Applications called online for examiners to evaluate A/L answer scripts

April 27th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The Department of Examinations announced that applications for Examiners to evaluate G.C.E. Advanced Level answer scripts will be accepted online from today (27) until May 02, 2023.

Accordingly, applications are called from teachers, including those who have not applied earlier and those who have retired after December 31, 2022.

Moreover, the Examinations Department applications have been called for 12 subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Agri Science, Biology, Combined Mathematics, Communication and Media Studies, Business Studies, Engineering Technology, Bio-systems Technology, Science for Technology and English

Govt focuses on solving issues of poultry and egg industry immediately

April 27th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

A discussion regarding the import of maize to be used for the production of poultry feed was held at the Presidential Secretariat under the patronage of the Minister of Agriculture Mahinda Amaraweera and the President’s Senior Adviser on National Security and Chief of Presidential Staff Sagala Ratnayake.

During the meeting yesterday (26), special emphasis was placed on regulating the poultry and egg industry to ensure an uninterrupted supply of poultry and eggs to consumers at a reasonable rate, the President’s Media Division (PMD) reported.

The Ministry of Agriculture officials were instructed by Sagala Ratnayake to determine the quantity of locally produced maize used for animal feed, estimate the future production, and create a report on the amount of maize that would require importation, according to the PMD.

He also said that the report will be submitted to President Ranil Wickremesinghe as soon as possible.

The production of maize used as animal feed and its pricing was extensively reviewed, and Sagala Ratnayake assured that the licenses necessary to import the yearly maize requirement would be issued immediately, it added.

It was also pointed out that by importing maize when the price of maize in the world market is low, the domestic maize supply could be met without a crisis.

Additionally, as the current local rice production surpassed the immediate need for rice, discussions were held regarding the possibility of using some of the surplus rice as animal feed, which prompted consideration of relaxing the government-imposed restrictions on the use of rice for this purpose, the PMD added.

In light of this, Sagala Ratnayake instructed officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade to conduct a thorough analysis of the nation’s rice consumption needs and current rice production, determine the surplus rice reserves, and promptly deliver a report.

Sagala Ratnayake emphasized that utilizing excess rice reserves for animal feed could stabilize rice prices for farmers and lessen the requirement for maize imports, resulting in savings on foreign exchange expenditures.

Dr. Suren Batagoda, President’s Adviser on Food Security, Trade Ministry Secretary A.M.P.M.B. Atapattu Senior officials of line Institutions of the Ministries, Ministry of Agriculture, Finance and the representatives of Poultry and Egg Producers’ Associations participated in the discussion, according to the PMD.

USAID, ADB collaborate to help Sri Lankan women in energy sector

April 27th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The USAID’s Sri Lanka Energy Project and the Asia Development Bank (ADB) have collaborated to launch the Sri Lanka National Chapter WePOWER to promote the advancement of women working in the country’s local energy sector.

The national chapter is affiliated with the regional South Asia WePOWER Network.

In addition to promoting women in energy, this World Bank initiative also increases women’s participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, the US Embassy in Colombo said in a statement.

The launch featured a panel discussion and engaged power sector stakeholders including utilities, academia, and professional networks to raise awareness about the national chapter WePOWER and to encourage high-level officials’ support to ensure its sustainability and success. 

Recent World Bank statistics show women represent only about 13 percent of Sri Lanka’s power sector employment, the embassy said further.

The power sector in Sri Lanka will greatly benefit from workplace diversity and increased participation by women, including in leadership positions,” said Christopher Powers, Director of the USAID’s (US Agency for International Development) Economic Growth Office.  Women will be needed to meet the growing talent demand in this sector.  Their participation in technical and professional roles can greatly enhance the sector’s effectiveness.”

The launch of the WePOWER national chapter in Sri Lanka is a timely and exciting development for the country, as well as for its energy sector,” said ADB Country Director Chen Chen.  As we witness a global shift towards sustainable and environmentally friendly sources of energy, Sri Lanka may capitalize on the trend in its economic recovery course.  With more women joining the energy sector, we will create a more diverse and better equipped workforce to address the global and local challenges.”

It is important to think outside the box and challenge ways of doing things in the power and energy sector.  But to do so, we should cultivate a culture that celebrates and promotes innovation, critical thinking, and diversity in the energy sector in general,” said Mapa Pathirana, the Secretary Ministry of Power and Energy.

Among its first efforts, Sri Lanka WePOWER plans to conduct training in gender equality and social inclusion and a workshop in May to develop an action plan to create and monitor gender activities with targets and goals under its five pillars:  STEM education, recruitment, development, retention, and policy and institutional change.

USAID’s Sri Lanka Energy Program is helping Sri Lanka transform its power sector into a market-based, secure, reliable, and sustainable system by mobilizing investment to deploy advanced technologies, increase flexibility, and enhance competitiveness.  The U.S. commitment to help build a power sector for tomorrow is one of many elements of America’s long, strong, and enduring partnership in Sri Lanka, a partnership that has been the foundation of 75 years of close relations and effective work together.


April 26th, 2023

Shenali D Waduge

The LGBTQ movement are welcome to live as gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals or even transgender but when they attempt to fiddle with the sexuality of children, we must all rise & object. The LGBTQ movement exists due to funding & support that comes from a handful of people who serve to benefit by turning people into LGBTQ. It is for this purpose that US became the launchpad to roll out LGBTQ via public school syllabus. The domino effect of this was to have clueless kids identify themselves as gender disoriented and agree to seek medication & move on to sex change, becoming patients for life. Is it a surprise that those that fund LGBTQ promotion have stakes in big pharma & profit from changing children from boys to girls & girls to boys!

This globally-promoted new agenda has multiple goals in mind

  • Remove the womanhood in females / Remove the manhood in males
  • Discourage heterosexual marriage & birth (depopulation agenda)
  • Break the concept of traditional family. Distance children from parents (this process begins by drilling into minds of little children to question their birth sex & lure them to think they are the opposite sex, infest their minds with sex & even teach them techniques – behavior questioned by parents are next used to demonize parents in the minds of the child & subtly distance them from their parents & home, where they become prey & lose their childhood altogether) – the LGBTQ school curriculums that advance these objectives will shock all.
  • Break the concept of shyness/embarrassment – allowing boys to use girls bathrooms simply because a boy says he feels like a girl!
  • Destroy traditional values, religious beliefs & create a new generation of youth who have no attachments to family, culture, history, religion or even nation (a nation with citizens not interested to defend & protect the nation is left vulnerable to the enemy)
  • Teaching sexuality to children before their minds are ready will have lasting effect on the child. No child is the same & many children are likely to be subconsciously traumatized by the type of teachings imparted especially when schools are told to keep these secret from parents. (undermining the rights of the parents & even child) Why should normal children be subject to learning LGBTQ concepts. LGBTQ are funding Teachers to create the ailment & pave way for the medications too. How did LGBTQ curriculum become the Bible of global studies when schools should be teaching love for animals, warning about narcotics & other vices. Just because LGBTQ comes with heavy funding & propaganda can normal children be made victims?
  • LGBTQ movement tapping psychologists are manipulating the child (via books, drawings, LGBTQ fairytales etc), molding them into accepting what the movement & the brains behind the movement want.
  • The movement is full of contradictions but decked up in fancy language – Winsconsin ‘equity, diversity, inclusion’ teacher training advises to keep parents in the dark about their children. parents are not entitled to know their kid’s identities”.
  • This dangerous trend in denying parental rights is being allowed simply because of the power of funding & funded activists & pressure groups who are paid to carry out propaganda in support of LGBTQ.
  • Having initially promoting men to become gays & women to become lesbians & thereafter encourage bisexual relations, the next stage is the transgender movement. The program behind this is to create boys wanting to be girls & girls wanting to be boys. They’ve even come up with a new word for it – gender dysphoria. This is the latest medical new kid on the block & enough & more doctors are happy to declare girls/boys gender dysphoric & kick start medication. Biologically, this can never happen. Transgenders are increasing, but not naturally. Transgenders are increasing after indoctrination inside schools.
  • Children below 18 prescribed PrEP (a drug given to male-male sex to prevent HIV) side-effects include osteoporosis
  • Stage 1: Children put on puberty-blockers to suppress puberty. For girls it can be given as early as 8years old & boys at 10 years. Males taking puberty blockers will stop/limit facial & body hair, deepening voice & growth of Adam’s apple, broadening shoulders, growth of testes & erectile tissue (penis) – removing the manhood from a boy. In US, males wanting to be females are more than females wanting to be males. This has a major long term impact on procreation. Girls taking puberty blockers will stop/limit breast tissue development, broadening hips, monthly bleeding – removing the womanhood from a girl. Puberty blockers for both males & females will stop/limit growth in height, development of sex drive, accumulation of calcium in bones, fertility. In 2008 the Endocrine Society approved puberty blockers for transgender adolescents as young as 12 years old. (Is it a surprise that the Society receives funding from billionaires promoting LGBTQ global movement)
  • Stage 2: Children diagnosed as gender dysphoric” being put on hormone therapy – leads to fertility & long term physical & psychological health problems.
  • Stage 3: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14 (2022) Currently over 3000 doctors, social scientists & others are involved in this sex change project. Gender affirmation surgery is the last step in the medical transition & is irreversible as your genitals have been removed.
  • Children are not given time to develop, school curriculum kept secret from parents encouraging children to change sex & then put on puberty blockers with risk to bones, or put on sex hormones naturally produce mental distress in children bordering suicide (which is credited to bullying by the LGBTQ lobbyists instead of considering the physical distress the child maybe going through having to keep changes secret from parents) but quickly encouraged to undergo transgender surgery having 24×7 being drilled LGBTQ propaganda only. How reliable are the data? These internationally renowned agencies too are given grants & funds by the very promoters of LGBTQ & leaves much to our imagination about its findings!

While adult men & women can decide to be gays or homosexuals or bisexuals or even transgender, this concept cannot be put into minds of children via school syllabus, where teachers are being trained to hide indoctrination programs from parents. This is a violation of the child’s rights as well as parents rights & this is what we find fault with the LGBTQ movement & all of its supporters in particular the bogus child rights activists who are unashamedly promoting LGBTQ in Sri Lanka.

Shenali D Waduge

American Public Schools: Indoctrinating children with LGBTQ : Prevent it coming to Sri Lanka

April 26th, 2023

Shenali D Waduge

Sex education in public schools: Sexualization of children & LGBT indoctrination” by Cathy Ruse needs to be read by all to understand what parents are up against. It’s a far more dangerous agenda than groups of LGBTQ or their paid activists appearing in public & appealing for rights & drawing attention to discriminations. How can their way of life” be imposed by force on kindergarten children upwards? Is this not a violation of the child’s rights? How can parents be omitted from deciding fate of their children’s education? Is this not a violation of parents rights? How can LGBTQ primarily due to those that fund their movement, pressure governments & schools to impose their way of life curricula on innocent children? What stops the same template from being imposed on Sri Lanka. The first hurdles being removed are the calls to decriminalize LGBTQ, repeal Penal Code 365, 365A and 399 as well as kickstart the school program by introducing gender neutral/gender equality textbooks (all funded by obviously the same parties)

Cathy Ruse has taken examples of schools across US & the sex-education being indoctrinated to American children via well funded international groups aiming to ‘sexualize children’. This is the new norm. Who decides what is appropriate for the children? Foreign funding lobbies, schools pressurized by funding lobbies, govts pressurized by funding lobbies or parents?

Cathy Ruse says studies reveal school sex education is a failure.

Well-paid campaign is to teach LGBTQ history – courtesy of Southern Poverty Law Centre under campaign Teaching Tolerance”.

All public schools in California, New Jersey & Illinois are legally required to teach children LGBTQ history. Teachers are trained to put a queer” spin to every event that has occurred in US history.

US Courts are providing no relief to parents:

US Courts allow legal abortion for teens & schools are promoting such in school lessons even without informing parents. There are even organizations set up to provide even lawyers for free (who is funding such initiatives)

Health impact (physical & mental) to Children

PrEP – Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis is a prescription drug taken daily to reduce risk of contracting HIV,given initially to men having unprotected anal sex with multiple/anonymous sex partners. PrEP is called a ‘party drug’ by Michael Weinstein the founder & director of AIDS Healthcare Foundation.

PrEP is being promoted by school boards. Fairfax County school board voted to promote this daily sex drug to high schoolers though it was not legal for minors.

Schools are being pressurized by well-funded pressure groups like Human Rights Campaign & GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) and demanding policy changes.

The situation has gone to such extreme levels that Mary Hasson & Theresa Farnan have written a well researched book Get Out Now: Why you should pull your child from public schools before its too late” – but where can parents put their children & why are these campaigns targeting public schools?

In 2020 – Human Rights Campaign gave grants to LGBTQ advocates in Sri Lanka,

The damage to children

The minds of children has been indoctrinated to embrace LGBTQ form of sexuality. This is what those funding LGBTQ movement want & are funding schools to teach.

New LGBTQ vocabulary is being forced down people & the education system. 

sex assigned at birth” is the transgender activist language to support view that one can change one’s sex. That a male-bodied person can have a female brain. Psychologists are also been paid to push this view & influencing the minds of innocent patients coming to them for advice. Some have even undergone sex change surgery as a result & face a lifetime of regret.

Thankfully the American College of Pediatricians calls this psychological child abuse. However, when entities like Planned Parenthood are part of the problem, who can parents trust with their children. It is definitely alarming news to parents.

This was how funding turned the gay movement & transgender into a ‘new normal’ in public schools & to society at large.

It is not the LGBTQ that are being bullied or being subject to psychological torture but straight children who are being forced to study subjects that aim to confuse their young minds & indoctrinate them into becoming what they are not simply by tweaking their brains & flooding them with LGBTQ material. Forcing LGBTQ on children who are not LGBTQ is a human right violation.

You should now be able to understand how children have been incrementally programmed towards sexuality. The American ordinary citizens are just as victims as the rest of us.

Clearly, a global program is in place to target children & teens & lure them to becoming LGBTQ by impressing upon their vulnerable minds to question their sexual orientation & encouraging them to explore sexuality by sexualizing them with porn and psychological reconditioning techniques & statements like I used to think but now I know”. A well-calculated psychological game is being played on preyed children/teens.

Sri Lanka is in an envious situation – we must look at the situation as a result of allowing a carte blanche to the international-politicized LGBTQ movement & strengthen the laws to protect Sri Lanka’s citizens in particular the children, not weaken them.

Shenali D Waduge


April 26th, 2023


This essay contains observations, on the rule of President JR Jayewardene, many of them first hand, made by V.P. Vittachi and Sarath Amunugama with additional information from Jayatissa Bandaragoda. All three had served in the Ceylon Civil Service and held high positions in the state administration.

V.P. Vittachi joined the Ceylon Civil Service in the closing years of British rule. In the early sixties he was Government Agent in Jaffna. His last position, in the 1970s, was as the Head of Sri Lanka Customs. Sarath and Jayatissa were GAs when JR Jayewardene was head of state.

 Vittachi   was so disgusted with JR that he felt compelled to write a book of 150 pages specifically on JR Jayewardene’s period of rule. He titled it, ‘Sri Lanka what went wrong; JR Jayewardene’s Free and Righteous Society”, (Navrang, New Delhi, 1995).  When the book appeared, Vittachi had taken the precaution of spending each night at a different hotel.

Vittachi’s observations are supported by comments from Sarath Amunugama in his book To Paris and back” (2022) and contributions from Jayatissa Bandaragoda in his book, Path of destiny (2011) 

 Vittachi’s book is a contemptuous account of the reign of President JR Jayewardene. Vittachi examines specific events during JR’s rule very closely and places them on record. Vittachi starts by laughing at JR’s statement made at a Commonwealth Summit meeting in 1985 that he was following a long line of heads of state in Sri Lanka, starting from Vijaya.

At Biyagama Export Processing Zone speech in 1987, JR had said that from 1815 the King of England was our king as well. ‘I am the successor to that monarchy’.Vittachi also pointed out that  the state controlled media referred to the President’s address to Parliament as ‘ throne speech’ and referred to JR’s  wife as consort ‘ariyawa’.

From the beginning JR’s actions were near dictatorial even monarchical said Vittachi . His main preoccupation  at the time when taking over power was  silencing all dissent and criticism from whatever source,   crippling his foes, silencing Mrs. Bandaranaike, who was his most dangerous opponent,  and enacting a new constitution which would make him an all powerful ruler.

Within days of becoming Prime Minister JR took over the pro SLFP Times group of newspapers said Vittachi. In 1981 he   took control of SLFP headquarters, using the Public Security Ordinance.

 JR  when President,  summoned  Edgar Gunatunga who headed  Commercial Bank and was also President of the Bankers  Association  of Sri Lanka ,  and asked him to withhold loans from the Upali Group of Newspapers which was relentlessly attacking JR and his government. Edgar had refused and JR had threatened to sack him, reported Island.

 JR removed Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s civil rights in a carefully thought out step by step way, said Vittachi. .he first set up the Special Presidential Commission Law no 7 of 1978 which had the power to subject a person to civic disability if found guilty of corruption.  They were asked to inquire into vents in 1970- 1977. The judges were Weeraratne and Sharvananda from Supreme Court, and one from the minor judiciary KCE de Alwis.

The two Supreme Court judges were elevated in seniority when Supreme Court was reconstructed soon after. Justice Weeraratne went up to 5th place from 11th place and Sharvananda   to 6th place from 14. Later, Weeratne became acting Chief Justice and Sharvananda became Chief Justice.   De Alwis was pushed up over 18 judges of the High Court to Appeal court.

 This Commission found Mrs. Bandaranaike guilty of misusing power.  Two resolutions were pushed through Parliament on the same day, one took away Mrs. Bandaranaike   civic rights and the other expelled her from Parliament. Amendments were made to the Parliament Election Act and Presidential Elections Act so that she could not appear at either election.

Vittachi has provided a blow by blow account of how JR led the country into the 1982 referendum, which put a stop to the Parliamentary elections of 1983. There was deep resentment in the country over this Referendum. Voters were urged not to vote “Yes” at the Referendum. The Referendum issue went to the law courts, but the court was divided on the matter.

Vittachi records the    utterances of JR,   and the strategies he tried out.    JR obtained undated letters of resignation from the MPs before the Referendum. SLFP press was sealed and SLFP workers taken into custody. Aththa” had supported Hector Kobbekaduwa in the Presidential election. Aththa office and printing press were sealed.

 It was against the law to display posters, but the government party did so. IGP took no action to get them removed and Vittachi observed that the IGP, Rajasingham on retirement was given a diplomatic posting with ambassadorial rank.

JR’s Referendum was Sri Lanka‘s first corrupt general election.  For fifty years, since 1931, Sri Lanka had clean elections, observed Vittachi. This was the first dirty election. Vittachi stated that there was open thuggery and lawlessness not excluding murder on referendum day. UNP toughs gathered at early in the morning at the entrance to every polling station. There was impersonation, intimidation of voters, polling staff with guns and the police looked the other way. One polling agent died of a heart attack.

 When the Presiding officer at Ladies College polling station looked into a case of impersonation, he was threatened by thugs, continued Vittachi. Unauthorized persons stationed themselves near the voting enclosure and observed the marking of the ballot, and in some places the voters had to show them the ballot paper before dropping it into the box. Organized gangs of persons were observed at the entrance to the polling stations with list and bundles of polling cards, they distributed these and gave instructions to others brought in vehicles. Analysts estimated that about 3 to 4 lakhs of voters had been impersonated..But  clearly there was resistance. The votes were 3 ,141,223 for( 38% of the total registered votes) and 2,605,983    against. .

Vittachi praise the Commissioner of Elections, Chandrananda de Silva, for his courageous reporting on the  Referendum. Chandrananda  said in his report  that there was intimidation of voters, to make them keep away from voting,  official observers  were forced to leave polling stations, voters were seen displaying their vote. He said that the voters appeared to be under someone’s command to display their vote, they were under threat to do so.  The secrecy of the ballot had been respected  at all former elections, but not this election, concluded the Commissioner of Elections.

Violence was used to prevent the opposition from garnering a No vote, said Sarath  Amunugama. There were Illegal acts at polling stations, there was  abuse of police powers, intimidation of voters by threats, violence , deadly weapons, and  impersonation on mass scale, he  added.

JR did not stop at that .Superintendant of Police Udugampola had sealed the press of Pavidi Handa.  Supreme Court held that the SP had acted unlawfully, and must pay compensation. Instated,  Udugampola was promoted to senior superintendent and the money would be paid by from state funds.

Vivienne Goonewardene was  arrested. Supreme Court declared the arrest unlawful. The   sub inspector who had arrested Vivienne was promoted on the order of the President. JR openly admitted that he had personally ordered the promotion of the two police officers and that the cost be paid by the state.   In addition, mobs  arrived at the houses of the judges and shouted threats and obscenities.  JR was  trying to teach the judges a lesson, to make them more pliable, said Vittachi. ( Continued)

Schools Are Secretly Trying to ‘Gender Transition’ Kids, and It Must Be Stopped

April 26th, 2023

Shenali Waduge

Transgenders are people diagnosed as gender dysphoria”. Without treating those showing signs of transgender qualities, all children are being encouraged to wonder if they are a boy or girl. In a world where adults are also confused – how can anyone expect a child of 3 to decide if she wants to be a girl or boy and thereafter put the child on puberty blockers & hormone treatment even without the parents consent? Some girls never liked playing with dolls but they never questioned being a girl. Some boys never liked playing football but that didn’t make them less of a boy. However, with all these questions and bizarre thinking drilled into the minds of young minds, no wonder they are going to be as confused as those asking the questions. Is this the state that those promoting these new ideology filled with new pronouns & definitions are aspiring to do?

Below are excerpts from an article titled Yes, Schools Are Secretly Trying to ‘Gender Transition’ Kids, and It Must Be Stopped” – it highlights on video the story of a mother who lost her daughter to the transgender movement & an educational system that took her daughter away & put her on hormone treatment which eventually resulted in her suicide.

Yes, Schools Are Secretly Trying to ‘Gender Transition’ Kids, and It Must Be Stopped

  • California began paying for gender transitions” for minors who are not in their parents’ custody(decriminalizing LGBTQ means these new trends” will be implemented in Sri Lanka & sex-change” operations will be paid for by the tax payers adding to the already debt-ridden Sri Lankan society who have to foot the bill for all the mistakes by governments)
  • School officials told social services that Abigail’s daughter would be better off out of the house.” Yaeli was put into foster care, and despite Abigail’s persistent attempts to get mental health treatment for her daughter, the system stonewalled her.(this will become another new business venture where foreign-run centres may open & remove children from their homes & children will be given puberty-blockers & hormone treatments)
  • Gender transition is a perilous path.  Stephen Levinedescribes childhood transitions as experimental … with highly unpredictable effects on mental and physical health, suicidality, and life expectancy.” (the dangers of experimenting with the natural is going to be the start of more problems for Sri Lanka which already had enough and more problems to deal with)
  • Why would a school adopt a policy that so blatantly undermines the role of parents? LGBT activist groups likeGender Spectrum and Equality Federationhave aggressively pushed legislatures in states like Virginia to adopt them. And school districts have become emboldened to deceive parents. (we are looking at a new scenario especially when anything foreign is happily embraced in Sri Lanka without public debate or looking at the repercussions)
  • In May 2016, the Department of Education issued aDear Colleague Letter on the 1972 Title IX Education Amendments that directed schools to use pronouns and names that align with a student’s gender identity. Footnote 3 of the letter linked to the department’s Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students.” (notice how UN/WB funding is being sent to Sri Lanka’s Education system to introduce gender equality” lessons – this is going to be the start of our problem – if we do not stop it now itself. No funding should make mental patients out of our children, deny parents their right to decide the future of their child)
  • The examples included faculty and staff asking older” transgender identifying students what amount of information they wanted to disclose to parents. There is no definition of older” in the guidance, and some transgender advocacy groups say that a3-year-old can know they are trapped in the wrong body.”
  • The policy has resulted in parents across the country being left without a clue as to what is happening with their children on a day-to-day basis.
  • Since schools across the country may face loss of funding if they don’t comply with the reinterpretation of sex” under Title IX, parents can expect even more schools to adopt gender support plans. The foreseeable result is that schools will socially transition more students without their parents’ knowledge, much less their consent. (reading this & listening to the sad story of Yaeli’s mother should make Sri Lankan parents worry about the future of their child(children)
  • Parentsand teachers are going to court to protect children from a radical ideology that can destroy their minds and bodies.
  • Lawmakers can, and should, also put parents back in the driver’s seat. They can require schools to notify parents if their child is struggling with their gender identity and prohibit schools from engaging in unauthorized treatment of a student’s mental health.(unfortunately some lawyers makers put profit first)

The story of Yaeli who was made to feel she was a boy at 13 years, removed from her home, given hormone treatment, suffered mental anxiety & committed suicide in 2019 at the age of 19years.

While in foster care and on cross-sex hormones, Yaeli’s mental health further declined. In 2019, she committed suicide at only 19 years old.

A girl of 13 she was using social media & started getting depressed.

She claimed she was not a girl & started going out with LGBTQ friends

She started telling everyone she was a transgender

The school psychology department said the daughter should move out of home & she left home at 16years.

The mother had to go to courts to visit her own daughter

She changed her name to Andrew & began hormone treatment

In 2019 the mother received a call from the coroners office.

She had committed suicide on the railway tracks at 19 years.

The system is taking our children away. This is all political.  There are many parents & moms struggling. They are not allowing us to be with our kids.

I don’t want any parent to go through this – as this pain will never go away.

Dunning-Kruger effect (බලපෑම).

April 26th, 2023

Sasanka De Silva Pannipitiya

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited knowledge or skill overestimate their own competence and ability.

This phenomenon was named after social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, who described it for the first time in 1999.

According to the Dunning-Kruger effect, people who lack knowledge or skills in a certain area are often unable to identify their own limitations and exaggerate their own talents.

This can lead to poor decision-making and performance of tasks relating to that subject.

Individuals with high levels of knowledge and competence in a certain sector, on the other hand, may underestimate their abilities and expertise due to the presumption that others have similar qualities.

Overall, the Dunning-Kruger effect emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the necessity of acknowledging one’s own limitations in order to progress and flourish in a certain subject.

Dunning-Kruger බලපෑම යනු යම් වසමක අඩු හැකියාවක් හෝ දැනුමක් ඇති පුද්ගලයන් තමන්ගේ නිපුණතාවය සහ හැකියාව අධිතක්සේරු කරන සංජානන නැඹුරුවකි.

මෙම සංසිද්ධිය 1999 දී මුලින්ම විස්තර කළ සමාජ මනෝවිද්යාඥයින් වන ඩේවිඩ් ඩනින්ග් සහ ජස්ටින් කෘගර් විසින් නම් කර ඇත.

Dunning-Kruger බලපෑමෙන් ඇඟවෙන්නේ යම් ප්‍රදේශයක දැනුම හෝ කුසලතා නොමැති පුද්ගලයින්ට බොහෝ විට තමන්ගේම අඩුපාඩු හඳුනා ගැනීමට සහ ඔවුන්ගේ හැකියාවන් අධිතක්සේරු කිරීමට නොහැකි බවයි.

මෙමගින් වැරදි තීරණ ගැනීමට සහ එම ක්ෂේත්‍රයට අදාළ කාර්යයන්හි දුර්වල ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වයට හේතු විය හැක.

අනෙක් අතට, නිශ්චිත ක්ෂේත්‍රයක ඉහළ මට්ටමේ දැනුමක් සහ නිපුණතාවයක් ඇති පුද්ගලයින් අනෙක් අයට සමාන හැකියාවන් ඇතැයි උපකල්පනය කිරීම හේතුවෙන් ඔවුන්ගේ හැකියාවන් සහ දැනුම අවතක්සේරු කළ හැකිය.

සමස්තයක් වශයෙන්, Dunning-Kruger ආචරණය ස්වයං දැනුවත්භාවයේ වැදගත්කම සහ දී ඇති වසම වැඩිදියුණු කිරීමට සහ සාර්ථක වීමට තමාගේම සීමාවන් හඳුනා ගැනීමේ අවශ්‍යතාවය ඉස්මතු කරයි.

සසංක ද සිල්වා 



April 26th, 2023

Shenali D Waduge

A bunch of ultra-rich old men & women, who are more powerful than national governments by virtue of the power they yield as a result of the money they throw to governments, organizations, universities, media, even UN & associates are forcing an immoral ideology tied to the grants they give. Having funded lesbian, gay, bisexual movements over the past few decades, they are now venturing to transgenderism. Now they are using their money to even influence children to become transgender & legally enabling them to decide to change their sex without parental consent. Much of the legal & cultural traditional bindings have been thrown out the window to accept these new notions primarily as a result of the power of the funding & influence exerted via the companies & entities that are owned by those that are championing transgenderism. However, before the world falls victim to this new ideology, it is good to look at how painful these operations are & the post-trauma that is associated with them.

More painful than the surgery is the reality that anyone undergoing male-to-female or female-to-male surgery CANNOT REVERSE OR UNDO THE OPERATION & return to what they were in their natural format. In giving up what was natural to undergo surgery to change what one was born with naturally, one is denied returning to that original natural format. However, most of the options in the form of solutions are highly questionable & is unlikely to result in delivering what a person desired.

How much does it cost for sex-reassignment?

The taxpayers are also questioning why they should fund sex changes.  if someone chooses to have sex reassignment, that is their choice. No one is forcing them to do the procedure. Therefore, the cost should solely be on them, not the American taxpayers, especially many who might disagree with trying to change the sexual organs they were born with”

Indiana lawmakers move bill to prevent spending on sex reassignment surgery for inmates

(there are LGBTQ lobbies urging prisons for sex-changes) Doug LaMalfa introduced two pieces of legislation in response to the growing push to normalize early and aggressive medical interventions ranging from puberty-blocking drugs to surgeries for children who identify as transgender. Both the Protecting Children from Experimentation Act and the End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act aim to protect children and conscience rights. (at least there are some Congressman who are straight)

The Protecting Children from Experimentation Act would prohibit doctors from performing experimental gender reassignment treatments on children. Puberty-blocking hormones followed by cross-sex hormones can cause irreversible damage to children’s bodies, including an increased risk of cancer and permanent sterilization. 

LaMalfa said: Our society has quickly ‘normalized’ gender experimentation under the guise of an ‘accepting’ political ideology rather than biological reality. Even more troubling, children are undergoing experimental treatments, like being injected with puberty-blocking hormones and cross-sex hormones, which have irreversible consequences, such as permanent sterility. Both the Protecting Children from Experimentation Act and the End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act aim to protect children and taxpayers from paying the high price of these unethical medical interventions. As minors, children cannot vote, join the military, or open a bank account; it’s our job as society, and especially parents, to protect them from making life altering gender experimentation decisions that they may likely later regret.”


Types of sex-reassignment surgeries:


  • Reconstructing chest & breast tissue to match a person’s gender identity: male-to-female surgeries silicone implants inserted. female-to-male surgeries breast tissue is removed
  • Male to Female surgery – complications: 
    • Formation of scar tissue that may distort shape of breasts
    • Fluid accumulation beneath implants
    • Blood clots
    • Breast pain
    • Implant displacement or leakage
    • Dissatisfaction with appearance after surgery – but cannot be reversed
  • Female to Male surgery – complications
    • Slow wound healing
    • Fluid accumulation beneath skin
    • Blood clots
    • Scarring
    • Dead tissue in nipples
    • Increased chances of pneumonia


  • Changing facial structure – likely to result in fluid build-up beneath skin / facial nerve injury / scarring / frontal sinus problems / nasal septal perforations
  • Reconstructing Adam’s apple
  • Reshaping jaw


  • Removing reproductive organs
  • Altering sex organs to resemble one’s desired gender – these require several micro-surgeries to construct/de-construct sex organs
  • In surgeries for gender dysphoria & transgender body dysmorphia, if skin grafts fail part of the large intestine is used to graft the vagina or penis. This can lead to an increase in infections & leakage of secretions.
  • Bottom surgeries involve not only removal of sexual organs but redefining path of urinary tract. In male-to-female surgery gone wrong, the vaginal opening is not deep enough or is too dense. Female-to-male surgery is even more complicated, as it is very risky to create a penis, testicles & scrotum. This has to be done by grafting from thighs & hands. Several microsurgeries are required to attach blood vessels & nerve endings to the penis.
  • Male to Female Bottom surgery – complications
    • Skin or clitoral necrosis
    • Suture line dehiscence
    • Urinary retention
    • Vaginal prolapse
    • Fistulas in the rectum or bladder
    • Acute bleeding
  • Female to Male Bottom Surgery – complications
    • Hematoma
    • Nerve injury
    • Failure of skin grafts
    • Injury to urinary tract
    • Abnormal connections between urethra & skin
    • Painful sexual intercourse

Transgender surgery can go wrong for several reasons

  • Bleeding – as most gender-affirming surgeries are complicated dealing with minute blood vessels & nerves. Even facial feminization surgeries like reshaping cheekbones/jaw bones/rhinoplasty, involve recontouring critical part of body. As skull has several nerves running through it, the chances of NERVE DAMAGE are HIGH.
  • Infection
  • Side effects of anesthesia

The fact of the matter is

  • simply because a sex surgery is done – people do not become the opposite sex. They are only masculinizing or feminizing their OUTWARD appearance.
  • Gender dysphoria is very painful.
  • Gender transition is unlikely to make things better, if at all, it may become worse – hormone medication is for life, this excludes aftereffects as well as daily trauma
  • Best studies do not report improvement after sex-change surgery (why would people want to undergo amputations & radical surgeries)
  • Suicide risk – from lifelong hormone medication surfacing not within initial
  • The place of medical practitioners have been reduced to being hired to do a service – that former relationship of guiding & advising the patient is not existent primarily due to the monetary aspect & the decline in professionalism by those in the profession. (doctors, teachers, lawyers must devout themselves to their profession not to provide a paid service)

‘I will never be able to have sex again. Ever’ He was to be operated into a she because ‘psychiatrists said he had a female brain in a male body’ & gender reassignment surgery was the only way to ease the mental torment. On his way to operating table he told the surgeon I think I’m doing the wrong thing. I think we’ve got to stop it”…. But the surgery was done. The romantic tales he’d read of transsexuals who awoke post-surgery feeling reborn”  ….”Then I remember lifting up the sheets and putting my hand down and feeling it all bandaged and packed. I just started bawling my eyes out and screaming … I remember saying to myself, you f–king idiot, Andrew, how could you be so bloody stupid?” Twenty years after surgery that left him feeling like a desexed dog”, the grief can still overwhelm him. Now 42, Andrew tells The Sunday Age the operation he had as a confused 21-year-old has shattered him”

Botched overseas surgery leaves trans woman mutilated, facing lifetime of pain (an operation done at the cost of taxpayers)

Even the statistical data as well as research is manipulated as a results of the grants given to them by those promoting transgender ideology who also have shares or investments in those that carry out the sex-change operations.

A good example is the US psychological association with over 118,000 members which is also focusing on LGB/gender issues is recipient of grants by the foundation that is heavily funding & lobbying the promotion of transgenderism across the world APA was notified by the Arcus Foundation of the approval of a grant for $100,000 to support the work of the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Issues (IPsyNet). The APA Office on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity is the Secretariat for IPsyNet. The grant runs from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

It is one thing to make society accept people who are different” by choice though born biologically normal, however, when tampering with the natural the resulting outcomes are not only complicated but unlikely to meet the expectations desired & this resultant situation is worse than what they would have gone through in their normal state. As in the above example of a 21 year old male changing sex to a female discovered, he/she could not have sex for life.

This issue has no easy answer & no parliamentarian should think that by presenting a private members bill they can quickly pass Bills into Acts after 3 readings without proper public debate. There are so many conflict of interests at play webbed with so much of corruptions & deceit. Elders can decide but children cannot be made victims & pawns for a new industry attempting to make profits from changing sex of children.

Shenali D Waduge

මේ වසරේදී කොරියානු රැකියා 8000ක් ලැබුණ රැකියා කෝටාව ඉක්මවා ශ්‍රමිකයින් බදවා ගැනීමට එකගතාවය

April 26th, 2023

Manusha Media

ඊ 9 වීසා කාණ්ඩය යටතේ මේ වසරේදී නැව් ඉදිකිරීම් ක්ෂේත්‍රෙය් රැකියා 600ක් – ලබන වසරේදී 900ක්
කොරියානු රැකියා සඳහා 6500ක රැකියා කෝටාවක් මේ මෙරටට ලබා දී තිබුණත්, එම සංඛ්‍යාව ඉක්මවා යමින් මේ වසරේදී ශ්‍රමිකයන් 8000ක් කොරියානු රැකියා සඳහා බඳවා ගන්නා බවට අමාත්‍ය මනූෂ නානායක්කාර මහතා සමග අද (26) උදෑසන කළ සාකච්ඡාවකදී කොරියානු මානව සම්පත් දෙපර්තමේන්තුවේ මෙරට අධ්‍යක්ෂවරයා එකගතාවය දක්වා ඇත.

කොරියානු මානව සම්පත් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ මෙරට අධ්‍යක්ෂ ලී මහතා සහ අමාත්‍යවරයා අතර අද උදෑසන පැවැති   සාකච්ඡාවේදී මේ එකගතාවය පලකර තිබේ.

කොරියානු භාෂා ප්‍රවීණතාවය සමත්ව දැනට වෙබ් අඩවිවියේ රැකියා අපේක්ෂාවෙන් සිටින, මේ වසරේ දෙසැම්බර් 31 දිනෙන් වෙබ් අඩවියේ කල් ඉකුත්වීමට නියමිත නිෂ්පාදන අංශයේ රැකියා අපේක්ෂිතයින් අතරින් 600 දෙනෙක් නැව් ඉදිකිරීම් ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ රැකියා සදහා යොමු කිරීමට ද මෙහිදී එකගතාවය පලකර තිබේ. ඒ අනුව වෙබ් අඩවියේ කර්මාන්ත අංශයේ සිට නැව් ඉදිකිරීම් අංශය දක්වා රැකියා අංශය මාරු කිරීමෙන් මෙම රැකියා සදහා යොමු කිරීමට නියමිතය. එසේ නැව් ඉදිකරීම්  ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ රැකියා සදහා මාරුවීමට කැමති රැකියා අපේක්ෂකයින් ඉක්මනින් ඒ සදහා අයදුම් කළ යුතුවේ.

ලබන වසරේ සිට ඊ 9 වීසා කාණ්ඩය යටතේ නැව් ඉදිකිරීම් ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ රැකියා සදහා විභාග පවත්වා වෑද්දුම්කරුවන් සහ පින්තාරුකරුවන් 900ක් බඳවා ගැනීමට ද කොරියානු මානව සම්පත් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව එකගතාවය දක්වා තිබේ.
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The International Buddhist Summit and the clout of India

April 26th, 2023

by Kooi F. Lim, The Buddhist Channel

New Delhi, India — The recently concluded International Buddhist Summit (IBS) held in New Delhi from 20-21 April 2023 was probably one of the biggest in terms of high profile attendance. IBS was organised by the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) with the support of the government of India.

From HH the 14th Dalai Lama to Tai Situpa Rinpoche and prominent meditation teachers such as Mingyur Rinpoche, the Supreme Partriach of Vietnam Thich Tri Quang, Ven. Sitagu Sayadaw of Myanmar, Pomnyun Sunim of South Korea, Supreme Head of Mongolian Buddhists Khamba Lama Choijamts, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and famous Tibetologist Prof Robert Thurman, these luminaries were there together with almost 500 participants in attendance. Out of these, close to 180 were foreign dignitaries.

The scale and breadth of such illuminating Buddhist leaders all gathered in one place was something no other global conferences have pulled off recently. Even the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB), the so called de facto international umbrella of all Buddhist organizations is seen to be falling way short of having the pull factor. None have the energy and zest that the IBS exuded.

This then raised a pertinent question: Is the IBS the dawn of a truly global meeting place where the best Buddhist minds can gather, discuss and forge meaningful resolutions? The key here is meaningful and effective aspirations, rather than proclaiming a list of things to do which are then forgotten once the conference ends. So what did India do that got things so right?

Whether by choice of design or just a fortunate random planning that got things falling into place, the success of the IBS boils down to some important factors.

IBS, Truly Global
The word “global” in many so called Buddhist conferences is sadly just a misnomer. Getting 2 or 3 famous names to be keynote presentors and inviting a bunch of countries to attend may signify its international feel, but as an impact generator, it always end in a whimper. “Global” means it must have that outreach clout, where participants feel that they have a role in making an impact.

Aside from the big names gracing the IBS, a hidden statistic bear some interesting analysis. The biggest country delegation to the event apart from the host was Vietnam, with 30 delegates. While Vietnam has a sizeable Buddhist population, its influence goes way beyond its shores in the form of its exiled teacher, the late Ven. Thich Nhat Hahn. The Buddhism of Thich Nhat Hahn reaches to all parts of the world, with the west being its most ardent adherents. When such a delegation participates in a conference, its followers tend to have interest in the proceedings. The interest is international. The same goes for famous Tibetan teachers, such as HH the 14th Dalai Lama. Their voices reverbrates far beyond the walls where they emanate.

Clout of the host
<< Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi greeting, Khamba Lama Choijamts, Supreme Head of Mongolian Buddhists

Global Buddhism never had a united voice. Even when issues occur that threatens the interest of Buddhists, consensus are rarely obtained to face them with a common front. An example would be the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in 2001 by the Taliban. The whimpering protests from Buddhist governments pales with the direct rebuke from Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Buddhists did not protest as a collective voice.

Why so? Because generally speaking countries with Buddhist majority are considered small. But what if an up and coming superpower, in the likes of India would now take the mantle and offer leadership to champion Buddhist issues, would that make a difference? Of course, with power comes responsibility. But with power coming from a superpower, no one can ignore the roar.

Some may wonder why leave the fate of Buddhists in Hindu hands, like what has happened to the management trust of Mahabodhi at Bodhgaya? Should India wishes to play the lead role, will other Buddhist majority countries support it, since the alternative is status quo and offer no meaningful impact? While some may have reservations on India’s move to consolidate its “soft power” through using the Buddhist faith, Buddhism as a whole may benefit from a more consolidated approach. With better financing, more interest in scientific based research to understand Buddhist philosophy, the adoption for consensus building and clearer policy formulations to face existing challenges using Buddhist teachings, this could be a game changer, and one that is overdue.

International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) and the Scientific Approach
In one of the topics of discussion at the IBS, it focused on environmental crisis, health and sustainability.

A climate change presentation by Dr Sarah Kim Gruetzmacher, combining scientific research with an appeal to use Buddhist approaches for problem resolution >>

Attending this particular forum was an eye opening experience because the content of the discussions was typically those involved in scientific research one gets to hear and see at biodiversity and environment meetings.

An example would be the presentation of Dr Sarah Kim Gruetzmacher, who delivered an excellent fact based report on how irresponsible land use are decimating biodiversity, leading to the rise of zoonotic diseases which causes pandemics such as Covid-19 and bird flu. She not only outlined the issues and problems, but also suggested steps to prevent future pandemics, all with sound scientific arguments and facts. What’s refreshing was the way she argued for using Buddhist compassion so that we learn to treat animals with respect and kindness. By doing so, “… we can drastically reduce the risk of future pandemics”.

The International Buddhist Confederation (IBC), organizer of the IBS, can certainly upgrade the quality of its organization by ensuring that its advisory committee are not made up of just monks or nuns comfortable with Buddhist knowledge and traditions. Its management needs to be bold and draft a strategic approach which will have Buddhists engage in discussions with scientists. This was alluded to by Prof Robert Thurman in his speech on the second day of the conference. As Buddhism requires one to examine and rigorously test its teachings, as embodied in the Kalama Sutta, there is no reason why the marriage of philosophy and scientific research cannot be done. If the IBC were to embark on this, India would be acknowledged as the driver that made Buddhism relevant in this time and age.

Land of the Buddha, Respecting Tradition
There is one thing no country can claim apart from India, and that is it was the land of the Buddha. With this association, comes with the link to religious institutions, from its texts (Tipitaka) to famous schools and traditions.

<< Keeping the Nalanda Tradition alive is critical to maintain Buddhist scholarly excellence

One of this is the renowned Nalanda tradition, which was once a fount of creativity and scholarly excellence. The Nalanda tradition is credited for the birth of Tibetan Buddhism, or Vajrayana, which has since given us brilliant Dharma masters such as Padmasambhava, Nagarjuna and Atisa. Today the Nalanda tradition can be seen to expand to mainly Christian Brazil, through the dedication of Bro. Ricardo Sasaki.

India and the IBC specifically, should play a more active role in ensuring that this tradition continues to thrive, both within and outside of India. It should be made as an export agenda. If the findings of Yi Jing can show that the Nalanda of old can exert influence as far as Korea and Sumatra in Indonesia, with today’s fast internet connecton and efficient communication, there is no reason why this spirit of scholarship and research excellence cannot be replicated and revived.

Smart Associations, Clever Networks
Brains attract brains. Network that are build with intelligence spawns even more ground breaking innovations. This has been the basis for the establishment of Silicon Valley in California. At the IBS, there was a forum dedicated to pilgrimage and living heritage. Perhaps the IBS should consider expanding this to become a fixed point to develop Buddhist Tourism. In 2020, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) published a landmark study on “Buddhist Tourism in Asia: Towards Sustenable Development”. There are some excellent suggestions listed there in the India report. IBC could play a role and push for the development of a specialty network that include tour operators, heritage administrators, airline companies and tourism consultants on how to leverage on its rich Buddhist tradition.

An interesting development which very much happened by chance was the seeding of a Buddhist news syndication. Since 2016, the IBC had been inviting non South Asian based Buddhist independent news agencies to cover its activities. Starting with SAMVAD, the Buddhist Channel (Malaysia), Lotus News Network and IDN (Australia), Buddhist Door (Hong Kong) and Buddhist Television Network (BTN) of Korea have become familiar names covering these events. Through the mindful communication programme for journalism initiated by Lotus News, these outfits have established friendship and trust over the years. At this IBS, an effort was made to share news generated amongst themselves, thus establishing the basic framework of a dedicated Buddhist news syndicate.

What these two examples illustrate is that when the platform is allowed for freedom of association and creativity to thrive, new products and services are produced. This is the working of democracy at its best. IBC should encourage this, which reflects well on the image of India as the world’s largest functioning democracy.

Where to now, IBS?
What happens after the IBS 2023 will very much depend on what the government of India wants to do with it. In his speech at the conference, Prime Minister Narendhra Modi showed his dedication and keeness in sharing India’s ongoing efforts towards preserving Buddhist heritage sites in the country and establishing centers of Buddhist learning and research. He also emphasized the importance of promoting values such as compassion, non-violence, and peaceful co-existence, which are at the core of Buddhism, to address global challenges and create a better world for future generations.

The IBC is certain to play a more active role in regional Buddhist affairs, given the government’s support. Whether other Buddhist countries or its people embrace this new geo-political alignment, is still up for debate. As the saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Should the IBC play its role well and effectively, and be seen as superior to what the current status quo has to offer, there is no reason why Buddhism wil not be better off for it.

Could Japan-Bangladesh new strategic engagement  change the region’s current geopolitics?

April 26th, 2023

Samina Akhter

Prime minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said Bangladesh and Japan have successfully elevated the bilateral relations to a “Strategic Partnership” from the existing “Comprehensive Partnership”.

“Prime minister Kishida and I have discussed today the entire gamut of our bilateral relations. We are happy that Bangladesh and Japan have successfully elevated the bilateral relations to a “Strategic Partnership” from the existing “Comprehensive Partnership”, she said.

The prime minister made the remarks in a joint statement after the exchanging of several instruments signed between the two sides following bilateral talks with her Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo.

She added: “Today, prime minister Kishida and I concluded the Joint Statement on “Strategic Partnership”. I am confident that the excellent understanding, friendship and cooperation that exist between our two peoples and our governments will grow even stronger in the years ahead.”

“Our two sides have signed – agreements and memorandums which will further institutionalize our future cooperation in the areas of agriculture, customs matters, defense, ICT and cyber-security, industrial upgrading, intellectual property, ship recycling and metro rail,” she said.

Dhaka and Tokyo on Wednesday signed eight instruments on the second day of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s four-day state visit to Japan at the invitation of her Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida.

Those were signed on agriculture, metro rail, industrial upgrade, ship recycling, customs matters, intellectual properties, defence cooperation, ICT and cyber security cooperation by the concerned persons of the two friendly countries.

On the other hand,

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio on Wednesday said Bangladesh and Japan have upgraded their relationship to a strategic partnership.

We have upgraded our bilateral relationship to strategic partnership,” he said in a press statement just after concluding a summit meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at his office.

In the meeting, both have affirmed their commitment to uphold the free and open international order based on the rule of law as strategic partners at a time when the international order is at a historic turning point, he said.

Also,  based on new plans for a free and open Indo-Pacific point announced last month, two countries have agreed to further strengthen the bilateral relations in various areas, he added.

Japan rolled out the red carpet to welcome Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday in a four-day official visit which experts said would be more significant” than her previous five visits to Tokyo. It comes at a time when Japan has declared a free and open Indo-Pacific giving importance to the ‘global south’ and showed interest to develop the relations with Bangladesh to strategic level” from the present comprehensive partnership”. We hope that the bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Japan will be enhanced further. Also, we appreciate Japan’s support in implementing our mega projects such as Matarbari deep sea port, third terminal of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka and Dhaka Metro Rail. The relationships between Dhaka  and Tokyo are going from  strength to strength

Japan is one of the most powerful industrialized nations in the world. The country not only took part in our independence movement but also at the post-independence time of Bangladesh. The role Japan has played in Bangladesh’s nation building strategy is a concrete instance of selfless friendship. The friendship that Japan and Bangladesh have been enjoying over the last four decades is rare in today’s world. Friendship between the two countrues was tested in the terror attack in Dhaka in July 2016, which led to the tragic death of seven Japanese nationals. It was during that moment of national anguish and mourning that yet again, the Japanese people and government stood by us and reassured us of Japan’s continued support to Bangladesh’s development.

Japanese entrepreneurs are demonstrating more enthusiasm about business and investment opportunities in Bangladesh. We believe our time-tested friend Japan and its people will be with us on our transformative journey to development and prosperity. We hope that in our efforts to cross the threshold from a developing to a developed country, we will have Japan by our side as facilitator in the manner that they have been so far.

The relationships between Dhaka and Tokyo are going from strength to strength. The latter is likely to continue to play a crucial role as the single largest bilateral donor and a trusted friend and development partner. It is essential that Tokyo remains actively engaged with Bangladesh in its journey to become a developed nation.

It comes at a time when Japan has declared a free and open Indo-Pacific giving importance to the ‘global south’ and showed interest to develop the relations with Bangladesh to strategic level” from the present comprehensive partnership”.

Just before the visit, Bangladesh on Monday also revealed its 15-point Indo-Pacific outlook envisioning a free, open, peaceful, secure, and inclusive” Indo-Pacific as the country is set to be graduated from the LDC.

For five reasons this visit is more significant than other visits as the Prime Minister has previously visited Japan in 1997, 2010, 2014, 2016 and 2019.

First, with its new free and open Indo-Pacific strategy, Tokyo considers Bangladesh as an important country which is something beyond the donor recipient” relationship.

Secondly, Japan is implementing a large infrastructure project in south Chattogram, Cox’s Bazar districts under its ‘Bay of Bengal Industrial Growth Belt’ (BIG-B) concept. Japan is looking for an alternative to its present production hub in ASEAN and other countries due to rising costs. And Bangladesh’s economic transformation gives the Japanese companies confidence that they can invest here and make products in low-cost and then export to other countries using the deep-sea port in Matarbari which is also being built by Japan,” Prof Mamun said.

 Third, Japan wants to develop relations with Bangladesh into a ‘strategic’ one, where security and military cooperation will be added.

 Fourth, in the new context of graduation from the LDC, Bangladesh will lose GSP in the Japan market. So, both countries are in talk to negotiate an ‘Economic Partnership Agreement’.

 Fifth, Japan is also planning to connect northeast India with the Matarbari deep sea port which will give a new dimension to regional connectivity. This was announced recently during the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to India.”

 We think this connectivity issue will also come up in the discussion between the two Prime Ministers..

 Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen earlier said around eight deals would be signed with Tokyo during the visit.

 Those include the deals on agriculture, metro rail, industrial upgrade, ship recycling, customs matters, intellectual properties; defence cooperation, ICT and cyber security cooperation.

 The Prime Minister will also attend an investment summit during her visit.

 The visit is very significant” as Japan is looking at its relations with Bangladesh in a way that has geopolitical importance”.

 Through this visit, both the countries reiterated their commitment to each other,” she said, adding that the existing bilateral comprehensive” partnership needs to be transformed into a strategic” one.

 With the strategic partnership, the two countries will determine the long-term relationship based on their goals and objectives towards each other.

Bangladesh’s prime minister left on a trip on Tuesday to Japan, the U.S. and the U.K. to build defense cooperation with Tokyo and explore new partnerships with the two major Western powers.

 The visit to Japan was significant as Tokyo looks to expand regional partnerships to counter Beijing’s influence in the Indo-Pacific. Meanwhile, the trip to the U.S, was a chance for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to demonstrate that all is well between Dhaka and Washington despite an impression to the contrary.

Designation of Sri Lankan Governor Due to Involvement in a Gross Violation of Human Rights

April 26th, 2023

The United States is designating Wasantha Karannagoda, Governor of North Western Province in Sri Lanka, pursuant to Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2023, due to his involvement in a gross violation of human rights during his tenure as a Naval Commander.  As a result of today’s action, Karannagoda and his wife, Srimathi Ashoka Karannagoda, are ineligible for entry into the United States.

The allegation that Wasantha Karannagoda committed a gross human rights violation, documented by NGOs and independent investigations, is serious and credible.  By designating Wasantha Karannagoda, the United States reaffirms its commitment to upholding human rights, ending impunity for human rights violators, acknowledging the suffering of victims and survivors, and promoting accountability for perpetrators in Sri Lanka.

The bilateral relationship between the United States and the Government of Sri Lanka is based on 75 years of shared history, values, and a commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific.  As we continue to build our bilateral relationship, we are committed to working with the Sri Lankan government on advancing justice, accountability, and reconciliation, including promoting security reform that maintains human rights at the forefront while ensuring Sri Lanka has the resources and training to properly address emerging security concerns.

Sri Lanka seeks $17 billion debt reduction by restructuring

April 26th, 2023


COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — Sri Lanka’s president urged lawmakers Wednesday to approve a four-year International Monetary Fund program to reduce the country’s debt by $17 billion through restructuring.

Parliament began a three-day debate Wednesday on President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s proposal to accept the IMF program. It will be followed by a vote.

If approved, the plan would dictate how Sri Lanka’s crisis-stricken economy will be managed in the coming few years.

A majority of lawmakers are expected to accept the IMF’s four-year bailout program. Under the plan, the international development lender will provide nearly $3 billion in stages.

Sri Lanka announced last year that it was suspending repayment of its foreign loans because of a severe foreign currency crisis resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts by the central bank to stabilize the Sri Lankan rupee by by using scarce foreign reserves.

Wickremesinghe said at the time he took over as president last July, the country’s total debt, including both domestic borrowing and foreign was $83.6 billion.

Wickremesinghe said negotiations on restructuring Sri Lanka’s foreign debt will be held with neighboring India and the Paris Club, a group of major creditor nations on one platform, and separately with China.

Debt restructuring can take various forms including bailouts, renegotiating terms of loans and writing off or reducing the amount owed for some loans.

Sri Lanka also needs to restructure its domestic debt. Wickremesinghe said the government would safeguard local banks and employee provident funds it has borrowed from if need be.

Once a decision is made on the IMF plan, discussions can begin on a 25-year economic policy roadmap, he said.

Sri Lanka’s economic crisis — the worst in memory — caused severe shortages of food, medicine, fuel, cooking gas and electricity last year. That led to massive street protests that forced then-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country and resign.

The economy has shown signs of improvement since Wickremesinghe took over as president last July. Shortages have been alleviated, power cuts have ended and the Sri Lankan rupee has begun to strengthen.

Those in SJB will walk towards common journey with me before long: President

April 26th, 2023

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

In response to a request made by the Leader of Opposition Sajith Premadasa to walk the talk and thereby put into practice what he had talked of, President Ranil Wickremeinge today told Parliament those in Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) will walk towards a common journey with him soon.

I must tell the President  that he should walk the talk,” Premadasa said.

I will walk the talk but I would like to tell you that those in SJB will start walking with me,” the President said.

I assure that on one in SJB will walk with you,” Opposition Leader said.  

Mr. Premadasa requested the President to appoint SJB MP Harsha de Silva as the chairman of the public finance committee as an act of good faith. One wonders as to why the government cannot appoint Dr. de Silva as the Chairman of the Public Finance Committee. The President wanted our support today but it was his government which is delaying the appointment of Dr. de Silva as the Chairman of the Public Finance committee. The government has appointed protem?? chairman to get what it wants. We are ready to work as a constructive opposition and refrain from each and every thing which the government does. However we request that Dr. de Silva be appointed as a Chairman of Finance Committee,” he said.(Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana)

Debt restructuring talks with India, Paris Club on one platform and China separately – President

April 26th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Sri Lanka is scheduled to hold debt restructuring talks with the Paris Club, India and China before the discussion with private creditors, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said.

Speaking in Parliament this morning (26 April), the Head of State announced that debt restructuring talks will be held with both the Paris Club and India in one platform, while discussions with China in this regard will be held separately prior to any discussions with private creditors.

Meanwhile, speaking on Sri Lanka’s economic and political crises, President Wickremesinghe highlighted the island nation’s recovery thus far, stating that nearly eight months after the unrest in July 2022, Sri Lanka has now made a comeback.

Thus, he urged the whole country to join in the efforts to resurrect the country.

Following is the full statement made by President Wickremesinghe;

I would like to address the concerns that have been raised in the media and elsewhere about the economic and financial issues that our country has faced. In July 2022, Sri Lanka was hit with riots, arson, and state bankruptcy, causing a complete loss of trust in our country. However, after eight months, we have managed to turn things around and it’s now being called the Sri Lanka comeback story. We have entered the path of renaissance and are reborn, and I am counting on the support of the whole country to take it forward.

Let me give you a brief overview of the situation we faced. Our tax cuts in late 2019 cost us 4% of gross domestic product, and things only got worse with the Covid epidemic. In February 2022, the Sri Lankan Rupee depreciated by 40% against the US Dollar within three months, and it continued to depreciate. Economic growth contracted by 7.8% throughout 2022, and inflation in September 2022 exceeded 70%, with food inflation rising as high as 95%.

In this challenging backdrop, I decided to assume the presidency in July 2022 because I believed that our country could recover. If I had not taken responsibility during a time of agitations and protests, our country would have been completely destroyed. I didn’t hesitate even when the paintings in my home library were burnt down and destroyed.

At that time, Sri Lanka’s total debt was 83.6 billion US dollars, with foreign debt at 41.5 billion US dollars and domestic debt at 42 billion US dollars. By now, our overall debt ratio as a percentage of GDP has become 128%. Due to non-repayment of bilateral and private loans, the amount of outstanding debt from April to December 2022 was estimated at 2.7 billion US dollars.

By the middle of 2022, Sri Lanka was unable to import goods and services from abroad due to the worsening foreign exchange deficit. In May 2022, interest related to foreign loans failed to be paid. This was the first time in the history of Sri Lanka that we had to face such a situation.

As soon as I took over the government, I began negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. As a result, in September, we reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund regarding extended credit facilities.

The comprehensive credit facility consists of six major reforms, which are as follows:

(a) Revenue Based Fiscal Consolidation – This reform includes institutional changes related to the public finance sector, strengthening the social security network, and introducing business reforms in the public sector.

(b) Restructuring of Public Debt

(c) Implementation of multiple strategies to ensure the restoration of financial stability, including the formation of foreign reserves under a flexible foreign exchange rate regime.

(d) Implementation of relevant policies and reforms to ensure the stability of the financial sector.

(e) Implementation of structural reforms necessary to control corruption – In this regard, the Minister will present the relevant draft.

(f) Taking necessary measures to enhance economic growth

Today, we received the financing assurance from foreign creditors, with the Paris Club and India working together to grant it. India was the first to publish it, and we are grateful for that.

China is expected to deal with it separately, so we will discuss with the Paris Club and India on one hand and negotiate with China on the other. After these discussions, we will have talks with private creditors. This agreement will enable us to receive approximately $3 billion from the International Monetary Fund over the next four years, with the potential to obtain about $7 billion from other institutions. This money is crucial for us.

Additionally, we have regained the trust of foreign banks and financial institutions, with economic stability already being established in the country. Social Security is receiving more funding, and investors are showing a keen interest in Sri Lanka.

We have entered into agreements with the International Monetary Fund 16 times in the past, but we have not fully implemented them. On the 17th occasion, when we achieve stability, we must address our long-term weaknesses and move forward with a new program.

One of the points to address is debt restructuring talks with our bilateral countries and private creditors. We want to restructure these loans, as failure to do so will result in a loss of liquidity. In order for the government to move forward, the restructuring must be done in rupees or dollars. The government wants to obtain funds for this service.

Therefore, we must first negotiate with foreign creditors. We hope to initiate these discussions soon, with domestic debt restructuring also being considered. A final decision has not yet been made, but it is important to discuss this issue. Negotiations cannot be held with terms and conditions already in place. It is easier for us to join negotiations without conditions.

Every aspect must be given special attention to ensure that no one is harmed in the process. Some banks may express their inability to cope with the program, but it is important for them to accept it in order to move the economy forward.

There are concerns that the stock market may collapse, and some may not be able to offer different conditions. However, decisions will be made in parliament, and appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that no harm is done to anyone, such as the members of the Employees Provident Fund.

We have initiated necessary programs to support the poor, and the World Bank has provided funding for this. We are currently implementing a program to give aid to those who truly deserve it and remove those who do not. Our aim is to create financial stability and protect the low-income people.

To achieve these objectives, we are holding joint discussions with the Paris Club and India on one platform, while separate negotiations with China are also underway. We have nothing to hide, and several steps need to be taken in this regard.

We have taken 09 prior actions (PAs) which we agreed to so we are qualified.
Under that these are;

Fiscal Consolidation

• Cabinet approval of revenue measures to support fiscal consolidation during 2023 in line with program parameters.

• Parliament approval of a revised 2022 Budget that is in line with program parameters
• Submission to Parliament of the 2023 Appropriation Bill that is in line with program parameters.
Fiscal Structural Reforms –

• Cabinet approval to automate monthly retail fuel price adjustment as prescribed by the 2018 fuel pricing formula to achieve cost recovery.

• Cabinet Approval to automate semi-annual cost-recovery based electricity price adjustment.

Multiple pillars –

• Cabinet approval of the new Central Bank Act with amendments from the bill submitted to Parliament in November 2019 in consultation with IMF- Staff. That has been done and we have to pass the bill here.

Financial Stability –

• Cabinet approval of Banking (Special Provisions) Act to strengthen key elements of the CBSL’s Crisis management powers.

• Hiring by the CBSL of an independent firm to conduct banking sector diagnostic exercise based on Terms of Reference and time line established in consultation with IMF staff.

Price Stability –

• Increase policy interest rates by 100 basis points to ensure forward – looking real policy rates on firmly upward path

The next item is I want to inform the House of the Proposed Quantitative Performance Criteria (PC) and Indicative Targets (IT).

Central Government primary balance 2022 -895 Bn by end December we want to make it -209 Bn.

The net official international reserves US$ -3 Bn 540,000. By end December we want it to be -1 billion 592,000.

Net credit to the government of the CBSL Rs. 2 Trillion 834 billion. By end December it should be 2 Trillion 740 Billion.

The Stock of expenditure arrears of the Central government 2022 60 Billion it will be 30 billion.

Central government tax revenue flow 2022 it was 1 Trillion 751,000 end March it was 650 billion but I must say we have fallen short in some areas such as Customs because the imports have been reduced, but on other had we have increased direct Taxation. The tax revenue finally the target for the end of the year is 2.9 billion.

Social spending by the central government 142 billion by 2022, 187 Bn by end of 2023.
The Treasury guarantees ceilings was 1.159 Trillion last year and it will go up to 1 Trillion700 Bn.

I would like to tell you the Structural Benchmarks required for macroeconomic adjustment.

• Parliamentary approval of the new Central Bank Act which will be tabled in parliament next month –

• Completion of the asset quality review component of bank diagnostic exercise for the two largest state-owned banks and the three largest private sector banks

• Parliamentary approval of the welfare benefit payment scheme and the application of the new eligibility criteria to identify low-income families for receiving welfare benefit payments – End of May

• Cabinet approval of a comprehensive strategy to restructure the balance sheets of the CEB, CPC, Sri Lankan Airlines, and the Road Development Authority – End-JUNE

• Cabinet approval of a full revision of the Banking Act – End-JUNE

• Enact new anti-competition legislation to harmonize it with the United Nations Convention against Corruption, pending comprehensive asset recovery provisions. it is a new anti-corruption legislation – End-JUNE

• Cabinet approval of revenue measures to support fiscal consolidation during 2024 – End-JULY

• Development by the CBSL of a roadmap for addressing banking system capital and Foreign exchange liquidity shortfalls and intervening in banks assessed to be non-viable – End-JULY

Completion of the rollout of the ITMIS, expanding its coverage to all 220 heads – End-SEP

Publication of the report of an IMF-led governance diagnostic technical assistance mission to assess Sri Lanka’s anti-corruption framework – End-SEP

Submission to Parliament for the first reading of the 2024 Appropriation Bill – End-OCT

Determination by the MOF of the size, timing, instruments, and terms and conditions for potential government recapitalization of viable banks which are unable to close capital shortfalls from private sources – End-OCT. 2023

Parliamentary approval of the 2024 Appropriation Act and the spending allocations in line with program parameters – End-DEC. 2023

Submission to Parliament of a new PFM law that will authorize the budget formulation process, roles and responsibilities of relevant agencies, and information and accountability requirements – End-DEC. 2023

Improve the Bulk Supply Transaction Account (BSTA) to accurately measure the electricity subsidy, and start using it to determine the cost recovery based electricity tariff and government transfer requirement – End-DEC. 2024

Parliament approval of a full revision of the Banking Act – End-DEC. 2023

Set retail fuel prices to their cost-recovery levels with monthly formula based adjustments, and compensate the CPC for providing any fuel subsidies with on budget transfers – Continuous

Adjust the end-user electricity tariff schedule to its cost-recovery with semi-annual formula-based adjustments on a forward-looking basis in January and July each year – Continuous

The last one is Achieving Debt Sustainability

• Debt stock: Public debt should decline below 95 per cent of GDP by 2032

• Post-programme gross financing needs: average annual gross financing needs of the central government during 2027- 32 should remain below 13 per cent of GDP compared to 34.6% in 2022

• Post-programme foreign exchange debt service: annual foreign exchange debt service of the central government should remain below 4.5 per cent of GDP in each year over 2027-32 compared to 9.4% in 2022

• Programme financing gaps: debt service reduction during 2023-27 should be sufficient to close external financing gaps.

Under staff baseline scenario, US$17 billion in debt service reduction is required, including the arrears accumulated in 2022

So we are trying to get a 17 billion debt reduction on that side. Do you want it or not. Are we going in for debt restricting? We can’t manage without debt restructuring. That is what I want to make it clear to all the members.

However stability alone is not enough for us. In actuality, the nominal GDP for 2019 was just $89 billion during this period. The gross domestic product will be the same in 2028 as it was in 2019. If we stay with the growth rate of 3%, we can lose the national income of nine years. If we maintain the current growth rate of 3%, we may lose nine years of national revenue. Furthermore, it has been predicted that the Sri Lankan GDP will decrease by around 3% in 2023.

Economic positivity will likely be confirmed in the fourth quarter of 2023. If the economy grew at least 3% or 7% each year starting in 2019, our GDP would be worth 110 billion dollars. But if we go to 5%, it will be 130 billion dollars. In fact we believe we will be able to reach 3% or 4% in the first two to three years.

Following that, we must aim for a growth rate of at least 6% to 7% over this time period. That should be agreed upon by everyone in this House. However, this may be done at 7% or 8%. We have opportunities for that. That is why we are restructuring the entire legal system. Some regulations have to be removed. Some people wonder why corporations are being sold. They can be better run by the private sector. We leave them to the private sector.

In addition, various restrictions have been imposed for 25 to 30 years, depending on the preferences of each ministry. Let us now look at the economy and decide which limits will be retained and which will be lifted. A highly competitive social fair market system is required. We require a green economy. The economy must be digitalized. There are several activities available for this. Agriculture is being modernized, and new industries are being introduced. That is something I will address separately.

We have no other option but the IMF agreement. There have not been alternative suggestions. If there is no other alternative, let’s approve this. I also urge the opposition to work together. Let’s get both parties together and pass this.

Representatives of the International Monetary Fund visit our country every six months. Therefore if there are any shortcomings, we may address them and find a solution. Trade unions have highlighted concerns about taxation. All of these people will discuss and come up with a solution, and then we will all join together and develop a single national policy framework.

What is the country’s national policy framework till 2048? There are policies and initiatives in place for the first five years. Let’s discuss them. There is a national assembly. In particular, there are other committees. Let’s make the entire parliament a government to implement this program. Let’s get together for this. There may be differing viewpoints. However, everyone must back this initiative.

Now we have to build the country for 2048. If we do not accomplish this, we would be betraying the country’s youth. Their future has been destroyed. Think about the youth of the country. Don’t just think about grabbing power only. If this program is not done, none of us will be able to survive in another two or three years. So I urge everyone to come together to approve this. After that we will come together and prepare the set of policies required until 2048. I also, urge you to provide support to implement the program during the next five years.

JICA to provide Rs 1.3 bn in project support for management of clinical waste in Sri Lanka

April 26th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The signing of Exchange Notes pertaining to the provision of a project support of Japanese Yen five hundred and three million (Approximately LKR 1.3 bn) through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to strengthen infectious waste management in government hospitals in Sri Lanka has been carried out today (April 26).

The Project aims to strengthen infectious waste management by installing medical waste incinerators in selected public hospitals, thereby contributing to the reduction of health hazards. In order to achieve the above purpose, it has been selected 15 hospitals to install incinerators covering all the provinces in Sri Lanka.

A total of 15 incinerators will be provided in two capacities with LP Gas burners, automatic temperature control systems and compliance with the environment standards under the project and also the necessary technical guidance to the Ministry of Health as a soft component of the project for Training of Trainers (TOT) to maintain the system after the installation of equipment under the Project.

Accordingly, the relevant Exchange Notes related to the grant has been signed by K.M Mahinda Siriwardana, the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies on behalf of the government of Sri Lanka and His Excellency MIZUKOSHI Hideaki, the Ambassador of Government of Japan to Sri Lanka, while the Grant Agreement was signed by K.M Mahinda Siriwardana, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies and YAMADA Tetsuya, Chief Representative, JICA Sri Lanka Office  on April 26, 2023 at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies.

අරගලයේ සැඟවුණු භූමිකා විමල් සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම හෙළි කරයි

April 26th, 2023


පසු ගිය වසරේ පැන නැඟුණු “අරගලය” පිළිබඳව පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී විමල් වීරවංශ විසින් රචිත පර්යේෂණාත්මක කෘතිය 2023.4.25 දින එළි දක්වන ලදි. එම කෘතිය එළි දැක්වීමේදී කතෘවරයා විසින් කළ දේශනයේදී ඉතා ආන්දෝලනාත්මක කරුණු රාශියක් මූලාශ්‍ර සහිතව ඉදිරිපත් කළ අතර මේ එම දේශනයයි.

US envoy slams MP’s book ‘that should be labelled fiction’

April 26th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

U.S Ambassador to Sri Lanka Julie Chung has expressed her disappointment over recent allegations levelled against the United States by a Sri Lankan Member of Parliament in his latest publication.

Taking to Twitter, Chung deemed the allegations ‘baseless’ and accused the MP of spreading outright lies in a book that should be labelled ‘fiction’”.

For 75 years, the US and SL have shared commitments to democracy, sovereignty and prosperity – a partnership and future we continue to build together”, she said, vehemently denying all allegations supposedly made by the MP.

Ambassador Chung’s tweet is likely in reference to the book recently launched by National Freedom Front (NFF) Leader MP Wimal Weerawasana titled Nine: The Hidden Story”, in which he directed various allegations towards the United States with regard to certain controversies surrounding the Rajapaksa regime, and the public unrest which occurred in 2022.

Sinopec to sign agreements with Sri Lanka in May for retail fuel sales

April 26th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

A team of officials from Sinopec visited Sri Lanka in order to finalise the agreements and commencement of operations for retail fuel sales, Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekera said.

Accordingly, the timeline, conditions of the relevant agreement and other concerns were discussed at a meeting held at the Ministry’s premises yesterday (25 April) between the team of officials and technical experts from the Chines energy giant and Minister Wijesekera.

It was decided that the agreements would be signed in mid-May, and that operation would commence 45 days thereon.

Taking to Twitter, the Minister revealed that officials from the Ministry, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), the Board of Investments (BOI), Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) and the Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Ltd (CPSTL) were also present at the meeting.


April 25th, 2023


Insulting to others is an explicit nature of Sri Lankans irrespective of ethnic groups such as Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim. In other ethnic groups in the world there may have such a negative cultural feature in relation to human behaviour, comparatively Sri Lankans gets a priority for this bad feature and I can remember this negative habit was operated in households as well as workplaces when I was living there. My experience in Sri Lanka confirms that many workplaces have allied with the insulting culture except very few people in workplaces. Many higher officers and lower grade employees in workplaces continue this bad habit as a natural way of behaviour.

No religion advices to insult others using various points of human life such as skin colour, background of parents, religion, caste, educated place, political party and many others. I can remember that I was a victim of insulting culture based on educated place, religion and lack of knowledge in various subjects. My question is why religions in Sri Lanka launch a campaign to reject the insulting culture? The most agenizing insult to me in the workplace was my educated places or schools in defiance of same education syllabus is used to educate kids in schools.

Despite many students in variety of religious are learning in the education system, the major reason to continue insulting culture is disregarding the value education in schools. Many countries have included value education to school curriculum and value education practically uses to train kids to apply values in the society. For example, care and compassion is a value that practices care for self and others.  When schools educate and practice values kids will not insult others.

According to my experience in Sri Lanka majority of people insult others in workplaces are people who gained education from Christian schools. These guys insult others not because they were learned in a superior system, but they were not educated values in schools.

India combined with Buddhist Asia can become a World Superpower

April 25th, 2023

Senaka Weeraratna

India with the support of Buddhist Asia can become a World Superpower. Not necessarily militarily but economically, morally, and spiritually.

Buddhism which has heavily influenced the moral and ethical foundations of a wide range of countries in South Asia, South East Asia, and the Far East in the past two millennia, can again revert to center stage and reclaim its lost ground as the Light of Asia – which is also the name of an epic poem authored by Sir Edwin Arnold  that gives a narrative of the life and message of the Buddha.

Buddhism has a glorious past relating to Peace, Non – Violence, and Civilizational Values. In the whole history of 2, 600 years of Buddhism not a single country has been invaded or conquered using the Sword or Gun to spread Buddhism or Jainism. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a trailblazer carrying the mantle of his idol – the Great Indian Emperor Ashoka whom the British Historian H.G. Wells praised as ‘ the greatest of Kings ……….far in advance of his time’.

Ashoka’s Dharma Chakra of nonviolence is blazoned on India’s flag, reminding the world especially those currently living in embattled parts of Europe, of the noble doctrine enshrined in Ashoka’s edict that the greatest progress of Righteousness among men comes from abstention from killing living beings”.

H.G. Wells further says in his ‘ The Outline of History ‘ :

Amidst the tens of thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the columns of history, their majesties and graciousnesses and serenities and royal highnesses and the like, the name of Ashoka shines, and shines, almost alone, a star.” 

Ashoka was a Conqueror of rival kingdoms but upon embracing Buddhism, the doctrine of Ahimsa, and non-violence at the height  of his glory, he renounced violence  declaring, Instead of the sound of the war drum, the sound of Dharma will be heard.”

For the first time in post-colonial history, a powerful Asian country i.e., India, has come forward to give leadership to the cause of Buddhism at a worldwide level and also at levels where politics intersect with religion (and beyond mere fellowship and ritual) by sponsoring ‘ A Global Buddhist Summit ‘ in New Delhi and had lined up some of the world’s most powerful countries with a Buddhist threshold ( or significant Buddhist minorities)  behind it namely, China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Taiwan, Nepal, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, etc. among others, to attend the Global Summit. 

The greatest attraction of this Buddhist Summit in a time of War (in East Europe) is the opportunity it gives to explore the idea that Buddhism offers an alternate worldview of peace, enlightenment, and universal brother- and sisterhood.

In this context, the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) which was founded by Professor Dr. G.P. Malalasekera in Colombo, Ceylon, in 1950, must be mentioned. Its 73rd anniversary will be celebrated in Bangkok, Thailand in May 2023. Its Headquarters is located in Bangkok. It is fully supported by the Royal Thai Government. Its current President is Mr. Phallop Thaiarry.  WFB has steadily strengthened fellowship ties between various Buddhist schools of thought namely Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana, through well-coordinated social development projects over the years and the holding of regular WFB General Conferences.  

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, one of India’s greatest Think Tanks of the last century, prolific writer on Buddhism and popularly accredited as the ‘ Father of India’s Constitution’ , had wanted to see Buddhist activism on an energetic scale influencing global level decision making.

He advocated Buddhist communities to  gather regularly for purposes other than strengthening ties of friendship and fellowship.

A well-funded and well-equipped new Global Buddhist Think Tank is urgently needed to conduct research and create Buddhist public opinion worldwide.

Senaka Weeraratna


April 25th, 2023

By Dr Tilak S. Fernando

However, as much as everyone brags about the increase in tourism, the fact remains that the hotel staff is disgracefully still living in the colonial era.  The Tourist Board had approached the Immigration and Emigration Department to extend tourist visas for six months and beyond. If Sri Lanka wants to make the island a paradise for tourists, then the following needs to be done for tourist attractions rather than talking about tourist increases constantly. Surely, Sri Lanka needs tourists to boost its collapsed economy.

The Immigration & Emigration Department needs to be set up to establish any queries on entry visas and passports, thereby reducing tourists’ time and saving their valuable time and money rather than wasting time in such offices.

Embarkation tax on tourists and those living abroad should be abolished.

Duty-Free outlets should have a good selection of wine and foreign liquor, and all brands of cigarettes should be available for tourists.

Local liquor in terms of Gin, Cyder and all brands of arrack should be available in ‘duty-free wine shops and supermarkets for passengers coming into the country and leaving. Shop owners and Management staff should ensure that whether they are Lankans or Asians living abroad.

Most ‘tuk-tuk’ drivers are a menace on the road. They not only transport passengers but do not have insurance coverage for passengers in case of a severe accident. Since most tourists use ‘tuk-tuks’ these days, having insurance coverage for passengers is essential.

All levels of services in all the airports need to improve.

Airports should have an Ambulance and a Para Medics Service.

Most ‘tuk-tuk’ drivers pose a danger in the first-degree carrying tourists without insurance packages to cover their passengers. It should be made Law to have passenger coverage. All other countries benefit from this.

Bus drivers think roads are their domain and overtake other buses that come in the opposite direction. The wind of the overtaking buses is sufficient to knock someone down as there are no pavements, especially in tourist areas such as Hikkaduwa and Unawatuna.

Scammers are a bigger threat to tourists. Usually, locals pretend to be tour guides directing to local markets and seabeaches where fishermen sit on silts.  Naturally, it would be a strange experience for foreign tourists who would be tempted to photograph the anglers sitting on a pole with only loin cloth. But what would happen after photographing the act? Do many locals argue about paying money for photographing the anglers?

Swiss Tourists

Recently two tourists arrived in Sri Lanka from Switzerland on the 1st of February 2023, to be known personally to the writer, and spent their holiday till the 22nd of February 2023. They had booked a full itinerary and paid in January 2023 $900 to a reputed travel company with over forty years of experience in the tourist industry, recommended by The Sri Lankan Tourist Board. Ultimately, they were disappointed with the travel company that arranged everything for them because the tourists needed to be consulted on what they wanted to do in Sri Lanka. Locals were trying to rip them off wherever they went.


Their first stop was Kalpitiya, and they were booked for two days. The ‘professional travel company’ did not communicate with the tourists to understand their needs. In Kalpitiya, you can either watch Blue Whales or Kitesurfing! Both of which were different from what the tourists wanted to do. There was also little else tourists could do in the surrounding area. It was a waste of two precious days!  It boils down to the Tourist Agency needing more knowledge of the travel industry and a better understanding of their clients’ needs. The Tourist Board should take this example and advise relevant companies in advance.

The second strange occurrence The time needed to get from one location to the next – from Kalpitiya to Sigiriya, The driver it was very far. The driver asked the tourists to be ready by 6 a.m. However, they discovered it was ridiculous; when they were in the car, looking at Google Maps, they found that it was only about 2.5 hrs! The driver would be staying at a relative’s place close to the tourist’s hotel, so it appeared that the driver wanted to maximise the day for his free time. Surely tourists need to pay their hard-earned money for drivers to have a full day’s rest when hired! The tour company pays drivers lunch money and arranges accommodation when payment is charged at the booking. Not a single driver uttered a word about it and quite happily took the offer of lunch money each day. The tourists were unaware of this as the agency did not issue such instructions. The tourists were indeed taken for a ride of the wrong sort!

Generally, every tourist explains that when they visit places of attraction such as the Lotus Tower in Colombo, the Gampola Tower or Sigiriya Lion Rock, tourists are charged much more than the locals at Sigiriya. It is a 19,079% markup! It costs locals 50 LKR and tourists 30 USD (nearly 10,000 LKR). It is an unbelievably high markup for tourists who say: “We have no issue paying more than the locals, but it should be at a reasonable limit. And when the payment was made by credit card, the receipt states ‘Central government fund’, making the tourists wonder where the money was going! Among many other tour groups, the duo say: We have found that this sort of charging is prevalent in Sri Lanka and creates a very unpleasant experience. If this trend continues repeatedly, surely tourists will look for other destinations.”

Yala Episode

At Yala, the travel agency had organised a driver in advance. Tourists ‘experienced Yala driver’ turned up with a red mouth from chewing beetle leaves, looked as high as a kite, and then offered to sell the drugs to tourists. Later he complained that he does not get paid by his boss and solely relies on tips. He also stated that he had been made an orphan by the Tsunami and had nothing left. He later told the Swiss tourists about his young daughter’s illness- a Hole in the Heart. Out of sympathy, one of the tourists gave him a substantial tip.

The Yala driver also promised to send some photos of leopards he had seen before and photographed. When he didn’t respond for several days and eventually responded with an emoji, the tourists realised they had been retaken for a ride! Swiss tourists were shocked that someone could say such lies, and even if they were to be confirmed true, how ridiculous it was to treat visitors to Sri Lanka this way. Unfortunately, the short-sightedness of only looking out for immediate gain and not thinking about the country’s longer-term benefits, which has been so prevalent in Sri Lankan politics over the decades, has filtered down through society. The authorities should stop this sort of abuse. It is only one example of ripping off tourists. However, this happens everywhere, from tuk-tuks to bars etc. The writer strongly suggests that the Tourist Board or the Tour Company should advise tourist companies to refrain from associating with handlers and stop this kind of activity. The tourists want to help tourism in Sri Lanka because it is a ‘marvellous’ country, but this kind of behaviour puts Sri Lanka in the dark and will hinder the tourist industry massively.

They were booked into empty hotels.

The two tourists complained that the tour Agency had booked them into empty hotels in remote locations with nothing else to do. Why should the tour company help the hotels at tourists’ expense? The company with forty years of experience in the tourist industry must ask about the type of hotels tourists require. After all, they had thought that by using them, they would know where to put them to give them a great experience of Sri Lanka; once they could take home, tell their friends about it, and encourage them to visit this paradise island. Unfortunately, they left with quite the opposite view.

Finally, they were booked into Araliya for two nights at Unawatuna. After experiencing frustration throughout, the duo only thought the hotel was up to any international standard. Again, it was evident that the standards and service differed from what you can expect from an international chain like the Marriott compared to the locally run Araliya. The Swiss tourists concluded that however the Sri Lankan tourist board rates a hotel, you can deduct one star, and you will better understand what to expect.

It was such an unpleasant experience for the tourists, and no wonder there is corruption from top to bottom in Sri Lanka, including coercion in different types of scams.”The writer strongly advises the Tourist Board to avoid repeating the same mistake when recommending a tourist company of their choice.

The final words of the two tourists were that they would have saved many dollars if they were to travel by ‘Uber’ and organised their trip by themselves. In such a case, $900 each would have gone much further than what they ended up with.

Prime Minister discusses trade and investment growth with Italy

April 25th, 2023

Prime Minister’s Media Division

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena held a discussion with Italian Ambassador Rita Giuliana Mannella about the expansion of trade and investment relations between the two countries. He urged to explore possibility of investments in new areas during a discussion held with Ambassador of Italy Rita Giuliana Mannella and European Union Ambassador Denis Chibi when they called on him at the Temple Trees today (April 24).

The Prime Minister requested Italy to assist to set up Italian Language Departments in Sri Lankan universities and Ambassador Mannella said the Embassy is already in contact with Sri Jayawardenapura University regarding setting up an Italian Language Center. Furthermore, Italy is also interested in setting up skills development center to train youths for employment in the hospitality industry. She said there is a demand for trained staff in hotels in Italy and trained Sri Lankans could gain employment. She pointed out such training would also help the tourism industry in Sri Lanka.

European Union Ambassador Denis Chibi expressed satisfaction of speedy recovery in tourism and said there is a growth in cultural tourism as most European tourists are keen to visit places of cultural value. Both Ambassadors expressed appreciation of the natural beauty of Sri Lanka and its tourist attractions.

Whle Ambassador Mannella expressed satisfaction over the contribution made by expatriate Sri Lankans to the economies of Italy and Sri Lanka, the Prime Minister thanked the Italian government for providing employment opportunities to Sri Lankans.

The Envoys appraised the Prime Minister about Italy’s plans to bid for Expo 2030. Secretary to the Prime Minister Anura Dissanayake and other senior officials were present during the meeting.

‘ඉන්දු – ලංකා, සිංහල – දෙමළ සබඳතා තර කළ සීතා අම්මාන් කෝවිල.’

April 25th, 2023

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය

වාල්මිකීගේ රාමායණය ඉන්දු ලංකා අනාදිමත් පුරාවෘත්තයන් සටහන් කරයි. දෙරට පුරා විසිරී ගිය එහි ජනප්‍රවාදයන් අතර නුවරඑළිය සීතා අම්මාන් කෝවිල ප්‍රධානතම ස්ථානය ගනී.

දෙමළ හින්දු ජනතාවගේ වන්දනාමානයට පාත්‍රවන මෙම ස්ථානය සිංහල ජනතාව ද පැදකුණු කරයි. මෙය ජාතික හා ආගමික සමගිය සදහා වූ තෝතැන්නකි.

සීතා අම්මාන්  කෝවිල් භාරකාර මණ්ඩලයේ සභාපති වී. රාධක්‍රිෂ්ණන්  මහතාගේ ආරාධනයට අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා සහ ඉන්දියානු මහකොමසාරිස් ගෝපාල් භාගමහතා පසුගිය දා නුවරඑළියේ, සීතාඑළිය, සීතා අම්මාන් කෝවිලට ගියේ විශාල ඉන්දීය දුත පිරිසක් සමඟය.

දෙරටේම බැතිමතුන් සඳහා වූ භාවනා මධ්‍යස්ථානය ඉදිකිරීම් ආරම්භ කිරීම එහිදී සිදු කෙරිණී.

එහිදී අදහස් දැක්වූ අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා…

“සාමය දයානුකම්පාව සහජීවනය ශක්තිමත් කරමින් මිනිස් සිත් නඟාසිටුවීමට භාවනාව උපකාරී වනවා. අතීතයේ සිටම ආගමික ඉගැන්වීම් මානව සංවර්ධනය කෙරෙහි විශේෂ බලපෑමක් එක් කළා. සාමය සහ ඉවසීමේ පණිවිඩය මිනිස් මනස තුළ වර්ධනය කිරීමේ  ධනාත්මක මාර්ගය භාවනාවයි. හින්දු බැතිමතුන් ලොව උසම කඳුවැටිය වන හිමාලය කඳු පාමුල භාවනායෝගීව වැඩ සිටි. එමෙන්ම ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ උසම කඳු වැටිය වන පිදුරුතලාගල කඳු පාමුල ඉදිවන මෙම නව ජාත්‍යන්තර භාවනා මධ්‍යස්ථානය ලෝක ජනතාවගේ මානව සංවර්ධනයේ ප්‍රමුඛ ස්ථානයක් බවට පත් වනු ඇති. මෙය ඈත අතීතයේ සිටම ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සහ ඉන්දියාව අතර පවතින සමීප සබඳතාවයේ සංකේතයක්ද වනු ඇත.

මෙරට බුදුදහම හා හින්දු ආගම සමාජයට ධනාත්මක හා සදාචාරාත්මක වටිනාකම් එක්කොට තිබෙනවා. මෙය ඉන්දු ලංකා, සිංහල දෙමළ සහයෝගිතාවේ සංකේතයක් වනු ඇති.

මේ සඳහා සහාය ලබා දීම පිළිබඳව ඉන්දියානු  දානපතියන්ට ස්තුතිවන්ත වෙනවා. මෙය හුදු මූල්‍ය ආධාරයක් පමණක් නොවේ. භාවනාව තුළින් මනස වර්ධනය කිරීම මානසික, ශාරීරික ප්‍රගතියට මෙන්ම මානව ගුණධර්ම සවිමත් කිරීමට ද ඉවහල් වෙනවා. ඉන්දු ලංකා මිතුදම සුවිශේෂයි. වත්මන් ආර්ථික අර්බුදයෙන් ගොඩ ඒමටද ඉන්දීයාව අපට විශාල ශක්තියක් වුණා.”

මෙහිදී අදහස් දැක් වූ ඉන්දියානු මහකොමසාරිස් ගෝපාල් භාග්ලේ  මහතා…

“රාම් චරිත් මානස්, රාමායණය, භගවත් ගීතාව තුළින් ශිෂ්ටාචාරයේ ප්‍රගමනයට කෙරුණු සේවාව ඉදිරියට ගෙනයාමටත් ශිෂ්ටාචාරයේ සවිමත් රැහැන් තුළින් බැදුණු ඉන්දු – ලංකා මිතුදම තවත් ශක්තිමත් සහ අධ්‍යාත්මික වශයෙන් ගුණාත්මක කිරීමටත් මෙම සීතා අම්මාන් කෝවිල නව භාවනා මධ්‍යස්ථානය ප්‍රයෝජනවත් වනවා. “

මෙහිදී අදහස් දැක්වූ ඉන්දියානු රොටරි සමාජයේ ප්‍රදීප් ජෙයින් මහතා.

” ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ නිදහස් සටනට පමණක් නොව භාරතයේ අධිරාජ්‍ය විරෝධී ව්‍යාපාරයට සහභාගි වූ පරපුරකට අයත් අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන මැතිතුමා මෙම භාවනා මධ්‍යස්ථානයට මුල්ගල තැබීමට සුදුසුම ජන නායකයෙක් බව මගේ හැගීමයි.”

මෙහිදී අදහස් දැක්වූ  සීතා අම්මාන් කෝවිල් භාරකාර  මණ්ඩලයේ  සභාපති වී. රාධක්‍රිෂ්ණන්  මහතා..

“මෙම මධ්‍යස්ථානය මෙරට ජනතාවගේ පමණක් නොව භාරතීය සහ අනෙකුත් ජාතීන්ට අයත් ජනතාවගේ ධනාත්මක සිතුවිලි හා සදාචාරාත්මක වටිනාකම් ඇති කිරීමට හේතුවක් වනු ඇති.”

 මෙහිදී මුල්දින කවරයක්ද නිකුත් කල අතර, මෙම අවස්ථාවට පූජ්‍ය නුවරඑළියේ චන්දිම හිමි පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රීවරුන් වන සී.බී. රත්නායක, යදාමිණී  ගුණවර්ධන, හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී වී. පුත්‍රසිගාමිනී, ප්‍රදේශවාසීන් හා දෙස් විදෙස් බැතිමත්හු එක්වූහ..

අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මාධ්‍ය අංශය

IMF, Media Caught Lying about China & Sri Lanka’s Debt

April 25th, 2023

e-Con e-News

‘The irrationalities & inhumanity of the world order are essentially a problem of vested interests both on a national & international scale, not to be resolved as a problem in logic by argumentation or as a problem in ethics by appeals to righteousness.’– see ee FocusSBD de Silva, Political Economy of Underdevelopment

For every $1 the IMF encourages a set of poor countries to spend on public goods, it has told them to cut 4 times more through austerity measures.– see ee Economists, The IMF’s ‘Austerity Drive’

It’s as if the IMF is really operating out of a small basement in the Pentagon in Washington.– ee Economists, Michael Hudson

‘Perhaps, the controversy surrounding the ‘Central Bank of Sri Lanka’ Bill should be examined taking into consideration how the Yahapalana government abolished time-tested exchange control laws in 2017 and how it contributed to the current crisis.

Then what about private foreign exchange dealers who continue to enable the international drug mafia to freely convert their ill-gotten lucrative drug proceeds from rupees to hard currencies without any questions being asked?’– Shamindra Ferdinando, ‘Is Speaker’s Announcement on CBSL,Consistent with Supreme Court Determination?’ (ee Focus)

‘In my humble view the country becomes bankrupt when our credit rating was downgraded & when people started suffering. Many international credit agencies have mentioned we are almost bankrupt. We had only few days for a bond payment due. It could have been a hard default otherwise.’– Dhananath Fernando, US Advocata COO, 9 April 2023 (

Dhananath (lord of the wealthy) v Wanshanath (lord of the people) – US Advocata’s Fernando was reacting to MP Wimal Weerawansa’s revelation that ‘Sri Lanka could have prevented bankruptcy if the authorities had handed over the nation’s debt to China, which is an existing debt restructuring model’. (see ee Economy, SL should have handed over all debt to China)

     One Suvin Wettimuny (‘former pilot’, ‘avid investor’) tweeted: Weerawansa is ‘talking garbage as usual. He mentions El Salvador took such an option. But it is denied by the Chinese foreign minister in the [Bloomberg] article.’

     In fact the Chinese FM did no such thing. And the Bloomberg story is clearly dissembling. In fact, the entire corporate media is lying, as numerous economic analysts show (see ee Economists).

     The truth is more – as this week’s ee Focus reveals – the USA and their sharking twins (WB/IMF) have been covering up the move to make Sri Lanka totally dependent on Wall Street borrowing, lying to the media about China’s anti-colonial debt position. The capitalist media (NYTimes, Thomson ReutersBloomberg) marches in goosestep, as obsequious stenographers. Recall: Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg was made chair of a key Pentagon advisory panel, the Defense Innovation Board, previously led by Google cofounder Eric Schmidt (ee 12 Feb 2022).

     Worse. The Speaker of Sri Lanka’s Parliament has been caught lying about the Supreme Court’s decision, claiming Parliament has approved the new Central Bank Act. In fact, it hasn’t (ee Focus).

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“නවය; සැඟවුණු කතාව” සජීවී විකාශය (LIVE)

April 25th, 2023

Lanka Lead News

ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණේ’ නායක විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා විසින් ගෝල්ෆේස් අරගලයේ ඇතුළාන්තය” පිළිබඳව පුළුල් අධ්‍යයනයකින් අනතුරුව රචනා කළ නවය; සැඟවුණු කතාව” විමර්ශනාත්මක කෘතිය එළිදැක්වීමේ සජීවී විකාශය හා එක්වන්න..

No one will be allowed to directly or indirectly disrupt country’s education system – President

April 25th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

President Ranil Wickremesinghe said that any attempt to disturb the education system of the country, whether directly or indirectly, will not be permitted, and if required, new legislation will be introduced to address such conduct.

The President stressed the pivotal role of education in shaping the future of the country, and announced his plans to establish a modern education system that aligns with the demands of the 21st century. 

He further pledged to enhance the international reputation of Sri Lanka through these efforts, the President’s Media Division (PMD) reported.

He said that during yesterday’s cabinet meeting a new cabinet committee on education was appointed, consisting of himself, the education minister, and several other cabinet ministers.

The President attended the Matara Rahula College centenary celebration ceremony this morning (25 April), where a three-day Educational Exhibition and Art Festival ‘Vidyabhimani’ is being held at the College. A special commemorative stamp was also issued by the President to mark the occasion.

Principal Major Sudath Samarawickrama presented a commemorative gift to the President at the event.

The portrait of the President painted by a 11th grade student of the College Yonal Mewidu, was also presented to President Wickremesinghe.

Addressing the gathering, President Wickremesinghe stressed the importance of education for the future of the country and stated that the government’s program to build a developed Sri Lanka by 2048 gives special attention to education. 

He revealed that the government’s aspiration is to create a new education system in the country by 2035, and the government is ready to spend to modernize education in the future.

Addressing the gathering, President Ranil Wickremesinghe further said;

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for being invited to the Centenary Celebration of Rahula College in Matara. As we talk about Rahula College, we must not forget to acknowledge its former contributors, such as Mr. Gordon Pius, Notary N.D.T. Rajapakse, and C.A. Odiris Silva, who deserves a special mention.

Like all the prominent families in Matara, my family also played a significant role in supporting the development of Rahula College. It’s important to remember not just Mr. C.A. Odiris Silva but also his son from the Kanda Udaarachchi family including Mr. Ariyathilaka, Mr. Dharmapala, Mr. Harischandra, and many others.

Speaking of Mr. Dharmapala, he assisted me immensely when I first entered politics. The first public speaking event I attended was a two-day meeting he organized. I have met him several times since then, and he always talked about Rahula College.

In 1977, after Mr. J.R. Jayawardena became the President, he extended his help to this school. In 1980, upon his request, Mr. Jayawardena visited Rahula College. Even during my tenure as the Minister of Education, he talked to me about the school. He is our most senior politician and former senior leader of the United National Party, and thus we must fulfil his demands. Many other families have also contributed to the school’s growth, including the Wanigasekara family and the Wijetunga family, who I remember fondly.

Today, Matara Rahula College is a major educational institution in Sri Lanka, and many individuals who have served our country have graduated from here. As the President, I firmly believe that education is the greatest gift we can give to our youth. In the 19th and 20th centuries, many schools were established to provide education beyond those times, and Mr. C.W.W. Kannangara’s free education policy made it possible for all to obtain a secondary education.

However, we are now in the 21st century, and we must provide our children with an education that meets the demands of the time. During my visit to the College, I asked a young boy his age, and he responded, Ten.” If he lives until he is 80, he will see the year 2090. Therefore, it is our duty to create an educational system that is well-equipped to face the challenges of the future.
Today, I am proud to say that my government is working towards 2048 and beyond. As part of our plan, we have committed to creating a good education system in the country by 2030.

In the next two or three years, we will be investing in a new economic program. After that, a large part of the funds we receive will be dedicated to education modernization programs. We believe it is crucial to create an education system that can face the future, as the youth of our country is our only national resource. They should be given a good education and build the future.

I have looked at countries like Singapore, Israel, and Switzerland, which have managed to succeed through human resource development despite limited resources. I believe we can do the same.

If I were to ask the teaching staff today whether it is possible to continue until 2050 according to our current education system, the answer would be impossible.” That’s why we need to go for education modernization as soon as possible.

I want to make it clear that no one will be allowed to disrupt or interfere with the education system of the country, and if necessary, we will bring laws to ensure no one interferes with the education system. Education determines the future of our country, and if we establish a formal education system, we can make our country a major hub in the Indian Ocean.

That’s why the Minister of Education and I recently discussed and appointed a Cabinet Committee on Education. The Prime Minister, Education Minister and I, together with several others, will be part of this committee.

Our focus is on creating a future-oriented education system, and we have received reports from the National Education Commission and several other departments, including parliamentary committees. We must use these reports to find out how to move towards our goal.

By 2070, a bigger change will take place in society, and it will affect education. We are only seeing part of the technology now, including artificial intelligence and new arrivals like ChatGPT. We need to decide whether we want a school-centred education system or a student-centred system to prepare for the future.

I strongly believe that the school education system in our country should be revised and improved. With 13 years of education, we need to strive towards a more successful education system like that of America, where regular and advanced level exams are not held, but rather, the SAT exam and school report are considered.

To achieve this, we must introduce new subjects, such as climate change and history, while also emphasizing the importance of science, art, literature, and geography. Every student must study a science subject and an art subject. Also, English must be taught in every school within the next 10 years. We are currently working to connect all A/L to the internet, and we plan to extend this to the O/L schools as well.

Furthermore, I commend the Vanigapatuna dance performance I witnessed today, and I encourage more programs like this to be developed. In addition, we aim to implement professional programs received from Finland.

We also plan to merge the Vocational Training Authority and the National Apprenticeship Board, turning the current vocational training centres into vocational schools to triple the number of students. Additionally, we hope to provide loans on concessional terms without interest in the first two or three years to those who want to enrol in government and non-government universities for higher education.

To increase the number of engineers and doctors in the country, we aim to establish new universities that will allow young people to engage in higher education while working. Currently, we only have 2,500 engineers passing out annually. Our target is to have 10,000 engineers and 5,000 doctors passing out annually in the first phase.

To achieve all these goals, we plan to create a new system with support from institutions such as the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. This system will enable us to build a strong education system that can face the future and help us become a developed country by the century of independence in 2048. We will introduce these activities through the cabinet committee, discuss them in parliament, and implement them further”.

Minister Kanchana Wijesekera, State Minister Shantha Bandara, President’s Senior Adviser on National Security and Chief of Presidential Staff Sagala Ratnayake, Southern Province Governor Willy Gamage, Postmaster General Ruwan Sarathkumara, Matara Rahula College Principal Major Sudath Samarawickrama, and other faculty members, former students, and many others participated in this event.

Ex-President Maithripala claims Cardinal Ranjith wants him ‘jailed or executed’ over Easter attacks

April 25th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

Former President Maithripala Sirisena has claimed that he is being targetted as a perpetrator of the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks, despite several arrests already being made in this regard. 

Speaking at a news conference in Colombo today (25 April), Sirisena deemed it ‘unfair’ that he is still seen as a perpetrator of the attacks, despite the relevant suspects already having been arrested. 

He further accused the Archbishop of Colombo Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of wanting him ‘jailed or executed’ over the attacks, despite the fact that investigations into the series of bomb attacks that took place on 21 May 2019 are still underway.

The Cardinal has an urgent need to send me to jail or have me executed over the attacks, but he is trying to do this without the relevant investigations having concluded”, the former President charged.

Indian tourists able to use INR for local transactions – CBSL Governor

April 25th, 2023

Courtesy Adaderana

The Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe has stated that Indian tourists visiting Sri Lanka can now use the Indian Rupee (INR) for local transactions. 

Delivering the keynote address at the webinar organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Dr. Weerasinghe reiterated that making the INR a designated currency by the CBSL not only enables for trade settlement between the two nations, but also allows for Indian tourists visiting the island to use INR for transactions. 

Dr. Weerasinghe also expressed his support for the digital payment interfaces linking the two countries. 

Meanwhile, delivering a special address during the webinar titled Economic Scenario of Sri Lanka: Current Status and Way Ahead”, Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Gopal Baglay highlighted the areas of prospective economic cooperation between India and Sri Lanka. 

He focused extensively on the sectors of connectivity, Information Technology (IT), tourism and renewable energy. 

CBSL Governor Dr. Weerasinghe’s remarks come one day after Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena launched a Special Cover commemorating the Sita Temple, commonly known a ‘Seetha Eliya’ in Central Sri Lanka. 

The Temple is believed to mark the place of Ashok Vatika in the epic Ramayana and is a great hit with Indian tourists, as part of Ramayana circle which the Sri Lankan Government is seeking to promote. 

Tourists from India traditionally constitute the largest segment of international tourists coming to Sri Lanka.

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