

Heavy Clashes erupt in Mannar; terrorists suffer heavy losses

Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law & Order

Heavy clashes have erupted this morning (December 1) in the Mannar front in Wanni Defence, between the Security forces and LTTE said the defence sources. Troops continuing on preemptive strikes at the terrorist' strong holds in Mannar have run at the LTTE's first bunker line at Manthai in the south of Adampan area.

According to the ground sources, troops have been able to destroy the terror bunker line and occupy the area. Radio monitoring of LTTE transmissions have so far revealed that 9 LTTE cadres have died and 47 others suffered injuries in the attack. The Media Center for National Security said that three Army personnel have been killed and 10 others injured in the incident.

Separately on the Welioya front, troops clashed with the terrorists at two locations killing two LTTE cadres this morning (December 1). At Janka Pura North, troops ambushed a group of LTTE cadres around 11:30 a.m. Technical sources have confirmed that one LTTE cadre was killed and two others were injured in the incident. The second incident took place in the North of Kokkuthuduwai area when troops attacked an LTTE bunker around 12:30 p.m. Technical sources have confirmed one LTTE cadre was killed and three others injured. Troops suffered no harm in either of the incidents.

In a pre dawn attack in Jaffna, troops killed six LTTE cadres who had come to infiltrate the Muhamalai Forward Defence Line (FDL) this morning (December 1). Later, in search operation conducted in the area troops have found one claymore mine, three improvised explosive devices (IED), six Anti-personnel mines and one bar mine.

Pre-emptive strikes are continuing.

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