

Re: Pongu Tamil and whatever other terror the terrorists are 'celebrating'

Henry Jayaweera

I read with concern, but with no surprise, that now that many of the front organizations of the terrorist LTTE are coming under attack by countries such as Canada and Italy they are looking for new and even more devious ways to continue to hold their 'supporters' through terror tactics and extort funds for their lost cause, namely to set up a Nazi-like mini state in Sri Lanka, where their glorified boss can rule through opression and tyranny.

Banning the WTM was one of the first important decisions taken by Canada in recognizing the terrorists and their fronts for what they are. That, I emphasize, is only a first step, and needs to be followed by other steps if these ruthless terrorists are to be brought into the domain of civilization and peace; the human domain where people can negotiate and find solutions to problems, and not lurk in buses and trains and busy places seeking by stealth to destroy the lives of innocent men, women and children in their continuing efforts to terrorize. All of those new organizations must be viewed with suspicion because we know that they will stoop to the lowest levels to satisfy their bloodlust. The FBI in the USA has termed them the most ruthless terror organization in the world, and it would be wise for all other countries to acknowledge this fact and seek to be ahead of them at all times.
Every day they flourish lends more strength to TERROR around the globe.

Our embassies in these countries need to be ever watchful and wary, and share information with their host governments if the terrorists are to be brought under control. If not, all the good work that our noble armed forces, the government in power and all peace-loving Sri Lankans are doing will be negated.

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