

"Times Online" Seems To Be Responding To Tamil Diaspora Propaganda In Wrongfully Naming Karuna A War Criminal When There Are Others Truly More Deserving!

© In RetroSpect ~By Sarath Kumar For LankaWeb ~ Dec. 21st 2007

David Brown writes on Times Online under the caption "War crimes inquiry into Tamil rebel living in UK" that "A Sri Lankan guerrilla leader living in London is being investigated for possible war crimes charges and that The Times has learnt~Karuna Amman also known as Col. Karuna who has been implicated in atrocities over two decades, entered Britain on a diplomatic passport." While these seem to be random allegations with no tangible proof despite this individual's previous links to the mainstream Tamils terrorists inasmuch as a certain cabinet minister who also belonged to the same group in the past both of who have broken away from the Tamil Tigers and have been doing their utmost to expose their previous masters in a manner beneficial to the Nation of Sri Lanka as well as the cause of Global terrorism.

If The Crown Prosecution Service is looking into whether there is sufficient evidence to bring this individual to trial under international laws on war crimes they seem to have missed the bus on another individual with proven crimes against humanity attested to by eye witnesses.This particular individual Anton Balasingham now deceased together with his wife Adele an Australian by descent who is persona non grata in the land of her birth by virtue of her criminalities and dubious character were heavily involved in torture, hostage-taking the training of guerillas and murdering innocent civilians including infants at a recorded time in the annals of LTTE terrorism some years ago. These two persons were granted free access to an unimpeded lifestyle in the United Kingdom despite many questions raised in both Houses of the British Parliament about the legalities involved and perhaps not too late to bring the wife of the deceased criminal Balasingham to justice foe her involvement! It is now known that he was conscienceless criminal who posed as an idealogue and a political activist whereas he too was an unpardonable, two faced despot in collussion with the idealogies of the Tamil Tigers but managed to hoodwink Sri Lanka, India and the United Kingdom with his theatrics.

It is possible that the admission into the United Kingdom of Karuna may have been an administrative faux pas and the so called diplomatic passport he is alleged to have travelled on, a fake of unknown origin but that is a matter for the immigration to decide rather tham making it sound ludicrous about the criminal accusations against Karuna who in the overall scheme of things relative to Sri Lanka's terrorist problem became a moderate, was prepared to lay down arms and join mainstream Sri Lankan Society, ready to enter politics as a leader of his Tamil community unlike his opposite number Velupillai Prabhakaran who continues to be a brutal killer and a megalomaniac criminal leader of the Tamil Tiger terrorists!

Unless proven beyond reasonable doubt, Karuna has to be viewed as a Sri Lanka Nation friendly, anti LTTE activist who was in all probabilities seeking political asylum in the UK through the wrong channels needing to be pardoned as someone who has come clean just as much as some of the previously condemned IRA members who indulged in terrible attrocities through sectarian violence and insurrections against the British Government during Britains problems with the IRA who were also pardoned or perhaps even conveniently ignored towards British posterity.

There is no question as Mr Brown in his Times Online article has implied that " any prosecution would risk a serious rift with the Sri Lankan Government where his group of fighters are reputed to be (albeit unconfirmed) "a great help" to the Sri Lankan Government Forces in their relentless onslaught to rid the Nation of the Velupillai Prabhakaran led Tamil Tigers who are an internationally proscribed outfit of criminals where the Government Forces are having a great measure of success consequently and apparently poised to annihilate them completely.

It has to be noted that this type of individual is bound to have a great many enemies by virtue of his allegiance with the Sri lankan Government and if true, particularly amongst the Tamil diaspora who support the criminalities of Velupillai Prabhakaran and are more than likely to spread false propaganda and create innuendo and rumours about his alleged mendacities but to all intents and purposes it has to be recognized that Karuna is a Sri Lankan Nation friendly Tamil now seeking posterity for his community through the proper channels as opposed to Velupillai Prabhakaran the ruthless criminal wanted by Sri lanka, India as well as Interpol and therein lie the differences between the teo individuals.

In this respect it could only be fair to assume that Karuna needs the benifit of any doubt on the part of the British authorities to either grant his sought asylum in the UK, release him to the Sri Lankan Authorities or return him back to Sri Lanka where laying unproven charges against him would be a travesty of justice given all the circumstances previously stated.

The reference to Ms. Kim Howells, a British Foreign Office minister having told the Commons that the Government believed “Karuna and his faction to be responsible for extrajudicial killings, abductions, intimidation of displaced persons and child recruitment” resulting in The Foreign Office having a “great deal” of concern about the Sri Lankan Government’s link to him cannot be taken as a Habeas Corpus applicatrion to incarcerate him as Ms. Howells herself was in the not too distant past involved in quite a bit of controversy both with the Sri Lankan Administration as well as the Sinhalese Nation on her meddling stance and altogether contentious, unsolicited involvements in the internal matters of Sri Lanka mostly on hearsay and on the instigation of displaced disgruntled terrrorist supportiveTamils around the world it is thought and perhaps need to be taken with more than a pinch of salt.

The "extrajudicial killings,abductions, intimidations of displaced persons and child recruitment" are hallmarks of Velupillai Prabhakaran's gang of criminals where no rocket science unlike in the case of the allegations against Karuna are needed to prove them!They have been ongoing for over four decades and continuing even today to a lesser intensity due to the resillience of the Administration to curb them!

The Foreign Office while saying that “we expressed our concern about how Mr Karuna was able to obtain a diplomatic passport. The Home Office and Crown Prosecution Service are looking at number of options. Because of the legal issues we are unable to discuss this any further.” seems to be circumspect at drawing any accurate conclusions about the issue but still remains a matter for the British Immigration Authorities to ascertain rather than attempting to incarcerate and castigate this individual for the wrong reasons.
The Sri Lankan High Commission has said that “The Sri Lankan Government is unaware of any diplomatic passport or any application for a visa to enter the UK.” and considering the protocols involved, the British Authorities should be compelled to treat the matter with the expected diplomacies rather than take a Bull In A Chinashop attitude if it is merely to please the Tamil Diaspora and respond to their propaganda laced rhetoric!


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