

Srilankanisation Must Follow Military Victories

Dilrook Kannangara

This nation has gone through so many changed over the past three decades. The most gruesome of all such changes is the creation of a mono-ethnic North. As a result, the security forces found it very difficult to establish their presence in the North. Although the Palali defences housed around 40,000 soldiers at the Northern tip of the island, it was not sufficient to overcome the mono-ethnic nature of the North. There are severe dangers of ethnic isolation. It leads to growing intolerance and hatred among the isolated community towards the other communities. It also gives them the false impression that they can survive without the co-operation and help from the other communities. These dangerous tendencies must be handled skillfully. The best cause of action that the government can take in this regard is to launch a srilankanisation program that closely follows military victories.

It is important to understand the struggle for Tamil Elam. It has both militants and cowards. While the LTTE is the main militant group fighting for Tamil Elam, never forget that there are many more coward groups aspiring for the same Tamil Elam. They know very well that the only way to cheat the government to give in to demands depends heavily on the mono-ethnic nature of the North. While weapons may be used against the militant Tamil Elamists, other legal remedies must be used against the cowards who work tirelessly for Tamil Elam.

Racial-federalism is their favorite tool to win their Tamil Elam without undergoing any hardships and making no sacrifices. There is a great danger that after the Sri Lankan soldiers have won the war, these cowardly elements will try their best to disintegrate the little island of Sri Lanka along ethnic lines. Already there is a massive campaign launched by them to promote racial-federalism. These attempts must be defeated. Best counteract for these attempts is to launch a vigorous srilankanisation campaign. The end result of the srilankanisation campaign is to ensure that there are no significant pro-disintegration forces at work throughout the country. In order to do this it is essential that the North is transformed into a multi-ethnic community. Fortunately for Lanka, the Northern Province offers the best development potential among all provinces of Sri Lanka. It has abundance of minerals, arable land, fisheries and many more industrial inputs that can propel it once again to a business hub. However, in order to reap these benefits the North needs people of all communities.

Muslims who were evicted by the LTTE in 1990 as part of their ethnic cleansing acts must be resettled in the North. Sinhalese who comprise the majority of Sri Lanka must be settled in the North with adequate business opportunities. As a start, immediately following a military victory, a large number of army garrisons must be set up in the North. These should also have their supply sources in the North itself that can provide almost all food and beverage needs of these garrisons. These farming communities within large military garrisons can be the founding stones of an expanding multi-ethnic community in the North. Their industries must be expanded to include mining, shipping, forestry, etc. soon thereafter. Profit earned from these industries can be reinvested to develop the war ravaged North. This type of an action plan would achieve multiple purposes and would ensure that both short term and long term security concerns are well addressed.

This campaign helps the nation in another way. Economic underdevelopment was excused by the people for too long as their leaders always cited terrorism and war as the biggest stumbling blocks for prosperity. When the war ends, these excuses will not be valid anymore. However, all the other provinces have achieved significant development and the absence of war cannot in no noteworthy way further develop these provinces. Therefore, the engine of economic growth in a post-war situation must be the North-East provinces that had meager economic contribution for the nation during the past three decades.

Race-based federalism must be stopped in order to integrate Sri Lanka once again. Race-based demands (other than cultural and religious demands) should not be tolerated and should be made illegal. It should be noted that it was race-based demands in 1918-1949 that eventually boiled downed to federalism and separatism. In this regard it is worth the while to note that the most number of Tamil and Muslim votes are cast to race-based political entities. This is not so among the Sinhalese. Instead Tamils and Muslims should be integrated into the main political parties without entertaining race-based demands. The biggest obstacle to do so is yet again the mono-ethnic North and highly fragmented East.

Some racist elements are making a big fuss about settling Sinhala people in the East. Why can’t they settle down in the East? Is it because they are Sinhalese? This type of despicable allegations must be condemned. People of all races can live in any part of Sri Lanka and there is nothing anybody can do about it; that is the law.

Just because Tamils have lived in an area does not mean that no one else can live there. All unused land must be put to productive use; race is completely irrelevant.

It was this type of racist allegations that costed the country dearly when its two main development projects were abandoned thanks to these mean elements and terrorists working together. The 1940-60s resettlements projects and the 1970-1988 Mahaweli project failed due to the acts of these nasty elements. Had these projects succeeded, Sri Lanka would be much more developed than now. These same elements are back in action to retain the North-East for the sole use by the Tamils. Their campaign must be vehemently busted for the sake of Sri Lanka through a process of srilankanisation.

Tissa Vitharana is back in action to please Manmohan Singh this time. How ridiculous that Sri Lanka changes its own destiny to satisfy Indians! It is pathetic that Lankan leaders fail to learn a lesson after the 1987 debacle that further aggravated the issue. Cannot they understand that integration is the best defence against disintegration?

The government and Tissa Vitharana in particular must study alternative models in proposing a solution for the so-called ‘ethnic problem’. The highly successful Malaysian model is the best candidate in such a consideration. Peoples’ support would only be forthcoming for such a solution, not for a solution that further divides the nation. What we need is srilankanisation, not disintegration of this land.

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