The process of re-checking and updating the information of all MPs on the parliamentary website is underway following the discovery that some titles were fake, an informed source said.
The parliamentary authorities have also decided to call for explanations from those in charge of updating information on the web.
Meanwhile, the Communication Department of Parliament said that the title of ‘’Dr.’’ was mentioned before the name of the Minister of Justice and National Integration Harshana Nanayakkara, in the directory of Members of Parliament on the parliamentary website.
It is important to note that Harshana Nanayakkara has not indicated holding a doctoral degree in the information provided to Parliament. The appearance of the title before the Minister’s name was a result of an error in entering the relevant data. Accordingly, steps have been taken to rectify this mistake.
Undoubtedly a global reset is taking place. The sudden changes we are witnessing in 2024 will accelerate in 2025. India must be viewing the fall of Syria with concern, coming months after the fall of Bangladesh, the sudden Marshall Law declared in South Korea and everyone now wonder which nation is next.
Apart from the usual diplomatic mumbo jumbo of working in harmony, behind doors planning is probably afoot to ensure the safety of over 9million Indians working in the Middle East.
Syria and India have had close ties & the 2016 statement by Syria’s ambassador to India Riad Abbas affirmed Syria’s position on Kashmir anyone who raises a weapon against the government, we call them terrorists and the government must take action against them”.
More than any other factor India will be concerned about the resurgence of terror groups venturing into India, apart from the proxies that India has under its belt. India would know given the trips made by Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday suicide bombers to India on numerous occasions prior to the bombings in 2019. India will also remember that the terrorists it trained & armed in the 1970s-1980s preferred new foster parents & ended up killing an Indian Prime Minister on Indian soil. The invisible hands behind this should be further investigated. Therefore, India should not experiment with terrorism as even their proxies can make u-turns!
Already the US & UK are removing the Syrian rebels” from their terrorist lists while UK government has declared 11million pounds to the rebels. How come govts suddenly have money to hand to terrorist movements! Having dismembered Yugoslavia & the Soviet Union, India was warned in 1998 that it too would be balkanized eventually. This eventuality has to be foremost on the mind of India in particular with the scurry to make geopolitical changes prior to President Trump taking oaths.
While India’s pressing for 13th amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with any concern for Sri Lanka’s Tamils, the use of credit lines, loans & the financial crisis has enabled India to penetrate into key areas in the North. This taken together with the proposed connectivity of air, sea, electricity, road, rail, ports, harbors & other agreements with India strategically aligns with Arkhand Bharath Hindutva plan that includes Sri Lanka as well. This poses a major challenge & threat to the Buddhist archaeology & historical heritage of Sri Lanka.
Arkhand Bharath will pose a direct challenge to the Tamil Nadu leadership most of whom are Christians & aligned to West & very much linked to the LTTE fronts who are also operating from the West & with Church-alignments. The upcoming Tamil Nadu leaders foray into politics saw a massive turn out & the Indian government should view this as a challenge.
A Tamil Nadu that the Central Govt cannot control is as dangerous as Sri Lanka’s North under West’s control! Shouldn’t India be helping Sri Lanka’s Govt control entire Sri Lanka rather than weakening Sri Lanka’s Govt?
This is why India should take a back foot in demanding the full implementation of the 13th amendment as it would be disadvantageous to India given its Hindu hold in both North Sri Lanka & Tamil Nadu is weakening. Majority of key Tamil leaders in Sri Lanka too are more West aligned and only namesake Hindus.
This is also why India should desist from encouraging the Himalayan Declaration, a bogey that is being peddled by West-aligned LTTE fronts using some clueless Buddhist Theros who the Sinhala Buddhists do not accept as representing the Sinhalese, the Buddhists or the Sri Lankan state/nation. This should be one of the key areas to be discussed with the new Sri Lankan President who will visit India shortly.
While India & West make diplomatic demands for the implementation of 13thamendment, it is not out of any concern for Tamils. Autonomy of the North & East Sri Lanka make it easier for India or West to take control of the 2 strategic provinces for their geopolitical goals. Majority of Tamil politicians are fully aware of this while they soft peddling it for their own political gains. LTTE fronts are mere coolies for the western governments chirping demands aligned to Wests geopolitical goals. Thus, the sudden open demands being made by them.
The Indian government should not ignore that their key Quad partner is making forays into every nook & corner that India had been controlling. The US envoy is regularly meeting segments of the Tamil community which they have strategically filtered – Malayali Tamils, Estate Tamils, Eastern Tamils, Northern Tamils, Colombo Tamils. The US has mastered their thinking & their behavioral patterns. The election results is another clue to question who is influencing Tamil vote change & why! At every previous election the outcome of the Tamil votes in North & Estate sector was a foregone conclusion. What triggered the change this time round? Who gave the orders for the change of vote are factors that all Sri Lankans & India should consider. Let us not forget, how India’s Subramaniam Swamy too questioned the 2010 Presidential Election when majority of Tamils in the North voted for the former army commander despite alleging the armed forces were war criminals! Thus, bloc vote changes give deeper meaning than meets the eye & should question who calls the shots from behind the scenes!
The Indian PM & Foreign Ministry must have noticed pro-LTTE website questioning why the Sri Lankan military has not closed down military camps in the North inspite of the Cabinet deciding to do so! Why would a new government facing mounting economic issues wish to remove military camps immediately after coming to power especially when the pro-LTTE media infer some kind of understanding? The new government must be mature enough to comprehend the larger picture & the outcome being carved.
India’s interference in Sri Lanka is often based alongside a statement that India is concerned about threats to its security. Is this why India is making forays into Sri Lanka attempting to dictate & control Sri Lanka’s energy, territory, resources, retail/wholesale, biometrics, digitalization & even media?
Is India demanding full implementation of 13th amendment in order to make Sri Lanka’s North & East part of Indian Arkhand Bharath terrain? Would the US inspite of being a QUAD partner allow this or allow it as it would eventually fall into Wests hands upon balkanizing India?
What are Sri Lanka’s leaders, diplomats, policy advisors digesting from these developments? Have they not comprehended the larger picture or are they euthanized into simply nodding their heads to every demand made from either India or West? Who is protecting Sri Lanka’s sovereignty & territorial integrity?
Some time back on a private members motion in the Parliament there was a debate on the damage done to the agricultural crops done by monkeys (Toque macaque}. There was unanimity across the party divide that crop damage by monkeys has increased very rapidly and now is in a crisis proportion. It was mentioned that monkey population has multiplied to around 3.8 million. The damage caused by animals mainly monkeys is estimated as close to Rs 8 billion. While the government is urging the farmers to produce more food are destroying around 40% of the crop mainly the coconut crop. No wonder that there is a shortage of coconuts, and the prices have shot up to over Rs 150 per nut. It has become a serious problem and a threat to food production and even of children from the marauding monkeys. The loss to food production is estimated over 40%. But nobody suggested a practical solution. It was again plenty of talk and with no outcome on effective and immediate action.
It is useful to go back a few years when this problem was not there. It started with the removal of shot guns from farmers in the late 80s. After that there was an illegal circular from a former secretary of Defense to the Police that persons over 60 years of age should not be given gun licenses. This prevented older generation of farmers who are the majority among farmers obtaining licenses.
The immediate solution is to withdraw that circular and give back the shot guns to all farmers irrespective of age. If they can handle a mamoty they should be able to handle a shot gun. The objection that there is an increase of crime with the use of guns is not valid as such crimes are caused with the use of T56 weapons or 9mm pistols. At the same time legal protection of peafowl and giant squirrels should be lifted.
Farmers would not kill every animal invading their property. A blank shot now and then is enough to keep monkeys away. Monkeys are intelligent animals. They can recognize even the human wielding a gun. The very sight of the person is the cue for them to withdraw.
Elephant Damage
Elephant damage has become a more serious problem today with animals breaking into houses in search of food. Expensive electric fences have failed to keep them out. It suggested to use DRONES to drive them away. Drones can be used to drop chili powder or spray chili mix on herds of animals. A simple and inexpensive method is the use of chili smoke which is practiced in East Africa and even in Assam.
The method is to burn chilies the smoke of which is supposed to be unbearable to the very delicate nose of the animal. (which is supposed to be more than 1000 times more sensitive than that of humans) There seem to be many ways of using chilies. I believe it should be effective enough if chili smoke is used when elephants invade the compounds and even attack houses.
Chili smoke is supposed to be unbearable to the very delicate nose of the animal. (which is supposed to be more than 1000 times more sensitive than that of humans) There seem to be many ways of using chilies. I believe it should be effective enough if chili smoke is used when elephants invade the compounds and even attack houses
Some time back National Gegraphic Magazine reported that:-
In Tanzania they fill a condom with chili powder. Mix in small rocks and sand for weight. Add a firecracker for a bang. Launch condom at elephant. Save elephant’s life.
All it takes is one elephant rumbling through a field to destroy a family’s food supply for an entire year, so it’s no surprise that a farmer might turn to the only tool he has available—a spear. But this elephant warning system gives farmers a low-tech way to scare these animals away from their crops without violence.
Each night, a member of the team will keep watch over the crops, looking out for elephants. If one is spotted, the volunteer begins the four-step warning system.
First, there are the strobe lights. Shining a bright, flashing light at an elephant in the dark is sometimes enough to make it turn around and leave. If that doesn’t work, the volunteer will sound an air horn. Step three is the chili-firecracker condom. Elephants are extra sensitive to smells, so a cloud of chili powder is usually unpleasant enough to make them leave.
Elephants are critical to Tanzania’s tourism industry, but for farming communities located near elephant populations, there’s often little choice but to kill them.
A “chili cloud,” made from chili powder, sand, and a firecracker, won’t harm an elephant—it just makes him uncomfortable enough to turn around and leave.
Elephants can eat 990 pounds (450 kilograms) of food a day. And they uproot and scatter almost as much as they eat. Crop raiding, as its called, puts the livelihoods and lives of people in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Botswana, India, Indonesia, and other countries at risk. Each year, elephants cause millions of dollars in damage to crops and trample people to death. But with the elephant population under pressure from the ivory trade—some 30,000 are poached each year—protecting them is crucial. Bell said crop destruction can even encourage farmers to turn to poachers because poachers can “sort out the problem for them.”
The chili condom grenades are just one tool in a growing arsenal of elephant deterrents. Fences made of beehives, tobacco dust, recordings of tiger growls, and advance-warning text messages are just a few of the ways people are working to help farmers and elephants in African and Asia peacefully coexist.”
This story was produced by National Geographic’s Special Investigations Unit,
We should try these simple methods at least on a trial basis.
Dr Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara. (SLAS) Former Secretary to Pime Minister Mrs, Sirimavo Bandaranayake and President Sri Lanka Administrative Services Association (1991-94)
We welcome his choosing India for the first foreign visit as a good gesture, since it is our closest neighbor and it is also the country with whom we had the closest and the longest international relations in history.
But I would advise him to be very careful with the present-day Indian sharks both political and bureaucratic, before he is taken for a ride along a blind alley as they did to Ranil and Basil by getting both of them to succumbed to their tactics and dictates to meet their own needs. To avoid such disasters again, I would like to suggest to him to open his negotiations with Indian leaders with the following introduction, so that they won’t be able to tame him the same way they did to Ranil and Basil, to agree for everything they tabled.
” I would like to begin my talks with my esteemed Indian friends here, by requesting you first to take your mind back to the unique and nostalgic past historical, political, the cultural and spiritual relationship that existed between our two countries from the time of Gautama the Buddha, the greatest human being ever given to this world by Bharath Desh or any other Land. Lord Buddha ‘s first international visit was to Sri Lanka that was in 588 BC, in the ninth month after he attained enlightenment, to Mahiyangana to settle a waring dispute between two native tribes Yakkas and Nagas, the ruling elite of this Island at that time.
On the verge of his attaining Parinibbana, he also selected Sri Lanka as the only land in which his Dhamma will last for 5000 years to come, in spite of the fact that Jambudviipa was his beloved birth place. At the same time, he also advised Sakka the King of Gods to protect Prince Vijaya, a Sakya Prince from northern Bharath, who found the Sinhala nation, and his retinue of 700 who landed in Lanka in 543 BC. That marked the Birthday of the Sinhala Buddhist nation on this Island. Thence forth this country had been named as the land of the Buddha. It was Emperor Asoka, another great son of Bharatha who was acclaimed as the greatest Emperor the world had ever known, who officially gifted the Buddha sasana to this country during the reign of his erstwhile friend King Devaanampiyatissa, in 307 BC, who was the King in Lakadeepa at that time and who was also supposed to have added the Devanapiya” part to his name Tissa as a mark of respect to his friend as it happened to be the first name of Emperor Asoka. The close religious, spiritual, cultural and political, ties between the two countries thenceforth were made the stronger by Asoka, by sending his own son Mahinda Mahathera and daughter Sangamittaa as the royal emissaries, who brought the Buddha ‘s noble message and the Sacred Bo tree to Lanka, the land of the Sinhala people, known as Lanka Deepa at that time. This unique relationship between these two countries laid the foundation for a unique and unmatched human civilization on this beautiful Island. Ever since, the teachings of the Buddha and the sacred Bo tree became the two cornerstones of the Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this country and the Sinhala nation. The Sacred Tooth Relic was brought to Sri Lanka during the reign of King Megawanna (325-377 A.D.) by Prince Danta and Princess Hemamala from India in 371 A.D. Ever since, the sacred Tooth Relic assumed the symbol of Royalty in this Island Kingdom and the age old tradition that only a person who held sway over the Sacred Tooth can be the King of the Sri Lankan Kingdom got permanently established on this soil and the protection of the Sacred tooth became the foremost duty of the King of this Island thereafter.
But this golden past was first, marred by a recurrent wave of invasions from South Indian Dravida Kings from 2nd century BC up to the most devastative Kalinga Maga invasion in the 13th Century. With this most devastative and savages South Indian invasion the Rajarata Sinhala Kingdom shifter towards the South West and the Kandyan provinces.
Even in the mid-18th century when the Sinhala Royalty ended with the death of the last King Narendra Sinha, it was towards India, the Buddhist Monks and the ruling elite extended their hands and installed Sri Vijaya Rajasinha, a member of the Madurai royal family as the King of the Sinhale Kingdom and after him another three members of the same clan ruled this country in the same tradition followed by 187 Sinhala Buddhist Kings of the yore, until the demise of last king of the Sinhale Kingdom Sri Wikrama Rajasinha took place in 1815 with the annexation of the Kandyan Kingdom to the British Empire by the Kandyan Convention of March 2nd. That was the unique and remarkable level of the close and cordial relationship that existed between our two countries, from the time of Gauthama the Buddha for the next 26 centuries up to date.
But again, unfortunately in modern history a black mark of Indian invasion again emerged in 1987 orchestrated by Rajiv Ghandhi with his infamous Parippu invasion with the incursion of six military jets entering Sri Lankas air space simultaneously and there by marring all previous cordial relationships and violating all civilized international diplomatic norms. This was followed by the even more infamous Rajeev/JR Accord of 30th July 1987 singed by the two heads of states and JR was compelled to sing under duress and intimidation after declaring an Island wide curfew imposed all over the Island, against some members of his own prominent Cabinet including Prime Minister Premadasa, Defense Minister Lalith Athulathmudali and Gamani Jaya Jaysooriya boycotted the event amidst strong opposition and public protest and demonstrations against it, spearheaded by Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranayaka the leader of the opposition with the participation of all opposition members of Parliament in the capital Colombo, that was also suppressed by killing many of patriotic demonstrators. Ever since it has been a period of regular unpleasant intervention and arm twisting in the internal governance of this country by India in pressing the Government of this country to grant various demands by the Tamil community living in this country and also by the communal Tamil politicians in Tamilnadu to meet the domestic political needs at the expense of the freedom, independence, the sovereignty and the self-respect of this Island nation.
In this extremely grey backdrop, I would like to remind the Sri Lankan President that he should be extra careful in dealing with India as we have to settle many an issue as a fully independent, free and a sovereign nation on equal terms. He should be extremely careful not to repeat the political and economic blunders committed by JR, Ranil, Basil and Milinda Moragoda, (the founder of the Path finder, a pro-western organization) all of whom wanted to make this country the 29th State of India, whose collective actions were always pro-Indian and anti-Sri Lankan, amounting to naked betrayals of the motherland. J R of cause had this ambition to make this Island as a part of India from 1944 in his State Council days.
I only hope the President, with his past patriotic Sri Lankan policies, as clearly articulated in their first lesson of the famous 5 JVP lessons articulated in late 1960s, will never agree to any anti Sri Lankan policies, like the selling of our national resources or assets like the Trinco Oil farm, the ports, handing over of the Kandyan Kingdom to Indian estate labour (who have got RS 1 citizenship only in 1988 under the Rajeev/JR accord of 1987) or any other sell out as left below in full detail.
The JVP having being a patriotic political party right from the inception has always stood against Indian invasions, I hope the President will be mindful of this and will not agree with Indian agenda, however powerful it may be, even though Ranil Wickramasinha, in his recent visit has already paved the way for a knave yielding before Indian leaders, suggesting the new President to comply with all agreements, he had recently entered in to with India, forgetting the fact that has singed all his agreements illegally without the approval of Parliament of this country.
List of few more important issues, I want the President to be extremely cautious and not to commit.
1.All Sri Lankan patriotic people including even those who have not voted him or his party, expect President Mr Anura Disanayaka, not to allow India to dictate terms for this country, as if it is already a suzerainty of India and to point out to India that we are also an independent and sovereign country with equal status along with the Indian Subcontinent, although we are a small country in size.
2 We Also expect him to point out to India, that this country had been a sovereign Sinhalese Kingdom from 543 BC without any break even after it was annexed to the British throne in 1815 by the Kandyan convention, drawn on mutually agreed conditions.
3.The present-day Tamils living in this country are only immigrant minorities who have no right to claim equality, dignity, self-respect bla bla in this land of the Sinhalese and none of them including Muslims have any right here for self-determination or separate States as they all are only immigrant minority communities, either come here on their own for trade (Muslims) or South Indian Malabar cooly labour brought by Dutch and British after 1800 AD. to work on their projects and Plantations (hill country) to realize their ulterior political and colonial policies of colonial settlements, to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist nation and it’s unique civilization in this country .
4. All those who are called estate labour who claim 200 years as of permanent settlement ( a blatant lie never established) under the slogan naam 200 years” are only the descendants of seasonal immigrant slave labour who never had a continues residence in this country as they were brought here in batches by the colonial British to work for them after 1840 as colonial settlers, and who also regularly travelled between India their motherland and this country as a place of labour employment until 1948. They were left behind by the British as a band of stateless Indian labour when they left the shores of this Island in 1948 after granting a fake freedom to this country, leaving all colonial nooks tightly fastened around the neck of the Sinhala Buddhist nation along with a legacy and a burden of 1.2 million Indian Tamils and therefore none of them has a right to claim a separate territory and self-declared as nationhood in this country that has remained as an independent sovereign Kingdom from 543 BC to date.
5. Furthermore, the entire hill country of this land together with the rest of the Island was the historical Homeland of the Sinhala Nation at least from 543 BC. Therefore, no outsider can have any claim over this land.
6. The President has to tell the Indian Government very clearly that these lands cannot be given to this Indian immigrant estate labour as the lands has to be restored to their original native owners from whom the land was illegally robbed by force at gun point and under draconian laws by the British colonial invaders after 1840, making all native owners landless and destitute.
7. All Sri Lankans are vehemently against the Rajiv/JR Accord of 1987 forced on our heads by India by force at gun point under Indian military intervention, that resulted in a complete travesty of the 25 centuries of unbroken history of a great nation and paved the way to hand over 1/3 of the country and 2/3 of the coastal belt and the oceanic territory to about 5 % of the total population of the country who are descendants of Malabar slave labour brought to this country a by the Dutch and British in late 18th century and the 19th century under the colonial settlement programme who has no right to claim an inch of land from this land, leaving aside a separate territory in this country of the Sinhalese people.
8 Even Tamils are not interested in devolution or separation or the 13th Amendment the illegitimate child born out of the Rajeev/JR Accord of July 30 1987, as proved by the latest election results of the recent Parliamentary election marks the end of Chelvanayagam racial politics. In this back drop the people of this country wants the Rajeev/JR Accord as well as the 13th A that have completely destabilized and destroyed the internal administration of this country and wasted trillions of public funds making the county bankrupt and a Beggers bowl, to be abolished as soon as possible.
7 I hope and wish president Disanayaka will not betray the country and the tens of thousands of patriotic warriors who have sacrificed their lives to Protect the Motherland from a terrorist gang led by Prabhakaran who killed even Rajeev Ghandhi, his benefactor who gifted even his bullet proof Jacket to Prabhaakaran and who did everything to divide this country in to two territories and destroy it.
8. I only wish that the President will not betray the Motherland, the Sinhala nation and at least the 61% voters who have voted his him and his party at the last elections in to power with so much of hopes.
9. Sri Lankan President also will have to clearly impress India that we are a separate free, independent and sovereign country as it had been from the inception of history and not a Suzerainty or dependency of India
10.Finally, I hope and sincerely wish he will go through this letter and take my advice given in good faith seriously, as this is his first foreign visit. Because the outcome of this visit I think, will largely decide his political future specially within the framework of growing uncertainties and political confusions in Parliament and also in the country.
Sri Lanka’s former Deputy High Commissioner to Australia has been ordered to pay a further $117,000 to a domestic worker she paid less than 65 cents an hour for three years in Canberra.
Priyanka Danaratna was paid $11,212.70 for roughly three years of work, and has already been awarded $543,000 from the former Commissioner Himalee Arunatilaka.
What’s next?
Ms Arunatilaka is yet to pay any of the penalties to the worker.
Sri Lanka’s former Deputy High Commissioner to Australia has been ordered to pay a further $117,000 to a domestic worker she paid less than 65 cents an hour for three years in Canberra.
Priyanka Danaratna came to Canberra in 2015 from Sri Lanka to work as a “domestic servant” for Deputy High Commissioner Himalee Arunatilaka, until she escaped in 2018.
She could not read or speak English, and had her passport confiscated by Ms Arunatilaka on arrival.
The Federal Court heard Ms Danaratna worked seven days a week from 6:00am to 10:00pm for roughly three years, only taking two days off over that time when she burned her hand cooking at the residence.
She would undertake “all the domestic tasks” for the Deputy High Commissioner, including cooking, cleaning and laundry, and would sometimes work until 1am when Ms Aruntilaka would host events.
“Ms Arunatilaka did not allow me to leave the house without permission,” Ms Danaratna told the court.
“She gave me permission from time to time to go for a short walk around the neighbourhood.
“I was not allowed to go to the shops or do other activities outside the house by myself. Sometimes Ms Arunatilaka would take me to the shops if I wanted to buy something.”
Ms Danaratna was able to escape on one of her walks in the neighbourhood with the help of the Salvation Army, who picked her up and took her to a safe house in Sydney.
Worker yet to be paid court-ordered penalties
Justice Elizabeth Raper described the $11,212.70 Ms Danaratna received over her three years of work as a “paltry sum contained in the unlawful contractual bargain they had made”.
When Ms Danaratna began working in Australia, the national minimum wage for a 38-hour week was $656.90.
In August, Ms Arunatilaka was ordered to pay her former employee $374,000 in unpaid wages by the Federal Court, plus another $169,000 in interest.
In a judgement handed down on Thursday, the Federal Court imposed a further penalty on Ms Arunatilaka of $117,000 in order to deter similar behaviour from diplomats, and for the former Deputy High Commissioner’s lack of participation in the court process.
In August’s judgement, Justice Raper said Ms Arunatilaka had “never engaged” in the proceedings, filing no defence or submissions and not attending any hearings.
Justice Raper said on Thursday Ms Arunatilaka is yet to pay any of the money.
“She has not paid Ms Danaratna the amounts owing, has shown no remorse or contrition and has taken no steps to ensure that this does not happen again,” Justice Raper said.
‘Message needs to be sent’
Justice Raper said there was a “heightened need for general deterrence” in this case, being the second example this year of a diplomat being fined for underpaying a domestic worker.
“[The cases] reveal that this kind of contravening conduct is occurring in Australia and amongst those who serve in the diplomatic corps and may come to Australia,” Justice Raper said.
“There is a particular need for penalties to be imposed which deter diplomat employers from exploiting foreign workers who they bring to Australia to work in their private, diplomatic residences.
“A strong, clear message needs to be sent to those involved in the diplomatic corps as to the consequences for engaging in like conduct and to deter contravening conduct of this kind.”
Ms Arunatilaka has left Australia, and is now the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva.
The Sri Lankan High Commission has been contacted for comment.
Hoodwinking people who trust you, though you did not mean it,is dishonorable
The NPP for decades has rightly been attributing all socio economic ills of this country to the moral degradation of politicians and vowed to change the political culture. Ranwala’s issue gains significance and validity in that context
The moral high ground occupied by National People’s Power (NPP) government has been threatened by the issues surrounding the title Dr. used by Speaker Asoka Sapumal Ranwala after many people started questioning and challenging the authenticity of it. The sudden eruption of this controversy seems to have left the NPP at a loss and even an otherwise witty Cabinet spokesman Minister Nalinda Jayatissa who is also holding the same title but in the medical field, evaded the questions posed by the journalists on the matter a few days ago. He failed to defend the Speaker in this regard and closed the matter by stating that he would inform them next week what the government would do in either scenarios depending on whether the allegations against the Speaker areproved or not. Almost all agree that the matter is not a legal one but a moral one. No qualification is specified for the post of Speaker, as only being an MP is sufficient. The qualification for an MP is in turn is the same as that of a voter, being a citizen of Sri Lanka and not serving or completed serving, during the period of seven years immediately preceding, of a sentence of imprisonment for a term not less than six months for an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not less than two years.
Vowed a Change
Hence, Ranwala is legally qualified for the post of Speaker even in case his Doctorate is proved to be unauthentic. However, he would not be morally competent then to provide leadership to a group of people who were elected to make up a morally strong Parliament. The NPP for decades has rightly been attributing all socio economic ills of this country to the moral degradation of politicians and vowed to change the political culture. Ranwala’s issue gains significance and validity in that context. Many people including intellectuals such as Professor Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri and former Chairman of the Election Commission Mahinda Deshapriya who toiled to change the public opinion in favour of the NPP during the recent Presidential and Parliamentary elections have been demanding the proof of the authenticity of Speaker Ranwala’s Doctorate or his resignation otherwise, since this matter cropped up days ago. They also demand the NPP to take due action in this regard.
Price Hikes and Fake Doctorates
Things have gone too far with the inaction on the part of the NPP. In spite of this sometimes being a temporary setback for the NPP, many supporters of it who are genuinely craving for a system change seems to be agitated and humiliated by this unexpected turn of events. They have been attempting to placate themselves in the face of recent price hike of essential items such as rice and coconut since the root causes of those problems were deep buried in the corrupt and inefficient actions of the past governments. They who have been claiming moral high ground over the supporters of other parties around them have begun to lose confidence with the delay in explanation or action by the NPP leadership. A famous You Tube activist a few days ago quoted Ranwala’s daughter as confirming her father’s Doctorate while in the same breath claiming that he has not used the title before his name. What she expected by claiming that her father’s avoidance of usage of his title is not clear. Similarly, his tolerance of others using his title when referring to him in that context is also questionable. The doubt on the credibility of the Ranwala in this matter was buttressed with the hesitance on the part of the NPP leaders to straightforwardly defend him. They might have been prompted to buy time to explain the issue till next week anticipating some documentary proof of Ranwala’s title. However, the title has been used prefixed his name in various document for the past several years during which time he could have obtained such documents, if there are. NPP, no doubt, won the trust of the people,in a way, by including a large number of educated men and women in their candidates lists submitted for the last month’s General election. And people identified these candidates as educated with the titles such as Dr, Professor and Attorney-at-Law prefixing their names. If the number of such titles really attracted the votes, using a nonexistent title is tantamount to fraud, something the NPP had vowed to eliminate. Therefore, it is not something that should not be ignored or trivialised. This is a moral issue and one can argue against those who compromised their own morality in politics criticising Ranwala or the NPP. In fact, the argument bears a great weight. How can a political party question Ranwala’s morality after creating a situation where over 60,000 people were killed some three decades ago by proscribing another party without any valid ground? Those who defended in parliament the accused of the recent importation of substandard drugs endangering lives of thousands of people have no moral right to speak about a matter like that of Asoka Ranwala. Similarly, there are people who question Ranwala’s title whereas the Supreme Court has found their leaders guilty of postponing elections on false grounds.
Titles offered for Money
However, the ordinary people have an inalienable right to question immoral acts of politicians whether they represent the ruling party or the opposition. If a politician uses a false title and gets undue advantage out of it, wittingly or unwittingly, he should be taken to task. Identifying oneself with a fake title is not a crime as there are institutions that offer such titles for money. However, hoodwinking people who trust you, though you did not mean it,is dishonorable and contemptible. It would be appropriate for Ranwala, to resign as Speaker or from Parliament unless he fails to clear his name and that of his party which has received a massive mandate for clean politics. Finally, a worthless issue has outweighed the rising cost of living which should have been the top priority for the government as well as the people.
Colombo, Dec 13 (Daily Mirror) – Russian Ambassador Levan S. Dzhagaryan alleged yesterday that Latvia, a European Union country, blocked a shipment of free fertiliser to Sri Lanka for over two years.
The ship carrying 55,000 MT of Potassium Chloride fertiliser arrived at the Colombo harbour last morning.
The consignment, granted by Russia under the World Food Programme, will be distributed to Sri Lankan farmers, with over 30,000 MT allocated to paddy farmers and the remainder to coconut cultivators.
Ambassador Dzhagaryan stated that the fertiliser, part of a 260,000 MT shipment, had been held at the Riga port since 2022 due to Western sanctions on Russia.
“We were waiting for this fertiliser shipment to arrive for over two and a half years. Unfortunately, it was blocked in Latvia, one of the European Union countries, because of the illegal sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation. Finally, the shipment has reached Colombo,” the Ambassador said.
He expressed gratitude to the Sri Lankan government, UN agencies and Uralchem Group for their support in facilitating the delivery.
The United National Party (UNP) and the New Democratic Front (NDF) have decided to submit a proposal recommending to establish a Select Committee to verify the educational qualifications of the Ministers and MPs representing the National People’s Power (NPP).
The relevant proposal will be presented to the parliament by MP Jeevan Thondaman, according to political sources.
The Speaker of Sri Lanka’s Parliament Asoka Ranwala has resigned from his position, in the wake of the controversy surrounding his educational qualifications.
The NPP Parliamentarian confirmed this decision issuing a special statement today (13).
In his statement, the parliamentarian noted that an issue concerning his educational qualifications had surfaced over the past couple of days. Ranwala assured that he has never made a false statement regarding his educational qualifications at any point.
However, the MP stated that at this moment he is not in possession of certain documents required to confirm his educational qualifications and that while he has requested for them from the relevant institutions, it is difficult to urgently produce these documents at this moment.
MP Ranwala further stated that while the relevant documents can be obtained from the research institution affiliated with Japan’s Waseda University which had awarded him the doctorate, he intends to present them as soon as possible.
However, considering the situation which has arisen, and in order to avoid inconveniencing the government and the people who had placed their trust in us, I have decided to resign from the position of Speaker of Parliament,” he said.
Various reports were circulated on social media over the doctorate of Ashoka Ranwala recently, and the controversy had escalated, with the Sri Lanka Parliament website recently removing the title Dr.” from his profile in the members’ directory.
Opposition parties had demanded a clarification on whether he genuinely holds a doctorate and have called on the government to clarify and dispel growing public suspicion surrounding the matter.
The Speaker reportedly used the title Dr.” in his introductions prior to contesting the general elections. Following his election as Speaker, his name was listed as Dr. Asoka Ranwala on the official website of the Parliament of Sri Lanka.
However, the issue gained attention when university professors and other individuals questioned on social media whether the Speaker’s doctorate was legally granted or recognized.
Adding to the speculation, doubts have been raised about the removal of the title Dr.” from his name on the Parliament’s website.
In response, Mr. Ranwala had subsequently stated that he would address the allegations at the appropriate time.
Meanwhile, the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) parliamentary group, led by Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa, today commenced signing the Motion of No Confidence against the Speaker of Parliament over the issue.
Sarath Wijesinghe President’s Counsel Sri Lanka, Solicitor in England and Wales, former Chairman consumer Affairs authority and President Ambassador’s forum in UK/SL
Cost of living
Cost of living is the cost incurred to an average family to make ends meet comfortably computed by the governments, trade and consumer organizations in various ways as index of the cost of living, and guides to the Cost of living by the governments, international organizations, international organization socializing on consumerism which is steady rising world over but sky rocketing in Sri Lanka. Whilst steadily increasing the cost of in other developed parts of the world which is a common feather in the competitive market regime. Due to checks and balances in Sri Lanka it flows with no control leaving the trader to decide the prize of consumer items in the absence of a prize control system, as we had before the introduction nod curfew act no 9 of n2003 (CAA ACT) It is the cost of living standards of a family that is utilized to compute the rate of inflation which is a guide of the computation of cost of living based on price of basic necessities of a family unit or an individual. Identification of basic necessities has become a difficult task today due to the complexity of the modern lifestyle is – still complicated in urban areas – as it is a relative term considering the needs/demands of the family and young to maintain the basic standards such as (even) the smart phone that has penetration over 110% in Sri Lanka still increasing with sophisticated modern additions is argued to be a necessity for a family. Tuition has become so widespread to the extent the students in remote areas too using smart phones in remote villages and it was shown students climbing mountains and trees for want of WIFI. Basic necessity which is considered to compute ‘’COL’’ cost of living index are basic needs of the average consumer a relative term in the complex consumer society exposed to the world via the smart phones spread country over with free exposure to the internet ‘WIFI’ and data available in abundance with a penetration high as mentioned before and still increasing with effective social media and availability of ‘WiFi’ and data to the citizen quite easily. Basic necessity is a relative term when in the UK heating is a basic necessity to a family considering on international living conditions and standards.
Shortages and high prizes are so common
Prices of rice which is the staple food, coconut as important as rice as a part of the main meal, egg the cheapest contributor as the proteins to the children in when the prize of fish and meat are extremely expensive, state machinery is helpless before the errant trader and the middle man extracting exorbitant profits from consumer items freely in the absence of an effective mechanolatry, organizations and a consumer organization network to look after the consumer.
Solution to the current situation that effects all citizens
Everybody is going through difficulties due to the rise of cost living and the governance appear to be helpless, due to a lack of vision and a strategy to the current silent suffering of the citizen. The main legal instrument is the CAA act which is a deathless lion, with many other ager old ineffective legal structure in the inefficient system of governance with 1.5 million inefficient state sector which is grossly overstaffed, eating into a sizable portion of the gross income generated with great efforts, due to bribery, corruption and inefficiency, which directly contributes to the high cost of living. Trade is monitored and managed by jointly the state and private sector, consumerism as an intergyral part of the system.
Village life on consumerism
In the village life in Sri Lanka where villagers are the majority basic needs could be food, shelter, clothing and source of income by cultivation or other means used to a simple life where elders lived the maximum lifespan at ease and happiness leading a ‘semi commune’ life sharing and assisting the needs in a most friendly way. Clean water is available free and fresh vegetables are in abundance generally given to neighbours when required with great pleasure. Average citizen aspires to lead a comfortable happy life anywhere with less pressure and burden on economic front with the family or alone to make ends meet with the limited income of the average citizen. Pressure is less in the village as needs are limited for a simple life – yet complex in urban life with ambitions and needs are more. Consumer index computed by the government shows it far too high in Sri Lanka still increasing with the downward trend of the economy with less developments and no strategies to recover despite bribery and corruption is spread like air in real life. Village is gradually transforming to a semi urban area as a result of modern technology and modern trends on consumerism.
Cost of Living
This is ever increasing worldwide. Bread is a stable food in UK where the price has risen from 10 pence to one pound today despite the ‘Bread Ordinance’ still in operation in UK , pint of milk in 1990 was 25 p rose to 42 p in 2020, which is inevitable and common to Sri Lanka too and world over while salaries are increased proportionately and safeguards for the poor given such as social security strengthening with the rise of cost of living in UK but not necessarily in countries with less resources and less developed. In Sri Lanka rice is the major stable food which is monopolized by few dealers despite the existence of the Consumer Affairs Authority and Trade Ministry – the regulators of consumer items and services the price is fast increasing steadily with unbearding an colossal sums despite the maximum price determined by section of 19 of the consumer affairs authority act where the Minister by his powers have gazetted the maximum price of named consumer items- the trader appear not to have any notice of. Cost of living is strongly felt in poor economies despite state assistance for needy which is generally insufficient for existence due to economic deprivation of the people and the governance. Cost of index (COLA) is computed by the respective countries worldwide as a measure of cost of living of a family unit , in order to find solutions to help needy citizens as cost of living is a hot topic anywhere which is difficult to fight back. Fighting cost of living can not be effectively controlled by the state alone as it is a complicated process to be jointly operated by the consumer (citizen) state ( regulator) trader ( to be reasonable for the good of everybody) and organized consumer movement that includes media that is effectively functioning in the United Kingdom USA , EU and the West where consumer activism ( consumerism) is effective and operation at the highest ebb. In UK ‘’DTI’’ department of trade and industry and the organization WHICH playing a main role with the media and community to ease the consumer of the pressure of high prizing of consumer items and services to be provided at a reasonable price. Consumer they say is powerful like a king when organized but unfortunately it is not so in Sri Lanka an less developed nation whilst there exists a organized and powerful network of consumer movements in the west. Consumer movement with the citizen with reasonable trader monitored by state and self-regulated competition law and practice is the ideal combination for a successful consumerism regime to satisfy the consumer and promote trade and relations with the necessary parties namely the trader, consumer, many factures and the regulator. Cost of living is felt by the citizen and has become the hot topic in media social and well as traditional and international and considers the main enemy of the nation as it bites every citizen who are consumers at every stage of life. Despite the bread ordinance and the guaranteed prizes and weight of bread supermarkets sell bread with exorbitant prizes , when the average citizen is used to supermarket culture and to live on loans by credit cards with interest in a debt ridden society following the west.
Law and Practice
The main legislation in Sri Lanka on consumerism is the Consumer Affairs Authority act no 9 of 2003 which is outdated ineffective and requires drastic changes to meet the demands of the consumer and consumerism today including fighting cost of living as a priority when the prices of consumer items and services are increasing with no control or monitoring due to o reasons of inefficiency, lack of vision knowledge and leadership, and mainly the deficiencies if outdated legislation and practices on consumerism.. The other legislation and the institutions connected are the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Health, Standard of Bureau, Local bodies and many more organizations and government institutions headed by the CAA as the main regulator in the process which appear to be ineffective without a proper vision leadership and effective legislative mechanism to cater the demands and needs of the consumer aggrieved by errant traders, inductivists and ineffective regulatory procedure expected to be performed by the CAA and the connected statutory bodies and activist organizations. What we consume daily as cooked and uncooked food, vegetables, fruits, fast food and aerated waters including bottled water are mostly of substandard contaminated and it is no exaggeration to say many are semi poisonous that goes undetected freely consumed by the citizen – a great pity – at the cost of the health of the nation especially the younger generation awaiting to take nation forward. There is many more legislation ineffective and even unknown to the society gradually transforming to a sick nation. Whilst CAA and connected legislation is base don consumer law the civil law applies in civil courts and civil suits on commerce and litigation with special courts of commercial matters but not on competition law and arbitration too plays a main role in commerce and trade connected to consumerism. Let us discuss the remedy at the latter part of this article. Law and practice are apart as in practice consumer is at the receiving end aggrieved by the errant traders and ineffective regulators due to non implantation of the legislation and regulations properly and effectively.
Complicated Urban Life
Urban life the needs are more and consumer goods have to be purchased at the price with 6the limited income and needs too are more due to additional unavoidable commitments. Citizen is expected to maintain standards according to the position of the society and the expenditure accordingly for the consumer items purchased. In consumerism there are important players namely the trader, industrialist, consumer and the regulator taking their parts and responsibilities in the life of the citizen in relating and determination of the cost of living that is the living cost of a unit or an individual consuming items and services at a price decided and regulated by the trader and manufacturer subject to the supervision of the state under the rules and regulations formulate to regulate prices of consume items in the interest of the consumer generally in the receiving end with the strength and the monopoly of the trader. This is the scenario on international definitions and in Sri Lanka the main regulator acting on behalf of the state is the Consumer Affairs Authority formulated by act no 9 of 2003 which has not amended despite many needs to serve to cater the needs of the current digital age with modern platforms and when consumerism changing at a rapid rate and a phase. In the free economy the trader has independence to sell at a price indicated in the consumer item expecting to sell items of reasonable quality at a reasonable price. Citizen is steadily chosen the urban life for reasons left to themselves and the family unit is pressed with needs on educating the members of the family, Cost of living is mostly felt be the urban population depending on the consumer items available at the price they nominate in the absence of a price control regime when the main three acts in operation under English law including the price control act was abolished at the introduction of CAA 5on year 2003 transferring the legal basis of consumerism completed transformed to Regula ration of in place of price control and related legislation introduced by British which is still 3carrying on in UK successfully with the Department of Trade and industry and powerful consumer activism backed by the magazine WHICH a powerful consumer weapon. Due to modern technology the village too trends to commercialise with an impact of uniformity of applicability cost of living with a uniform trend.
Prices of Consumer Items
Prices of consumer items are steadily rising as happening worldwide in a rapid rate in Sri Lanka due to the economic downturn, economic deprivation, mismanagement, corruption bribery and so many factors while the citizen accuse the state machinery and the trader for the souring of prices to the highest from rice, bead, coconut ,vegetables to all consumer items in the open market in the open economic conditions with inactive regularly powers and absence of price control mechanism. Price of the consumer items is decided and controlled by the trader and manufactory jointly and state policy, agriculture sector, economy effectiveness of the regulator are factors decided in the computation prices, pricing and the cost of living as a whole expected to be streamlined by competition yet not properly applied and implemented in Sri Lanka though CAA is provided for a mechanism and procedure. Starvation and malnutrition is supposed to be in the increase, with shortage of food items and medicines taking place the bribery, corruption, mismanagement, nepotism continues despite the promised changes for a better Sri Lanka – a sorry state indeed, to be considered seriously.
Fighting cost of living – the main enemy of the Nation and the way forward
It should be a collective effort by the consumer, trader, industrialist, and the regulator – the state to launch the fight against the powerful enemy of the in the interest of all lest all citizens-consumers are the losers to be perished as a failed nation where all suffers collectively due to the heavy and unborable cost of living. The fight is to be based on education and understanding of respective parts to be played by the parties concerned. Consumer as the aggrieve part must be thoroughly educated on their rights, duties, and the task as the aggrieved party who will be bestowed with general sympathy and powerful as the majority namely the ‘KING’ in the consumer world. This power sometime unknown to the consumer to utilize power given to them by law yet and community to be organized by consumer activism in the western countries assisted by the states and the civil legal systems and academic and professional writings. Smart and educated consumer is a necessity to beat the cost of living any situation when he carefully chooses the consumer articles at the affordable price of the required standard. Today the main issues on cost of living has been eggs, coconut and rice which is the stable food of the nation. Rice issue is mismanaged and is in the hands of the leading monopolies with 97% the rice in the absence of the paddy board and inefficiency of the trade and agriculture Ministries unfortunately not making use of the available legal machinery and the network of the consumer organizations and ever ready to cooperate with the governance on any process to being relief to the citizen. The governance is a miserable failure and CAA too is a failed institution in the hands of the monopolies which are illegal under law an d practice at the cost of the citizen – consumer at the receiving end. This applies to all other consumer items and services with no proper control or supervision by the statutory and public institutions leaving the public open for exploitation, when there is a solution under the limited circumstance with limited legal structure and the network of systems and personnel expected to work round the clock countrywide.
Amend, Change, modify and replace if necessary, the existing outdated legislation and the practice
It is time to amend or introduce let legislation to meet the new digitized world when the citizen is ready to use modern and international platforms on e and digital commerce at the doorsteps of Artificial Intelligence era Sri Lanka has already approached. The regulator that is the CAA has to fight the fight against the corrupt and illegal regime of errant trader and illegal industrialists armed with consumer education in all levels and proposed consumer organizations as the cradle of the fighting mechanism. It is not rocket science.It needs strategy, planning educating and commitments with proper leadership from the top with proper knowledge an understanding. A joint effort with consumer, regulator, trader and consumer organizations will have to unite with proper strategy and understanding to work hard in their interests if the bomb ticking explode it is may be a difficult task to diffuse the situation easily as the day is not too late citizen will walk into the street to seek the redress when the trader is exploiting the citizen with no notice of the regulator and governance inactive and ineffective with no vision, legal framework or a plan of action with a proper leadership. It is time the consumer organizes themselves as in UK wo Brough the errant trades to kneel with the assistance of two powerful media when Sri Lanka is unfortunate to have a strong consumer movement to help the citizen in danger and suffering. The need is grave, great at and imminent to introduce a new act on consumerism with provisions for Consumer Ombudsman, Consumer Courts, Provision for a strong network of consumer organizations, as an immediate need in addition to strengthening the state machinery with a vision and a visionary leadership. ( – Case for a Consumer Ombudsman 26.10.24 Lanka Web / Protecting Consumer FT on 14.10.22/ Small Claim Courts to Protect Consumer 3.10.22 Lanka Web/ Egg and Poultry Crisis Telegraph 26.10.23)
Adani Ports opts out of DFC loan from the US, cutting American involvement in the development of the Colombo West International Terminal in Sri Lanka to counter Chinese influence
In a new development to the growing strain between the US and Indian industrialist Gautam Adani following his DOJ and SEC indictments last month, Adani Group announced that it would not seek American funding for its ongoing port project, the Colombo West International Terminal (CWIT), in Sri Lanka.
The port unit of the conglomerate led by Gautam Adani in a late regulatory filing announced that Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd plans to fund the Sri Lankan project with internal accruals” in line with its capital management strategy and that it had withdrawn its financing request from the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) filed in 2023.
The DFC in 2023 had agreed to a USD 553 million loan, one year before the US department of justice (DOJ) indicted Gautam Adani and others on allegedly bribing Indian officials” and hiding it from American investors of Adani Green Energy. The SEC also brought out a statement specifically naming Gautam Adani and his nephew Sagar Adani in its civil complaint.
While Adani Group refuted allegations that they violations under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), they also confirmed the directors were charged on three counts in the criminal indictment” that comprised alleged securities fraud conspiracy, alleged wire fraud conspiracy, and alleged securities fraud” in the same announcement in the last week of November.
In an exclusive interview with THE WEEK, UN Environment Programme’s former executive director Erik Solheim said, …only India can question him, not the US.”
Adani Ports was seeking the loan to aid the development, construction, and operation of a deep-water container terminal at the Port of Colombo in Sri Lanka, which is being developed by a consortium that includes itself, John Keells Holdings, and the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA). The loan was also in line with the US policy to counter a growing Chinese influence in the region.
From a maritime point of view, Colombo is a geopolitically important region, especially with the presence of China in the region. The US was actively trying to increase its influence in the region. However, it now would not come to fruition with this port project.
Not only did the DFC state that it was assessing the ramifications” of the latest allegations against Adani executives, but it also stalled the loan disbursement by asking for an agreement between Adani Ports and the Sri Lanka Ports Authority. Adani Ports, which owns 51 per cent of the project, has now decided to proceed without the US loan under such conditions.
The closest international port in India, the Vizhinjam International Seaport in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is also operated by Adani Ports.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the BRICS Summit in Russia (Source: ING Website)
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) has proposed ambitious financial reforms, including the creation of a common currency. The BRICS New Development Bank and regional development banks are seen as key players in promoting mutual trade and reducing reliance on the dollar. Proponents argue that a common BRICS currency, potentially backed by gold or other resource assets, could transform the global monetary system and strengthen economic ties within the bloc.
De-dollarisation refers to the reduced dominance of the US dollar in global transactions, tracked through its declining share in areas such as international reserves, cross-border lending, debt securities, derivatives, and payments. To accurately assess trends, currency shares are adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations.
BRICS+, an informal bloc of nations, consists of the core five members (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and four recent additions (Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, UAE), collectively representing 37% of global GDP (by PPP) and 44% of the world’s population. Numerous countries, including Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Venezuela, have applied for membership, contributing an additional 5% of GDP and 8% of the global population. Saudi Arabia, producing 11% of the world’s oil, has been invited but has yet to respond.
The de-dollarisation process has notably benefited BRICS and other emerging market (EM) currencies. Over the past four years, BRICS currencies have increased their share of cross-border bank claims by 6 percentage points (pps) to 15%, while other EM currencies grew by 4 pps to 19%. In international debt securities, BRICS currencies gained 5 pps to 11%, with other non-core currencies rising 4 pps to 9%. On the broader external debt level, BRICS currencies show a consistent upward trend, currently accounting for 34%.
However, the feasibility of such a currency remains uncertain. Analysts highlight significant obstacles, including low liquidity in local currencies, the volatility of digital currencies, and the yuan’s restricted convertibility. Even within BRICS, there are divergent interests regarding the modalities of a common currency, reflecting broader geopolitical tensions.
Strategic Choices and Global Dynamics
The rise of the BRICS alliance, coupled with recent trends towards de-dollarization, has placed India at the centre of a complex geopolitical and economic debate. As emerging economies seek alternatives to the US dollar, India faces a conundrum: whether to align with the BRICS’ de-dollarization efforts or prioritize its strategic partnerships with the West, particularly the United States. This essay critically examines India’s position, the broader implications of de-dollarization, and the strategic choices facing New Delhi in the shifting global economic landscape.
Strategic Implications for India and Global Power Dynamics
The de-dollarization debate within BRICS highlights the broader reconfiguration of global power dynamics. China’s push for financial reforms and its emphasis on integration of integrations” within BRICS aim to reshape the international monetary system. However, this vision often clashes with India’s aspirations to lead the Global South and maintain strategic autonomy.
India’s dual alignment strategy—engaging with BRICS while deepening ties with the G7 and the Quad—illustrates its attempt to balance competing interests. However, China’s growing influence within BRICS poses a direct challenge to India’s regional and global ambitions. The lack of clarity in India’s foreign policy, particularly regarding its relationship with Moscow and alignment with Western powers, complicates its strategic calculus.
India’s Position on De-Dollarization: Pragmatism Over Ideology
India’s External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, recently articulated New Delhi’s cautious stance on de-dollarization at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He emphasized that India has not actively targeted the dollar as part of its economic strategy, underscoring a pragmatic approach to maintaining economic stability while exploring alternatives. India’s decision reflects its broader foreign policy objectives: fostering economic growth, maintaining regional stability, and asserting leadership in the Global South.
However, India’s position is challenged by the endorsement of de-dollarization by other BRICS members, particularly China and Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have aggressively pursued alternatives to the dollar, framing it as a geopolitical strategy to counter US hegemony. While their motivations align with broader BRICS goals, India recognizes the risks of such a shift, particularly given its reliance on dollar-denominated trade and investments.
India’s Strategic Path
Experts have advised that India must adopt a multifaceted approach which include, strengthening economic resilience, prioritize economic policies that enhance trade diversification and reduce vulnerabilities to external shocks. Promoting regional cooperation: India can play a leadership role in fostering regional financial autonomy within South Asia and the Indo-Pacific, aligning with countries like Japan and Australia to counterbalance China’s influence. Engaging constructively with BRICS: While remaining cautious about China’s dominance. Leveraging multilateral platforms: India’s active participation in the G20, Quad, and other multilateral forums can strengthen its global standing and counterbalance the influence of authoritarian regimes within BRICS. And focusing on currency stability, means recognizing the continued importance of the dollar, India should avoid premature shifts to alternative currencies that could destabilize its economy.
The Expansion of BRICS and India’s Economic Concerns
The 2024 BRICS Summit in Kazan marked a significant moment with the inclusion of new members—Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. While proponents argue that the expansion strengthens BRICS’ influence, skeptics, including many in India, highlight the challenges it poses.
Firstly, the economic benefits of BRICS membership remain uneven. For instance, while India has pursued bilateral projects, like the Chabahar Port development, these initiatives are not directly tied to BRICS. Moreover, China’s economic dominance within the bloc has led to concerns about its disproportionate influence. China’s trade aggression and its strategic use of the BRICS platform to advance its agenda undermine the cooperative spirit that BRICS ostensibly represents.
Secondly, the inclusion of countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran complicates consensus-building within BRICS. The European Union has expressed concerns that the expanded bloc could disrupt the Bretton Woods order and complicate international decision-making, particularly on issues like the Ukraine war.
De-Dollarization and the US Factor
The push for de-dollarization is not just an internal BRICS debate but also a response to perceived vulnerabilities in the US financial system. The US dollar’s dominance has been challenged by rising debt levels and declining foreign-held reserves, which have fallen from 33% in 2015 to 22% in 2023. These trends raise questions about the long-term stability of the dollar as a global reserve currency.
The return of Donald Trump as US President in 2024 adds another layer of complexity. His protectionist policies, including threats of 100% tariffs on countries decoupling from the dollar, could have severe economic repercussions for India, particularly in sectors like tea and rice exports.
A study by the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center confirms that the U.S. dollar remains the dominant global reserve currency, with neither the euro nor BRICS nations making significant progress in reducing global reliance on it. The Dollar Dominance Monitor underscores the dollar’s continued leadership in foreign reserve holdings, trade invoicing, and currency transactions, securing its primacy for the foreseeable future. The dollar’s strength is attributed to the robust U.S. economy, tighter monetary policy, and heightened geopolitical risks. While Western sanctions on Russia have spurred BRICS to explore alternative currency systems, their de-dollarization efforts have seen little success.
Impact on Seri Lanka
Sri Lanka stands to benefit significantly from alternative trade systems, such as a common currency or a barter system independent of the US dollar, especially with key partners like India, China, Russia, and Iran. Such mechanisms, potentially based on purchasing power parity, could alleviate the country’s dollar shortages and ease its economic struggles.
However, China’s growing influence within BRICS raises concerns about Sri Lanka’s ability to balance relations with both BRICS nations and Western allies, given its reliance on favourable trade agreements with the EU and the US. While closer ties with BRICS, especially China, could strengthen economic security, Sri Lanka risks diminished Western influence, aligning with China’s strategic goals.
At the recent BRICS summit, Sri Lanka emphasized the importance of fairness, justice, and respect for sovereignty, calling for a balanced global system where all nations have equitable opportunities. The country’s non-aligned foreign policy adds complexity, as joining BRICS+ may be perceived as favouring one bloc over others. Nonetheless, BRICS members and potential entrants are largely non-aligned, suggesting that Sri Lanka’s foreign policy stance could remain intact while seeking economic and geopolitical security.
(The writer, a senior Chartered Accountant and professional banker, is Professor at SLIIT University, Malabe. He is also the author of the Doing Social Research and Publishing Results”, a Springer publication (Singapore), and Samaja Gaveshakaya (in Sinhala). The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the institution he works for. He can be contacted at and
Vegetarians, we’re afraid we’ve got some news that you’re probably not going to like…
Plants emit sounds, akin to ‘screams’, when they’re distressed, according to a new study.
They allegedly produce clicking noises that humans can’t hear without the use of scientific equipment, research has found.
The research, which was published in Cell back in 2023, showed that plants produce these noises in times of acute distress.
Lilach Hadany is an evolutionary biologist at Tel Aviv University. Hadany said: “Even in a quiet field, there are actually sounds that we don’t hear, and those sounds carry information. There are animals that can hear these sounds, so there is the possibility that a lot of acoustic interaction is occurring.”
“Plants interact with insects and other animals all the time, and many of these organisms use sound for communication, so it would be very suboptimal for plants to not use sound at all.”
The findings show that plants which are distressed have incredibly high-pitched popping noises, while unstressed plants do not emit noises. The study’s definition of distressed included plants that were having their stems cut or were dehydrated.
However, it’s not yet clear how the plants produce the noises.“Now that we know that plants do emit sounds, the next question is – ‘who might be listening?'” Hadany said.
“We are currently investigating the responses of other organisms, both animals and plants, to these sounds, and we’re also exploring our ability to identify and interpret the sounds in completely natural environments.”
The reasons for the frequency of attempts to secede are complex, but there are two recent developments that make the prospect of state-breaking more promising: [1] improvement in national security and [2] liberalization of trade. As the fear of forcible annexation diminishes and trade barriers fall, smaller states become feasible, and independent statehood looks more feasible for regions within states. Second, in roughly the same time period, the idea that there is a strong case for some form of self-government for groups presently contained within states has gained ground. Once one begins to take seriously the case for special group rights for minorities—especially if these include rights of self-government—it is difficult to avoid the question of whether some such groups may be entitled to full independence.
The Catholic Bishops Conference in Sri Lanka today clarified that Pastor Jerome Fernando was not a Bishop of the Catholic Church, and therefore the members of its church should not be deceived.
Jerome Fernando, who has no official apostolic succession in the Catholic church, is not a Catholic Bishop, hence we request our Catholic faithful not to be deceived by such information,” a statement signed by Bishops Conference Secretary General Rev J. D. Anthony Jayakody said.
Catholic Bishop is a continuation of the successors of Jesus’s apostles. Every Catholic Bishop is one of the direct successors of eleven apostles, except for Apostle Peter who is the head of the apostles. The director successor of St. Peter is the Pope,” the statement added.