

Keith Vaz probed by anti-terrorism police

Asoka Weerasinghe Gloucester, Ontario, Canada

Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario ., K1J 6G1 . Canada

Christmas Day, 2007

Rt. Hon. Keith Vaz, MP
Labour Party MP for Leicester East
British Parliament
London, UK

Dear Keith Vaz:

I just happened to read The Sunday Telegraph news item which said – A Senior Labour MP in UK has become embroiled in an investigation by anti-terrorism police after speaking at a rally in which suicide bombers were praised.

Curiosity took a hold of me and I wondered who this fool was. For a moment’s breath did I expect to thread your name into this news item. And then lo and behold, sure enough it was Keith Vaz, the maverick Goanese-Britisher of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils who is supporting the Tamil Tiger terrorists cause in Sri Lanka. I should have known it. When it comes to suicide bombers (Tamil Tigers) being praised’in th UK; it is clear as the Ding-dong of the Big Ben that it would be Keith Vaz, the MP for Leicester East.

Then I grappled with the question to understand your psyche… why on earth is Keith Vaz an intelligent lawyer, a product of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, reaching out to the heavens to get involved in some controversial issue to keep his name in the limelight? Keith, doesn’t need this ‘BS’ I told myself, as he made his mark when he led the protest in March 1989 in Leicester against Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses, after all he is a Roman Catholic defending Islam. “Today we celebrate one of the great days in the history of Islam in Great Britain” you extolled in front of 3,000 Muslim demonstrators.

Obviously that 1989 notoriety hasn’t been enough for you Keith Vaz. But then, I keep forgetting that you are a politician, and what sparkle like strobing Christmas lights in front of your eyes, are Votes…Votes….and more Votes! In away, I can’t blame you as politicians all over the world are cut out from the same cookie-cutter, and Sri Lankan politicians are no better.

What else could it be to be a glutton for punishment, as Keith Vaz has to get something out of this stupidity, I told myself. Then the March 2001, the Filkin Report came to light where Elizabeth Filkin cleared Keith Vaz of nine of the 28 allegations of various financial wrongdoings. “Financial!”……Hmmmmmm….. that is interesting I thought! And Tamil Tigers are self made billionaires from extortion, drug trafficking, selling forged passports, human smuggling, credit card frau, et cetera…….Hmmmmm…..that too is interesting I thought as they tried to buy some influential political persons in the States for a million dollars to have the Tamil Tigers removed from the banned list of terrorist groups. Naaaaa…...I would not for one moment think that you would be involved promoting the Tamil Tiger terrorists cause for a fee or a commission – would you now? Forgive me for letting that thought even cross my mind. As I did’t believe you would throw your chances one more time to be a possible candidate to be a future leader of the Labour Party after the unfortunate Filkin probe about the Hinduja brothers, the Sarosh Zaiwalla financial affair, etc. I don’t think Keith Vaz needs another such a hole-in-the-head episode, I thought.

But reading the news items about you in The Sunday Telegraph and later in India’s THE HINDU, I couldn’t help the nausea, like having to smell again the skunk plant odour emanating from that news item, that awful smell that you and I experienced while living in Twickenham in the mid-60s, wafting along the Thames from Kew Gardens. I lived in Powers Court, off Cambridge Park, then.

What ever your intentions are to pose as a maverick MP to keep your name strung in festoons of multi-coloured neon lights high up in the sky, please find another cause Keith Vaz, and just keep your hands off Sri Lanka, as the sovereignty of that island nation is not negotiable. Nor are they searching for a Tamil-Pol Potish custodian for its prime real estate in the North and East of the island. I am certain that there may be thousands of Sri Lankan-Britishers who would echo my sentiments.

However, may the spirit of the season carry you into the News Year and help you to clinically dissect your skewed concerns about Sri Lanka from your system and let you engage that energy on another international project that would be worthwhile and satisfying.

Take my word Keith Vaz, Tamils are OK in Sri Lanka as over a million live in the south among the majority Sinhalese, and intermarrying with them with Fairy Tale endings, “ … and they lived happily ever after.” And so are your Tamil constituents who took flight from the cuckoo's nest after the July 1983 riots and landed in Britain with sob stories that they had to run away from being persecuted by the majority Sinhalese and seeking Convention Refugee status. But this may sound dishonest, but it is true, as every one of these refugees have gone back to Sri Lanka for their holidays with British passports in their hands.

They surely didn’t look worried anymore that they would be persecuted nor did they look back over their shoulders every second step to see whether a kaki-uniformed Sinhalese was shadowing them with handcuffs dangling from his hip pocket to get them. All this might sound strange Keith Vaz, but it is true. This is no April Fool’s joke as I wouldn’t have the heart to spoil your Christian Holy Day, a time for blessed meditative reflection of your foolishness and lies that may have spoiled the world for scores of thousands of Sri Lankans back in that island nation. And promise to make a New Year resolution that “I will not indulge in this foolishness again in the New Year and bring so much of misery to the poor Sinhalese and Muslims at the hands of the Tamil Tigers, and to hell with my Tamil constituents as I will do the right thing for the Sri Lankans in that island, to assure them that they will have the right to their lives!”

Yours sincerely,
Asoka Weerasinghe
Gloucester, Ontario, Canada

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