

A farewell Party for Chilcott clown?

Kithsiri Athulathmudali, Florida, USA

I saw few e-mails floating about that indicated; Ranil Wickramasinghe is hosting a farewell party for the Chilcott Clown. The only farewell I would like to give him; is to bring him to the independence square, which the parting British Colonialists created and do a "Gara Ykuma", then hit "Dummala", until he gets on to the plane. Then tell him "your not wanted here, please don't come back even as a tourist". Asoka Weerasinghe clearly stated this in his open letter to the clown, dated December 17th 2007. There is a fair probability Chilcott clown will read this and I need to explain what the "Gara Yakuma" is and what Dummala is.

A "Gara Yakuma" is a ceremony that is carried out to drive out Daemons. It starts at around 9.00 pm and last till next morning. There are chanters drummers and dancers. All the chanting is about telling the daemon to get out. Then just before sunrise, the chief dancer lights a torch, which is made out of the outer husk of the dried Coconut flower. One end is rapped with a rag. After soaking in oil, it is lit. The lead dancer then throws "Dummala" to the burning torch. Dummala is a crystalline substance, when thrown in to a fire; it ignites and creates a fire ball. The chief dancer runs inside the house and out side the house throwing "Dummala" to his torch until day light comes in.

This clown's comments have been challenged by many Sinhala living abroad. Charles Perera in France, Ben Silva in UK and Asoka Weerasinghe in Canada, they challenged every word that was uttered by him. Unfortunately I did not see any Sinhala Americans challenging him. So I decide to explain few things to Dominick Chilcott, which in my opinion; he does not want to hear or read.

I do not know why Sinhala are so stupid even to invite this comedy actor to deliver any kind of speech. I can understand the Burger Association inviting him. This was how it was reported in the "" on October 3ed 2007. When I was a teenager living in Sri Lanka, this association was called Dutch Burger Union (DBU). At that time it was generally known as the Doubtful Burger Union and to my recollection, any one belonging to this doubtful union did not speak a word of Dutch or Portuguese. How did this happen? It was because when British conquered Sri Lanka, at that time called "Ceyhilon", both Dutch port and Portuguese port, they made sure no Dutch or Portuguese will be taught in any school.

If the British allowed Dutch and Portuguese to be taught in rural Sinhala schools at that time, then; today in this global economy, it would have been an immense value to Sri Lanka. Like the students who graduate in Russia, China, Poland etc, contribute immensely to the growth of Sri Lanka, as a modern economic base.

Now, what Dominic Chilcott clown said at the Burger Association meeting as reported in the website, a naked eye cannot figure it out, unless the reader use a rose colored glasses. Chilcott clown knows full well that there three English languages; namely, British Colonial English as written and spoken in Sri Lanka, English, English as written and spoken in UK and American English as we write and speak in America. I lived in all the three countries and, wrote and spoke in all three English languages.

What Dominick Chilcott wanted was to turn the clock back and bring back Sri Lanka to the same Governor General Parliamentary system in par with Canada, Australia New Zealand. Then introduce British Colonial English as the official language and Tamil as the second language. Sinhala will be used the same way that it was used before 1948. I'm I correct? It is up to the reader to analyze it. When Ranil was the Prime minister, Tony Blair told him exactly same thing what was in the Dominic clown's speech to the Burger Association. Now, why Sinhala cannot be used for higher education; don't forget all the Microsoft products sold in China are in Chinese. Yes, Sinhala has to be modernized by removing all the Indian words and Bengali words with commonly used terminology. Yes, Computer Science can be taught in Sinhala, so are other subjects.

Honorable high commissioner, what if your fairy god mother got pregnant with a Sinhala father? He / She would be called Eurasian and this person couldn't get a job as a high commissioner. Funny HA! Yes, just like the speech you gave to the Burger Association.

J.R. Jayawardena, Colivin R. De Silva constitution gave Sinhala rights that they lost after the British conquest. It is up to Sinhala to counter challenges to the constitution, especially from India.


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