


Shripal Nishshanka (Middle Bond)

Pali and Sanskrit are known as the earth ancient languages in this known history of he world and continuous research and development are carried out in various parts to line the languages up with chronology.

The everlasting victory to Sri Lanka or 'Chirang Jayathu Sri Lanka' has been told by many philosophers including Gauthama Buddha. On the very same day which Gauthama Buddha was enjoying the Great Passing Away or Maha-Parinibbana, the expelled crew lead by Prince Vijay from North India got landed in Sri Lanka, upon the copper colour beach which he named as Thamba Panni (copper-plated). One of his crew noted a bitch walking and on Prince Vijay's order the animal was followed as a human presence was imminent according to the theory of a dog and a cat would not survive without human.

Queen Quweni (presumably the word 'queen' came to the English language by the word Quweni) was knitting and she welcomed the guests but to be betrayed by the gang of Vijay in a latter stage. Prince Vijay's great great grand father has been living in a cave with lions thus known as the Lion King or 'Sinha Bahu'. The pundits who try to challenge the history shall be answered by fossils and other archeological facts and still they have their right, not to believe in the same way some people do not believe that man conquering moon is also just a myth.

After the continents were moved in to the present positions on the equilibrium off Big Bang, Sri Lanka was always on its own without any borders.

This strategically important phenomena with ancient civilization goes beyond any other culture in the world making Sri Lanka a unique. Geographically smaller, but importantly larger Sri Lanka today faces a threat of terrorism by some murderers who continuously buy politicians and media for their pity ugly benefits continuously. But the truth that they shall learn is that no matter what they try, the power of truth shall buoy always and all ways.

According to the Theory of Relativity the history, present and the future are same and proving it otherwise shall be a contradictory.

The Everlasting Victory of Sri Lankan bravery security forces is welcome!

The innocent civilians trapped by Wanni murderers shall evacuate or gain life in a ruthful world!
Long Live Sri Lanka and other peaceful countries!

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