



History has a habit of repeating itself. Every terrorist leader eventually succumb to his own philosophy. To live by violence will guarantee your death by violence. A few recent examples are Rohana Wijeweera, Saddham Hessein, Pol Pot and Kahlid Sheikh Mohamed and more. At the height of their glory they hail high, live high and talk high while also murdering the innocent and the helpless in the guise of freedom, but always, always, universal truth come back to bite them and bite them hard. Violence will not achieve an unjust goal.

So was the life and death of Tamil Selvam. He lived by the gun (and a cyanide capsule) and died by the gun. Eventually what did he take with him to his afterlife? Lots and lots of curses, tears and eternal emptiness felt by the sons, daughters mothers, fathers, wives and husbands whose near and dear ones were brutally murdered by the LTTE killing machine that he so proudly represented. What did he really achieve for all that? Sweet nothing!!!. This is the internal truth of all hell bent violent movements.

This brings us to the hour of glory for our armed forces whose brave sacrifices have persistently denied Prabhakaran and his killers the priced trophy of Ealam. On the contrary thanks these young lads headed by competent generals he is retreating more and more into the bush and he will be left with nothing but a big deep hole to hide in. The world knows of another killer who was hiding in a hole a few years ago and eventually walked into a Baghdad hangman's noose.

GOSL should continue to relentless onslaught onto the Tiger heartland until Tigers realize the emptiness of their pursuit. When the Allied Forces were bombing Berlin day in and day out in 1945 Hitler, hiding in a concrete bunker several hunder feet below ground, still believed that he was winning the war as he did not come out to see that Berlin was being reduced to rubble. He was living in a dream world. Prabhakaran too is living in a dream world - all killer maniacs do - and not woken up to the reality that his Ealam dream is shattering from its very foundation.

Our Nation owes its gratitude to the Air Force, in particular and the Armed Forces in general. President Rajapaksha is living upto the promise Lankan people trusted him with too as a true son of the South. He and any self centered civilized person realize full well that the LTTE does not represent the aspirations of the average Tamil people who just want to live in a peaceful Lanka. Thank you Mr. President for your wisdom and correct leadership to our soldiers. Wiping out terrorism is a pre requisite for a prosperous Sri Lanka; Tamils and Sinhalese alike.

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