

An Incandescent Light Has Been Snuffed Out Through The Evils Of Humanity And The Viles Of Terrorism With The Assassination Of Mrs. Benazir Bhutto!

Sunil Kumar - For LankaWeb

Dec.27th 2007

The ugly head of terrorism has once again claimed one of the most charismatic of World Leaders. Mrs.Benazir Bhutto the former Prime Minister and Pakistan's Opposition Leader has been killed in a cowardly terrorist attack and a light has been extinguished in South Asia. It is a dark day for Pakistan as well as all peace loving nations of the world.

Ms Bhutto was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when she was shot in the neck by a gunman who then reportedly set off a suicide bomb causing mayhem in the aftermath. She is reported to have died en route to Rawalapindi General Hospital.At least 15 other people died in the attack and several more were injured.The explosion occurred close to an entrance gate of a park in Rawalpindi where Ms Bhutto had been speaking at one of her political rallies.

There have been allegations of complicity either by neglect or through deliberate intent on inadequacies to Mrs Bhutto's security by the Pakistani Government according to some news reports which said that these charges were levelled by members of the Bhutto family, some domiciled in other parts of the world who suggested that the timing of Mr's Bhuttos assassination seemed uncannily coincidental as a convenience for the Musharraf regime and the country has been thrown into turmoil and the forthcoming General Elections hanging in the balance. There is a great sense of loss and distress within Pakistan today with masses of people taking to the streets in protest, anger and sadness!

Ms Bhutto twice a Pakistani Prime Minister had been campaigning ahead of elections due in January with no real thought towards her personal safety by any appreciable means other than the security provided by the Government which has now proved to be inadequate as well as an embarrassment to the Musharraf Administration.Mrs Bhutto was someome who loved her country deeply and was dedicated towards the cause of bringing democracy and a lasting peace to her beloved nation which has culminated in martyrdom according to many Pakistanis. She once said on her recent return to Pakistan soon after which there was another attempt on her life through suicide bombers that she was aware of the criminal elements within her Nation who wanted to harm her and that she was prepared to sacrifice her life for her country which has now tragically been made manifest in this fatal attack.

Nawaz Sharif, also a former Prime Minister and a political rival who was in great distress soon after the attack told the BBC her death was a tragedy for "the entire nation". Just previously some hours prior to the Bhutto attack there was another attack on a political Rally of Nawaz Sharif in Islamabad although the two are not linked according to Pakistani sources. Mr Sharif has said however that there had been a "serious lapse in security" by the government.Earlier on Thursday, at least four people were killed ahead of an election rally he himself had been preparing to attend close to Rawalpindi.He was not hurt

Ms Bhutto's death has invariably plunged her party into confusion, the Nation into turmoil and raised questions about whether the planned January elections will now go ahead as planned,
Analysts have observed that Rawalpindi, the nerve centre of Pakistan's military, is seen as one of the country's most secure cities, making the attack even more embarrassing for the government of Gen Musharraf.This was cited on the latest World News Bulletin of the BBC.

There is a great deal of unrest within Pakistan as reported at the present time where there are fears of an outbreak of Civil War which could plunge the Nation into anarchy given the volatile and turbulent state of unrest although the authority pf President Pervez appears to be holding and the Armed Forces on the alert.President Pervez Musharraf and his government has called on people to remain calm so that the "nefarious designs of terrorists can be defeated."

Many world leaders have condemned this callous and conscienceless act of premeditated murder as needless, unthinkable and revolting but in a region given to violence, rank disregard for human life and religious fanaticism it is not surprising that Mrs Bhutto's death has transpired as a manifestation of the surroundings and times she plunged herself into selflessly and fully aware of the consequences which have now tragically transpired.

Mrs. Bhutto leaves behind her husband and three young children.

May She Find Eternal Peace And Be Remembered As An Incandescent Light For Freedom And Democracy Which Was Cruelly Snuffed Out By The Evils Of Humanity And The Viles Of Terrorism But May The Eternal Flame She Fuelled For The Freedom Of Her Country Continue To Burn Eternally and Inspire The World!

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