

A Housing Project for the war heroes of the SL Armed Forces-Brothers & Sisters of Sri Lanka, let us rally round to contribute for a noble cause

Sisira Pereira, Panadura

It is overwhelmingly heartening to hear the news that the Ministry of Defence and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka have jointly put forward a low priced housing plan to accommodate the well deserving men and women of our Armed Forces who have selflessly dedicated their youth to safeguard the Nation for all of us.

It is a piece of cake to be located elsewhere, while enjoying all the convenience of luxurious life styles far from the battlefront and play the part of ?patriots', while paying lip service to the fight against terrorism. Yet it is the very dedication and bravery of our distantly related, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons who are laying down their precious lives in the name of safeguarding the Sri Lankan Nation against the brutal terrorism of the LTTE.

During these thirty years of LTTE terrorism, countless youth belonging to all ethnicities in our Armed Forces have resisted the terrorists' attempt to divide the country and cause mayhem, thereby allowing the rest of their fellow citizens the opportunity to live in an undivided country, while they chose the harder way of fighting the enemy and die an honourable death serving the country. Some has become disabled and some has paid the supreme sacrifice with their lives as a result of putting country before self, their families, kith and kin.

Dear Brothers & Sisters of Sri Lanka,

It is high time that we rallied round our brave warriors and their families to show our gratitude and respect for their dedication and sacrifice, which they chose to show for the country in the place of all of us. Therefore, it is the onus of all of us to contribute for this worthy cause, to put as much input as we can afford to, with the realization that these men & women in Uniform could afford their precious lives to save the Nation.

Nothing can equal their dedication and sacrifices. Yet, let us forget all political affiliations and think as a nation and stand behind these men & women of Uniform in this hour of need and make a collective try.

Let us pass this message to our friends.

Let us be a Nation of grateful citizens.

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