

Go Home SLMM, Your Crusade Against The Sovereign Sri Lankan Nation is, hereby, Aborted

Sisira Pereira.

The abrogation of the ridiculous CFA carries a lot of plus points to strengthen the victories achieved by the SL armed forces against the LTTE and its ardent followers. However, among them the most significant effect will be the expulsion of the Nordic truce monitors form our shores. These truce monitors appointed by Norway and Sweden have acted with utter disrespect for sovereignty and national security of Sri Lanka for the past few years that their weekly reporting of the conflict may have single-handedly won the Elam for the separatist, barbaric LTTE, had this abrogation been postponed any further. These SLMM masqueraders wrote their own version of day-to-day happenings in the war-battered zones and they were on a crusade to paint a distorted picture to the effect that any outsider studying their monitoring reports would have immediately sided with the LTTE and felt appalled at the violence created by the SL security forces against the Tamils.

As a regular reader of their reports, I was alarmed to note how blatantly they chose not to implicate the LTTE heavily in any act and how cunningly they chose the words to incorporate doubt to the effect that the LTTE cannot be blamed for any major violent incident. They were on a successful campaign to pin the blame on the SL armed forces and the Karuna faction for every death and disappearance, conveniently shielding the LTTE wherever it could afford to. Having understood that the assistance of the TVMP paved way for the successful expulsion of their beloved LTTE from the East, the SLMM took every pain to implicate the security forces and the TMVP in any inhuman act that was reported or created by “reliable sources” and “witnesses” known to them only. Whenever the LTTE was caught red handed, the SLMM had enough vocabulary to use to print in some reasonable doubt in to their reports so that there would be some dilution of any adverse effect on the LTTE.

Furthermore, by compiling reports with vested interests, the masquerading human rights and anti-war champions were provided with free testimonials by this SLMM to go bark loud at the legitimate armed forces of Sri Lanka, thereby acquitting the real culprit, the LTTE, of any doom that they would have faced otherwise as a consequence.

In addition, this is why some of the countries, organizations, parties and individuals with hidden agendas against Sri Lanka have blamed the government for abrogating the CFA. It is not because that as a result, the country would see a jump in violence from ground zero after the abrogation, which is a ridiculous point of view to have in the first place. The real panic is that without these SLMM masqueraders, they will have no tool to facilitate the most important leverage to the LTTE in the international arena when it comes to defending the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world in front of the eyes of the world bodies, which are very much aware of the modus operandi of the LTTE. With already enough damning evidence to send the entire LTTE to the guillotine, one of the strongest hope and ally of the pro-LTTE forces was found in the SLMM to give twisted reports routinely with which they could hold the SL armed forces and the government at ransom to achieve their sinister goals.

Thus, Solheim has not lost any time to express regret about the abrogation. Well, that is natural. What would anyone who had the nerve to address a leading terrorist like Balasingham as “His Excellency”, would feel to lose the tool that was so nicely in place to manipulate the situation in Sri Lanka to his and his fellow gang’s end?

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