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Open letter to Ms Louise Arbour UN Human Rights High CommissionerBen Silva London 11- 10 -07Dear Ms Arbour, Failure of UN on human rights issues, Human rights and terrorism in Sri Lanka Human rights are so sacred that it is some thing all humans must be taught to respect. It is also sad that UN officials are unable to distinguish between a blood thirsty, racist Criminal gang that gets funding from bogus refugees all over the world and a democratically elected Govt. that is fighting for survival against the destruction caused by terrorists. Also HR issues also should not be used to take away the freedom and the dignity of small nations such as Sri Lanka. It has to be recognised that Sinhalese are a minority in global terms compared to Tamils and the Tamils have over the years carried out ethnic cleansing of the Sinhalese, and have caused utter destruction, that has led to the decline of the ancient Sinhala civilisation. It has also should be taken into consideration that Sri Lanka is fighting an utterly ruthless, utterly cunning terrorist organisation who are experts at deception, lies, fraud and propaganda war. It has to be recognised by the UN, that LTTE agents mix with the public, pretend to be civilians and carry out killings and other destruction and propaganda warfare, which becomes extremely difficult to the Govt. to deal, due to deception, propaganda and fraud. Sri Lankan people have been living in fear for a long time (over 25 years ) due to terror caused by LTTE. Basic right to life has been denied to many Sri Lankans by terrorists. Terrorism has created the following in Sri Lanka Orphans The burden of care of these people fall on the Sri Lankan people and the state. UN as a body is a failed organisation when it comes to Human rights issues in Sri Lanka. UN did not assist Sri Lanka to defeat terrorism, but merely hounded Sri Lanka. In the document given below, by UN, I refer to the Human rights commissioner of UN. UN as a failed organisation, in terms of HR issues, is exposed with appropriate evidence. If a failed organisation, that has not understood world problems correctly, is allowed to set up office in Sri Lanka, then it will add misery to Sri Lanka and strengthen the hands of terrorism. In the world, if the human race is to survive, truth and justice has to win, over lies, deception, greed and fraud. What Sri Lanka wants is justice, live with dignity free from colonial bulling, to live free from terrorism and ethic cleansing that has been going on for centuries and to be free from Tamil racism and destruction.
Large number of civilians, in excess of 100000 have been killed in IRAQ and Afganistan as a result of action by USA/UK allied forces. Press reports indicate that there is regular killing of children, and civilians in Iraq and Afganistan by allied armed forces [11]. It is well known, that allied Governments lied through their teeth, by creating mythical WMD, which turned out to be weapons of mass deception. UN, instead of paying attention in IRAQ and Afganistan is hounding defenceless Sri Lanka. This is clearly a bully tactic.
UN has taken no pragmatic action to curb terrorism and terrorist fundraising
[7],[8] overseas against Sri Lanka. There is a large number of deaths
and damage to Sri Lankan economy as a result of terrorism in Sri Lanka.
UN did not understand that LTTE use lies, fraud and deception as a
part of its toolkit [2]. UN could easily be deceived by false propaganda
LTTE, as happened in the case of Alan Rock. UN failed to understand that LTTE has killed many Tamils and Sinhala
people including over 30 Tamil Politicians [14]. UN failed to recognise that LTTE is a terrorist organisation [14],that
has carried out ethnic cleansing and therefore has to be defeated. UN failed to act on Norway, which is known to have funded terrorists
[15],[16],[17]. UN should get its priorities right and actively prevent
funding of terrorists, rather than hound countries such as Sri Lanka,
that are victims. There is HR abuse in UK [10]. Does Louise Arbour want
a mission in UK to monitor HR situation. I believe UK Govt. will deal
with the situation, just as the Sri Lankan Govt. would. UN failed to recognise the terror and misery caused to many Sri Lankans
due to terrorism and merely believe strategically placed LTTE propaganda. UN failed to stop the flow of arms from South India and Cambodia into
Sri Lanka, causing utter death and destruction in Sri Lanka. UN has failed to take any action against LTTE pistol gang killings,
that the Govt. wants to stop. UN has ignored the bogus refugee problem that generate funds to LTTE
[2], which is a ruthless terrorist Organisation. UN failed to take a holistic approach to the HR issue in Sri Lanka,
as it only wants a monitor in Sri Lanka whilst not having monitors,
to monitor LTTE fund raising and arms trafficking. UN failed to monitor factors that fuel terrorism as given below. LTTE has a massive propaganda machine and a network to win sympathisers. If it cannot achieve its objectives by persuasion then it will use bribery , gifts, lavish entertainment or death threats. LTTE has a hierarchical structure and a vast network for propaganda and fund raising. The edifice of LTTE is based on deception and fraud. The factors given below keep LTTE in motion.
1 Fund raising by LTTE in the West, 2. Tax evasion using bogus charities 3. human trafficking, 4. arms purchase and arms trafficking, 5. export and trade of terror technology, 6. credit card fraud, 7. money laundering, 8. identification fraud, 9. counterfeit trade, 10. passport fraud 11. Funding from Norway and foreign countries
UN failed to understand that what is happening in Sri Lanka is a group
of racist, ruthless Tamils attempting to expand Tamil Nadu and create
a racist Tamil empire. LTTE have already carried out ethnic cleansing
and the ethnic cleansing has been carried out for centuries.Victim,
Sri Lanka is fighting for survival. Sri Lanka has to be protected from bullies such as Louise Arbour. I sincerely hope that Louise Arbour is neither racist nor incompetent. Government of Sri Lanka is fully capable of protecting its own citizens, but what Sri Lanka needs is protection from racists, colonialists, terrorists and bullies.
As it is, number of HR organisations such as HRW [13] and ICG [12] have written pro LTTE, biased reports, that are full of errors and omissions. These organisations may write biased reports to justify their existence, could be in the pay of LTTE or could be due to simple colonialist attitude or racism. One more HR office may produce more biased reports instead of dealing with the real problem, which is terrorism and fund raising by terrorists. UN failed to recognise the link between bogus refugees, funding for
terrorists, bogus propaganda against Sri Lanka and also human rights
abuses. Bogus Tamil refugees get preferential treatment and favouritism
over law abiding Sinhalese and get massive economic advantage as well. What is needed is not an office in Sri Lanka, but monitors and offices in EU countries, Canada, Australia and USA to monitor fundraising activities and arms traficking by in those countries. Without doing that, merely to hound Sri Lanka is an act of bullying and Sri Lanka should resist it. Further, compensation should be paid to victims of terrorism, by countries that allowed fund raising by LTTE.
Once terrorism is curbed, then there could be anyone monitoring HR in Sri Lanka. Before terrorism affected Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka had very high standards of Law and order and also high standards of HR.
As for Sri Lanka, all the bullying acts show the need for self reliance on defence. There is massive poverty in the world and a big gap between the rich and the poor. Instead of, taking steps to provide equal opportunities to all humans, UN officials are trying to promote LTTE Tamil racism indirectly by hounding Sri Lanka and by turning a blind eye to terrorist fundraising and arms trafficking. If terrorism is bad for USA, then it should be bad for SL as well. The same law should be applied.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Silva
http://www.dailynews.lk/2007/10/10/news27.asp http://www.janes.com/press/press/pc070719_1.shtml 3. How the Tigers beat the Sri Lankan government Asian T http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/5889 4. The International fight against LTTE - NAT http://www.svik.org/nat1.pdf 5. Ureported World - Sri Lanka - part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiJTIL_3GaY&NR=1 6. The Terrorists' War against Sri Lanka http://www.spur.asn.au/LTTE_Terrorists_War_in_Sri_Lanka.pdf 7. Tiger Tax Part 1 http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/3398206/ 8. Tiger Tax part 2 http://beta.muxlim.tv/video/JwY5whNFLjA 9.http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9949827 10. Ross Kemp examines Sri Lankan Tamil Gang Crime in London. Violence, Torture, Kidnapping, Murder are committed by Tamil gangs in Britain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqZlBygiVlg 11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7036106.stm (BBC 10/10/07) 12. http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items07/150807-2.html 13. http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items07/100807-7.html 14. http://www.spur.asn.au/ 15. http://www.svik.org/PDF/norway.pdf 16. http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items07/220407-5.html 17. http://www.svik.org/nat1.pdf http://www.svik.org/nat1.pdf
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