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Beware, the terrorists may use their air crafts to attack residences of VIPs.
By Charles.S.Perera
In Order to stop any further attacks by the terrorist aircrafts, Sri Lanka's defence system has to be readjusted. If the Indian radar system had been defective, or if the system had been operated by Indian technicians an over roll investigation should be carried out , if necessary to set up a new radar system, probably the system that had been proposed by China.
The air defence system should be handed over to a separate army unit under a reliable Military Officer. The defence system had failed seven times allowing the terrorist aircrafts access into the Sri Lanka Air Space, undetected. The government should not depend on the pending investigations to find out what went wrong, as it would be a waste of time. Alternative methods of defence should be installed without delay.
More daring attacks will be carried out by the terrorists both by air and ground to destabilise the Government and the Military Forces. Therefore, the Government should stop its lethargic attitude of , accepting the fact of the terrorists attacks , and minimising their effects issuing reports for public consumption, that the bombs the terrorists air force had used could not have caused serious damage, or the damage caused is not significant.
Each of the seven terrorists air attacks had their effect however much the military and the government are attempting to down play the effects of those air attacks. Each one of them took a toll of life, and material loss.
Those who were responsible should be taken to task , and replaced by more reliable personnel.
The Government Forces should take into account the fact of the number of soldiers dying in the war front, fighting under most difficult circumstances. The least that those in charge of the security , is to protect military installations, military camps, and war material , such as planes, helicopters etc. There was a report in the Sri Lanka Guardian about damages to certain army air crafts by the terrorist air attacks !
The Government and the Military authorities should look into the defence system of the Air Space. They should perhaps install a series of anti aircraft guns covering the air space likely to be entered into by the air crafts of the terrorists. These guns should be manned relentlessly and continuous vigil should be kept day and nigh twenty for ours of the day. No excuse should be made for any future lapses by these defenders of the air space, for allowing the terrorists air crafts penetrating in to it. They should be court marshalled and highest punishment should be meted out to them.
This is important as the suicide bombs have little chance of blowing up VIP's as the Security Forces seem to have a fairly good control over suicide "bombers". There may also be a shortage of suicide bombers, if the attacks by government forces had eliminated a good number of them along with their places of training.
It is possible that the terrorists may in future use air attacks to
cause major human disasters, and drop bombs on residences of VIPs. |
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