

Lankas Priority No 1 - Rally behind Rajapaksha.


In the 1960s the Far Eastern block of nations like Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong embraced full fledged market economies and made rapid economic progress. By the dawn of the 21st century these countries had earned the grand status of newly industrialized countries.

During this era India, the leader of the South Asian block was experimenting with Soviet style socialism under Ghandi. But in early 80's India woke up to the reality of benefits of Capitalism and India too headed to a full fledged market economy along with China who too hitherto was a communist state with no private ownership of economic activity. Both these nations went through rapid growth with Technology leading India's economic boom while consumer goods manufacturing to the rich west being the pace maker for China. These two nations and Japan will be central to Asia's economic domination of the world in this century. India is already planning to land a man on the moon within the decade and China's space exploration has already started.

On the other hand ailing socialist Sri Lanka was dragged into a market economy by JR long before India in 1977. Mrs. B had ruined the economy with a flopped socialist experiment. Coupled with Gigantic construction projects like the Mahaweli and Jayawardene Pura JR managed to propel the economy forward and by early 1980s it was as if a new nation was born. Indians traveled to Lanka to buy duty free Electronics and Fashion. India did not welcome JR's capitalism, being the ragtag poor and bully big brother it was then and even now.

Then came the blood thirsty Prabhakaran and power hungry Wijeweera who began the path of destroying Sri Lanka's new found prosperity. Wijeweera was a national curse and brought the country to a near halt with his curfews and Prabhakaran took care of the rest of destruction. Rightly Wijeweera was caught and executed while megalomaniac Prabhakaran continued his path of blood letting, Tamils and Sinhalese alike.

Premadasa and Chandrika both misread shrewd and venomous Prabhakaran and the former got blown into pieces and the latter lost an eye with the curtesy of Prabhakaran. Dissanayaka and Athulathmudali, two of Lanka's clever leaders were both killed by Prabhakaran. From then to now Blood Thirsty Prabhakaran has executed and murdered hundreds of leaders and thousands of innocent civilians. Lanka Lion was bleeding bad.

Ranil took the easy way out by signing a shameless deal of betrayal.Prabhakaran made the biggest sucker out of him and nearly got his priced Elam on a platter. Dear or dear!! How many of our leaders were taken for a ride by this maniac who eventually killed all those who trusted him one by one.

Only common man Rajapaksha from the South truly read Prabhakaran and his thirst for killing. On one hand he has to discharge his constitutional responsibilty of defending the country from an enemy within, while on the other he has righfully come to the conclusion that unless the LTTE is anihilated there can never be real progress in Sri Lanka. The LTTE is a deep rooted cancer that is eating into the growth cells of the Lankan society.

Rajapaksha together with his trusted brothers took on the grave responsibility of driving the LTTE out of the planet. While appointing family members to the Cabinet is never an acceptable policy the nation has to look the other way for the sake of getting rid of the terrorist curse. Ranil need to postpone his dying desire to lead Lanka and join hands with Rajapaksha to offer a common united front to rid Lanka of the LTTE. Enough is enough Mr. Wicramasinghe. This is no time for political games.

BBC and many of the ignorant English Politicians never know what it is like when a megalomaniac infects a society with murder and destruction. One day if a group of Indians in Bradford take to suicide bombers, arson, murder and terrorism demanding a separate country for the Indians within England, the English might wake up to realities of the 21st century terrorist world. I have no doubt the English army will crush all separatists wholesale just the same way some of their forefathers murdered thousands of unarmed Indian peasants in Amritsa during Ghandi days of India. Ruthlessness is in their genetic disposition and the English have no shortage of that. It is always easy to preach than practice.

All Lankans have to get behind President Rajapaksha for a quick ending to this 25 year old curse. The day Prabhakaran is busted will be the day the new Sri Lanka will be born. With its ambitious and talented people Lanka will rise up once again to be the true Pearl of the Indian Ocean. Let there be politics as usual after that.

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