

The Sus-scrofa of Lankan Politics

Dilrook Kannangara

Many have tried to equate the dominant characteristics of each politician to a kind of species. Of course LTTE terrorists call themselves ‘tigers’ and the Sinhala mythology refers to a lion. Apart from this categorisation, there exists other means of division such as doves and hawks, ostriches and eagles. There are a few more not so elegant classifications including bats, foxes, eels and cobras. Then there are mules and hinnies – another common classification of weak personalities. Donkeys and asses cannot be forgotten as regards politics of any country and elephants, buffaloes, dogs, worms and swine are not uncommon either. However, if there is a Sus scrofa among them it got to be the most ungrateful politician. Unfortunately there is such a creature among the lawmakers of Sri Lanka.

His ungratefulness has been legendary and so is his opportunistic behaviour. He is one of the very few scavengers who had gone begging behind the leaders of the UNP, SLFP, PA, UPFA and LTTE. His meekly submission to the terrorist leader when the terror leader was mercilessly gunning down this politician’s own voters is nothing but despicable. Although he assigned all rights of representing his voters to the LTTE a few years back via a MoU, he continues to seek their votes to survive. He has openly engaged in subversion most notably when he amassed a crowed to attack the STF recently. However, he escaped scot-free!

Women started burning themselves in front of his house alleging that he had exploited them! Although he has been an utter failure not only in the district he comes from, but also in another district, he continues in active politics. After what he engineered in 2001, he can never step into his own district, let alone contesting an election there! Although he contested the last General Election, he failed to get elected on the basis of preference votes. Nevertheless he clings himself into his political party even after it scattered into pieces following intense internal battles.

But the biggest ungrateful piggery is his attempts to vote against the budget after consuming ministerial benefits for almost a year just like a swine recycling dirt again and again! Instead of making national demands pertaining to the budget, these politicians try to extort personal and communal privileges. Thereby they try to commit a fraud on the other communities and hence should never be allowed. Land issues are faced by the whole population and solving the problem of landlessness only among one community while the others remain landless amounts to noting short of racism. If the government clings onto power by sustaining this type of political pigs, it will be for its own detriment. Instead they should be stripped off their ministries, benefits and security so that people can approach them better.

On a larger scale the election system that allows destructive political elements to enter the legislature must be obstructed. The executive presidential system has given them too much bargaining power at presidential elections. Therefore this unsuitable setting must be corrected as soon as practical. There is little sense in bypassing the legislature by an all powerful executive president who can overrule anything and everything. Instead the parliament must be strengthened. The tried and tested first-past-the-post system without changes is undoubtedly the best. This system has worked perfectly well in most democratic countries around the world and Sri Lanka should better go back to this system. It ensures that only productive politicians are elected to serve the electorate and those who serve the interests of the LTTE find no means of getting elected. Also it allows no room for excuses for underdevelopment, etc.

It is not surprising how the lawmakers elected in a defective election system (as in Iraq) strive to protect it so that they can get re-elected, hide behind ministries and neglect their electorate and adopt completely irrelevant political ideologies to serve anyone but voters. Under a first-past-the-post system any politician wishing to get re-elected must ensure development and electoral welfare no matter he is a capitalist, socialist, communist, communalist or a federalist. Even the FP that harped on communalism had to bend down to strike a coalition deal with the UNP in 1965 to carryout development work in the North-East after years of neglect.

Alternatively the number of bonus seats for each district in the present PR system can be increased. This ensures that a parliamentary majority can be obtained by the winner. It also prompts parties to integrate together than disintegrate into many smaller groups. Such a system will also make sure that true national political parties get their due share of seats. This change can be made without substantially altering the Constitution for which both the UNP and the SLFP could agree. Also race-based politics and political demands must be made illegal in the Constitution.

In the short run, the JVP must unleash its power that can simply bulldoze opportunistic politicians at the third reading of the budget. The government on its part should ask the opportunists to fly a kite than give in to racist demands; if not cut down now that will result in further racist demands in the future. When these opportunists find that they cannot survive without ministerial security and perks, they will come back to the government anyway without demands.

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