

Boston Globe's Editorial is fraudulent and unethical

Alastair Reynard

A disturbingly misleading article in support of the most ruthless and racist Tamil Terrorists shows
how the media can be used to promote terror under the guise of journalism. There are so many false
statements in this article that we don't know even where to begin. Obviously, the writer at Boston
Globe is totally clueless and must be a Tamil Terrorists! It is sad to see such ignorance here
in the US while boasting a world-class education. On the other hand, if you are a Tamil Terrorist
and need some publicity, there is nothing like some bogus print on Boston Globe to support global
terror. The writer was so illiterate that he/she could not even spell the President of Sri
Lanka's name right!

The article proposes an international arms embargo on Sri Lanka all the while Tamil Terrorists
are continuing to arm themselves through their worldwide terror financers and arms dealers. The
author could be a Tamil Terrorist since he/she ignores these facts: Ethnic cleansing by Tamil
Terrorists - Tamils live and work in peace in ALL parts of Sri Lanka. They own over half of
the businesses, run political parties and publish newspapers freely in Sri Lanka. On the other
hand, only a Tamil can live in the North or North-East of the island. All other ethnic groups
live in fear of death or were systematically murdered by Tamil Terrorists. This is a classic
example of ethnic cleansing combined with genocide driven by racism which is a core element
of Tamil Terrorist ideology. This is what the Tamils are buying with money and false propaganda.

Shame on journalists at Boston Globe for promoting murder, ethnic cleansing and global terror.

Read the lies here:

We shall continue our attempts to educate the world about Tamil Terrorists/LTTE/Tamil Tigers and their supporters worldwide.

The operations of Tamil Terrorists/LTTE/Tamil Tigers and their supporters worldwide:

* Mass murder of civilians by suicide bombings
* Using innocent civilians as human shields at hospitals
* Ethnic cleansing of non-Tamils in the North and East of Sri Lanka
* Recruiting children as soldiers
* Fund-raising in the west for terror activities (Jane's Defence Intelligence Review, 2007)
* Attempting to bribe U.S. State Department officials
* Setting up bogus (including Tsunami) charities to evade taxes to fund terror
* Human trafficking and bogus refugee scams
* Arms purchase and arms trafficking
* Export and trade of terror technology
* Credit card fraud
* Money laundering
* Identification fraud
* Counterfeit trade
* Passport fraud
* Assassination of political leaders
* Systematic murder of moderate Tamils
* Sea piracy
* Extortion
* Misleading the global media with false information (BBC, The Economist)
* Misusing radio broadcasting services to fund terror under the guise of journalism (UK, Australia and Canada)
* Using UNICEF/UN aid to fortify terror infrastructure in LTTE-controlled areas
* Purchasing the support of officials in the governments of Canada, UK (British House of Commons) and Norway to 'legitimize' their criminal activities
* Purchasing the support of officials in the United Nations (John Holmes, Alan Rock, Radhika Coomaraswamy) to work as proxies
* Recruiting money and support hungry organizations such as Amnesty International to divert attention, destroy democracy and spread false propaganda

Betrayal of a nation by Tamil Terrorists: almost all Tamils who support the Tamil Terrorists/LTTE got a free education from Sri Lanka. They mislead the west and entered them as asylum seekers when they were in fact economic refugees. Some of them formed criminal gangs as the ones you see in Canada and UK to commit high crimes and fund terrorism. FACT: these individuals used the education they got from Sri Lanka to make a living and finance terror against Sri Lanka! One begins to ask: what will stop these supporters of the Tamil Terrorists/LTTE living in the west from betraying their host countries? No one has ever seen a tiger change its strips!

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Further reading and references:

Mass murder of civilians by Tamil Terrorists/LTTE

The Kent and Dollar Farm massacres was one of the earliest massacres of Sinhalese civilians carried out by the LTTE during the Sri Lankan Civil War

List of terrorist attacks attributed to the LTTE

Chronology of Suicide Bomb Attacks by LTTE Tamil Tiger Terrorists in Sri Lanka

Jane's Intelligence Review says "Suicide terrorism: a global threat"

Suicide Killings - An Overview

Or Google this "suicide bombs LTTE" and you will get 160,000 hits!!!

Open letter to Ms Louise Arbour UN Human Rights High Commissioner by Ben Silva, London on 11- 10 -07:

Tamil Terrorist working for the UN's UNICEF deported:

More reports of ethnic cleansing by the Tamil Terrorists:

Tamils in Melbourne, Australia using Tsunami charities to fund terrorism:

Ross Kemp examines violence, torture, kidnapping, murder committed by Tamil gangs in London:

Global terrorism funded by bogus organizations setup by terrorists in the UK:

The British are in fact assisting Al Queda and Taliban to attack the U.S. and American interests worldwide:

Jane's Information Group: Feeding the Tiger - how Sri Lankan insurgents fund their war:

LTTE has strong links with Thai military:

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