ජාත්‍යන්තර සමුපකාර දින පණිවුඩය

June 30th, 2023

දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන (පා.ම) අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදි ජනරජය

දහනව වන සියවසේ යුරෝපයේ බිහි වූ සමුපකාර ව්‍යපාරය 1906 දී ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට හඳුන්වා දුනි. සකසුරුවම හා සම උපකාරය පිළිබඳ අතීත පුර්වාදර්ශයන් ඇති ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයා මිනිස් ගුණාංග ශක්තිමත් වැඩපිළිවෙළකට පරිවර්තනය කොට එම සමුපකාර ව්‍යාපාරයට අනුගත විය.

එවක් පටන් ජනතාව සවිබල ගන්වමින් ග්‍රාමීය ආර්ථිකය නැංවීමට සමුපකාර ව්‍යාපාරයට හැකි විය. පළමුවන හා දෙවන ලෝක යුද සමයන්හී, රෝග ව්‍යසන අවස්ථාවන් හී මේ තුළින් ජනතාවට සුවිශේෂී සහන සැලසුනි.

සෑම ආර්ථික යුගයක් හරහා අප රටට සමුපකාරය ජීවයක් වූයේ එහි සමස්ත සාමාජිකත්වයේ අන්‍යෝන්‍ය සුහඳතාවය හා බැඳියාව තම රට මෙන් සමාජයට ලබාදීමේ ආදර්ශයයි.

පසු කළෙක පිලිප් ගුණවර්ධන හා ටී. බී ඉලංගරත්න අමාත්‍යවරුන්ගේ මැදිහත්වීමෙන් ඇරඹුණු මහජන බැංකුව සමුපකාර ව්‍යාපාරයට දැවැන්ත  ශක්තියක් එක් කළේය. සමුපකාර ව්‍යාපාරය ජනහදට වඩාත් සමීප වූ වකවානුව එය විය. 1956 ජනතා රජයේ විවිධ සේවා සමුපකාර සමිති ආඥා පනත තුළින් තව ද පුනර්ජීවනය වූ සමුපකාරය ගමින් ගමට නව ආර්ථික කේන්ද්‍රස්ථානයක් බවට පත් විය. සකසුරුවම් සමිති, ණය දෙන සමිති, ගොවි සමිති, හස්ත කර්මාන්ත සමිති, පේෂකර්ම සමිති,ඇතුළු විවිධ සමිති නිෂ්පාදනය හා අලෙවිය අතින් අලුත් ක්ෂේත්‍රවලට ගලා ගියේය.

සෑම පළාතකම ග්‍රාමීය ජනතා ආර්ථිකය නගා සිටුවීමට දායකත්වය දැක්වූ සමුපකාර ව්‍යාපාරය රටේ තිරසර සංවර්ධනය සඳහා වඩ වඩාත් දායක විය. මෙවර ජාත්‍යන්තර සමුපකාර දින තේමාව වන්නේ ද ‘තිරසර සංවර්ධනයක් සඳහා සමුපකාරය’ යන්නයි.  රටේ ධනය, ශ්‍රමය ජාතික සංවර්ධනයට යොදා ගැනීමේදී සමුපකාර ව්‍යාපාරයෙන් ගත හැකි ආදර්ශයන් බොහෝය.

ජාත්‍යන්තර සමුපකාර දිනය සමරන අද දිනයේ ඇති අභියෝග ජය ගැනීමට අත්‍යවශ්‍ය ආර්ථික සංවිධානයක් ලෙස අප රට තුළ කටයුතු කිරීමට සාමාජිකත්වය විවිධ පාලන තලයන්ද එක්ව කටයුතු කිරීමට කැපවෙමු.

දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන (පා.ම)


ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදි ජනරජය

විනයක් ඇති රටවල් ලෝකයේ ඉදිරියටම ගිහිල්ලා තියෙනවා.-අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා.

June 30th, 2023

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය

බහුකාර්ය සංවර්ධන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ අධ්‍යාපන පෙරපුහුණු අභ්‍යාසලාභී කාල පරිච්ඡේදය සම්පූර්ණ කළ  සංවර්ධන සහායකයින් කාර්යාල සේවයට බඳවා ගැනීමේ පත්වීම්  ප්‍රදානය සහ එක්දින පුහුණු සැසිය ආරම්භය අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මහතාගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් 2023.06.30 දින ස්වදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යාංශයේ දී සිදු කෙරිණී.
මෙහිදී අදහස් දැක් වූ අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා –
මහජන සේවය,  අභියෝග රැසක් හරහා ගමන් කරන්නේ. ජනාධිපති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මැතිතුමා මේ අවස්ථාව  ලබාදුන්නා. අද මේ කටයුත්තට ඉතුරු වෙලා ඉන්නේ  කී දෙනාද. අඩකටත් වැඩිය ප්‍රමාණයක් අතහැර ගියා. ඉවසන දනා රුපු යුදයට ජය කොඩිය කියලා පුංචි කාලේ ඉඳන් ඔබ අපි ඉගෙන ගන්නවා. හැර ගියපු අය එය ඉගෙනගෙන නැහැ. ඉවසීමෙන් ජීවිතයේ කොයිතරම් ජයග්‍රහණ වලට පිවිසෙන්න පුළුවන්ද. ඒක ජීවිතය සම්බන්ධව විතරක් නෙමෙයි රටක් සම්බන්ධවත් එලෙසමයි. විනයක් ඇති රටවල් ලෝකයේ ඉදිරියටම ගිහිල්ලා තියෙනවා. විනයක් ඇති සමාජයන් ලෝකයේ දියුණුවට පත්වුණා. විනයක් නැති ප්‍රදේශයක්, සමාජයක්, රටක් අවුලෙන් අවුලට පත්වෙනවා.
 රටට සේවය කරන්න තිබෙන ප්‍රධාන සේවය රජ්‍ය සේවයයි. ඒ නිසා රාජ්‍ය සේවයේ ගෞරවය,  විනය, බලාපොරොත්තු, ඉලක්ක, සාක්ෂාත් කරගන්න ඔබ හැම කටයුතු කළ යුතුයි.  රටක් හැටියට අප බලාපොරොත්තු වෙන්නේ එයයි. ඔබ අමාරු ස්ථානයක සේවය කරන්න පුළුවන්. ඒ වගේම පහසු ස්ථානයක සේවය කරන්න පුළුවන්. කොතන සේවය කරත් වගකීමක් කරට ගන්න. වගකීම, යුතුකම තිබෙන අවස්ථාවලදී  තීරණ ගැනීමේ අභියෝගය ඔබ හමුවේ තිබෙනවා. ඔබට තිබුණු අධ්‍යාපනික සුදුසුකම් මත රාජ්‍ය සේවයට ලෙහෙසියෙන් ඇතුල් වෙන්න බාධාවක් තිබුණා. ඒ වෙනුවට නිර්මාණශීලීව රජය ඇති කළ සුදුසුකම් ඇති  කරගැනීමෙන් අධ්‍යාපනික සුදුසුකම්   සමාන පුහුණුවකට පරිවර්තනය කරපු අවස්ථාව භාරගෙන එලෙස පුහුණු වී ඉහළට ගමන් කළ හැකි තත්වයට පැමිණ තිබෙනවා. සමහර විට පළමුවරට වෙන්න පුළුවන් මේ අත්දැකීම ලැබෙන්නේ. මේ මාර්ගයෙන් ඉහළට යන්න  අපේ විශ්වවිද්‍යාල පද්ධතියට වෙනම විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයක් එකතුවෙලා තියනවා.  උසස් පෙළ නොමැති වුණයි කියලා විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයට යන්න මාර්ගයක් නැහැ කියලා හිතන්න එපා.  මේ වගේම මාර්ගයෙන් තමන්ගේ සුදුසුකම හදාගෙන රාජ්‍ය සේවයේ ඉදිරියටම යන්න  පුළුවන්කම තිබෙනවා. හොඳම උදාහරණය ඔබයි.
රාජ්‍ය අමාත්‍ය අශෝක ප්‍රියන්ත, පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී ගාමිණී ලොකුගේ, අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ලේකම් අනුර දිසානායක යන මහත්වරුන්  මෙහිදී අදහස් දැක් වූ  අතර පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී යදාමිණී ගුණවර්ධන, කොළඹ දිස්ත්‍රික් ලේකම් කේ.ජී. විජේසිරි, බහුකාර්ය සංවර්ධන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ අතිරේක අධ්‍යක්ෂ ජනරාල් මේජර් ජෙනරාල් මහින්ද මුදලිගේ සහ පත්වීම්ලාභීන් මෙම අවස්ථාවට සහභාගි වූහ.

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය

පුනර්ජනනීය බලශක්ති තාක්ෂණය ශ්‍රී ලාංකික තරුණ තරුණියන්ට හඳුන්වා දීමේ ජර්මන් ලංකා ව්‍යාපෘතිය

June 30th, 2023

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය.  

ජර්මානු-ලංකා දේශගුණ තාක්ෂණ ආයතනය නුදුරේදීම ශ්‍රී ලංකාව තුළ දේශගුණ තාක්ෂණ පුහුණු ආයතනයක් පිහිටුවීමට සැලසුම් කරයි. ජර්මනියේ සන් ෆාමින් ගෘප් ඒජී (SunFarming Group AG) හි සභාපති පීටර් ෂ්‍රම්ගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් යෝජිත ආයතනයේ කණ්ඩායමක් අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන සමඟ මේ පිළිබඳව සවිස්තරාත්මකව සාකච්ඡා කරන ලදී.

ජර්මානු-ලංකා දේශගුණ තාක්ෂණ ආයතනය පුනර්ජනනීය බලශක්තිය, නවීන කෘෂිකර්මාන්තය සහ විද්‍යුත් සංචලනය කෙරෙහි අවධානය යොමු කරමින් තිරසාර සහ දේශගුණික හිතකාමී තාක්‍ෂණයන් සඳහා ශක්‍යතා ගොඩනඟන්නක් සහ තාක්‍ෂණ හුවමාරු වේදිකාවක් බව ස්ක්‍රම්  (Schrum) මහතා අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයාට පැහැදිලි කළේය. යෝජිත ව්‍යාපෘති පහසුකම තුළ න්‍යායික සහ ප්‍රායෝගික දැනුම, කාර්මික පුහුණුව මෙන්ම පර්යේෂණ සහ සංවර්ධන අවකාශ ලබා දීමෙන් පුළුල් කුසලතා සංවර්ධන වැඩසටහන් සඳහා ව්‍යාපෘතිය සැලසුම් කර ඇත.

පාරිසරික ප්‍රතිලාභ සැලකිල්ලට ගනිමින් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව පුනර්ජනනීය බලශක්ති උත්පාදනය සඳහා ප්‍රමුඛත්වය ලබා දෙන බවත් පුනර්ජනනීය බලශක්ති තාක්ෂණය පිළිබඳව ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය තරුණ තරුණියන් පුහුණු කිරීම සඳහා වන එවැනි ව්‍යාපෘති සඳහා රජයේ සහයෝගය ලබා දෙන බවටත්   අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයාට සහතික විය. ජර්මන් කණ්ඩායම ජනාධිපති ලේකම් කාර්යාලය සහ පරිසර අමාත්‍යවරයා සමඟ තවදුරටත් සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට නියමිතව තිබේ.

සන් ෆාමින් ලංකා  ප්‍රයිවට් ලිමිටඩ් ( Sunfarming Lanka (Pvt) Ltd) හි උපදේශක විනෝද් මුණසිංහ මහතා, අධ්‍යක්ෂ/ප්‍රධාන විධායක නිලධාරී සහ  ජයන්ත ජයමාන්න මහතා  මෙම සාකච්ඡාවට සහභාගී විය.

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය.  

Sri Lanka proves its international neutrality

June 30th, 2023

By Sugeeswara Senadhira/Daily News

Colombo, June 30: In the last few days there were hectic activities on Sri Lanka’s foreign relations front. They included President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s visit to Paris and London, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena’s meetings with the Romanian State Minister for Foreign Affairs as well as with the envoys of two regional powers China and India. There were also simultaneous visits of warships of those two countries to the Port of Colombo.

All the above activities have proved Sri Lanka’s strict neutrality.

We are a neutral country, but we also emphasise the fact that we cannot allow Sri Lanka to be used as a base for any threats against India,” President Wickremesinghe said, during an interview with France24, responding to a question about China’s perceived military presence in Sri Lanka.

He pointed out that the Chinese have been visiting Sri Lanka for about 1,500 years and, so far, there has been no military base”.

There won’t be any military agreements,” the President stressed, We are a neutral country. He clarified that there were no issues of military use by the Chinese of the Southern port of Hambantota, which Beijing took over on a 99-year lease as a debt swap in 2017.

He assured that even though the Hambantota Harbour has been given out to China’s Merchants, its security is controlled by the Sri Lankan Government. The Southern Naval Command will be shifted to Hambantota, and we have got one brigade stationed in Hambantota in the nearby areas,” he added.

Political analyst Neville Ladduwahetty said Wickremesinghe’s statement on the neutral foreign policy of Sri Lanka would end negative speculations in some quarters. He clarified that since neutrality is a defined policy that has a legal basis and a history that precedes Non-Alignment, there is a need for the Neutral State to conduct its relations with other States according to recognized codified norms with reciprocity.

On the other hand, Non-Alignment was essentially a commitment to a set of principles by a group of countries that had emerged from colonial rule and wanted to protect their newly won independence and sovereignty in the context of a bipolar world.

Prime Minister Gunawardena also elaborated on the foreign policy of neutrality spelt out by President Wickremesinghe. The Premier explained this position during his recent meetings with the Romanian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, and the envoys of India, China, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

He briefed the visiting Romanian Minister Traian Hristea about Sri Lanka’s position with regard to international and regional issues as well as the measures taken to solve the issues related to the current economic crisis. He stressed the need for the continuous support of the European Union.

The Romanian Minister assured that his country would support Sri Lanka’s request for the continuation of GSP Plus duty concessions for Sri Lankan exports.

The outgoing High Commissioner of the United Kingdom, Sarah Hulton met the Prime Minister on the day the UK announced the decision to include Sri Lanka as a beneficiary country under the UK GSP Scheme Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS)”. Through this scheme, duty concessions will be given for 92% of Sri Lankan exports.

Premier Gunawardena said Sri Lanka hopes that new investment projects will be initiated by the UK following the conclusion of the debt restructuring process and the unlocking of the IMF fund facility. He added that Sri Lanka encourages UK investment in sectors such as education, banking and financial services, IT/BPM, pharmaceuticals, hospitality and tourism.

Indian High Commissioner Gopal Baglay met the Prime Minister last week to discuss furthering bilateral cooperation. India and Sri Lanka agreed to work on a Road Map for cooperation between the two countries. Premier Gunawardena thanked India for the support to obtain a suitable IMF Program for Sri Lanka, for which financing assurances from creditors to make Sri Lanka’s debt sustainable are required as well as for the assistance during the economic crisis.

High Commissioner Baglay, referring to the increase of tourism, said India would take steps to increase flights between the two countries. He said the public sector as well as private airlines are willing to operate flights to destinations in Sri Lanka. Alliance Air wants to increase operations and extend current flights from South Indian destinations to the Jaffna to Ratmalana Airports as it has been opened for passenger flights.

The Prime Minister urged for more Indian investments in the sectors such as digitalization, alternative energy and agriculture.

Two days later Chinese Ambassador Qi Zhenhong met the Prime Minister at Temple Trees in Colombo to discuss bilateral relations. The Prime Minister said Sri Lanka looks forward to direct investments from China as well as investments in agriculture, renewable energy, IT, education and water supply sectors to provide long-term solutions to economic issues.

The areas covered during the discussion included issues relating to new investment projects, furthering trade with China, the Colombo Port City, the Hambantota Port, poverty alleviation, education, agriculture, cultural exchanges, high-level exchanges and assistance to the underprivileged. The Prime Minister made a special request to support to the Sri Lankan rice-growing rural population to increase production by introducing high-yielding rice varieties developed in Yunnan Province in China.

Ambassador Qi Zhenhong said he was pleased to see the resilience of Sri Lanka to overcome difficulties and assured China’s continuous support to Sri Lanka’s efforts to meet the current efforts at debt restructuring and meet economic challenges. The Prime Minister thanked him for the assistance provided by China to alleviate the current economic crisis in Sri Lanka. The Prime Minister made a special mention of the Chinese stand in support of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty at the international forums including the UNHRC.

The discussion was initiated with a reference to the historical bilateral relations between the two countries. Stressing the importance of further strengthening the longstanding cultural ties, the Chinese Ambassador said the Chinese Buddhist Associations will continue to help temples and set up internationally important Theravada Buddhist Centre in Sri Lanka. The Prime Minster agreed to set up a Coordinating Committee to expeditiously implement these proposals.

On Wednesday (June 28) New Zealand High Commissioner Michael Appleton called on Premier Gunawardena to discuss bilateral relations, economic challenges, debt restructuring, trade and investment, electoral reforms and regional issues. The Prime Minister called for an increase in bilateral economic cooperation between New Zealand and Sri Lanka and also enhanced support under the Colombo Plan.

The New Zealand envoy said that his country is also planning to provide expertise for Sri Lanka’s public sector reforms program. A team headed by the former Public Service Commissioner of New Zealand would come to Sri Lanka shortly to assist with this process.

The Prime Minister also asked the High Commissioner to share New Zealand’s experience in solving the land-holding issue of indigenous people as Sri Lanka plans to amend the outdated Lands Ordinance.

During the visit of Foreign Minister Ali Sabry to Beijing, China announced additional financial support to the Colombo Port City project. The Port City is expected to attract investments from the US, Europe, India, Saudi Arabia and many others in addition to the growing regional power of China.

These can be ensured by Sri Lanka’s strict adherence to the neutral foreign policy. Many experts pointed out that it is difficult to expect all States to respect Lanka’s neutrality as there will be attempts to influence Sri Lanka because of its unique strategic location as an important link in the international shipping route. Hence, it is essential to keep those pressures at bay by not taking sides in global or regional power games.

Sri Lanka hotels and agents clash over new pricing policy for Colombo hotels

June 30th, 2023

By Feizal Samath Courtesy TTG Asia

Sri Lanka’s decision to enact a compulsory minimum rate policy for Colombo hotels has led to a row between hoteliers and travel agents in the country.

Set for implementation from August 1 this year, the policy requires five-star hotels to charge at least US$130 per room, excluding taxes; four-star at least US$100 and three-star at least US$80.

Hoteliers and travel agents in Sri Lanka are in conflict over the new pricing policy for Colombo hotels

Travel agents are inflamed, saying that the policy is a poor decision as tourism is still slowly recovering from multiple crises.

Nishad Wijetunga, president of the Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators (SLAITO), told reporters on June 27 that the move would result in Sri Lanka being portrayed as an expensive destination and discourage event planners from choosing the country for their meetings.

He added that Sri Lanka’s minimum rates were higher than the average room rates for hotels in competing destinations. Citing examples, he said Thailand’s average rate for five-star hotels was US$80 including taxes; Vietnam was US$105; Delhi US$95; Malaysia US$80.

He expects the policy to fail, and emphasised that market forces should determine prices.

A similar minimum rate policy was in force in 2009, and was later discontinued as hotels took to undercutting one another.

The government has defended the new policy. Tourism minister Harin Fernando said at a media conference on June 26 that the current room rates were not sustainable for hotels.

Hotels Association of Sri Lanka’s president, M Shanthikumar, has hailed the viability of the policy, saying that it would help improve the financial health of city hotels, save jobs, and boost industry earnings.

Hotels battling a string of crises in the country, including the pandemic, have been given a moratorium on loan repayments.

Shanthikumar added that the policy was necessary for Sri Lanka to overcome perceptions that Colombo was a cheap destination.

In response, SLAITO vice president Nalin Jayasundera said it was unfair to make tourists bear the financial burden of hoteliers.

EPF asked to pay 30% tax unless it participates in domestic debt restructuring process

June 30th, 2023

By Sanath Nanayakkare Courtesy The Island

Banks, which pay taxes over 50%, least affected

If the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) and other pension funds did not wish to participate in the proposed domestic debt restructuring process, there will be an application of higher annual income tax of 30%, Central Bank Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe said yesterday. The EPF is currently taxed at the rate of 14%.

Dr. Weerasinghe said so, addressing the media in Colombo.Finance Ministry Secretary Dr. R. Samaratunga, Treasury Secretary Mahinda Siriwardena were also present. Dr. Weerasinghe said, Banking sector has already borne a significant burden of the fiscal adjustment and the economic crisis in several ways. The banking sector has been paying higher tax rates than other corporations.

The total tax burden on the banking sector, which is serving 57 million customer deposits, is more than 50%. Through high tax payment, the banking sector is helping the government’s fiscal consolidation efforts. Further, banks gave moratoriums and faced the brunt of non-performing loans during the Covid-19 pandemic. So, any disturbance to financial system stability could be costly. And disruptions to the banking system will adversely impact the effective transmission of monetary policy. So, the main effort is preserving the 57 million customer deposits in the banks and letting no room for a bank run.

In contrast, superannuation funds are subject to a tax of 14%. It has been proposed for superannuation bonds to be exchanged for longer term maturity T-Bonds at a coupon rate of 12% until 2025m which will be 9% minimum beyond 2025. So, there is at least 9% return on EPF funds ensured on a long-term basis while there will be no reduction on the current balance of any individual’s EPF. In the event it has to be lowered below 9%, the Treasury has agreed to fill the balance.

If superannuation funds don’t want to take part in this process, they will be liable to be taxed at 30% instead of the current 14%.”

The minimum participation requirement for EPF is set at 50% for outstanding bonds maturing in 2023 and 100% of bonds maturing between 2024 and 2032, according to CBSL.

 Speaking further the CBSL Governor said:

 What we expect from this is to bring the government debt stock to a sustainable level within 10 years as per the agreement with the IMF. The number one benchmark in this context is reducing the public debt to GDP to 95 % from 128%. Secondly, the Gross Financing Needs (GFN) of the government needs to be reduced to below 13% of GDP from 34.6 % of GDP between now and 2032. Thirdly, Foreign Debt Servicing needs to be reduced to below 4.5 % of GDP from the current 9.4 % of GDP within the same period. If these targets are achieved, it should help close external financing gaps of USD 16.9 billion. For this, we need to restructure loans obtained from official bilateral creditors such as Japan and China.

Then there is the need for restructuring international sovereign bonds (ISBs) and negotiations are underway for these two elements. Our foreign exchange debt service target is set at 4.5% max. of GDP in 2027-2032. Thirdly, it is important to restructure domestic debt in some form and that is why we are presenting a plan to execute it. One available option in optimizing government debt is to increase taxes and improve the Primary Account Balance. These measures have already been taken. So, the remaining option is restructuring government debt stock through optimization of Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds. At present Treasury Bill stock is worth LKR 4.1 trillion. 62.4 % of it is owned by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL). CBSL has already agreed that its holdings of Treasury Bills would be converted to Treasury Bonds because this will help reduce gross financing needs of the government. And there are

Treasury Bonds worth of Rs. 8.7 trillion of which 20.5% is from superannuation funds including the Employee Provident fund (EPF); 36% from the banks and the balance from insurance funds and other private funds. So, we are looking at the best solution which can protect the banks, depositors and the EPF. That’s why CBSL has agreed to take part in these domestic debt optimization negotiations,” Dr. Weerasinghe said.

Electricity charges down by 14.2% from tomorrow

June 30th, 2023

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) has approved an overall 14.2 per cent of electricity tariff reduction from tomorrow (July 01), subject to conditions, the PUCSL Chairman said.  

The category with consumption of less than 30 units will be reduced by 65% of the cost.

Consumers that come under the category of above 31 units and below 60 units will be charged 51.5% of the total cost. 

Those who use between 61 and 90 units of electricity will get a 24.5 percent reduction.

A 26.3 percent reduction will be imposed on hotel sector.

The other conditions relating to the 2023 electricity tarrif revision are as follows:

Nine percent reduction on Industry category;

Five percent reduction on Commercial Buildings; 16 percent overall reduction on religious purposes category & 0.8 percent reduction on government institutions.

The PUCSL requests the CEB and LECO to take prompt action to ensure that residents of all condominium properties are billed according to their respective tariff categories.

The Commission also said streetlight consumption too should be metered or estimated, and the Local Authority or Road Development Authority be billed.

Security deposits obtained from consumers shall be invested and interest shall be paid out of the return on the investments.

The interest on any security deposits obtained for the supply of electricity shall be paid/deducted from the monthly bill of all consumers.

Also the PUCSL directed to execute fuel supply agreements with CPC and Lanka Coal Company and establish Power Purchase Agreements between CEB transmission and CEB generation plants, Power Sales Agreements between Distribution Licensees and CEB Transmission Licensee.

All due payments to Renewable Energy based electricity generators (including small scale roof top solar) to be settled as soon as possible. (Chaturanga Pradeep Samarawickrama)

COPF green-lights proposed domestic debt restructuring program

June 30th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The Committee on Public Finance (COPF) has given its approval for the proposed Domestic Debt Optimization (DDO) program.

Chaired by MP Dr. Harsha de Silva, the COPF met today for the third consecutive day for constructive talks on the domestic debt restructuring strategy.

During its discussions on the Domestic Debt Optimization (DDO) plan on Thursday, the committee looked into the concerns about the impact of the DDO plan on the superannuation funds.

The banking system is excluded from the DDO plan taking as it already contributes to the Treasury and the economy through taxes of over 50%. The government said the move aims to safeguard the Treasury and to ensure the safety of the 57 million public and private bank deposits in the country.

For its discussions on the DDO program, the COPF had invited all creditors including banks, superannuation funds, and insurance funds to hear their opinions and concerns.

Concerns had been raised about the burden falling on superannuation funds, especially the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) without considering the consent of depositors.

Although banks are excluded from the DDO plan due to existing stress and non-performing loans, the COPF chairman said the EPF and the ETF, which carry most of the burden, face potential opportunity loss and lacks a say in the decisions impacting people’s life savings.

The COPF earlier said the EPF and ETF are exposed to additional burden without alternative solutions as there is no contingency plan in the event foreign debt relief and primary targets are not met.

Meanwhile, a full-day debate on the proposed domestic debt restructuring strategy will be held in the parliament tomorrow (July 01) after which the lawmakers will cast their votes for the adoption of the program.

 Earlier today, the party leaders decided to convene the parliament from 9.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. tomorrow.

Colombo inflation dips to 12.0% in June 2023

June 30th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Sri Lanka’s headline inflation, as measured by the Year-on-Year (Y-o-Y) change in the Colombo Consumer Price Index (CCPI), eased to 12.0% in June 2023, compared to the previous month.

The CCPI-based inflation was calculated as 25.2% for the month of May 2023.

According to the latest report issued by the Department of Census & Statistics (DCS), the Y-o-Y inflation of Food Group dropped to 4.1% in June 2023 from 21.5% in May 2023.

The Y-o-Y inflation of Non-Food Group decreased to 16.2% this month from 27.0% in March 2023.

For the month of April 2023, on Y-o-Y basis, the contribution to the inflation by food commodities was 1.42%. The contribution of Non-Food Group was meanwhile recorded as 10.59%.

The department said this decrease in the contribution of Food and Non-Food groups to the inflation was mainly due to the increases in value change in groups of housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, restaurants & hotels, clothing & footwear, furnishing household equipment and routine household maintenance, health, miscellaneous goods and services, education, recreation and culture, communication, education, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco.

Sri Lankan PM rejects West smearing of China’s BRI as “debt trap”

June 30th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena says that despite the Western countries continuing to smear the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a debt trap,” China is focusing on its own development path by ‘moving forward step by step’ while helping other countries to create success stories of their own.

Joining a discussion with the CGTN news agency, the PM further mentioned that China has proven to the world that many developmental challenges can be solved.

Meanwhile, he also expressed that China is a major contributor to global economic growth, and the BRI has provided solid foundations for the lives of billions of people worldwide.

Responding to a question on his take on the Western countries’ accusation against China of using debt to gain influence, Gunawardena stated that this debate has been going on over the years, adding that China is a nation economically powerful, which cannot be ignored by any country in the world today.

Of course, this debate has been going on over the years. But China, in my mind, is a great nation, a nation economically powerful, which cannot be ignored by any country in the world today.”

China has invested even in the US, the Sri Lankan PM emphasized, stating that the Belt and Road development plan was an important role in new economic development for the whole of Asia.

He said China has shown that it can deliver to overcome many other issues prevalent in the world such as poverty, adding that millions in China, in the last few years, have been brought out of poverty.  It was not just a change, but a historic change that contributes to all others, and also as a model for others to see this can be done”.

China has been helping all countries across the continents”, Gunawardena said, expressing that they have been working with key countries of the Western world.

There was a time when those countries were reluctant to [make] deals with China. But things changed”, he added.

Despite the ongoing debates, China is moving forward step by step on the development path, and also helping other countries of the world to make their countries and economies a success story.

To make countries success you need investment.”

In addition, PM Gunawardena asserted that China is a great contributor to this new world economy that is growing, highlighting that the BRI is a strong base for covering the life of few billions of people in the world.

President confident Sri Lanka will overcome bankruptcy status by September

June 30th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has expressed confidence that Sri Lanka would overcome its bankruptcy status by this September.

He has also called for collective efforts supporting the government’s ongoing initiatives, particularly the Domestic Debt Optimization (DDO) plan.

The Head of State made these remarks addressing the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID) today.


June 29th, 2023


Kurundavashoka Monastery area was declared a protected archaeological site by Gazette number 7981 published on May 12th 1933. On 16th August 2013, this are area was again declared a protected archaeological site.

The Department of Archaeology   started conservation work at Kurundi in September 2018. On 4 September 2018 when we first commenced work, TNA MPs arrived at the site, held a demonstration and demanded that the work be stopped, said Ven. Galgamuwe Santhabodhi, the incumbent bhikkhu of Kurundi.  They threatened the Archaeology Department officers and the two Buddhist priests who had visited the site to see the ruins

TNA obtained a temporary restraining order from the courts by saying that the conservation efforts may cause  unrest in the area.  In October 2018, the Mullativu courts gave permission for the Archeology Department to proceed with the conservation work.

Conservation work of the Kurundi site re-started on 11 May, 2021.  TNA MPs promptly arrived at the temple and demanded that the work be stopped. They filed a case in Supreme Court on August 2021.   This seems to have been settled in favor of the Department of Archaeology.

 Then in 2022, The Department of Archaeology signed a MoU with Bauddhaloka Foundation to excavate and conserve the ancient Kurundimale temple and adjoining sites of archeological importance.Bauddhaloka Foundation was going to fund the project.

Work started and the conservation of the stupa was completed in 2022. A ceremony to enshrine relics in the Chaitiya was planned for June 12, 2022.   About 100 bhikkhus   arrived for the festival, representing the three Buddhist sects and including many venerable chief monks.

But the ceremony did not take place. Tamil National Alliance MPs and their supporters arrived in Kurundi,   staged a demonstration, and did not allow the    ceremony to take place. They claimed that Kurundi was an ancient Kovil and Kurundi was in their homeland.Ven. Santhabodhi   said that this group had insulted the bhikkhus present, they had abused them using bad language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1JVMDA3_1o

Sarath Weerasekera  complained in Parliament A week ago during the ceremony to deposit Sacred Relics at the Kurundashoka Chaitya in Mullaitivu, two TNA-MPs had come there with a group of thugs and sabotaged the whole event. Two TNA MPs Selvarasa Gajendran and Vinoradha Linghum had disrupted the event and had not allowed them even to offer a flower.

Tamil Separatist Movement filed a case against  Kurundi   and  on July 18.2022 Mullaitivu magistrate  R.Sarwanarajah ordered the removal of new constructions at Kurundi and no further construction work.  Department of Archaeology protested against the order to the Attorney General’s Department.

In September 2022 there was a demonstration in Colombo, regarding the behavior of the TNA MPs at Kurundi. Buddhist MPs participated. Buddhist leaders of Association are seen in the procession. There were speeches. Then a person came up to the demonstrators and told them that if they had handled this properly and got the mattered gazetted then this demonstration was not necessary.  He was shooed away.

 In 2023, TNA found    that despite their efforts, work was going on at Kurundi. Archaeology Department had surveyed the land and had taken over 229 acres as part of the Kurundi archaeological reserve.  Soon the boundaries will be set and Kurundi declared a huge archaeological reserve. 

TNA MPs asked the President to intervene in the matter and put a stop to Kurundi expansion. In March 2023 President instructed officials from the Archaeology Department to release the 229 acres.

 Then on June 8. 2023, President convened a meeting with the officials from the Department of Archaeology and the Ministry of Buddhasasana as well as Tamil National Alliance  MPs. He gave orders to the Archaeology department, with the TNA MPs  listening and intervening. 

 There was no objection to the 79 acres   already demarcated as   Kurundi historical site. But there was objection to the additional 229 acres’ said the TNA. We have asked for this land and they promised to release it  to us, but they have not done so,  they complained.

President Wickremesinghe was supportive.  Kurundi was a temple built by Tamil Buddhists, therefore it was important he said,  but Kurundi vihara could not possibly have stretched to three hundred acres. That was more than Maha vihara, Jetavana and Abhayagiri combined. Kurundi could not be larger than Maha vihara.

 The boundary stones put by the Archaeology Department must be removed. If the Department was not prepared to do that, the President was ready to do so.  Further, before the Archaeology Department took  decisions like this, regarding archaeological reserves they must inform the Cabinet and obtain its permission, said President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

This meeting received wide publicity, in the press and on YouTube. President Wickremesinghe challenged Dr. Manatunga’s decision to acquire land and treated him to a brief lecture on history and archaeological sites,” said the media.  President attracted fierce criticism from sections of the Buddhist clergy and some opposition politicians over remarks he made during a meeting held on June 8, said another report. A video clip of RW teaching history to AM was circulated on social media, said a third. The cartoon in Island on  18.6.23 made fun of the President’s comments on  history. 

Anura Manatunge Director –General of Archaeology, did not remove the boundary stones, instead he resigned. That was intended as a retort and it was recognized as such. We congratulate Anura Manatunge, said an NGO.Manatunga has shown that he has a backbone, and has refused to carry out an illegal order given by the President and has resigned instead, said Udaya Gammanpila.The action of President leading to the resignation of  Manatunge is viewed with revulsion and is strongly criticized said Jatika Nidahas Peramuna.

President  Wickremesinghe’s views on the subject of  temple  lands,  were soundly   squashed. Kurundi needed not be measured by Maha vihara, critics observed. The  Anuradhapura viharas were in the heart of the capital city.

 President Ranil Wickremesinghe orders were also  heavily criticized .Why should DG, Archeology, consult the Cabinet of Ministers when performing his legitimate duties,” MP Gevindu  Kumaratunga asked.

The Archaeology Department cannot take order from the Cabinet, there is no provision for that. The Archaeology Department has to follow the Antiquities Ordinance of 1940. Manatunga  refused to carry out President’s order, because  it was  not consistent with the Antiquities Ordinance..  The  amount of land that can come into  the Kurundi reserve has to be decided on  archaeological evidence, not personal opinion, said critics.

 In any case, the Cabinet had no authority to decide  on land matters. Analysts recalled that the  Cabinet of Ministers had  decided to grant President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga a plot of land near Parliament, as part of her retirement package, but the Supreme Court ruled that  such a decision was contrary to the law .  I would also add that  if  the  Cabinet  overrules  the Antiquities Ordinance that would  affect the Rule of law.

 Gevindu Kumaratunga  said that  President Wickremesinghe  was  giving into demands of Tamil members of Parliament representing the Northern and Eastern Provinces. MPs representing one community shouldn’t have been called for a meeting to discuss land-related issues.  A national issue couldn’t be discussed with a select group of MPs, he said.President’s action  will lead to the destroying of the  Sinhala Buddhist archaeological heritage of the north, said Jayantha  Samaraweera.

Due to this barrage of criticism and negative publicity,   it was announced on  16th June,  that President Ranil Wickremesinghe  has  decided to appoint an Expert Committee to investigate and submit a report on lands claimed  by Kurundi Temple in the Mullativu District  and Thiriyaya Temple in the Trincomalee District.

The Presidential Task Force on Archaeology established during the tenure of former President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa had allocated  lands belonging to the Department of Forest, Lands Department and Wildlife Department  for archaeology conservation.The committee must  examine  the  reasons for  granting such a large extent of land .

The committee must find out with scientific data and evidence why  a large extent of land  is claimed for the Kurundi Vihara and Thiriyaya Vihara when such a vast area of land has not been allocated for the Anuradhapura Maha Vihara and Sigiriya. This Committee must find out whether there is archaeological evidence that the first two  temples actually had such a large area of land in ancient times.

In addition the Committee must also investigate and show the land that belonged to the Maha Vihara,  as some  are making statements thinking that the area in which Vithulyawadin were living belonged to the Maha Viharaya. ( Continued)

සමෘද්ධිය – අත පය තියාගෙන නිකං කෑමේ දේශපාලනය!

June 29th, 2023

රජිත් කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන්

ලංකාවේ ලොකුම සල්ලි බෙදන ව්‍යාපෘතිය, ජනසවිය ලෙස ඇරඹී සමෘද්ධිය නමින් දේශපාලනීකරණය වූවේය.  සැබෑ දිළින්දන්ට සහන මුදල වැඩි කර  නුසුදුස්සන් ඉවත් කිරීමට ගනු ලබන සෑම උත්සාහයකට නැවත නැවත විරෝධය පළ විය. අසාර්ථක විය. 

ජූනි මාසයේ සිට රු. 8,500 සහ රු. 15,000 ක දිළිඳු සහන දීමනාව ලබන පිරිස ලක්ෂ  12 කි.  එය අද ලැබෙන මුදල මෙන් තුන් ගුණයකි. ඔවුහු දැන් පස්වනක් ප්‍රීතියට පත්ව ඇත.

සෑම ප්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් කාර්යාලයක් ඉදිරිපිටම උද්ඝෝෂණ සිදු කරන්නේ මේ ලක්ෂ 12 ට අයත් නොවන මේ දක්වා සමෘද්ධි ලැබූ ලක්ෂ 8 කි.  එයින්, තවත් ලක්ෂ 4 කට රු. 5000 බැගින් 2024 මාර්තු දක්වා ලැබේ. එය ඔවුන් අද ලබන මුදලට වැඩි ගණනකි.   ඔවුහු ද උද්ඝෝෂණයට එක්වන්නේ සදාකාලිකව තමන්ට සහන දෙන ලෙස ඉල්ලමිනි.

මේ වසරේ අග දක්වා රු. 2,500 බැගින් ලැබීමට නියමිත පිරිස ලක්ෂ  4 කි. 

අස්වැසුමේ සහන ලැබීම වසර 3 කින් අවසන් වන්නේය.  විරෝධතාකරුවන්ගේ ඉල්ලීම වැඩි කළ සහනය සදාකාලිකව ලබා ගැනීමයි.      

මේ සියළු දෙනා සතුටු කරන්නට අවශ්‍ය නම් රජයට අයිස්ක්‍රීම් විකිණිය යුතු නැත.  දැන් දෙන සමෘද්ධි දීමනාව වැඩි නොකර,  ලක්ෂ 35 කට එම මුදල බෙදා දී, අවශ්‍ය නම් තමන්ගේ ඡන්ද ගොඩ ද වැඩි කර ගත හැකිය.  ජනතාට වක්‍ර  බදු ගසා උපයා ගන්නා මුදලින් අත පය යහතින් ඇති පිරිසකට දීම ‘දිළිඳු සහන‘ නොවේ. එය අල්ලසකි.

සටහන – සහන ලැබෙන ආබාධිතයින්, රෝගීන් ගේ ලැයිස්තුව තව සතියක් ඇතුලත ප්‍රසිද්ධ කිරීමට නියමිත ය. ආසන්න වශයෙන් තවත් ලක්ෂ 3  ඉක්මවූ පිරිසකට එමගින් සහන ලැබෙනු ඇත.

ඉද හිට උද්ඝෝෂණයේ දී දකින්නට ලැබෙන, මෙයට පෙර සමෘද්ධි නොලැබුණු, මෙවර ද සහන ලැබී නැති පිරිසක් ද වෙති.  රටේ අන්ත අසරණ, හිසට වහලක් නැති, රෝගී, වයෝවෘද මේ පිරිස සැබෑ ලෙසම සහන ලැබිය යුතු අයයි. මේ පිරිස ලක්ෂ 5 කට ආසන්නය.    

අර්බුදය ඇරඹෙන්නේ හොරට සමෘද්ධි ගත් පිරිස කපා දැමීමත් සමඟය. 

අද ප්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් කාර්යාලය ඉදිරිපිට උද්ඝෝෂණය කරන බහුතරය (එනම් සමෘද්ධි ලාභීන්ගෙන් 51%) ක් ම වසර 15 කට වඩා සමෘද්ධි ලැබූ පිරිස ය.  තමන්ට මේ දක්වා මාසික දීමනාව මෙන් තුන් ගුණයක් වෙනත් පිරිසකට ලැබී, තමන්ට නොලැබීමත් එයට හේතුවයි. ( සමෘද්ධි ප්‍රතිලාභීන්ගෙන් 35% ක්ම  වසර 25කට වැඩි කාලයක සහන ලබා ඇත.)  වසර 25 ක් සහන ලැබීමෙන් පසුවත් ඔවුන්ගේ දිළිඳුකම තුරන් වී නැති නම් පැහැදිලි ලෙසම සමෘද්ධිය වැඩසටහන අසාර්ථකය. 

මේ දක්වා සමෘද්ධි රු. 3000  ක (සාමාන්‍ය අගය) ගෙවන්නට රටේ බදු මුදල් රු. 35,000 ක් වැය වන බවයි.  සමෘද්ධිය යනු දීමනාව පමණක් නොවේ.  තවත් ලොකු දේශපාලන පැකේජ් එකකි.

සමෘද්ධිය දේශපාලන වැඩසටහනකි.  මාසික වැටුප් ලබන සේවකයන් 30,000 ක් තෝරා ගත්තේ දේශපාලන පදනමකිනි. ඔවුන් දිගටම එක් එක් පක්ෂයට දේශපාලනය කළ, රැස්වීම්වලට සෙනග රැගෙන ආ පිරිස බවට ඇති චෝදනාව බැහැර කළ නොහැකිය.  ගමේ සමෘද්ධි ලාභීන් තෝරාගනු ලැබූවේ මේ නිලධාරි පිරිස විසිනි.  එහිදි බොහෝ තැන්වල ප්‍රමුඛත්වය ලැබුණේ දේශපාලනයට බව බැහැර කළ නොහැකි සත්‍යයකි. 

ජූලි මාසයේ දී ලක්ෂ 20ටක සමෘද්ධි සහන ලැබේ.  එයින් ලක්ෂ 4 කට රු. 15,000 ක් ද, ලක්ෂ 8 කට රු. 8,500 බැගින් ද, තවත් ලක්ෂ 4 කට රු. 5,000 බැගින් ද ලැබෙන්නේය.  සරළවම, සහනාධාර මුදල දෙතුන් ගුණයකින් වැඩිවී ඇත.  ඒ අනුව, සමෘද්ධි ලබන පිරිස අස්වැසුම නිසා ක්ෂණිකව අඩු වන්නේ නැත.

දුප්පත් නැතත් තනි පුජකවරුන්, විහාරස්ථාන, අනාථ නිවාස, වැඩිහිටි සහ දුප්පත් නොවන විශාල පිරිසකට සමෘද්ධි ගෙවීම් ද ප්‍රදානය කෙරිණි. ඔවුන් බහුතරය මේ උද්ඝෝෂණයන් ගේ නියමුවන් ය. සමෘද්ධි ලාභීන් බහුතරය  ඕනෑම රැස්වීමකට, උද්ඝෝෂණයකට දක්කා ගෙන යාමේ ඉතිහාසයක්, ව්‍යවහාරයක් ඉතිහාසය පුරාම තිබුණි. ප්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් කාර්යාලය වටලව වැඩේ මේ උද්ඝෝෂණ කප්පිත්තන්ගේ වැඩ කි. ලංකාවේ දැවැන්තම දේශපාලන ව්‍යාපාරය නැතිනම් සමෘද්ධි බලකාය — රට හොල්ලන උද්ඝෝෂණ ව්‍යාපාරයක් සිදු කරමින් සිටී! සමෘද්ධි ලාභීන් දේශපාලන ව්‍යාපාරයන්ට හුලං ගැසීමට අති දක්ෂයන් ය.

සමෘද්ධි ලැයිස්තුව ප්‍රසිද්ධියට පත් කිරීම හේතුවෙන් මේ වන විට විරෝධතා 5,045 ක් සහ අභියාචනා 6383,232 ක් ලැබි ඇත. නියමිත කාලය අවසන් වන විට ලක්ෂ 10 කට වැඩි අභියාචනා ලැබෙනු ඇත!

අස්වැසුමේ මුදල් ප්‍රතිලාභියාගේ බැංකු ගිණුමට යැවීම තුලින් මේ දේශපාලන බැදීම කඩා බිද වැටීම සිදුවන්නේ ය. දුප්පත්කම හා දේශපාලන වහල්භාවය අතර දම්වැල කඩා දැමීම යුගයේ අවශ්‍යතාවයකි. 

සහන වැඩි කිරීම

රජය අස්වැසුම මගින් සමෘද්ධි සහනය දෙතුන් ගුණයකින් වැඩි කර ඇත.  රජයට අවශ්‍ය නම්, කිසිදු විරෝධයකට ලක් නොවී රු. 15,000 බැගින් ලක්ෂ  4 කට ලබාදීම වෙනුවට රු. 4500 බැගින් ඒ  ලක්ෂ 13 කට බෙදිය හැකිය.  රු. 8,500 යෝජිත ක්‍රමය වෙනුවට රු. 3,000 බැගින් තුන් ගුණයකට (ලක්ෂ 24 කට) සල්ලි බෙදිය හැකිය.   මේ නොමිලේ සල්ලි බෙදන ප්‍රමාණය ලක්ෂ 36 ක් දක්වා යෝජිත පවත්නා අරමුදල් මගින් කළමනාකරණය කළ හැකිය.  එවිට විරෝධය  සමනය වේ. (සමහරවිට ඡන්ද ද වැඩි කර ගත හැකි වනු ඇත)   නමුත්, කිසිදා දිළිඳු බව නම් නැති වන්නේ නැත. අන්ත අසරණයින් තවදුරටත් දේශපාලන වහළුන් වනු මිස ඔවුන්ට සහනයක් නොලැබෙන්නේය.

සමෘද්ධි ලබන අති බහුතරයක් අවු. 18 – 60 වයස් සීමාවේ එලදායී රැකියාවක නිතර විය හැකි පුද්ගලයින් වෙති. 

රජය ලක්ෂ 35 කට නිකං සල්ලි බෙදා දේශපාලන වාසියක් ගැනීම වෙනුවට, ඉදිරි මැතිවරණයක තීරණාත්මක සාධකයක් බවට ‘සමෘද්ධි බලකාය‘ පත් කර ගනිමින් නිකං සෙල්ලි බෙදිල්ල නැවැත්වීමට උත්සහ දරයි. දුප්පත්කම නඩත්තු කිරීම වලක්වන්නට උත්සහ දරයි.

අස්වැසුම සැබෑ ප්‍රශ්නය, සහන හිමි විය යුතු නමුත් වත්මන් ලැයිස්තුවට ද ඇතුලත් නොවන විශාල පිරිස සම්බන්ධයෙනි.  රට හමුවේ ඇති අභියෝගය මේ විදුලිය නැති, අතු පැලක, වැසිකිලියක් නැති, අධ්‍යාපනයක් ද, රෝග ආබාධ ද සහිත පිරිසට සෙත සැලසීම ය.  තනි තනි පුද්ගලයින් සොයා අසාධාරණයක් සිදුව ඇති නම් ඔවුනට සහන දිය යුතුය. 

එසේ නොවන්නේ නම්, සිදුවන මහා අනර්ථය දැන් වසර 10 ක් නැත්තම් 25 ක් සමෘද්ධිය ලැබූ නුසුදුස්සන් ගෙන් කොටසකටම දිගටම,  අද ලැබෙන ගානට වඩා තුන් ගුණයක් ජූලි මාසයේ සිට ලැබීම ය. මේ සහන ලැබිය යුතුම පිරිසට එය අහිමිවීම ය.

බඩු සල්ලි බෙදන දේශපාලනය අවසන් කළ යුතුය! බඩු බෙදිල්ල, සල්ලි බෙදිල්ල ට දුප්පත්කම නැති කළ නොහැකිය.  එය කාලයෙන් කාලයට දේශපාලනඥයින්ට ඡන්ද ගොඩවල් එක් කිරීමේ ව්‍යාපෘති පමණී.

රජිත් කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන්

“දේශීය ණය ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහ ගත කිරීම” යනු කුමක්ද?

June 29th, 2023

චන්ද්‍රසේන පණ්ඩිතගේ විසිනි

මේ දිනවල කරලියේ ඇති මාතෘකාව වන්නේ “දේශීය ණය  ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගත කිරීමයි” මේ තුලින් සිදු කිරීමට බලාපොරොත්තු වන්නේ රජයේ දේශීය ණය බර අඩුකිරීම හෝ ඒවා ගෙවීමට සඳහා සහන කාලයක් ලබාගැනීම යයි අපට අනුමාන කිරීමට සිදුව තිබේ. ශ්‍රී ලංකා රජය විදේශයන්ටත් ණය, දේශීය වශයෙන් මෙරට ජනතාවටත් ණයබරිත රාජ්‍යකි. මේ ණය බරිත රාජ්‍යට මෙරට ජනතාවගේ ශුභ සිද්ධිය උදෙසා සිදුකල හැකි කිසිවක් නැත. දැන් ණයකාරයා රජය බවට පරිවර්තනයවී ණය හිමියා මෙරට ජනතාව බවට පත්වී හමාරය. දැන් ජනතාවගෙන් ලබාගත් ණය වලට සිදුකරන්නට යනදේ  ජනතාවටද නොතේරෙන ආකාරයට කරන කටයුත්තට දී ඇති නාමය “දේශීය ණය  ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහ ගත කිරීම” යයි නම් කොට ඇත.

ණය බරිත වුවද අපට රාජ්‍යක් අවශ්‍යව ඇති බැවින් මේ ණයකාරයාව සුරක්ෂිත කිරීමට අපට සිදුව තිබේ. එවන් පසුබිමක් යටතේ,මේ “දේශීය ණය ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහ ගත කිරීම ” යයි මුමුණමින් මේ සිදුකරන්නට යන දේ සම්බන්ධව ජනතාව දැනුවත් විය යුතුය.

රට බංකොලොත්ය. එය සිදුකරන ලද්දේ මෙරට රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරි පැලැන්තිය ප්‍රමුඛ දේශපාලන අධිකාරිය විසින් සිදුකරන ලද විනාශයන්ට අනුවය. දැන් රට විශාල වශයෙන් ණය උගුලේ පැටලවූ අය විසින්ම රට ගලවා ගැනීමට ඉදිරිපත්ව කටයුතුකරන බැවින් නරියා “කුකුල් කොටුව ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහ ගත කිරීම”ට සුදානම් වෙන බවක් අපි දකින්නෙමු.

මේ දේශීය ණය ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහ ගත කිරීමේ ක්‍රියාවලියේදීද පෙරමුණගෙන කටයුතු කරන්නේ, 2015දී සිදුකල බැදුම්කර වංචාව සිදුකල යාන්ත්‍රණයම වීම නිසා එවැනිම දුෂිත ගනුදෙනුවක් මෙවරද සිදුවෙයි අනිසි බියක් ඇතිකරගත යුතු නොවේ.නමුත් සිදුකරන්නට යන්නේ කුමක්දැයි ඔවුන් නොකියන බැවින්, අපි තේරුම්ගෙන එය අපට වැටහෙන ආකාරයට කුමක්දැයි පැවසීමට අපට සිදුව තිබේ.

ඉලක්කය වන්නේ වර්ෂ 2020දී රුපියල් බිලියන 2814ක්වූ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ඇති අති දැවැන්තම අරමුදල වන  සේවක අර්ධසාධක අරමුදලයි. මේ අති දැවැන්ත මුදල අයිතිවන්නේ, එහි වත්මන් සාමාජිකයින්ට පමණක් නොවේ. වත්මන් සාමාජිකයින්ගේ සියලුම මුදල් ගෙවා දැමු පසුවද ඉතිරිවෙන මුදල අති විශාලය. එබැවින් කිසිදු බියක් නැතිව මහා බැංකු අධිපතිවරයාට “වත්මන් සාමාජිකයින්ගේ මුදල් වලට කිසිම හානියක් වෙන්නේ නැතැයි ” පැවසිය හැකිය. හානියක් වන්නේ, වසර 1960 ගණන් වල සිට මෙය ඉතා මැනවින් පාලනය කොට මේ අරමුදලට බැර කල ලාභාංශ වලටය.  වසර 63ක පමණ කාලයක් පුරා අතීත පරපුර විසින් වර්තමානයට උරුම කල ඒ ලාභාංශය සැබෑ ලෙසම රජයේ දේශීය ණය ගෙවීමට උපයෝගී කර ගන්නවාද? එසෙත් නැතිනම් ඒ මුදල 2015දී මෙන්ම දේශපාලකයින් හා නිලධාරින් බෙදා ගනීවිදැයි යන සැකය ජනතාව තුල ඇතිවීම සාධාරණය.ඒ වර්ෂ 2015 මහා බැංකු අධිපති අර්ජුන මහේන්ද්‍රන් ඉතිහාසයට එක කොට ඇති කළු පල්ලම හේතුවෙනි. අප “දේශීය ණය  ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහ ගත කිරීම” දෙස බලාගෙන ඉදිමු.

Flux Probe Vs Thermal Rise test on large Turbogenerators

June 29th, 2023

By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan DipEE (UK), GradCert (RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Adm (Finance-Massey), C.Eng., MIEE, Former Director of Power Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd, Consulting Electrical EngineersLeading Engineer of the World 2006, UK Authority Award

  1. General         

The author, engineer (A) joined a thermal power station as a Senior Engineer in Sept 1998. The station had a combination of thermal, gas turbines, and combined cycle plants. After meeting the staff, the engineer went on a walk around the station to acquaint himself of the plant. The author has extensive experience on thermal generators, Gas Turbine generators and large HV motors and Transformers. As he was ging towards Unit one he observed a consultant who had a PhD doing a temperature rise test.

  • Plant

The PhD said that he is testing the Unit for rotor short turns by doing the temperature rise test.

  • Issues

We SriLankan engineers although we did not have sophisticated test gear in SL in the 70s, we had our own way of testing for vibration detection unless it requires advanced testing, then the owners will get down foreign experts with sophisticated equipment. The author decided his Sri Lankan method and found out the Unit had vibration. He checked the Bentley Nevada computer screen, and the vibration was above normal.

With some doubts the engineer checked the Pedestal on the excitation side of the generator. He was not satisfied because he thought that there was vibration on the pedestal and decided that it could be a soft Footing” issue. After analysing he decided to check the Unit file. The unit file had some interesting information. The unit had been installed with Flux Probe (FP). The flux probe is similar to the RSO test where the probe will detect a rotor short of turns. The Unit had the FB wired out to a rf TB.

The engineer then decided to download a series of samples at various loads the following days after the Consultant had finished his work. The flux probe was invented by Generatortech, Inc in Ohio. 

The engineer analysed the samples and found that there was no indication of rotor short of turn. The engineer called Ohio and discussed with Mr. David Albright (DA) who was the inventor of the FB. Those who are interested in knowing more please refer to site given below. After discussion the Director asked me to send samples at various loads and he will analyse and send a reply. The Technical Manager was a mechanical engineer with an additional mechanical engineer supporting him. The engineer attempted to explain the Station Manager, Tech Manager. None of them would agree and finally spoke to the Operations Manager who had a Physics degree (Special) and he agreed. Finally, all agreed to carry out a vibration test on the pedestal and based on the results came to conclusion that the pedestal has a soft footing”. BY this time the engineer (A) had decided what the real issue was. The previous year (Latter part of the year) the unit had undergone a rotor refit of rewedging, and the unit had new BN gear fitted. The engineer (A) concluded that one or two wedge may be tight fitted which may have caused minor thermal bowing and the soft footing has caused the vibration. The engineer (A) checked with EPRI reports and found out that in 1964 a generator in California had similar incident of vibration. The engineer was already given access to EPRI by the Station.

The company invited an engineer from Bentley Nevada who came and did the same temperature rise test. After all, the engineer invited the BN engineer for a meeting at midnight. The discussion was on pros and cons and the engineer (A) explained with refence to EPRI. Both agreed and the SM was conveyed. The Eng. (A) was asked to submit a report to the GM.

The rotor was sent to the workshops for refitting with the same rotor bars but with new insulation. The engineer wanted to be at site when the remove the bars. One bar was found to have foreign body which caused the tightness.

At site, they found the pedestal base concrete foundation breaking like biscuits.

The unit was repaired and reinstalled and was online with no vibration. The engineer (A) has photocopies of all related matters and was happy that he was correct. The engineer was allowed to practice as an Electrical and mechanical engineer by the professional body in the UK.  The engineer had published a book also on power systems. Also, the credibility and competency of the SriLankan engineers in Power Systems.

Contact: http://www.generatortech.com/B-Page2-Theory-Overview.html

Cause of pedestal vibration

Foundation degradation ・ Bearing pedestal stiffness ・ Natural frequency excitation.


Thank you,

The key points of Sri Lanka’s plan to restructure domestic debt

June 29th, 2023

Courtesy Aljazeera

Central bank of crisis-hit country outlines measures to restructure local debt as part of efforts to meet conditions of IMF bailout.

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has unveiled a far-reaching domestic debt restructuring plan aimed at restoring stability in the crisis-hit country.

The move on Thursday comes as the government tries to meet the conditions of a $2.9bn International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout agreed upon in March seen as crucial to the economic recovery of the the island nation, which defaulted on its foreign debt for the first time last year.

The long-awaited restructuring is needed to help Sri Lanka reach the IMF programme’s goal of reducing overall debt to 95 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2032.

Last year, a foreign exchange crisis left the government unable to pay for imports of fuel, food, medicine and other essentials, leading to protests that brought about the removal of then-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

The plan is not a choice but an inevitable course of action by the government given the fragile budgetary situation in Sri Lanka,” W A Wijewardena, former deputy governor of the country’s Central Bank, told Al Jazeera.

What does the plan include?

  • Under the domestic debt revamp, holders of locally issued dollar-denominated bonds such as Sri Lanka Development Bonds (SLDBs) will be given three options, according to CBSL Governor Nandalal Weerasinghe.
  • The first would be a treatment similar to investors in the country’s international sovereign bonds – a 30 percent principal haircut with a six-year maturity at a 4 percent interest rate.
  • The second will be similar treatment to that being proposed to bilateral dollar creditors: no principal haircut, with a 15-year maturity and a nine-year grace period at 1.5 percent interest rate.
  • The third will be to exchange their holdings for local currency-denominated instruments: no principal haircut with a 10-year maturity at the SLFR (Sri Lanka standing lending facility rate) + 1 percent interest rate.
  • Sri Lanka currently has $12.5bn in international sovereign bonds. It also has $11.3bn in bilateral loans.

Local currency bonds

  • Under the plan, local currency bonds held by superannuation funds, including pension funds, will be exchanged for longer maturity bonds (2027 to 2038), which will have 9 percent interest till maturity.
  • CBSL holdings of treasury bills to be converted to bonds maturing between 2029 and 2038, with a step-down coupon structure. This will be implemented in the second phase of the domestic debt restructuring.
  • Treasury bills and treasury bond holdings of the banking sector have been excluded from the domestic debt restructuring considering the significant stress on the banking sector at present due to increasing non-performing loans, impact of external debt restructure and high taxation.

Why is the domestic debt rework important?

  • Treasury Secretary Mahinda Siriwardana said on Thursday the restructuring would cover part of the country’s $42bn in domestic debt.
  • The move is likely to create momentum around foreign debt renegotiations on $36bn of external debt, including $24bn held by bondholders and bilateral creditors such as China, Japan and India.
  • Sri Lanka has set a goal of finalising debt restructuring talks by September to align with the first review of its IMF programme.

What’s next?

  • The domestic restructuring framework will now be presented to Parliament on Saturday for approval. CBSL hopes to finalise the bond exchange of superannuated funds by the of July.
  • Sri Lanka declared a five-day holiday from June 29 to July 3 in a bid to contain any potential market volatility. The special bank holidays also allow any losses from bond sales to be recognised in the third quarter of the year, analysts said.

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Sri Lanka welcomes more cooperation with China, rejects ‘debt trap’ claims

June 29th, 2023

By Yin Yeping Courtesy Global Times

China has invested a lot in Sri Lanka in recent years and Sri Lanka looks forward to expanding the mutually beneficial partnership, Ali Sabry, Sri Lanka’s minister of foreign affairs, told the media during his visit to China.

Speaking at a press briefing at the Sri Lankan Embassy in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon, Sabry reviewed the country’s relationship with China and how it has helped Sri Lanka to develop its economy and trade.

The foreign minister also refuted the hype in some Western media reports, which have claimed that China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has pushed Sri Lanka into a “debt trap.”

“I think some media outlets use it to advance their agendas… Chinese investment was and has been very, very important to us. Sri Lanka had been depressed for 26 years. No investment was forthcoming. Everybody was adopting a vacant approach, but the Chinese investment came and propelled the growth in Sri Lanka. Therefore, we are very grateful for that,” Sabry told the Global Times at the press briefing.

“In Sri Lanka, across the party line, everybody has an excellent relationship with China,” the minister said.

Looking at the last decade or two, most of the investments in Sri Lanka have come from China, ranging from industrial facilities and technological support to agriculture and education, he said, noting that Chinese investment is very important not only for the growth of Sri Lanka but also for many other developing countries.

Regarding the country’s economic problems, the foreign minister said there were multiple factors including bad policies, the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

“We are not going to blame somebody else for that and we need to take ownership of that. We had serious policy deficiencies. We are now addressing those issues, overcoming them, and getting back to a sustainable way forward,” Sabry said.

The foreign minister said that the country is stabilizing the economy and is now recovering. “The most important phase now is the growth phase,” for which Chinese investment is very important, he said.

China has a big role to play in helping Sri Lanka to address these issues, he added.

Sabry said that there is a lot Sri Lanka can do together with China, while learning from China’s growth. He also said what China has achieved in recent decades has been unbelievable, adding that taking 800 million people out of poverty is a great achievement.

“For me and my country, China has been a friend. China has been a partner in progress, and it will continue to be a partner in progress in the future,” Sabry said.

Banking system will not be burdened, EPF funds will not be touched: CB Governor

June 29th, 2023

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

The Central Bank Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe said the banking system would not be burdened any further as it already contributes to the Treasury and economy through taxes of over 50%.

The President’s Media Division said the Governor assured that the 57 million depositors would be protected.

Meanwhile, the Governor assured that the EPF funds already accumulated would not be touched and also guaranteed a minimum 9% interest on the EPF.

Banks excluded from domestic debt restructuring process – CBSL governor

June 29th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The Central Bank (CBSL) governor says the banking system is excluded from the Domestic Debt Optimization (DDO) process, in order to safeguard the treasury, strengthen the economy, and ensure the protection of the 57 million public and private bank deposits in Sri Lanka.

Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe explained that the banking system already contributes to the Treasury and the economy through taxes of over 50%.

He made these remarks addressing a special media briefing on Domestic Debt Optimization (DDO) held at the Presidential Media Centre this morning (June 29).

The governor highlighted the severe repercussions that would result from a collapse in the country’s banking sector. To prevent such a scenario, June 30 (Friday) was declared a bank holiday until the parliament approves the restructuring of local debt.

Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, reassuring the public that the existing Employee Provident Fund (EPF) would remain untouched, also he guaranteed a minimum interest rate of 9% for the EPF.

In attendance at the press conference were Dr. R.H.S. Samaratunga, the Senior Advisor to the President on Economic Affairs, Mr. Mahinda Siriwardena, the Secretary of the Finance Ministry, Mr. A.K. Seneviratne, the Deputy Treasury Secretary, as well as heads of media organizations and media representatives.

Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, the Governor of the Central Bank, further commented on the DDO;

In order to achieve a sustainable level of the government’s domestic debt, we must work towards stabilizing the current criteria within a 10-year timeframe, as agreed upon with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). For instance, by the end of 2022, the public debt as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stood at 128%. However, our target is to reduce it to below 95% by 2032, which is the first criterion. The second criterion involves reducing the government’s total financing requirement, currently at 34.6% of the GDP annually, to an average level of 13% or lower during the 5 year period of 2027-2032.

The third criterion pertains to foreign debt servicing, which currently accounts for 9.4% of the GDP. Our aim is to bring it down to 4.5% during the period of 2027-2032. Achieving these goals will lead to a reduction of $16.9 billion in the relief required to bridge the external financing gap. Additionally, there are three other tasks that need to be accomplished in order to attain these three objectives.

There are three key aspects to address in the debt restructuring process. Firstly, discussions are underway regarding the restructuring of official bilateral debts. Secondly, there are on-going discussions regarding the money borrowed through sovereign bonds in commercial markets. Thirdly, there is a focus on optimizing domestic debt. The optimization of domestic credit plays a significant role in this overall process.

Through the restructuring of local debts, the aim is to reduce the government’s gross debt burden and meet its financial needs. If the proposed measures are implemented, it is projected that the gross financial need will decrease to 12.7, aiming for a value below 13. If successfully implemented, this would result in a reduction of public debt as a percentage of the gross domestic product, bringing it down to 90%.

Currently, there are 4.1 trillion in treasury bills, with 62.4% held by the Central Bank. Conversion of treasury bills into long-term treasury bonds has been proposed previously. However, additional measures are required, prompting consideration of treasury bonds to fulfil the remaining financial requirements. Presently, there are 8.7 trillion in treasury bonds, with 36.5% held by the superannuation fund and approximately 36% held by banks. The remaining portion is owned by insurance companies and private individuals.

As the Central Bank, our primary concern is to find the best solution to ensure the stability of the banking system and the well-being of the Employee Provident Fund (EPF). The Central Bank, being the custodian of the EPF, actively participates in discussions and supports the proposed measures to safeguard deposits and protect public funds such as the EPF from any potential harm.

According to the proposal, the banking system has already made a significant contribution to reducing the government’s indebtedness. Currently, banks pay over 50% of their income as taxes, including 30% as company tax, 18% as VAT and financial services tax, and 2.5% as social security contribution. Therefore, more than 50% of the banks’ earnings are already allocated to taxes and contribute to the government’s revenue. In comparison, superannuation funds have a lower tax rate of 14%.

Hence, the first point to note is that the banking system is already making a considerable contribution.

Secondly, the banking system has incurred losses due to non-payment of loans resulting from economic challenges and grace periods provided. In the past, grace periods with a value of 1.6 trillion were granted, indicating that the banking system has already contributed to the economy.

Protecting the banking system and ensuring the safety of depositors’ funds are crucial responsibilities. The banking system plays a vital role in the economy, as evidenced by the 57 million bank accounts holding deposits from a population of around 20 million. Any harm to these funds would have a severe impact on the banking system. As the Central Bank, our primary objective is to safeguard the banking system and the currency. Recently, there were rumours about bank collapses, and concerns were raised regarding the safety of deposits. Withdrawing deposits from banks would lead to an economic collapse.

Therefore, the foremost effort is to protect the funds of depositors in the 57 million accounts without harming the banking system, as it would have the greatest social impact. Consequently, the banks should not be further burdened.

Moving on to the superannuation funds, which include the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and the Employees’ Trust Fund (ETF), they are subject to a 14% tax rate, which is lower than the tax rate imposed on banks. The proposal suggests retrieving all existing treasury bonds from these funds and issuing new bonds in return. These bonds will earn 12% interest until 2025 and 9% interest thereafter. Importantly, the amount in the EPF will not decrease, as the government guarantees a future benefit of 9% interest. The government assures that if there is any deficit, the treasury will cover it.

Those who choose not to participate in the Treasury bond exchange have the option of paying a 30% tax instead of the standard 14% tax.

We aim to complete the bond exchange within a few weeks and finalize this process in July.

WHO’s cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen – sources

June 29th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

One of the world’s most common artificial sweeteners is set to be declared a possible carcinogen next month by a leading global health body, according to two sources with knowledge of the process, pitting it against the food industry and regulators.

Aspartame, used in products from Coca-Cola diet sodas to Mars’ Extra chewing gum and some Snapple drinks, will be listed in July as possibly carcinogenic to humans” for the first time by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) cancer research arm, the sources said

The IARC ruling, finalised earlier this month after a meeting of the group’s external experts, is intended to assess whether something is a potential hazard or not, based on all the published evidence.

It does not take into account how much of a product a person can safely consume. This advice for individuals comes from a separate WHO expert committee on food additives, known as JECFA (the Joint WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization’s Expert Committee on Food Additives), alongside determinations from national regulators.

However, similar IARC rulings in the past for different substances have raised concerns among consumers about their use, led to lawsuits, and pressured manufacturers to recreate recipes and swap to alternatives. That has led to criticism that the IARC’s assessments can be confusing to the public.

JECFA, the WHO committee on additives, is also reviewing aspartame use this year. Its meeting began at the end of June and it is due to announce its findings on the same day that the IARC makes public its decision – on July 14.

Since 1981, JECFA has said aspartame is safe to consume within accepted daily limits. For example, an adult weighing 60 kg (132 pounds) would have to drink between 12 and 36 cans of diet soda – depending on the amount of aspartame in the beverage – every day to be at risk. Its view has been widely shared by national regulators, including in the United States and Europe.

An IARC spokesperson said both the IARC and JECFA committees’ findings were confidential until July, but added they were complementary”, with IARC’s conclusion representing the first fundamental step to understand carcinogenicity”. The additives committee conducts risk assessment, which determines the probability of a specific type of harm (e.g., cancer) to occur under certain conditions and levels of exposure.”

However, industry and regulators fear that holding both processes at around the same time could be confusing, according to letters from U.S. and Japanese regulators seen by Reuters.

We kindly ask both bodies to coordinate their efforts in reviewing aspartame to avoid any confusion or concerns among the public,” Nozomi Tomita, an official from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, wrote in a letter dated March 27 to WHO’s deputy director general, Zsuzsanna Jakab.

The letter, reviewed by Reuters, also called for the conclusions of both bodies to be released on the same day, as is now happening. The Japanese mission in Geneva, where the WHO is based, did not respond to a request for comment.


The IARC’s rulings can have huge impact. In 2015, its committee concluded that glyphosate is probably carcinogenic”. Years later, even as other bodies like the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) contested this assessment, companies were still feeling the effects of the decision. Germany’s Bayer in 2021 lost its third appeal against U.S. court verdicts that awarded damages to customers blaming their cancers on use of its glyphosate-based weedkillers.

The IARC’s decisions have also faced criticism for sparking needless alarm over hard to avoid substances or situations. It has previously put working overnight and consuming red meat into its probably cancer-causing” class, and using mobile phones as possibly cancer-causing”, similar to aspartame.

IARC is not a food safety body and their review of aspartame is not scientifically comprehensive and is based heavily on widely discredited research,” Frances Hunt-Wood, the secretary general of the International Sweeteners Association (ISA), said.

The body, whose members include Mars Wrigley, a Coca-Cola unit and Cargill, said it had serious concerns with the IARC review, which may mislead consumers”.

Aspartame has been extensively studied for years. Last year, an observational study in France among 100,000 adults showed that people who consumed larger amounts of artificial sweeteners – including aspartame – had a slightly higher cancer risk.

It followed a study from the Ramazzini Institute in Italy in the early 2000s, which reported that some cancers in mice and rats were linked to aspartame.
However, the first study could not prove that aspartame caused the increased cancer risk, and questions have been raised about the methodology of the second study, including by EFSA, which assessed it.

Aspartame is authorised for use globally by regulators who have reviewed all the available evidence, and major food and beverage makers have for decades defended their use of the ingredient. The IARC said it had assessed 1,300 studies in its June review.

Recent recipe tweaks by soft drinks giant Pepsico demonstrate the struggle the industry has when it comes to balancing taste preferences with health concerns. Pepsico removed aspartame from sodas in 2015, bringing it back a year later, only to remove it again in 2020.

Listing aspartame as a possible carcinogen is intended to motivate more research, said the sources close to the IARC, which will help agencies, consumers and manufacturers draw firmer conclusions.

But it will also likely ignite debate once again over the IARC’s role, as well as the safety of sweeteners more generally.

Last month, the WHO published guidelines advising consumers not to use non-sugar sweeteners for weight control. The guidelines caused a furore in the food industry, which argues they can be helpful for consumers wanting to reduce the amount of sugar in their diet.

Source – Reuters

Sri Lanka asks dollar debt holders for 30% haircut

June 29th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Sri Lanka is asking foreign investors in its international sovereign bonds to take a 30% haircut and is seeking similar concessions from holders of its other dollar-denominated bonds as it seeks to restructure its massive debt, its central bank governor said on Thursday.

The government will also exchange treasury bills into long-term bonds as part of a domestic debt restructuring programme, Nandalal Weerasinghe told a press conference as he unveiled details of the long-awaited plan, which will cover part of the island nation’s $42 billion domestic debt.

Sri Lanka is struggling with its worst financial crisis since its independence from Britain in 1948 after the country’s foreign exchange reserves hit record lows and triggered its first foreign debt default last year.

Pledging to put its mammoth debt burden on a sustainable track, Sri Lanka locked down a $2.9 billion bailout from the IMF in March. The domestic restructuring is needed to help the country reach the IMF programme goal of reducing overall debt to 95% of GDP by 2032.

Meanwhile, the government is also pushing forward with reworking its foreign debt with bondholders and bilateral creditors including China, Japan and India.

Under the domestic debt revamp, holders of locally issued dollar-denominated bonds such as Sri Lanka Development Bonds (SLDBs) will be given three options, Weerasinghe said.

The first would be treatment similar to investors in the country’s international sovereign bonds — a 30% principal haircut with a 6-year maturity at a 4% interest rate, he said.

We are asking foreign debt holders for a 30% haircut but that is still under discussion,” Weerasinghe said.

Sri Lanka currently has $12.5 billion in international sovereign bonds.

Weerasinghe would not comment on current talks with bilateral creditors. Sri Lanka has set a goal of finalising debt restructuring talks by September to align with the first review of its IMF programme.

China wants multilateral lenders like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to absorb some of the losses, which those institutions and many developed nations, notably the United States, are resisting.


The domestic restructuring programme will be presented to parliament on Saturday for approval.

Earlier on Thursday, the World Bank approved $700 million in budgetary and welfare support for the country, the biggest funding tranche for the island nation since the IMF deal in March. About $500 million of the funds will be allocated for budgetary support while the remaining $200 million will be for welfare support earmarked for those worst hit by the crisis.

Sri Lanka’s cabinet approved the domestic debt programme at a special cabinet meeting on Wednesday, a source at the president’s office told Reuters.

Domestic bondholders will be given two other options:

– Similar treatment to that being proposed to bilateral dollar creditors: No principal haircut, with a 15-year maturity and 9-year grace period at 1.5% interest rate.

– Exchange their holdings for local currency denominated instruments: No principal haircut with a 10-year maturity at the SLFR (Sri Lanka Standing Lending Facility Rate) + 1% interest rate.

Local currency bonds held by superannuation funds, including pension funds, will be replaced with new bonds which will have 9% interest, Weerasinghe added.

But banks’ local currency bonds have been excluded from the scheme to avoid putting further strain on the financial sector.

Sri Lanka’s sovereign U.S. dollar bonds were edging higher in early morning trade, with the bonds maturing in November 2025 and March 2024 gaining the most, 0.77 cents, by 0627 GMT, according to Tradeweb data.

Source – Reuters

New chairpersons appointed to EC and HRCSL

June 29th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

President Ranil Wickremesinghe appointed members to both the Election Commission and the Human Rights Commission (HRCSL) today.

Thereby, Justice L.T.B. Dehideniya, a retired Supreme Court judge, has been selected as the chairman of HRCSL.

The IMF Role changes to improve the living standards of the people. Let us hope for a program that provides employment to the people and also makes what the nation needs.

June 28th, 2023

By Garvin Karunaratne former GA Matara

The twitter statement made by Kristilina Georgina, the Managing Director of the IMF, quoted by Adaderana on 22/6 is to be admired. She said that I warmly welcomed the strong ownership by the Sri Lankan government to address current economic challenges. We are committed to support Sri Lanka’s economic reforms to improve living standards for its people,” (Lanka Web23/06/23) She has to be warmly congratulated for thinking of the living standards of our people.

Do any of the current plans of our leaders aim at improving the living standards of the people in Sri Lanka?

The improvement of the living standards of the people of is crucial importance today. The World Food Programme of the United Nations has said that 6.3 million are Food Insecure and that 5.3 million are skipping meals.(Daily Mirror: 21/6/23) It is reported that prices of food are beyond the majority of the people. Starvation is inevitably written into this situation.

It is even reported that the country has no buffer stocks of rice or paddy and that that Paddy Marketing Board has been refused Rs 6 billion that they have requested to purchase rice(Sunday Times,25/6/23). We are yet suffering from President Gotabhaya’s ill advised venture of forbidding inorganic fertilizer. The lack of a buffer stock signifies a total calamity. It is hoped that remedial action is taken immediately. As a Deputy Food Controller in Districts where I worked, maintaining buffer stocks of rice or paddy was our duty and we would have been sacked if we had failed.

This situation comes while banks that take in foreign funds freely finance people- the rich for holidays abroad. The rich are having a heyday of foreign travel all on foreign funds that come into the country, while the masses have to live hand to mouth and forego meals.

Meanwhile the Government goes on talking of restructuring the debt, both foreign and domestic. It is also , liberalizing the economy, attract more foreign investments” and states that the only viable solution in the long run is a programme driven by the private sector” and talks of a market oriented credit integrated growth strategy- the only available option”(Ceylon Today: 23/6/23)

In my opinion, the economy is already libearalized. Foreign investments are hard to come by to a country in chaos, where people are starving. The private sector has closed down due to increased interest rates. They have parked funds in banks and enjoy the high interest.

Meanwhile the citizens are leaving in droves.

It is a sad situation that requires immediate action by the Government. It is true that we are an indebted country, saddled with repayments- We have to repay $ 2.6 billion in the first six months of 2023”.

We are talking about restructuring debt payments. Debts have to be paid in dollars and as long as the bulk of the dollar intake of the banks are issued to the people(the rich) for foreign use, naturally there are no dollars collected to repay our foreign debts.

There are plans to raise funds through privatization of assets. Has the sale of assets ever worked in the interests of any country. It is well known that once the State of California privatized the electricity transmission system. Later the Governor of California found that the companies that had bought the transmission system were making California rolling in blackouts. It all ended with California buying back what they had privatized. This is true of the privatization of railways in the UK. The private companies pay fat dividends and fantastic salaries but neglect the service. Safety features in French Railways are not found in the UK because the company cannot afford!.( Ref pages 106.. of my 2006 book)

We always stand to face a loss on the privatization of assets. It is rife in the Air that out foolish leaders are about to privatize Sri Lanka Telecom. It is the country that will lose its sovereignty. Telecommunication signifies the sovereignty of a country and should always be the guarded sacred property of the Country. In the hands of an outsider Sri Lanka stands to face DEATH. I hope our present leaders do stand to reason.

Let us look at what happened to our tyre factory. According to the Chief Chemist the later Hector Perera who was trained in Russia to fix the tyre factory, it had the capacity to make all our tyres. It was a factory given totally free by Russia and we sold it for a song and it ended in the hands of CEAT a multinational. Yet we import our tyres and CEAT makes tyres and enjoys profits. We fools produce rubber- the best in the world but we do not make our tyres.

It is time that we rethink our strategies.

In living memory, before 1977- the date we followed the IMF neoliberal concept and started living on loans, we did manage our finances. There were no private money changers. An important point is what happens to the dollars collected by money changers today? They collect far more than all the banks. Before 1977 every dollar that came into the country was collected and first priority was given to import essentials and thereafter small allocations were allowed for the import of cars etc. . In 1957 I had to wait two months to buy a new peugeot. In 1953 only a few Austin cars were imported and a person well known to me had to buy a new car from another who had paid up and had a car reserved. No funds were allowed for any foreign travel unless such travel was required for the country. It may sound really odd for such restrictions today but the only remedy available is for the collection of every dollar that comes in and some restrictions in use.

Reading through what proposals the Government has- restructuing debts both foreign and domestic….a market oriented integrated strategy,” Restructuring debts can be planned, privatization of assets is forbidding and not in the national interest, foreign investment can be courted and anyone with any thinking capacity will agree that no investors are coming. Thus all our plans will amount to mere exercises on paper.

I may please suggest for kind consideration that what is missing, and very feasible is a programme for creating production within the country, bringing employment and incomes to people and also reducing the import bill.

It is important to note that for this programme we need very little foreign funds, as it is done locally with Rupees. I speak from sheer experience. Before 1977 we ran everything in the country with local Rupees. All our colonies were established with local rupees. All major tanks- reservoirs were repaired and and built with local rupees. All government departments were run with local rupees. I may mention that there were severe restrictions in printing money.

In the days before 1977, the Government had major development programmes that were aimed at producing what we needed.

We were self sufficient in all textiles- we had handlooms that made bespoke textiles. No Colombo 7 ladies ever went abroad for elegant sarees. They instead went to a handloom textile demonstrator and had an exquisite bespoke pattern done. Our powerlooms were manned by local staff and the Hakmana Powerloom made suiting that was in high demand even in London. We abandoned our powerlooms and sold off textile factories all done on the IMF advice to make us poor. Since 1977 all our leaders were fooled by the IMF.

I may mention a few details of the last producing cum employment creation programme we had- the Divisional Development Councils Programme of 1970-1977 to convince anyone that such a programme is the only way ahead for the present Government to follow. This programme recruited unemployed youths, paid them a stipend and trained them on small farms and they produced vegetables and all crops. They became scientifically trained farmers in the process. In industry there were many small industries like making sago out of manioc, making farm implements etc. The Divisional Secretary at Kotmale established a paper making small factory using waste paper. Do we have any government programme making paper other than Valacheni paper mill. The answer is no. In he meantime farmers even burn the straw, which can be used to make paper.

In the Matara District, where I was in charge as the Government Agent, in addition to small farms and small industrial projects we established a mechansied motor boat industry making seafaring fishing boats. This was a great success. I also established a Crayon Factory. The art of making crayons was found by my Planning Officer locked up in the science lab of Rahula College every night from six to mid night for three long months, doing a myriad experiments. He succeeded and a Cooperative Crayon Factory was established at Morawaka, executed by Sumanapala Dahanayake, the member of parliament who happened to be the president of the cooperative union. It was a handmade crayon equal in every respect to the Crayola crayons imported by us from the USA. It is easily equal except for the elegant paper covering. This DDCP created 33,300 jobs and most of the youths ended as trained farmers and entrepreneurs- a great achievement. The Crayon Factory needed dyes imported and the Ministry of Industries refused as it was a cooperative. Days later, I came to know that the Import Controller was about to approve the import of crayons and moved in. I concinced him that our Crayon Factory could make all the crayons we needed if only a small allocation of foreign exchange is allowed to import dyes. The Controller agreed but required the approval of the Minister Mr Illangaratne. I approached the Minister and explained. The Minister looked at our crayons, scribbled it on paper, approved an allocation of foreign exchange to import dyes and shouted in glee that all imports of crayons should be stopped. He also ordered me to establish a crayon factory in his electorate at Kolonnawa.

Such a production oriented, employment and income creation programme is the only opition available and it is high time that our President and Prime Minister considered such a programme. It can commence within days and can be worked to be a great success within a year.

It would behove our leaders to immediately direct that such a production and employment creation programme be established immediately. That is the only way ahead.

Garvin Karunaratne, former GA Matara



June 28th, 2023

LankaWeb Editorial

 Finally In the face of sweeping genocide allegations against Sri Lanka, Canada takes a firm stand, debunking the claims and highlighting political opportunism as succinctly reported in prominent recent News Media.

The Canadian Government has officially communicated to the Sri Lankan  Government that there is no credible evidence supporting the  occurrence of genocide in Sri Lanka. This information was reaffirmed by reliable sources within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo and, surprisingly, only one local newspaper in Sri Lanka  apparently covered the news. It is astonishing that such a significant development did not receive broader coverage from the country’s mass media.

The false allegations of war crimes and genocide against Sri Lanka  have had a detrimental impact on its reputation and created many issues in many areas. Opportunistic individuals, both local and foreign, with ulterior motives, have  exploited these accusations for personal gain. Politicians in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada have leveraged the perceived plight of Tamils of Sri Lankan origin and other migrant populations to secure and maintain their power, capitalizing on  reduced voter turnover of natives in their constituencies. It should  be acknowledged that among these Tamils, there are individuals who have taken advantage of the ethnic crisis in Sri Lanka for personal gain and financial opportunities.

 Regrettably, even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has embraced this falsehood as inspiration. These individuals are inclined to accept false information as truth and strive to prove the existence of a misconceived genocide in Sri Lanka. Their basic strategy revolves around propagating ideas created by various parties without considering the  truth or supporting data.

 Officials who have served in Western embassies in Sri Lanka have  repeatedly confirmed that no genocide took place in the country. They  acknowledge the sacrifices made by the Sri Lankan security forces to  end the war in May 2009, which could have concluded much earlier. The  primary objective of the Sri Lankan security forces was not the elimination of civilians, as seen in the history of the United States, its allied forces and may other dictatorial countries around the world. Their focus was on safeguarding and serving the maximum number of unarmed civilians. However, these statements have been disregarded and replaced with manufactured falsehoods by several parties which are truly incredible!.

 Various parties, driven by their political goals, have attempted to  conceal information and disseminate false narratives. Ban Ki-moon, the  former Secretary-General of the United Nations, is one such leader who  engaged in such deceitful practices.Erik Solheim former Norwegian  Ambassador to Sri Lanka is another guilty of misrepresentation in a  combined list of many perpetrators with similar objectives. While documenting unsubstantiated data, they propagated false information about Sri Lanka, presenting  themselves as  guardians of humanity within the international  community. It is ironic that such  individuals were warmly welcomed into our parliament, along with opportunistic politicians who have embraced false ideologies.

 However, this welcoming approach was not extended to Imran Khan, then  Prime Minister of Pakistan, a leader whose country has  historically stood in solidarity with Sri Lanka. This discrepancy  further underscores the unfortunate politicization of our local  politicians, revealing their disgraceful motives.

 While the pursuit of unaccountable power and personal wealth seems to  be the motivation for these politicians, it is commendable that the Canadian state, the bureaucracy, has responded rationally to the false  accusations against Sri Lanka, distancing itself from opportunists at  various levels. We do not deny that there were casualties among  unarmed civilians during the war against the Tamil Tigers, which is an  unfortunate reality in any conflict albeit in the case of Sri Lanka never one sided as the Sinhalese too suffered heavy casualties.

Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a balanced perspective and avoid undue exaggeration regarding  the overall extent of damage caused. Regrettably, certain politicians and Western-funded NGOs have amplified these issues beyond proportion.

 However, we hold the belief that the Canadian Bureaucracy has come to a discerning realization, acknowledging the need for a more nuanced understanding of the situation.

What seems to have been missed  is the rank disregard towards  co-relating facts to align with what  the reality of the situation was and that the   Government Sri Lanka was from every perspective within its bounden and constitutional right towards  the people of Sri Lanka to defend her Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity from armed terrorists insurgents whose objective was to overcome the Nation of  Sri Lanka causing turmoil and its smooth functioning as a Democratic Country in the name of Tamil Tiger Terrorist Dogma and a misconceived plight of so called  minority Tamil sufferers and that  the mass hysteria caused by those who failed, on the international scene are still being catered to by unscrupulous politicians weaponizing it towards their own agendas both globally and locally and is  indeed a travesty of justice which has been to all intents and purposes finally acknowledged.

ගරු ජනාධිපති තුමනි! මෙ ම්ලේඡ ඝාතනයන් වහාම තනම්කොට ඉතිහාශගතවන මෙන් අපි ඔබ තුමාගෙන් ඉල්ලමු.

June 28th, 2023

ආචාර්‍ය සුදත් ගුණසේකර මහනුවර

ගරු ජනාධිපති තුමනි,

 මේ සමඟ ඇති

ආචාර්ය ටිකිරි බණ්ඩාර ඇටිපොළ සම ලේකම් – සත්ව අවිහිංසා ජාතික එකමුතුව ගේ ලිපියට ඔබතුමාගේ ක්ශනික සහ දැඩි අවධානය යොමුකරණු කැමැත්තෙමි. එම ලිපියෙන් දක්වා ඇති යථාර්තවාදි අදහස් සහ මවිසින් යෝජනාකොට ඇති කරු ණුද සැලකිල්ලට ගෙන  මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ සත්ව ඝාතනය සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම තහනම් කරනමෙන් මම ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.
ආචාර්‍ය සුදත් ගුණසේකර මහනුවර. 2023.6.2023..

වසර 2500 ක් පුරා.
“සබ්බේ තසන්ති දණ්ඩස්ස -සබ්බේ තන් ජිවිතන් පියන්
අත්තානන් උපමන්කත්වා -නහානෙයිය නඝාතයෙ’

යනුවෙන්  සියළු සතුන් වෙත මෙත් පතල මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ මෙවැණි ම්ලේඡ්ච සත්ව ඝාතනයන්ට ඉඩදීම නින්දාවකි, මහපොලව නුහුලන අපරාධයකි
එමනිසා දිවයින පුරා ආගමක මුවාවෙන් සිදුකෙරෙන මේ සත්ව සන්හාරය වහාම තහනම් කරණ මෙ අපි ඉල්ලා සිටිමු. ඉතිහාශය පුරාම පෙර රජදවස සත්ව ඝාතනය මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ තහනම් කර තිබුණු අවස්ථා ගැන මහාවන්ශයේ එමට ෂාක්ශි ඇත. ඔබද එම සින්හල බෞද්ධ උරුමයේ අයිතිකරුවෙකු බැවින් මෙ ම්ලේඡ ඝාතනයන් වහාම තනම්කොට ඉතිහාශගතවන මෙන් අපි ඔබ තුමාගෙන් ඉල්ලමු.

වසර 2500 ක් පුරා.
“සබ්බේ තසන්ති දණ්ඩස්ස -සබ්බේ තන් ජිවිතන් පියන්
අත්තානන් උපමන්කත්වා -නහානෙයිය නඝාතයෙ’

යනුවෙන්  සියළු සතුන් වෙත මෙත් පතල මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ මෙවැණි ම්ලේඡ්ච සත්ව ඝාතනයන්ට ඉඩදීම නින්දාවකි, මහපොලව නුහුලන අපරාධයකි
එමනිසා දිවයින පුරා ආගමක මුවාවෙන් සිදුකෙරෙන මේ සත්ව සන්හාරය වහාම තහනම් කරණ මෙ අපි ඉල්ලා සිටිමු. ඉතිහාශය පුරාම පෙර රජදවස සත්ව ඝාතනය මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ තහනම් කර තිබුණු අවස්ථා ගැන මහාවන්ශයේ එමට ෂාක්ශි ඇත. ඔබද එම සින්හල බෞද්ධ උරුමයේ අයිතිකරුවෙකු බැවින් මෙ ම්ලේඡ ඝාතනයන් වහාම තනම්කොට ඉතිහාශගතවන මෙන් අපි ඔබ තුමාගෙන් ඉල්ලමු.

Domestic Debt Restructure

June 28th, 2023

Dilrook Kannangara

Sri Lanka’s central government long term debt, excluding the debt of government entities, amounts to $84 billion as of 2023. About half of it is foreign debt and the other is domestic debt. After months of negotiations, foreign debt holders agreed to debt restructure. However, holders of domestic debt are dragging their feet on restructuring their debt! Worse still, they have turned it in to a political football and hired SJB and JVP politicians to disrupt the process. This is shameful and shows how greedy they are and how unreasonable.

The government simply cannot repay their debt at this stage. A five-year reprieve is needed. The economy has been shrinking for the past 3 years in a row and priority must be given to economic turnaround so that there is some hope of repaying debt and their interest. If this process is disrupted, no debt (other than foreign bilateral debt) can be repaid as there is no money.

There is no connection between a domestic debt restructure and the collapse of the banking sector. In fact, restructuring domestic debt will have a positive impact on banks in the long run as bank returns would be higher than investing in government bonds and bills. However, if depositors are terrorized with concocted horror stories, that can disrupt the banking industry. Holding the banking industry to hostage over domestic debt restructure by greedy local debt holders and their paid political lackeys is shameful especially when the average man on the street has sacrificed so much to turnaround the economy. They deserve no more than a default.

රාජ්‍ය අංශයේ ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ සහායට නවසීලන්ත විශේෂඥ කණ්ඩායමක් දිවයිනට

June 28th, 2023

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය.

මෙරට නවසීලන්ත මහකොමසාරිස් මයිකල් ඇපල්ටන් මහතා  2023/06/28 දින අරලියගහ මන්දිරයේදී අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා හමුවිය. ‍

ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සමග කෙරෙන ද්විපාර්ශික ආර්ථික සහයෝගිතාව ඉහළ නංවන ලෙසත්, කොළඹ සැලැස්ම යටතේ ලබා දෙන සහය වැඩි කරන ලෙසත්  අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා මෙහිදී නවසීලන්තයෙන් ඉල්ලීමක් කළේය.

මහරගම ශ්‍රී ලංකා දන්ත වෛද්‍ය  විද්‍යාලය නවසීලන්ත රජය ලබාදුන් ප්‍රදානයක් බව සිහිපත් කළ අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා එම ආයතනයට ලබාදෙන පහසුකම් තවත් වැඩිකරන ලෙස ඉල්ලා සිටියේය. එය පිළිගත් මහකොමසාරිස්වරයා එම දන්ත වෛද්‍ය විද්‍යාලය යළි නිරීක්ෂණය කොට ඊට සහය ලබාදෙන බවට එකඟ විය.

මෙරට රාජ්‍ය අංශයේ ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ වැඩසටහන සඳහා විශේෂඥ දැනුම ලබාදීමට ද නවසීලන්තය සූදානම් බව මහකොමසාරිස්වරයා සඳහන් කළේය. ඊට සහාය වීම සඳහා නවසිලන්තයේ හිටපු රාජ්‍ය සේවා කොමසාරිස්වරයාගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් යුත් කණ්ඩායමක් ලඟදීම ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට පැමිණීමට නියමිතව තිබේ. යල්පැනගිය ඉඩම් ආඥා පනත සංශෝධනය කිරීමටද ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සැලසුම් කර ඇත. එහිදී ආදිවාසීන්ගේ ඉඩම් අයිතිය පිළිබඳ  ගැටළු විසඳීම සඳහා නවසිලන්තයේ අත්දැකීම් හුවමාරු කර ගැනීමේ අවශ්‍යතාවය සහ යල් පැනගිය ඉඩම් ආඥාපනත සංශෝධනය කිරීමේ වැදගත්කමද  අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා   පෙන්වා  දුන්නේය. වත්මන් ආර්ථික අභියෝග ජය ගැනීමට ශ්‍රී ලංකාව ගන්නා පියවර, ණය ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගතකරණය, වෙළඳ හා ආයෝජන, මැතිවරණ ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණයට අදාළ කරුණු ද ඔවුහු සාකච්ඡා කළහ.

පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී යදාමිණී  ගුණවර්ධන, අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය අතිරේක ලේකම් මහින්ද ගුණරත්න, නවසීලන්ත මහ කොමසාරිස් කාර්යාලයේ ප්‍රතිපත්ති උපදේශක  සුමුදු ජයසිංහ යන මහත්වරු ද මෙම අවස්ථාවට එක්වූහ.

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය.  

අධ්‍යාත්මික වටිනාකම්වලින් සමාජය තවතවත් පෝෂණය කරමු.

June 28th, 2023

දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජය

ලොව පුරා විසිරී සිටින මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව ඒකරාශීව සිය ආගමික පිළිවෙත් ඉටු කරමින් හජ් උත්සවය සමරයි.

ඉමහත් හරසරින් සැමරෙන ආගමික පිළිවෙතක් වූ හජ් උත්සවයේ ප්‍රමුඛ  පරමාර්ථය වන්නේ සමානාත්මතාවයෙන් හා  සහජීවනයෙන් දිවි ගෙවීමයි.

එකී අධ්‍යාත්මික වටිනාකම්වලින් ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය සමාජය තව තවත් පෝෂණය කොට පටු භේද අතැර සියලු දෙනාම මිත්‍රත්වයෙන් හා සහෝදරත්වයෙන් ජීවත්වීමට මේ හජ් උත්සවයේදී අධිෂ්ඨාන  කරගනිමු.

දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන


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2023 ජුනි මස 28

World Bank approves US$700m for crisis-hit Sri Lanka

June 28th, 2023

Courtesy Malay Mail

COLOMBO, June 29 — The World Bank approved US$700 million (RM3.27 billion) in budgetary and welfare support for Sri Lanka today, the biggest funding tranche for the crisis-hit island nation since an International Monetary Fund (IMF) deal in March.

About US$500 million of the funds will be allocated for budgetary support while the remaining US$200 million will be for welfare support earmarked for those worst hit by the crisis.

Through a phased approach, the World Bank Group strategy focuses on early economic stabilization, structural reforms, and protection of the poor and vulnerable,” the World Bank’s country director for Sri Lanka, Faris Hadad-Zervos, said in a statement.

If sustained, these reforms can put the country back on the path towards a green, resilient and inclusive development,” Zervos said.

Sri Lanka is struggling with the worst financial crisis since its independence from Britain in 1948 after the country’s foreign exchange hit record lows and triggered its first foreign debt default last year.

The IMF approved a bailout of nearly US$3 billion in March, which Sri Lanka expects will bring additional funding of up to US$4 billion from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other multilateral agencies.

The island nation will release a domestic debt restructuring program this week to push forward reworking its debt with bondholders and bilateral creditors including China, Japan and India. — Reuters

China urged to play greater role in financial system after SL bailout exposed flaws

June 28th, 2023

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka’s crippling debt crisis and the long wait it had to endure until receiving a bailout from international creditors forced emerging markets to re-evaluate the existing global financial structure, according to economists and diplomats at the World Economic Forum on Wednesday.

They also noted that the world needs a more efficient financial architecture, where China can play a more prominent role in terms of solving emergencies and amplifying the voices of developing countries.

Sri Lankan Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Sabry said that since negotiations started in September 2021, it took almost eight months to receive assurances from creditors before the South Asian nation eventually received the first payment as part of the US$3 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in April.

By that time, countries are under real stress, and countries could fall apart. So it’s important that something ready-made has to be there,” Sabry told a panel on the second day of the World Economic Forum’s 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin.

Despite a US$600 million loan from the World Bank in April last year, Sri Lanka defaulted on its debt for the first time in its history in May 2022, eventually becoming the first country in the post-coronavirus era to declare bankruptcy in July.

The coronavirus pandemic pushed world debt to over an unprecedented level of US$300 trillion in 2022, according to the Institute of International Finance, with developing countries particularly vulnerable due to the large amounts accumulated, as well as depreciating currencies and interest rate increases.

However, the fundamental problems in the IMF and other international financial institutions remain, according to Jin Keyu, a professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
The issues include a mismatch of credit cycles, as well as the insufficient global emergency liquidity for developing countries, which has left a gaping hole to be filled, Jin told Wednesday’s panel.

The international global credit cycle is pretty much based on US monetary policy. But US monetary policy is designed to serve US domestic conditions, not the international arena,” she said.

So I think this is a place where China can play a role … [with] China being the second largest economy and not synchronised credit cycles with the US and often a big provider to emerging market liquidity.”

As the developing world’s single largest creditor after the World Bank, China has lent huge amounts of capital to fund projects via its Belt and Road Initiative – Beijing’s strategy to link more than 60 countries into a China-centred trade network, largely through investments and infrastructure projects.

In August, China announced plans to cancel a series of interest-free loans to 17 African countries amid a growing rivalry with the West and accusations that it is creating debt traps” on the continent.

China also said it would also rechannel US$10 billion of its IMF special drawing rights – an international reserve asset managed by the international financial institution – to African countries to help with the recovery from Covid-19 pandemic and the debt crisis.

It is time that [different types of creditors and economies] pull their resources together and come out with some sort of an architecture, which immediately addresses this kind of an emergency to prevent a cascading effect on many of the economies and ultimately leading into a global slowdown,” Sri Lanka’s Sabry added.

China and the United States also have to coordinate better among their central banks and be real global financial anchors, Jin added.

But the current problem is that the domestic challenges in China are also great, it would like to do more international lending, but it has to be substantially cut back because of the domestic debt issues and because the economy, pretty much everywhere around the world, is doing very poorly,” she said.

But Jin stressed that despite China’s role as a substantial creditor to lower income countries, around 60 per cent of the debt flows are from the private sector, while a significant portion originates from financial institutions.

The current issue is really a global shock and global structural problems like demographics that are pressing down on these issues. And it’s not up to China alone to resolve it,” she added.

Jin also pointed to a better design of international financial architecture, a greater representation of emerging markets voices in the coordinating process, and a greater role for China’s central bank and yuan denominated lending as crucial elements.

Global economic growth is universally slowing down, which will affect the repayment ability of relevant countries and China’s lending ability,” said Peng Peng, executive chairman of the Guangdong Society of Reform, a think tank connected to the provincial government.

Large-scale projects may be put on hold. In particular, the geopolitical environment is uncertain, and domestic recovery is weak. It is wise to slow down the pace of development.”

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