

Tamil Tigers Teach Other Terrorist Groups
How to Use the Disabled to Become Suicide Bombers!

S. Hewage

The Sri Lankan Tamil Tiger terrorists, also known as the LTTE, mastered suicide bombing techniques in the 1980s in their terror campaign to create a mono-ethnic Tamil state on the tiny island nation of Sri Lanka. In this despicable technique of “human bombs” the Tamil Tigers developed numerous strategies not only to lure unsuspecting victims to the human bomber, but also to utilize a wide range of socially disposable humans as bombers who would otherwise not have much status in oppressive male dominant societies. In a caste-dominant Tamil society, women do not play an active role in the political decision-making process; even less in a terror campaign directed against the state. In this situation, Tamil Tigers tapped into a previously unknown source of human bombers. They are the disabled women who have absolutely no opportunity to contribute to the well-being of their own societies. In the same way that the LTTE mastered the techniques of suicide bombing, they have now introduced into the world of terrorism the technique of utilizing the disabled as the most unsuspecting tool for carrying out carnage in public places.

It was about two months ago that the LTTE sent a polio-afflicted young woman from the north of Sri Lanka to blow-up a Tamil cabinet minister in Colombo. Ironically, he happened to be the Minister of Social Services and Welfare who signed an UN convention on the rights of disabled people on behalf of the government of Sri Lanka in 2007. Although the suicide bomber failed to kill the Minister, she along with a number of other people in the vicinity died in this incident.
It is obvious that this same technique has now been adopted by Islamic terrorists in Iraq. Friday, two mentally disabled women were strapped with explosives and sent into two popular pet markets on the holiest day of the week for Muslims. Despicably, they were detonated via a cell phone killing at least 98 people and wounding more than 200. As they were detonated by remote control, it is doubtful that they knew what they were carrying into the market places.

The international community, in particular the Western democracies that continue to urge the Sri Lankan government to negotiate with these terrorists, can give another award to the LTTE terror group for their contribution to the ever-more creative methods of killing innocent people!

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