

Nadesan the LTTE politician without a head

L Peiris

LTTE Political Head writes to UN Secretary General – [TamilNet, Wednesday, 30 January 2008]

The sovereign Sri Lankan State does not target Tamil civilians deliberately. If it so inclined it can direct it at the 52% of Tamil people who live and work among the other communities in the South. It is ruthless LTTE cowards like his terrorist comrades who use innocent Tamil civilians as human shields hold them subjugated by threats, violence and murder. Why don’t his so called Mahaweer warriors come out and battle it out with the gallant armed forces without hiding behind women and children.

It is the prerogative of a nation state to address any internal conflict within its borders. The GOSL has been very patient and tolerant bearing up the atrocities, murder committed and destruction wrecked on the people and mother Lanka by his rabid band of cyanide neck laced suicide bombing brothers for the past two/three decades.

The UN Secretary General and Heads of governments in foreign countries in the world are not lap dog appointees like Nadesan of a rabid maniac. His predecessor the barber was dispatched a few months ago and his time will be sooner than later. Nadesan should get it into his thick skull that the LTTE was banned in most countries because they understood that LTTE are nothing but a band of ruthless, barbaric terrorist vermin.

The international community cannot recognise the sovereignty of a non existent Tamil nation in the world. There are 60 million of his kith and kin in India but even they have not heard of a Tamil nation. This only exits in hallucinations the maniac and others like Nadesan have after a drink of Palmyra toddy. His terorist organization can go on their bended knees, demonstrate their readiness to co-operate with the international community, to save their lives by begging asylum. It is not the IC but Sri Lankans who will decide the fate of these rabid maniacs however it is doubtful if Sinhala, Muslim or other community people will get the opportunity as Tamils who are true sons of Lanka will meet out the justice that these vermin deserve.

Finally the only thing sovereign a person like Nadesan will understand is the gold coin for which his father prostrated at the feet of the British Colonial Master!

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