

Refusing to retract condemnation of Sri Lanka

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada

December 8, 2007

Mr. Koichiro Matsuura
Director General
7 Place de Fontenoy
75352 PARIS 07 SP

Dear Mr. Matsuura:

So you did your little Bankaru puppet dance around Sri Lanka’s Ambassador in France and Permanent delegate to UNESCO, Chitranganee Wagiswara, thinking that you had skillfully avoided an apology and a retraction of your public condemnation of the Sri Lankan government for bombing the Tamil Tiger terrorists Voice of Tigers (VoT) which is a clandestine, unregistered, illegal radio installation used for terrorist propaganda through the airwaves.

I don’t think you got it really, did you now Mr. Matsuura? What the Sri Lankan government wanted was an apology and a retraction, and not your spiel about how UNESCO reaffirms the “strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestation…” That doesn’t cut mustard among most of us, and very likely the Sri Lankan government too. The point is, who the hell cares what UNESCO thinks about terrorism, but what we do care is about UNESCO supporting Tamil Tiger terrorism which is hemorrhaging that island nation using machetes, hand grenades, claymore mines, suicide bombers, Kalashnikovs, RPGs and other sophisticated war weapons.
That bit of diplomatic drama by you isn’t good enough even to be scripted into a Noh Drama. That spiel sans an apology really was a reaffirmation that UNESCO is the Godfather of Tamil Tiger terrorism. I like to see you wriggle out of that charge, as you have very clearly set the stage for UNESCO to commit Hara-Kiri on the world stage having decided to support Tamil Tiger terrorism.

Your stubborn arrogance not to apologize and retract your condemnation of the Sri Lankan government is a serious breach of international protocol creating an unhealthy liaison between your institution and the government of the Sri Lankan *‘nation’.*

This incident is serious enough for the Sri Lankan government to take steps not to let UNESCO spit again at them after having the audacity to poke its nose into the internal affairs of its sovereign ‘nation’.

I sincerely hope that the Sri Lankan government sever its umbilical-cord with UNESCO until such time its demands are respected, and recall its Permanent delegate to UNESCO, and have its office, if there is one, removed from its territory, as UNESCO is clearly a hostile institution which is against the legitimate existence of this little sovereign nation as one piece, and couldn’t care two straws for the ‘right to life’ of her sovereign peoples as over 70,000 people have died as a result of the Tamil Tiger, separatist Eelam cause.

As a member of the Jury of the Joe-public, my verdict is, enough is enough, and not allow any more school backyard bullying by an UN-Goliath on the subjects of this precious God’s Lilliputian little acre of land.
And I hope that the Sri Lankan government will have the gumption to tell you in diplomatic parlance, “Mr. Matsuura, we really didn’t like your insulting Bunkaru puppet theatrics. So don’t even try your So-ran Bushi as we would hate it as well, as we are sure that we will be out of step with you in that arrogant diplomatic dance. What we want if an apology and a retraction. And remember this; we will do what we have to do to save our island being dissected by your marauding terrorist friends, the Tamil Tigers and you might as well and go fly a kite without poking your nose into our internal affairs.”

Asoka Weerasinghe
Ottawa, Canada

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