


Apino Dannachess Maryland USA

Till now the scientific world knew the existence of two devil species: first one known as TASMANIAN DEVIL (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial found only in the Australian island state of Tasmania. The size of a small dog, but stocky and muscular, the Tasmanian Devil is now the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world: It is characterized by its black fur, offensive odour when stressed, extremely loud and disturbing screech, and viciousness when feeding.

The second one is a cryptid (a creatures presumed extinct, hypothetical species, or creatures known from anecdotal evidence and/or other evidence insufficient to prove their existence with scientific certainty) known as JERSEY DEVIL whose existence is yet to be scientifically proven. The Jersey Devil, sometimes called the Leeds Devil, is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many variations.

Then comes the discovery of 3rd and 4th devil species from Sri lanka. First one is known as SRI LANKAN DEVIL aka DevilDaSilva. It is known to inhabit the marshes of Diyawanna Oya and the gutters/ sewers of Colombo striving solely on political scum and feces. SRI LANKAN DEVIL bears strong physical resemblance (dark colour, stocky built and small in size) to its Tasmanian cousin and displays similar behavioral patterns: offensive odour, extremely loud and violent when confronted. However unlike the TASMANIAN DEVIL whose known to be a solitary creature the SRI LANKAN DEVIL is a pack animal relying heavily on numbers for violent attacks: when confronted alone, it retreats with its tale between the hind legs.

4th species is a cryptid species whose existence was claimed by the famous Norwegian Eric Sol…. : hence named the NORWEGIAN DEVIL. It is known to inhabit underground burrows in the jungles of Wanni. This creature too is similar to the TASMANIAN DEVIL both in looks and behaviour. Said to be a highly efficient killer of humans it also shows strong cannibalistic tendencies often devouring its own kind.

Discovery of these two devil species has further improved Sri Lanka's bio-diversity.

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