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Derek Lee statement on Sri Lanka in ParliamentAsoka Weerasinghe (a card carrying Conservative from the Ottawa-Vanier Riding)* *February 29, 2008 Mr. Derek Lee, MP Dear Derek Lee: Today, I witnessed on CPAC-TV you making a statement in parliament with your concerns about Sri Lanka and its Tamil-Eelam separatist feud. I was non-plused. With your defense for the Tamil Tigers twice recently in parliament you have tipped the scale taking over Jim Karygiannis role as the Mighty Defender of the Sun God Prabhakarans separatist Eelam cause in the Canadian parliament. You bet, Jim is going to sulk like a 5-year old standing in a corner of his parliamentary office with his thumb in his mouth for you having usurped his prominence in the Greater Toronto Area Vanakkam community. I am disappointed. I have sent you several letters criticizing your stance in favour of your Tamil constituents separatist cause. One was when you eulogized Anton Balasingham, the top Tamil Tiger who should have been brought to the International Criminal Court as a war criminal for his involvement in the massacre of the 700 policemen in the eastern province, who had surrendered on orders of President Premadasa, after the Tamil Tigers had stormed the police stations. This surrender came about because of the explicit promise by Balasingham during UNP-LTTE negotiations, that every one of them would be sent south out of harms way. And what did Balasingham do? He let every Sinhalese and Muslim policeman be blindfolded, hands tied at their backs, taken in buses to Thangavelayuthapurams jungle near Rufus Kulum (Tank) and allow the local high commander Cashier order to shoot them in relays on the 11th and 12^th June, 1990. In view of such involvement by Anton Balasingham, what did Derek Lee, our Liberal parliamentarian, our human rights advocate do? Damn! He shamelessly eulogized Balasingham in public. Doesnt say much for a supposed to be principled Liberal Party human rights advocate, does it now Derek? And when you with eight other Liberal parliamentarians stood in vigil in Markham with 10,000 of your Tamil voters for the Tamil Tiger, S.P.Thamilchelvam, the leader of the political wing of the LTTE who you and the other MPs posthumously baptized as A Dove of Peace, I told you all that it was a crotch of cods-wallop. That day it showed that your Gong Show act had the opportunistic fervour
when you all vilified the Sri Lankan Government in your speeches and
praised this cyanide necklaced, military fatigued Tamil Tiger assassin.
And today, you stood in parliament and complained to all of Canada that the abrogation of the Ceasefire Accord on January 16, is seeing an escalation of violence and that Canada should get involved. Derek, you must be joking! Canada will do nothing of that sort and any attempt by Canada should be rejected by the Sri Lankan Government forthwith. You know why Derek? Canada doesnt deserve that honour, that luxury after your Liberal government for 13 long years let the Tamil Diaspora collect two million Canadian dollars every month to stuff the Tamil Tiger war chest; for not banning the Tamil Tigers as a terrorist group when other western countries did; and let the Tamil Tiger sympathizers write a cheque for 7 ½ million dollars from a Vancouver Bank account to purchase 60 tonnes of high explosives 10 tonnes of RDX and 50 tonnes of TNT, from the Rubezone chemical plant in Ukraine which were used to bring down the Central Bank Building in Colombo on January 31, 1996, killing 114 innocent civilians and maiming for good another 1,400. Have a peak at your two palms Derek, you might find your fair palms spotted with drying drops of Sinhala blood from that killing. All 31 million of us have Sinhala blood on our palms because of Liberal Partys treacherous stupidity. And you had the gall and temerity to stand up in parliament and defend the Tamil Tiger cause. Shame on you Derek. Shame on you. Your concern about the CFA being abrogated and that the violence has escalated shows that you know absolutely sweet nothing what went on during the ceasefire period monitored by Norway led Scandinavians between February 22, 2002 and January 16, 2008. Heres 20 items from a catalogue of multiple scores of violations by the Tamil Tigers. After studying these you have to be honest and ask yourself, did it justify my standing up in the Canadian parliament on February 29 expressing my concerns not even mentioning the Tamil Tigers once, who indeed are the culprits of the violence in Sri Lanka. I hope all these will sink into you and please share it with your parliamentary colleagues like Maria Minna, Jim Karygiannis, Borys Wrzesnewsky, Albina Guaineri, Judy Sgro, John McKay, John Cannis, Mark Holland, Yasmin Ratansi and Luis Temelkovski, so that they could educate themselves too, having been Tamil Tiger supporters. 1. By July 14, 2006, the Scandinavian Peace monitors announced that You know what Derek! There is normalcy in the eastern province now and the government is planning to hold local elections in early March and on February 16^th we saw an historic moment in the 141 year old history of the Sri Lankan Police Force, when 125 young Tamil men and 50 young Tamil women marched onto the parade ground, escorted by the ceremonial band of the Kalutara Police Training School for their passing out parade. These new Tamil policemen and women were all from Batticaloa and Ampara districts from the eastern province that was liberated from the Tamil Tigers. All what I can tell you and your Liberal Party colleagues like Jim Karygiannis, Maria Minna, and Judy Sgro, hey! you all can eat your hearts out now. 16. According to UNICEF the Tamil Tigers abducted and recruited over That is just a taste of the menu of the violations of the Ceasefire Agreement by your Doves of Peace, and I could go on and on. I only hope that with this expose your conscience will twitch a little bit and tomorrow morning when you look at yourself in the mirror your conscience will speak to you and tell you, *Derek, dont put me through this lying garbage, and it is just not worth it to defend the Tamil cause because you want to get re-elected with the Tamil votes. These Tamil Tigers that you are supporting indirectly are a bunch of assassins, a bunch of human rights violators who have blood-thirsty tribal instincts which no decent civilization will accept into their gardens. So cut it out Derek. It is time to tell your Tamil constituents, I am out of it as my conscience will not let me be a bloody hypocrite. I know it is going to cost me your vote, then my life is more than being a liar. *And I will join your conscience to celebrate by saying Hallelujah! Derek, Thank you very much! And I promise that I will keep off your back. As for me, all what I could say to you is, Derek, just give me a break, and try to live a life of a decent and an honest human being, and for God sake dont paint my palms with more Sinhalese blood drawn out by the Tamil Tiger bullets and claymore mines, funded by the Canadian Tamil Diaspora. Sincerely cc. Stephane Dion (Liberal Party Leader), Michael Ignatieff (Liberal Party, Deputy Leader). Maria Minna., Jim Karygiannis, John McKay, John Cannis, Mark Holland, Yasmin Ratansi, Borys Wrzesnewsky, Lui Temelkovski, Judy Sgro, Dan McTeague, John McCallum, Alan Tonks, Albina Guarnieri Stephen Harper (Conservative Party Leader), Maxime Bernier, Stockwell Day, Jason Kenney, Art Hanger, Pierre Poilievre, Helena Guergis
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