

In response to the article by Mr. R Chandrasoma titled “The Lesser Banda fears for his life”.

Apino Dannachess Maryland USA

I write this in response to the article by Mr. R Chandrasoma titled "The Lesser Banda fears for his life". While I fully agree and support what Mr. Chandrasoma had to say I prefer to venture further: even if Mr. AB is airdropped in to the lair of the cats in Vanni, I doubt the terrorists will harm him.

I'm sure they will provide Mr. AB with safe passage back to Colombo under armed guard where Mr. AB can inadvertently continue to assist their cause. Same can be said about the likes of Mr.Ranil W & Mr. Mangala S. I suggest the relevant authorities withdraw whatever security provided to these people and re-apportioned them to people faced with real threats. Sri Lanka cannot afford to waste public money.

Then again claims like these from Mr. AB should be simply attributed to the onset of PRE-SENILE DEMENTIA: after all this a politician who switch sides before you can say Jack Robin. High time these born losers retire in to their country estates allowing the gifted and skilled people to run the country as it should be.


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