ්ඤකරන ඔබ මුළු භාහිරය කෙරෙහිම තිබූ ඇලීමේ පලක් නැතිබව දකියි. සුඤ්ඤවූ කිසිවකට තවත් ‘ඇල්මක්’ කුමකටද? මෙතෙක් කලක් ඔබ අල්ලාගෙන සිටි ලෝක සංඤ්ඤාව ඇතිකරන මුළු භාහිරයම (ග්‍රාම, ආරණ්‍ය, පෘතුවි හා ආකාස සංඤ්ඤාවම) දැන් ඔබට අතහැරීම පහසුය. දැන් ඔබ මුළු ලෝකයම චෛතසිකව අතහරියි. ඔබ සක්කාය දෘශ්ඨිය, සීලබ්බතය හා විචිකිච්චාව ප්‍රහාණය කරයි. 

Note: සුඤ්ඤතාවය දැකීම/අවබෝධය තුල එනම් දෙයක් යමක්‍ කෙනෙක් නැති තැන උදාහරනයක්‍ ලෙස සොරකම් කිරීමට යමක් හෝ සොරකම් කිරීමට කෙනෙක් හමුනොවෙයි. එනම් ධර්මාවබෝධය තුල සීලය යල්පැන ගිය, අර්ථ ශූණ්‍යය (obsolete) තත්වයට පත්වෙයි. දැනුම අවබෝධයක් බවට පත්වී විචිකිච්චාවද දුරුවෙයි. මෙසේ චෛතසික අත්හැරීම තුල තුන් සංයෝජනයම එකවර ප්‍රහීණවී ඔබ සෝවාන් තත්වයට පත්වෙයි. චෛතසික අතහැරීම තුල අතහැරීමේ පලමු පියවර ඔබ සම්පූර්ණ කරයි.

ලක්ෂසංඛ්‍යාත භික්ෂූණ්වහන්සේලා පහසුවෙන්‍ කරන්නාක් මෙන් අතහැරීමේ දෙවන පියවර භෞතික අතහැරීමයි. යම්කිසි අවබෝධයක්තුල සාසනගතවන භික්ෂූන්වහන්සේලා පලමුව භෞතික අතහැරීමද දෙවනුව විපස්සනාව වැඩීමෙන් චෛතසික අතහැරීමද සිදුකරයි. තවමත් රහතන්වහන්සේ කෙනෙක් අපට හමුනොවන්නේ චෛතසික අතහැරීමට අත්‍යාවශ්‍ය විපස්සනාව වෙනුවට ඔවුන් බුදුන්වහන්සේ අනුදැන නොවදාල සමත භාවනාවක් කරපින්නාගෙන වාසය (විහරති) කරන බැවිනි. ඔවුන් විපස්සනාව ගුරු කොට ගෙන වාසය කරයි නම් අද සෝවාන් හා රහත් භික්ෂූණ්වහන්සේලා සුලභවනු ඇත.

සති බොජ්ජංගය වඩා සිහියෙන් කෘත්‍ය ඤාණය විචාරන (ධම්මවිචය බොජ්ජංගය) විට ඉතිරි බොජ්ජංග (බොජ්ජංග පබ්බය) නිරායාසයෙන් පහලවී නිවන ෂාක්ශාත්වන අයුරු lankaweb අඩවියේ මින් පෙර පලවූ ‘සත්‍ය ධර්මය – සත්‍ය ධර්මය විවර විය’ ලිපි මාලාවෙන් පැහැදිලි කිරීමට උත්සාහ කලෙමි.

තෙරුවන් සරණයි.

තිස්ස ගුණතිලක

2023 ඔක්තොබර් 19 වනදා

භුමි පුත්‍රයන් පාවාදෙන ඔය ව්‍යවස්ථාවෙන් වැඩක් නැහැ | අළුත් ව්‍යවස්ථාව හදනකොටම කිවා

October 18th, 2023

Ceylon Diary – SBPC Official Channel

දේශමාන්‍ය ආචාර්ය සුදත් ගුණසේකර (ශ්‍රී.ලo.පසේ) මහනුවර සිංහල බෞද්ධ ජෙස්ඨ පුරවැසියන්ගේ සංවිධානයේ සභාපති හා සිරිමාවෝ බණ්ඩාරනායක අගමැතිනියගේ හිටපු ස්ථිර ලේකම් මහතාසමග සාකච්චාව මෙහයවිම දේශබන්දු ,දෙශාභිමානී සුර්ය වංශ රත්න විභූෂණ පාලිත ආරියරත්න විසින්

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