

No Impenetrable LTTE Bases Today

Dilrook Kannangara

It was hot news recently that Parabakaran was injured in an air raid. Although the government did not even mention of an air raid on 28th November, let alone injuries to the top tiger, it quickly assumed responsibility to the event. However, the tiger website was quick to report this. According to that report, the air raid has taken place before 1 pm that day thus causing a panic wave in the nearby Killinochchi Hindu College and Ghandian Home for Children. If so, the terrorist bomb attack on ‘NOLIMIT’ store that took place after 5 pm could have been a LTTE ‘retaliation attack’. The nature of the target suggests that the LTTE was after children for children. Additionally, the government closed schools in the Western Province for that Thursday and Friday. It is interesting to investigate the communication link between the tigers and a ‘sleeper’ in Colombo.

However, the conduct of the LTTE subsequently suggests that something may have indeed gone wrong. After all Parabakaran may have been injured inadvertently on the very same day the gallant Defence Secretary promised to kill him. The sudden window dressing events orchestrated by the LTTE suggests that there may surely been some major debacle. Vathani was seen opening an elders’ home while pro-LTTE groups were quick to reinforce the false notion that Parabakaran’s One Four Base is impregnable. It is far from impenetrable. SLAF uses MARK-80 type General Purpose Bombs to target tiger fortifications. Many LTTE cadres including their former ‘political wing’ leader have been culled by this device.

Especially the MiG 27s are fully equipped to carry a number of MARK-80 type bombs at a time. A MARK-80 explosion can penetrate into 36 feet underground. If two or more consecutive bombs were dropped, the penetration level is definitely increased though not proportionately as rubble cover the cavity. According to LTTE sources, twelve (12) bombs were dropped by the SLAF jets to various adjoining locations. Therefore, the SLAF has proven that it has the ability to penetrate deep enough to either kill Parabakaran or burry him alive which is a better grave for the top terrorist allowing him time to regret and confess. Anyone who had read the Ummagga Jathaka (The Story of the Tunnel) would know that tiger sympathizers are playing an old beaten trick. In fact the LTTE’s incredible defiance or rather the display of defiance has been widely known. How they held their nerve amidst advancing troops into Vadamarachchi in 1987 is a case in point.

Tiger sympathizers now want to emphasize that no amount of air-dropped-bombs can effectively harm Parabakaran, hoping that this will deter the SLAF from using the same tactic to kill the tiger leader. While being thankful for the ‘concern’ LTTE sympathizers have about our desire to kill Parabakaran, we must increase the aerial bombardment on identified tiger locations. A 40-70 feet deep dungeon, underground ‘village’, underground bunker, underground facility, etc. is no match for the SLAF destructive power. SLAF jets can, as stated above, either destroy the dungeons in full or burry them forever! Either way the mission will be accomplished.

Use of thermobaric weapons like the RPO-A-Shmel (meaning ‘bee’ in Russian) which the Sri Lankan DPU had in 2001 is a fantastic method to destroy any underground bunker. This clever weapon which makes multiple explosions ensure that nothing survives inside the bunker as a ball of fire engulfs everything inside. A living being may also die of either carbon monoxide poisoning or lack of oxygen. Limited varieties of air launched termobaric weapons are available in Russia which can be easily procured by the government of Sri Lanka by little diplomatic effort. If it was a bunker fortification that always prevented Sri Lanka solving the terrorist menace, it has found the remedy.

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