

Ranil Wickramasinghe - by passed the Parliament, and the President to sign a CFA with the terrorists. Now he gives lessons on taking decision.

By Charles S.Perera

Ranil Wickrmasinghe seems to think that the people of Sri Lanka have fallen from the last rain, and therefore their memories are short.

He dares tell the Maha Sangha , that there was a view among the people that decisions are made by passing the Parliament. Maha Sangha may have not forgotten that it was Ranil Wickramasinghe, himself, when he was not even a President, but only the Prime Minister of the UNF government, who signed the CFA with Prabhakaran, by passing not only the Parliament, but also the President Chandrika Kumaratunga.

Now he has the cheek to give lessons as to how a President of Sri Lanka should work in consultation with the Parliament and respecting the sovereignty of the people. It has to be reminded to Ranil Wickramasinghe, that although we had several executive Presidents, it was the executive Presidents of the UNP who took decisions arbitrarily without consulting the Parliament or the people. It has also to be said in fairness to the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga, that though she had executive powers bestowed on her under the constitution, she did not use those powers despite the fact she had to work under constraint with a most arrogant, conceited , and disrespectful, Prime Minster like Ranil Wickramasinghe.

Ranil Wickramasinghe as the Prime Minister of the UNF Government, behaved as he was the Chief of State, without consulting the Parliament and overlooking the President. He did not personally consult the President during whole of the so called peace discussions with the LTTE terrorists. He was the most unprincipled Prime Minister who acted without decorum, and respect, neither to the constitution, nor to the people who elected him.

The President Mahinda Rajapakse on the other hand is an epitome of a good President, who uses his constitutional powers with respect to the rights of the people. He conducts himself well without allowing any one to walk over him. He does not throw about his constitutional powers to the detriment of the people or the country. But yet he is the most criticised of Presidents, by his adversaries and antagonists, and the false democrats of the International Community.

Yet he is our President, and it does not matter what the International Community, which is neither democratic nor just and fair, thinks about him. Ranil Wickramasinghe is a man sought by the International Community, he had been rejected on several occasions by the people. All respected senior UNP party members have also rejected his leadership. The best he can do to Sri Lanka now is to give up politics and let some one else lead the UNP.

During the short term that Ranil Wickramasinghe was the Prime Minister of the UNF government, he was completely out of place in his role. He has proved even as the President of the UNP, that he is at a lost on his own and dependeds on committees to take decisions. That is what he proposes now, to create Committees to work with Ministers. He is enamoured by the International Community. He loves to put on his Sunday best to make visits to America to see President Bush. When ever there is an important political issue he runs to the Indian Ambassador, or goes all the way to India to consult Indian politicians.

Such a man who is not even sure whether he is sitting or standing cannot possibly give advise to reorganise the system of government. He says that the Constitution should give more power and responsibilities to Parliament and Cabinet so that the President would work in collaboration with the Cabinet. That is because if he were to become the President one day he will be free for his play boy role without having to take independent decision for the progress of the country, leaving that responsibility to numerous committees he proposes. That seems to be the way he is preparing his future if he were to become the President.

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