Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario ., K1J 6G1
5 September 2024
Mayor Patrick Brown’
Mayor of the City of Brampton
cc Harkirat Singh, Deputy Mayor, City of Brampton, Ontario.
Dear Mayor Patrick Brown:
What’s all this Brampton Mayor, asking us during the Brampton Tamil ‘Genocide’ Memorial Monument Foundation stone laying ceremony, if there were anyone who does not believe in Tamil Genocide” during the Tamil Eelam ethnic war should go back home.’
Now…now..Patrick stop acting like Lord Hanuman for Brampton-Tamils, renowned for his power, even when the UN says that there was No ‘genocide’ in that Eelam war and Canada’s Federal Court rejected Tamil genocide after reviewing Prime Minister Justine Trudeau’s statement of Tamil Genocide you change gears to the power-play Bully Mode” to keep hanging on to the Tamil Tiger tails. But I need that You show proof of Tamil Genocide” as did the Canadian Residential Schools genocide” acts showing proof that it did happen. You, Mayor Brown, will be suspected as a Hoaxer until you show proof. It is that simple. Show me the proof!
Your narrative of Tamil Genocide” is one BIG HIMALAYAN TECTONIC HOAX.. Like the Tamil Convention Refugees returning home every October, November and December, which they shouldn’t, having run away from Sri Lanka due to alleged discrimination and persecution, having obtained emergency travel documents from the Sri Lankan High Commission in Ottawa on compassionate grounds, to be with their dying parents. COME HOME IMMEDIATELY, FATHER DYING OF CANCER or MOTHER HAS ONE WEEK TO LIVE DYING OF CANCER, RETURN HOME IMMEDIATELY says the telegrams presented to the Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa to get their travel documents to be with their dying parents.
But here is what is strange, Mayor Patrick Brown about this very innovative Tamilian Hoax is that the Cancer pandemic is cyclical and affects only the Tamil parents every holiday months of October, November and December every year.
And the parents of Sinhalese, Muslim and Burgher sons and daughters living in Canada, remain healthy and are not afflicted by this strange three-month Tamil-Cancer sickness.
How do I know, you may wonder! I dealt with these hoaxer humanitarian cases when I was a senior staff officer at the Sri Lanka High Commission in Ottawa from June 1989 to June 1994.
Pssst…Mayor Patrick Brown here are some Consular numbers of the Refugee Tamils that came to the High Commission applying for emergency travel documents to travel home to Sri Lanka. But don’t share them with any of your Tamil Genocide”: Memorial Monument activity friends, in case they have a hearty laugh at You saying to their Tamil buddies...”Hey! Thumby, got another Canadian in our Foolish Canadian Politician Sucker Net.”
Here are the numbers in 1992 (8624 Tamils applied for emergency travel documents;. 1993 (5865 Tamil refugee applicants), and in January, February and March 1994 (1133 Tamil applicants). Mayor Brown, did I hear you say Good God, Holy, Moses is this true!”
That is easy Mayor Brown, if you have qualitative proof of ‘Tamil Genocide’, for Pete-sake lay it on for us. If you don’t, then for good-measure, velcro your lips on this subject for good without dragging out this debate picking up strings of
Tamil votes for you to get another term in the Brampton Mayor’s Office with a handsome monthly pay cheque that will provide you the luxury of sirloin steaks for dinner than of a McDonald hamburger, or a plate of three thosai with sambar supplied as a favour by your Tamil constituents.
As for your silly-arrogant God’s-speak asking me to go home because I will not believe that Tamil Genocide happened until you show me proof of that it did happen. I tried it once wanting to go back to where I came from, London,
England, in March 1971, but I was discouraged to do so.. I didn’t come to Canada in search of roads paved in gold, nor used a Haro hara mantra to get on a plane with a legitimate passport and use the Tamil Haro hara mantra to have it disappear when I got off the plane at the Old Ottawa airport and sing the melodramatic Karnatic song and verse saying that I am running away from persecution and discrimination who, once-upon-a-time enjoyed being a member of the privileged 10% minority Tamils for 131 British colonial years, compared to the 75% wronged Sinhalese majority,.
Here’s my story, Mayor Patrick Brown, how I landed in Canada. I don’t take Canadian politician’s poppycock, the way you are laying it on me about Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka.”
In June 1970, the Canadian National Museums Corporation in Ottawa was head-hunting for a Liberal research scientist to join the newly formed Design and Display Division Team to create 15 brand new exhibition Halls at the Victoria Memorial Museum at Argyll and Metcalfe Streets, a stone’s throw from Ottawa’s Parliament Buildings. No doubt you know the Victoria Memorial Museum.
The Job Description for the Head of Thematic Research Section of the Design and Display Division specified that they wanted a Liberal Research Scientist with an academic degree and experience in creative arts and design.
Recommended by Professor Ward Neale, the Head of the Geology Department at Memorial University in Newfoundland, they found me, as a Research Scientist in Geology and Palaeontology, an award winning published poet (English) in England, , an award winning Sculptor and Artist in England, a music composer on the piano and an award winning competition Ballroom dancer in England. Luck was on my side as the Canadian National Museums Corporation invited me to get over to Ottawa and join the Exhibition Design team which included a Chief of the Division (Tom Wood, War Artist), Jacques Saint-Cyr the creator of the 11-point maple leaf of the Canadian Flag as the Head of Design, and a Retired Major in the Army, Charlie Jessop as the Head of Administration.
After clearing Immigration I started my job on 1 November 1970.. The Office was on 39 McArthur Road in Vanier, On the third week in March 1971, all four of us received letters of confirmation from the Public Service Commission, requesting us to get over to sign the permanency papers.
Monday morning of the fourth week of March 1971, I got a call from the PSC
telling me, Mr. Weerasinghe, please ignore the letter you received about the Permanency, as it was sent by error.”
What? Was there a problem?
Yes, Mr. Weerasinghe. We have decided to open the competition for your job across Canada.” Oops, Canada you are not going to do this to me!
Let’s cut out this crap. (I was frothing by then) You couldn’t find anyone in Canada competent enough to do the job, You found me in London, England, and invited me to get over. I gave up a well paying job as a Geologist and here I am four Months into designing the Dinosaur Hall (Life Through the Ages) with Alan Todd (later Chief Designer of the National Gallery); Canada Before Cartier (Archaeology Hall) with designer Robin Bush.”
Are the other three white” staff members coming to sign the papers?”
Yes, Mr. Weerasinghe”.
So what you are telling me is that there is an apartheid policy in hiring Middle-Manager staff,”
If you’re white, you’re alright,
If you are black, stay back,
‘And if you are brown, stick around” Right!.
I am aztec- brown and I will not stick around., You tell me by noon
Wednesday whether you want my services or not.”
If not, I will be on the first plane out of your Canada, to where I came from, London, England. I am sorry that I stepped on to your Canadian soil.”
Mayor Patrick Brown, ‘shxt’ hit the fan, All the higher ups, the Directors of the Museum of Natural Sciences (Dr. Lemieux), Dr. William Taylor Jr. (Director of the Museum of Man), my Chief of Division (Tom Wood) and a few others were visibly
upset. They knew that I will not accept such undignified crap from you white” anyone.
Tuesday morning the Deputy Minister McKenzie came to my office. He apologized for the turn of events, and told me that the issue has been settled.
That they want my expertise, and someone from the PSC will call me sometime today to get my signature on the form, Please don’t go” he said
That day I went to the PSC office and the staffer told me, Mr. Weerasinghe, I am Sorry about the confusion!”
What… there was no confusion. You guys had difficulty seeing a newcomer to Canada with an Aztec brown face sitting at the Middle-Manager’s desk. Don’t, I will not accept such atrocious BS.” So I signed the permanent papers, and I became a permanent employee of Canada’s public service.
Just that you know, Mayor Patrick Brown
I am no simple Simon
Who met Brampton’s Mayor
Going to his Tamil Genocide Fair…
We exchanged some words
On honesty, truth and professional care.
It mattered nought to me
That he was holding onto a Tamil Tiger’s tail,
But when dealing with me don’t mock
Let’s cut out the Canadian-poppycock
‘As I expect him to be fair”
Mayor Patrick Brown I will address you now in Poetic rhymes
and syllabics, as I think I can explain incidents in my life in Canada
better as they are therapeutic.
SINHA (lion). My name is WEERA-SINHA, which mean a
If I have taken the passion of a lion
Into my heart by pithy anger,
It is because your grenade
clutching fingers
Are entangled in my beard hurting me
With the poison darts of
half-truths and lies
Published in foreign newspapers.
And when the ketchup blood gushes out,
from the thumb-print on her forehead,
Severing a life for exposing the debt
of joy being a tenth generation native,’
this is when the lion-anger roars
a jungle war cry
propping a lifeless torso strung
onto a Jaffna lamppost.
(from Tears for my Roots, Asoka Weerasinghe. p.29)
(in North Sri Lanka, the separatist Tamil Eelam terrorists came
looking for her brother. Since he was away, his 24-year
old sister was dragged out of the house, tied to a lamppost
and shot through her ear.)
Here’s an atrocious act by your Tamil Tiger terrorists that you
fail to admit.
Dunugalpitiya Fisherfolk
(19 September 1990)
Seeing the fisherfolk all Sinhalese
chopped to death by Northern separatists,
the seaspray heaved up to me
pungent with a taste of blood
like a blood coated night song
sung into the pale grey sobs of daylight.
Listening to the widowed
chest-thumping lamentations,
my anger becomes visceral
and is siphoned through the nostrils
like a puffing fire belching dragon.
Before I bury the assimilated
puzzle of hearts and limbs
and fingers and toes,
I want to make a fire wreath
with phoenician songs
to resurrect their snuffed spirits
to be echoed across the jungles of Jaffna,
as I want to win this war one day,
I want to win this Eelam war.
( from Tears for my Roots, Asoka Weerasinghe, p.21)
Mayor Patrick Brown, you were 5-years old, just out of your Huggies
escorted to your Kindergarten, when on August 4th, 1983, I, accompanied
by a young gutsy, bright, with a spine of steel, a well articulating smart Sinhalese-Canadian, Asoka Yapa, were picking up our bloodied Mother Lanka from the ground, who had been dropped to the ground, slapped, kicked, bludgeoned and spat at, for seven long days by the ugly, marauding Canadian Tamil-Eelam separatists through every media outlet in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto, for the want of their mono-ethnic, racist, separate State-Eelam carved out of the North-eastern rich Real estate in that beautiful island Sri Lanka. The island had given every Tamil Separatist who”kicked her, a free education, and let the colonial British make them a 10% privileged minority for 131-years, compared to the wronged-majority of 75% of the Sinhalease population.
‘You know what Mayor Patrick, that was the day when I vowed that no one
is going to hurt my Mother Lanka, who gave me a free education and nurtured
me for the first 19 years of my life., No one, I said, Not even a single politician- Liberal, Conservative or a NDPier, with his or her unfair damn lies for the want of a Tamil vote. That is not kosher…that is not cricket. And that included young Patrick Brown who would become the Mayor of Brampton, 41 years later, a hypocrite of the first order. The Tamils have heard my voice like the Kavadi
dancing tom-toms, loud and clear and so would their Parliamentarians, like their curry-in-a-hurry buddy MPs, like the Church Bells of the Notre Dame Basilica in Ottawa.
Mayor Patrick Brown, let’s get this right, and let me be blunt with my observations. With your erecting a Tamil Genocide Memorial” in Brampton;”, about a war that happened between 1973 and 2009, 13,720 km away is perpetuating Canadian shameful hypocritical history not wanting to recognize for many, many moons our Native Indian Residential schools Genocidal deaths of
our Native kids, as a violation of the United Nations Genocide Convention, in particular of Article 21e.
Listen, Mayor Brown, you are white” enough, and stop wanting to be more lily-white” by pointing your accusatory finger at Sri Lanka Saying We are Holier than Thou.” That is a load of Canadian thuggish codswallop. Cut it, Mayor… just cut it.
My anger is visceral shooting cartwheels of dragon breath at you, when you
had been disrespectful to our Indigenous children who were submitted to Genocidal Deaths in Kamloops, B.C. just 3,984 km away from your City of Brampton, buried on the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School on the Tk’emlups te Secawepen site, and you as the Mayor of Brampton not laying even a local Ivory Mix Travertine rock, as a Memorial for them in your City of Brampton, rubbishing the existence of of our Native Indian kids. And yet, gushing with your love-ins with the Tamils who arrived after May 2009’s, the Eelam separatist war, and not for the innocent Sinhlese who were chopped with machetes and shot with Kalashnikovs and claymore mined by the separatist Tamil Tigers. And worst, plucking little infants who were sucking on young Sinhalese mothers’ breasts, and bashing their little skulls on charnockite granite rocks, and watching in glee the streaming ketchup blood rivulets.
That’s downright Canadian hypocrisy recognizing genocide around the world, except its own against indigenous people, Patrick Brown you are a classic textbook example of this misdemeanour. What’s wrong with you Mayor Patrick Brown….answer me! I want to know!
It was natural for me to respect and love our Native First Nation peoples from the time I began to research and write for the Native Indian (Iroquois, Plains Indians and West Coast cultures) and Inuit Exhibition Halls at the Victoria Memorial Museum in Ottawa, in the early 1970s
And my poetry became therapeutic wanting to share their pain when people like
Mayor Patrick Brown of Brampton ignored the Wendat (Huron), Haudenosaunee people and the Anishinaabe. I will not forgive this whiteman’s” lofty arrogance.
Not even a Local bed-rock placed as a memorial. Shish,,,that’s brutal, Patrick. That’s shameful.
Let me share my pain with my therapeutic poetry. You will understand my disappointment in you, Mayor Patrick Brown.
I am Lolotea
a blessing from God
and I am divine.
I am green and tender
like a young ear of corn
and too young to be a mother.
Yet, I will grow up
like my mother
to be the mother of corn
to feed your hunger,
and learn to dance
stamping my moccasined feet
on the yellow-red earth,
and dress with turquoise beads
and eagle tail-feathers
that will speak to me
every fresh morning
of my ancestors,
and bless you to ward off
famine and disaster.
(this is another verse
from Tewa selected poems,
Asoka Weerasinghe, p.74)
Benjamin Chee Chee
(an Ojibway artist who died
by suicide in an Ottawa Jail
in 1977 at age 32)
Now I know how they failed.
If there had been equipment
with life-saving oxygen sent
to Ottawa’s City Jail
that night you were put inside
a racoon cage by policemen
on the fourth floor’s Cell No.10
I would have witnessed
more of your Canada geese’
flying in formation
with forward stretched arrow necks
along my studio wall. I think
they are a reflection
of your uncomplicated soul
drawn on paper
with pen and black ink.
(verse 2 and 3)
May be the warm weather’
would have dissuaded you a lot
to wear long sleeve shirts
in case you wished to tie a knot
with the sleeves to hang yourself.
Maybe I would have seen
Pacific salmon swimming up my wall
in stylized one line renderings,
May be, just, may be!
(from Tewa Selected Poems
Asoka Weerasinghe p.42)
Shanawdithit: Nancy April
On 6th June 1829
You didn’t feel fine
and white as death
spitting blood onto
a white man’s bed sheet,
Doodebewshet, Mary Decker
your mother gone,
your sister Easter Eve gone
and you are about to die
in St. John’s, Newfoundland,’
the last of the Beothucks
of the red ochre people
their Red-Indians
from your harsh far away
snow-packed land,
your home in Notre Dame Bay
coughing Beothuk syllables
I try to make you understand
I am part of you and affable
wanting to be understood
and be alive
as I am Shanawdithit.
(followed by verses 2 to 18)
Under this mound of earth
lie Shanawdithit the last
of the Red-Indian Beothuks
who coughed Beothuck syllables
wanting to to be understood
and affable to be alive,
who had a friend in
William Epp Cormack,
a Newfoundlander
who cried
when she died,
and left St. John’s in 1829
with a strong feeling in main
not wanting to return again.
(Asoka Weerasinghe
Volume 23,No.131 2020)
Well…well…well. I have presented my case as one
who fell in love with the First Nation peoples and
respected them with a wholesome heart..
Now, a John Q Public Judge and Jurist, that you Patrick Brown,
the Conservative Lord Mayor of the City of Brampton, of
Ontario, I found you guilty of a nonsensical fraudulent exercise wanting to buy
Tamil votes by erecting a Tamil ‘Genocide’ Memorial monument for those Tamils who died during the ethnic war with the Sri Lankan Government Military- Forces 13,720 km away, for the want of their mono-ethnic, racist Tamil State, Eelam.
You Lord Mayor Patrick Brown, while ignoring the Indigenous First Nation children who died in acts of Genocide at Residential schools, with no memorial for them sponsored by Brampton’s Mayor; while insulting the non-Tamil, Sri Lankan-Canadian population of Brampton with your senseless-act of erecting that Tamil ‘Genocide’ Memorial, equivalent to a Brampton’s Tamil-Blarney Gong Show, you owe an apology and a Peace-Offering to the Incumbent Sri Lankan Buddhist monks of the Brampton Buddhist Mission temple, whose brother novice monks, 33 of them, were slaughtered inside a bus on the morning of 2 June, 1987, by the Tamil Tiger Terrorists on their way on a pilgrimage. They were brutally mutilated on a rampage, attacking the novice Buddhist monks with guns and swords and shooting them with machine guns,at Aranthalawa. Did you hear me Mayor Patrick Brown of Brampton…let me repeat, 33-young novice monks in saffron Buddha robes were brutally mutilated by the Tamil Tiger terrorists with guns and swords and shooting them with machine guns, on the morning of 2 June, 1987. And you have the gall and temerity wanting to erect a Tamil ‘Genocide’ Memorial Monument in your Brampton’s Native Indian’s sacred land.
I propose that the Council of the City of Brampton pay a Peace-offering by inviting the Chief monk of the Brampton’s Buddhist Mission Temple requesting them to install a Replica of the diorama of the bus with the young monks having been mutilated’ on a City approved site.
Let this Monument of Aranthalawa be the gathering place every 2nd of June for Buddhist devotees to perform their Pattanumodana Pooja’ to transfer merits to the 33 Novice monks who were killed and mutilated by the Tamil Tiger terrorists of Sri Lanka.
The original ‘Monument of Aranthalawa’ is situated in the village of Aranthalawa in the Ampara District in Sri Lanka.
Mayor Patrick Brown, the final decision is entirely yours. Either to act as
a responsible, intelligent politician, admitting that your decision had failed to create a wholesome, harmonious multi-cultural community in Brampton, having opened a can of Vaddukodai worms by wanting to erect a Tamil Genocide” Memorial Monument in the City, and erase from the City Planning Drawings, the existence of such a Memorial Monument. This thus erases my proposal of the installation of the Monument of Aranthalawa in the City of Brampton.
MayorPatrick Bown, ff your final decision is to go ahead with erecting the Tamil ‘Genocide’ Memorial Monument, at least be honest to the world with the invitation to your City with a big welcoming board at the Highway entering the City of Brampton which says
Be Well, Happy, Wise and Peaceful
Asoka Weerasinghe(Mr.)