

Latest Cowardly LTTE Attack Targets Colombo Bound Mail Train From Trinco. No Casualties Reported!

© In Retrospect - By Sarath Kumar For LankaWeb
19 December 2007,

The latest LTTE attrocity has been reported from the Polonnaruwa District where an unsuccesful attempt has been made to attack the Tricomalee-Colombo Mail train in the close proximity of Kantalai Railway Station.

Details are tatty at the present about this latest attack which took place around 8.45 p.m. on the 18th Dec.2007 and there are no injuries reported.

In the usual cowardly manner of LTTE modus operandi they have exploded a claymore mine targeting the Colombo bound mail train from Trincomalee, 1 KM away from Kantale railway station yesterday.

Reports from Military sources indicate that the explosion has damaged the engine of the train which was on its mail run from Trincomalee to Colombo.

This is the night mail train which usually travels with a full load of Colombo bound passengers .The explosion said to have been felt more than 5 KM away.

The local Police have also reported the explosion and said that the engine of the train had been damaged in the blast but there were no reported injuries.

This attack is a clear indication despite its inept overall outcome that the LTTE are still unrelenting towards their criminal motivations and while they are being decimated by the Armed Forces, continue putting up a struggle and the need to run them into the ground systematically in the swiftest possible manner imperative as their forces and strengths are obviously depleted but are bound to continue their sporadic attacks until they are sought out and destroyed completely.

This rests in the strategic capabilities of the Armed Forces and their leadership and a matter of time that the LTTE as they have been known in the past will no longer have the capacity to continue their meaningless attacks on civilians and the Nation as the resolve within Sri Lanka which was recently portrayed in the manner the Third Budget Reading was passed and indicative of what the LTTE are in store for.

Complete annihilation and hopefully the capture alive of their bestial leader Velupillai Prabhakaran now probably more dangerous as a cornered tiger but whose capture will not result in any public display at the Colombo Zoo albeit a likely option in a post Tribunal aftermath in the event of a cyanide capsule failure!

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