

Hakeem hangs on to tiger tail

L. Peiris

JVP telling the UN to help restore democracy in North does not bite into the stability of the Government. It would in fact enhance the view of President Rajakaksa in the eyes of UN’s Assistant Secretary General Ms. Angela Kane, as it will show that he has the support of nationalistic Sinhala voters in the South.

The accommodative political socialistic policies of the Mahinda Rajapaksa may have given the JVP a license "to shout nonsense" every where but has he not given the same licence to LTTE stooges TNA MPs and people like SLMC Leader Rauff Hakeem who is well known to do ‘jumps’ that will impress Olympians, to make downright traitorous statements "Muslims in the Eastern Province are confronted with many issues, they could be resolved only in an Islamic state and at the moment moves are being carried out to establish such a state". (LankaTruth: 26 February 2008 ) This pipsqueak of a politician now has dreams to be the president of "Harakmeema" state, where he will want to practice "Shariya law". Next it will be the president of "Thosai thonda" state and "kalatoni law" and so on.

A mountain cannot be moved by a pack of barking baying dogs. If President Rajapakse who is supported very diligently and effectively by his brothers follows his "Mahinda Chitanaya" in the interests of the 20 million Sri Lankans and the integrity of the unitary motherland he has nothing to fear. It is pointless looking back accusing the JVP of being brutal violators of HR in the 1970’s. They admitted their crimes and were punished for their terror deeds. They have learnt from their sad experience, given up their wayward ways and embraced the democratic path.

"the JVP will definitely form a "coalition government" even with the UNP and other opposition parties, bring political restriction and unpopularity of the SLFP and it's hierarchy by making unfolded accusation of corruption and mismanagement of State institutions and pretending to be the political saviours of the national wealth and the nation".[Nizam- The LankaWeb - 26/02/08) "it will be advantageous for HE. Mahinda Rajakaksa to form a National Government including the UNP and neutralize the cunning political advances of the JVP which will be disastrous to the Nation at large in every way". ".[Nizam- The LankaWeb - 26/02/08)

If it is appropriate and acceptable for the SLFP and UNP to form a National government, what justification is there to stop the JVP and UNP to form a coalition government? At this time what is needed is a National Government comprising all the Sinhala parties, where unity would enable them to govern the nation without being held to ransom by minority communities and their MP’s who have enjoyed "political power" by being the ‘king makers’.

"Not only the Sinhala nation and the Tamil People have to be careful about the hidden political agenda of the JVP, but HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his confidants should be extremely careful of the JVP hidden agenda in the days to follow. It is very clear that the JVP wants to "ROB" as much SLFP electorates/seats in the next general elections, if any and form a government". [Nizam- The LankaWeb - 26/02/08)

There is no Sinhala nation and Tamil people. There are Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and other community people in the Sri Lankan nation. If President Rajapaksa and his confidants are honest in addressing corruption and mismanagement of State institutions, they should not worry about hidden agendas of JVP, UNP or anyone. Sri Lankans have given President Rajapaksa a mandate, he has taken the great challenge to govern bring peace and prosperity to the nation so it is up to him to deliver. He and his team have so far achieved what others failed over two/three decades in addressing and eradicating terrorism. The present and future generations of Sri Lankans will be grateful once he completes the job and he will be remembered in history as the greatest or one of the greatest leaders of Sri Lanka. It is time for the Sinhala parties to unite without bickering over petty party political agenda and keep sight of the common goal in eradicating the scourge LTTE terrorists and terrorism.

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