

Please Keep Ranil As the Leader of the UNP!

S. Hewage

Ranil Wickremasinghe lost for the 16th Time!

To lose 16 times is a world record for a politician anywhere in the world, and still remains as the leader of the party. Never mind a political party, even at a birthday party, if you keep repeating the same bad joke, you will be kicked out. Ranil has become the master of bad jokes in Sri Lankan politics—promising to topple the government in power without any strategy or plan.

Following the latest defeat in the house last week, the UNP parliamentarians declared that they would continue to support Ranil’s leadership. The government’s house leader, Jayaraj Fernandopulle, on the other hand, urged the UNPrs to keep Ranil as their party leader as it would guarantee that the UNP would never form a government. As long as Ranil is the leader of the UNP and remains the opposition, the patriotic forces will govern the nation, and continue to rally around President Mahinda Rajapakse to protect the country.

The problem with the UNP, that grand old party of Sri Lanka, is that Ranil and his henchmen consistently fail to gauge the public mood and the feelings of average Sri Lankan because they dance to the tune of Colombo-based agents (aka diplomats) of imperial forces, and the Catholic Church. These people, together with the UNP led by Ranil, are hell-bent in destroying the country’s Buddhist cultural heritage and living in harmony with other communities. They want to create small Christian enclaves across the south, while establishing a mono-ethnic Tamil state in the north of the country. Ranil is their favorite local prince, Don Juan Dharamapala, waiting to be crowned as the king of the island nation with his declared loyalty to London, Washington and the Vatican.

Ranil’s “Raja Yoga” has now become permanently a Kala Kanni Dosa, without a hope of attaining power. At the last minute of the budget debate, another “permanent loser,” Anura Bandaranaike, has joined Ranil, and everyone knows what this means. Any political party that Anura is associated with has no chance of winning an election. Therefore, for the fore-seeable future Ranil and his fellow UNPrs have no chance of forming a government, and the country is safe from unwanted interference of the West.

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