

Open letter to Mr. President, HE, Mahinda Rajapksha

Jay Deshabandu

Dear Mr. President, I have been thinking and analyzing this recent unfortunate incident at National Rupavahini Cooperation with my humble analytical full-throttle brain power.

I know I am no an advisor to you, but as an educated person with earned two master's degrees from recognized universities in USA, who admired most of your dedicated work, I would like to send you a very personal advise through this lankaweb site.

Mr. Mervin Silva was actually made stupid as many people think in our country. He was used to display the extent of the media freedom, human rights violation by the other political parties and international non governmental organizations. When the time comes right he will join the future ruling party. This is a modern way of destroying some good political personalities and under mining the effort of war on terrorists; to destroy an organization by faking a supporter of it.

My strong belief is that he would not have got involved himself in that situation if he was really on your side. Perhaps he was playing a double game with all political parties on mind and to draw public attention on media freedom guaranteed by you. Other political parties like him to stay in your party for apparently good reasons such as these.

Everything perhaps have been planned to provoke the media personnel and people of our country. Mr. Premadasa was murdered by the same person whom he trusted the most, for example.

I do not have to explain the reason for my doubts about Mervin Silva, as you are an educated experience person in politics; he surely was used by other parties in a very clever way. In a way he was also a victim but he chose his own course!

We need professional politicians in Sri Lanka, please be advised that Mervin Silva is not a kind of politician that should be on the people’s side or your side any more!

Simply speaking we do no want majority of our leaders to be three wheel drivers!

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