

An Internal Conspiracy was Defeated by Patriotic forces on December 14.

S. Hewage

The attempt to topple the government on December 14, during the third reading of the 2008 budget, by Ranil Wickremasinghe and a group of misguided politicians with the backing of some international conspirators was a part of a well organized anti-Sri Lankan campaign of the west. The goal of this campaign is to undermine President Rajapakse’s determined action to rid Sri Lanka from the threat of terrorism and separatism, while striving to bring about a political solution to satisfy the genuine concerns of all communities.

On numerous occasions, President Rajapakse has made it clear that he is no friend of any international camp—whether it is western or eastern—but a nationalist whose political beliefs are deeply entrenched in rural Buddhist values of the island nation. Of course, he has genuine feelings for his fellow Asian neighbors, who have supported Sri Lanka in its political struggle. However, these western countries with an agenda for global domination have no permanent friends in the east. They have only a permanent interest.

The anti-Sri Lankan elements that operate through the UN, and various other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs and INGOs), which are based in the west, sympathize with LTTE terrorists. While they criticize the democratically elected government on human rights issues, they conveniently ignore the fact that the government is fighting a well-organized separatist terrorist group. These human rights activists and UN officials rarely condemn the numerous killings of civilians by US led forces in Iraq, or NATO forces in Afghanistan.

According to a latest report by a media watchdog, the majority of journalists killed in 2007 were in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia, where US, and it’s allies are engaged in military campaigns to curb Islamic insurgents. Although human rights have become a global business in the 21st century, these human rights campaigners in the west never criticize such violations carried out by western countries. We all know what is happening in Guantanamo Bay prison camp for more than five years. It is the hell on earth in terms of rights abuse by the US authorities. The simple fact is that these so-called “guardian angels” of human rights and democracy cannot afford to antagonize their financiers. Instead, they go after soft targets like Sri Lanka and other developing countries that have been embroiled in internal conflicts.

It is very important for nationalist political parties like JVP to understand the current political situation in Sri Lanka vis-à-vis the geopolitical interest of the west. For those international conspirators, who have a long-term agenda to undermine the emerging political and economic forces in Asia, such as China and India, Sri Lanka is a stepping-stone with its strategica location in the east. The JVP and other patriotic forces should never allow the local agents like Ranil Wickremasinghe and Mangala Samaraweera to control the national political agenda of the country by letting them gain political power. They have no national vision or desire to safeguard the country, and instead work as local representatives of foreign forces as their forefathers have done in the past.

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