

One Down, One to Go - By Ballot not By Bullet!

Prof. Hudson McLean

Red Ken Livingstone is now history! Ballots showed that he was not a spent force due to his charismatic way of governance, including playing together with terrorist outfits such as Hamas and the Tamil Tiger Terrorists LTTE of Sri Lanka. But the Ballot decided that "Enough is Enough".

Next on-line is Hillary Clinton of Hilly-Billy fame. Running a tight race with Barrak Obama, Hillary was said to have accepted financial support from the LTTE sympathisers, which subsequently returned. Its Time To Go Hillary with dignity. Stop the humiliating fight. Go gracefully! You are used to fighting with Bill and win. But Bull Obama is a different kettle of fish!

The USA have had one Bush->Clinton and once again the possibility of another Clinton->Bush handover would be too hard to swallow.

The Bush War which was started by Dad Bush who sent his Dad's Army to continue the Son Bush War is in the process of destroying the entire world.

Dad & Son Bush Wars have ignited the terrorist factor from an American perspective into a global disaster. The fuel price hikes led to higher pump prices and diverting resources into alternative fuels which caused food shortages. The entire plight globally rest at the feet of the diplo-crats at Capitol Hill.

When such a major disaster is created, do not look at the Oil Sheiks or at Sheikh Vladimir Putin, but look at the Root of the Problem. At the bottom lies the Capitol Hill with the World's Most Powerful man, who can hadrly read and write. Thank God he is on his last leg. No ballot is required.

The electorate in the UK has decided that the "old codgers" should be pensioned off. That goes to Clinton and McCain too. Let the Ballot do the job and bring in young blood, new thinking, and open up a New Era for our Children.

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