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THIS IS A MUST READ FOR YOU WHO BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS ON SRI LANKAS SEPARATIST WAR READ IT!Asoka Weerasinghe (a Conservative in the Ottawa-Vanier Riding) Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1
October 1, 2008
Hon. Bob Rae, P.C.,OC.,OOnt.,QC.,MP
Dear Bob Rae:
I have just read your Statement On The Situation In Sri Lanka, which was timed perfectly to lock in the 100,000 Tamil votes in the Greater Toronto Areas ten ridings, on October 14, and no doubt you have succeeded.
Your Liberal twaddle of We are Holier than Thou stank to high heaven. Here are my observations Bob, which puts you into the same pigeon hole as the rest of your GTA Liberal parliamentarians like Jim Karygiannis, Maria Minna, Judy Sgro, Derek Lee, John McKay, Dan McTeague, Albina Guaneiri and Borys Wrzesnewskyj, who were all accessories to the killings of millions of my Sinhalese people by the Tamil Tiger terrorists back in Sri Lanka. And little wonder, why I say to you and the rest of the Tamil Tiger loving Liberal parliamentarians, Pox on all of you.
You got the gall to wag your GTA-Tamilian nourished bloated finger at the Sri Lankan government by saying It (Sri Lankan Government) has waged a virtual uninterrupted military campaign against the LTTE since the early 1980s. That is disingenuous, sick and unacceptable, Bob, when you guys had the colonial arrogance to keep the war going in this developing country in Asia by allowing the Tamil Diaspora collect two million dollars a month for the Tamil Tiger war-chest from 1993 to 2006. What did you Liberals do? You all did sweet nothing, as you all looked the other way, while the Canadian-Tamils cut a cheque for 7.5 million dollars from a bank in Vancouver in 1994, to buy 50 tonnes of TNT and 10 tonnes of plastic RDX explosive materials from the Rubezone Ukraine Chemical Factory which were used in a truck bomb which brought down the Central Bank Building in Colombo on January 31, 1996, killing 114 innocent people and maiming for life another 1,400. Those explosive materials were also used to blow up the front of the Dalada Maligawa (Temple of Buddhas Tooth relic) which no doubt you are familiar with after your several visits to Sri Lanka, and how revered this spiritual precinct is to the 69 percent of the Sinhalese population of that island nation.
That comment of It has waged a virtual uninterrupted military campaign against the LTTE since the early 1980s, paints you as a dishonest politician as it is a mischievous statement.
You gave the impression that the Sri Lankan Government was going after a bunch of high school students who were fighting a Government army with stones and catapults in their school back yard. Even the, How to Engage in a War for Dummies, Chapter 1, paragraph 1 says, When you are engaged in war, and you are about to be shot at by your enemy, you shoot first, or else you get killed. These Tamil Tigers are a conventional army having been trained in camps in Indira Gandhis India in the early 1980s. They fight with Kalashnikovs, RPGs, hand grenades, suicide bombers, machine guns, SAMs, sniper rifles, claymore mines, et cetera. And believe me Bob, I refuse to be that naive like you, as I refuse to accept my soldiers to be a bunch of asinines, shooting at the knee caps of Tamil Tigers when they are about to be shot through their hearts by these ruthless Tamil Tigers. This is a war with the Tamil Tigers comprising a conventional army of several thousands with designated Majors, Colonels and Captains, a fighting navy (Sea Tigers), as well as an Air Force with five Zlin aircraft of which one was downed by the Sri Lankas Airforce recently. I expect you to do your research diligently if your intention is to continue to mouth your say on Sri Lankas Tamil separatist controversy, without acting like silly Tuppenny-War Peace Strategist.
I understand your Shriner Circus Jokers piffle with that hypocritical statement on Sri Lanka, wanting to make peace with the Canadian-Tamil Diaspora who drowned your voice not too long ago, when trying to address a public meeting in Toronto. And further knowing well that your efforts to educate the Tamil Tiger hierarchy in Killinochchi of the virtues of federalism, was rejected, and quite candidly told that it is a F-word in their terrorist lexicon.
So, let me tell you Bob, your song and dance in favour of the Tamil Tigers and their supporters in Canada will have no impact as the Sri Lankan government quite rightly is doing what any democratic nation is expected to do, to reassure its people their right-to-life and its army defending the countrys territorial integrity and not allowing a bunch of Tamil terrorists, funded by Canadian dollars, to dissect this island into two. So, stop belly-aching for your Tamil constituents.
You start your statement with the words The UNs humanitarian agency It is apparent that you as a politician seem to want to hang on to the coat tails of the UN, whose operations in Sri Lanka have been suspect all along. The latest bit of news is that the Project Manager of an INGO, ZOA, a key member of the UN-led Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA), has joined the genocidal and fascist Prabhakarans Tamil Tiger, Made in India terrorist organization to fight the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka. This person is an Italian subject.
And this bit of news is just hot off the press, Sri Lankan troops seized 2.5kg of C-4 explosives in a UN truck carrying food into the war zone in the North. Oops! Sorry Bob. I shouldnt have exposed you as a naïve critic of Sri Lankas separatist war, and as another I know it all smart Alec in the international community.
Hallelujah! God will be with You Bob Rae, the UN will say, for defending the suspect UN as if it is a sanitized humanitarian agency, when all the above rascally anomalies are part of their game plan to undermine the little democracy stuck in the tether corner in the Indian Ocean.! Whats wrong with you Bob? Just cut out that bunch of baloney. It is not worthy of a bright Rhodes Scholar like you who has been dabbling in politics for over three decades.
When UNs Secretary General Kofi Annan got on his high horse and condemned the killing of Tamil Tiger S.P.Thamil Chelvam, he was told by the Sri Lankan government in a diplomatic polite language that The Secretary Generals intention may have been good, but his remarks did not serve the purpose of peace building. In other words, translating all that into laymans language, what was said to Kofi Annan was that you are damn stupid and shut your gab on Sri Lanka.
Then comes the next UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon and gets on to the same high horse that Kofi Annan left behind and makes a statement against the Sri Lankan government which was certainly not being neutral as expected of his office but was aiding the Tamil Tiger terrorists. Bob, and do you know the outcome of that statement? Ban ki Moon was mooned by every Sri Lankan who saw through his biased statement in favour of the Tamil Tigers. I dont think Ban ki Moon was ever exposed to such a kaleidoscopic set of moons of all shapes and sizes dipped in liquid-bronze, brown, ochre and black in his life. Ce la vie! That is a reality check for your benefit. And I sure smell a rat in the UN.
Such is the international political climate when it comes to Sri Lanka's separatist war, and you have jumped into the fray with both feet to garner the 100,000 Tamils votes in the Greater Toronto Area. That is your prerogative.
Are you crazy to say, Re-engaging independent monitors and getting them on the ground critical to rebuilding confidence? And dont you ever, ever think that the Sri Lankan law makers and guardians are a bunch of idiots either. You are obviously out of sync with the doings of the previous Scandinavian Peace Monitors who were there since February 2002 and were asked to leave in January 2008. They lost the trust, not only among the Government officials but also among the ordinary citizens of that island.
They were a bunch cunning rogues who let in 11 ship loads of weapons for the Tamil Tigers. When one ship was pursued by the Sri Lankan navy, this ship was radioed by Trygve Tellefsen, the Head of these Monitors, to get away before it would be sunk, and it did get away.
Then another Head of these Monitors manufactured the story of a third party involvement in the sinking of a Chinese ship chartered by the Government of Sri Lanka to ferry food for the civilians in the north, knowing damn well that it were the Tamil Tigers who were the culprits. These salmon eating Scandinavians were caught with their pants down on this caper, as the taped telephone conversation between General Trond Furahovede coaching the terrorist leader Pullidevan how to deal with the Sri Lankan Government and the media confirms this scam. With all these shenanigans, my advice to you Bob is, just keep your nose out of Sri Lankan affairs, as you are slowly slipping into that cunning slime that the Norwegians were trying to swim in. And that could be sticky and treacherous.
If your politics is influenced by the number of votes you and your Liberal colleagues can garner from the Canadian-Tamils, then just be aware that when you sleep with dogs you wake up with ticks all over your body. And that isnt going to be too pleasant.
You obviously forgot who we Canadians are, when you had that snooty arrogance to tell the Sri Lankan government that We are Holier than Thou.
Let me take the mask off your flawed memory to remind you who we are, and that you have nothing to be snooty about when you address the Sri Lankan Government, unless you want to persist being an intellectual fraud.
When Canada declared war on Japan after the Pearl Harbour attack in
December 1941 in the midst of World War II, provincial and municipal
governments called for the removal of the Japanese menace,
particularly in the West Coast of British Columbia (BC) with its large
concentration of Japanese Canadians. So about 23,000 Japanese-Canadians
were forced to relocate in camps in the interior of BC. Imagine this
happening in Sri Lanka, you and the rest of the world would have descended
over the Sri Lankan Government as a heavy black cloud saying that it
was ethnic cleansing. Ha! So you try to paint ourselves as We
are Holier than Thou. Just cut it out Bob. When in October 1970, the FLQ killed Quebecs Minister of Labour,
Pierre Laporte and abducted James Cross, the Britsh Trade Commissioner,
what did Canada do? We invoked the War Measures Act, put almost 400
behind bars, caught the FLQ terrorists and banished them to Cuba. Sri Lanka fights the Tamil Tiger terrorists and they are told by UN
Humanitarian What crap, Bob!
Last week, when there was a guilty verdict which was the first conviction
of the
But this was just a plan and we were shaking in our boots. And this was pea-nuts compared to Tamil Tigers, the sons-of-bitches, blowing up the President of Sri Lanka into smithereens and killing two Foreign Ministers and several other parliamentarians. Bob, it is time that you cut out your pretentious BS that “We are Holier than Thou” when addressing the Sri Lankan Government. No one with an ounce of grey matter within their skull would buy it.
For what its worth, Let me repeat my advice to you Bob. Just keep your ruddy nose out of Sri Lankan affairs and dont try to impose your Liberal hypocritical formula on Sri Lanka when we Canadians did every thing possible under the sun, not to let Quebec separate from the rest of the country and nipped in the bud the FLQ terrorism by invoking the War Measures Act, and deploying our armed forces at every street corner in the Province of Quebec and in the capital, Ottawa. We all know what happened with the Charlottetown and Meech Lake Accords later. That is the bottom line.
And please, dont let your wanting to re-enter parliament trump your honesty! It is not kosher.
Sincerely, Asoka Weerasinghe (a Conservative in the Ottawa-Vanier Riding) |
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