

Lanka has only one way out of bully boy India.


One needS to face brutal facts of life no matter how hurtful they can be, and brutal facts hurt almost always. World's richest man for the 13th year running Bill Gatos's no 1 rule of life is that life is not fair and accept it and work this unfair system.

Once upon a time until recently India was a rag tag poor nation of one billion people where cows, bulls and buffaloes fought each other with men and women in an attempt to share the broken down roads immaterial of traffic rules. When President Jayawardene liberalized the Lankan economy in late 1970s many Indians headed south to do duty free shopping in Colombo as Indian economy was suffering from an overdose of Soviet style socialism.

That was then. Today's India is far different. Since liberalization in early nineties India has been on a steady path of gigantic economic progress thanks mostly to a dynamic IT industry, outsourcing and of course fueled by the billion human market.It is widely believed that in a decade or two India will replace many European countries as one of the most powerful economic powerhouses of the world. Every major Capitalist Giants such as Microsoft, GE, GM, Mercedes, Dell, Coca Cola, IBM, and scores of other billion dollar companies are flocking to India to do business.

No matter what happened in the past the fact is India got its act right and is well on the way to economic superstardom. It got so powerful that it has come to dictate where the war weary poor neighbor Sri Lanka should shop for its arms. Sri Lanka is in great distress and hurting bad due to a brutal war waged by a megalomaniac in the name of a so called freedom struggle coupled with opportunistic and incompetent Leaders from the South. President Rajapaksha is a very troubled leader stuck between all the big boys including India dictating rights and wrongs while Rajapaksha try to steer Lanka into peace and prosperity weathering all the political storms from other parties and some within his own party. A very tough job indeed.

There is only one way Sri Lanka as a nation can stand on its own without bully boy India pushing us around. That is get our own house in order and push for rapid economic progress. This means more and more and more investment from the labor expensive rich countries just like what India is doing.

This means also a lot of discipline in the government. Get rid of useless non productive ministers and streamline down to a few but effective ministers who will push for rapid investment and growth. Granted it is difficult to get investors to war troubled Sri Lanka when there a lots of peaceful countries around where their money can be invested.

The ministers have to be all businesslike geared purely for attracting investment even if one forth of Lanka has to become a Free Trade Zone. Ministers should be busy building the country rather than wasting time and hard public money on opening ceremonies, weddings and useless foreign travel. People who don't understands hard realities of 21st century economies should not be nowhere near the cabinet. This includes a lot of socialists who still believe government should own all business activities. These individuals live in the economic medieval and are people of a bygone era. Even communist China and Russia has today become as capitalist as USA where the free market thrives. To say the least even Chairman Mao's communist China has a thriving stock market valued over several trillion dollars.

These are brutal facts Lanka has to face and of course brutal facts hurt.

President Rajapaksha being a man of common stock and the South probably understands more than most about hard economic facts and the power of investment by huge corporations. Vietnam, Bangladesh and even Sudan is making great strides on this front. The difference is Sudan has turned to the East for its investments; i.e., the new Asian Tiger economies.

Leave the War in the capable hands of General Fonseka and have the cabinet focus on rebuilding Lanka's economy. Once you achieve a level of wealth where we don't need to borrow for our food or arms, the bully boys are likely to let go their strangulation. Remember nobody touches the wealthy because wealth brings dignity and power.

All views and opinions presented in this article are solely those of the surfer and do not necessarily represent those of



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