

United we stand

Jay Deshabandu

Monkey business at the parliament was once again nothing new on the budget. Some minority politicians put the reason as the aspirations of their people for jumping. A lot of other jumpers were quoted as saying they were jumping due to personal conflicts with the government. No body jumped for a specific weakness of the budget, and that is in fact good news for the people of Sri-Lanka. The real reason was clear to everyone: to be on the winning side and to consolidate their personal survival.

But as it happens the common sense prevailed; the government won the budget and a lot of money was saved which could otherwise have been wasted in an unnecessary election.

It is in fact heartening to observe what is being done in the parliament for the people! Do they actually do anything good for the country? Or do they waste time in jumping and talking in the name of dirty personal politics? Monkey will remain as monkeys as long as they have legs that can jump!

The need of the hour is the simultaneous elimination of terrorism and corrupt politicians while enhancing economic and social development of the country. President Rajapaksha is at least in the right direction on this. He who cares for his nation will be cared by his nation!

Who represent us, the common people? Who talk about long term solutions such as producing electric vehicles, trains, motor bikes to relive the country’s dependence on oil? We have enough brains, including myself, who know the modern technology and necessary skills to make electricity using wind, tidal, natural potential energy of heights of mountains with water and solar power. This is not a difficult thing to do. Just an initiative would make it a reality!

Who talks about bringing in laws to punish corrupt politicians and officers who live on public money and yet steal public money and property as a way of doing business? Who talks about bringing in capital punishment for those bribery takers? The truth is that corrupt politicians do not bring these laws as it would lend to burying themselves.

Sri-Lanka can not develop at least an inch by being a divided nation. Keep your religion as a personal belonging to yourself for it is the root cause of all conflicts between man and a man, between nations and between man and the nature. We have to act like one nation and one child in the Sri-Lankan mother land. We have to be proud to carry our national flag, display it in all government offices, schools and the likes. Those who have no respect for themselves cannot respect their own parents or others let alone the country!

The LTTE leader Prabkaran who is now mainly confined to a hole in the ground, has taken our country for a suicide joy ride for too long. He knows he as no end to his dream, he keeps dreaming until the reality catches him up which I believe is not that far away. Prabhakaran has not only put his own race, Tamil people at ransom, but also he has put the whole country at ransom for so long. He is planning on putting generations that are not yet born into ransom. He has used pregnant women as suicide bombers, disable women and weakest of the weakest women as suicide bombers. If these are not human rights violations what are them? I would like to ask that question from so called human rights organizations. Why does Prabhakaran specially target women to be train as suicide bombers? Perhaps women are more vulnerable and desire to sacrifice anything to make money to meet the needs of their family. In India, it was common for a widow to jump into the husband’s cremation. There is no wonder why he uses women to kill themselves and any being near them. How about his wife or children? Are they suicide bombers? What is his wife’s role in the suicide organization? Apparently they think that some things and lives are more valuable than the value of the life of a feeble woman suicide bomber!

The government is yet to realize its becoming of wining; that is the eradication of terrorism, when the LTTE is down with terrorism, which is sooner than most would think, a new sun will appear all over the Sri-Lankan land. On that day all jumpers would jump back. As with any fight, the real win comes with hard work and sacrifices. Until then we should cherish lives and support those who put their lives up on the line to free the country of terrorism!

Do not support corrupt politicians for the guilt is yours!

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